COZY WINTER READING VLOG || in which my boyfriend cuts my hair

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[Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] we are so excited let's go [Music] and smiley [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] good morning friends and welcome to another video this is supposed to be part two of my how many books can i read in a week video the part one video i read all of these books over the course of four days and i think i'll pop a little tag up here definitely we'll link it in the description but this past work week was a very productive work week and i got a lot of reading done and it felt great that being said i haven't gotten much reading done this weekend because it's snowed and it's been so much fun to enjoy the snow i've only been in portland for three years but this is the first time that it's ever actually snowed and stuck around for more than an hour so it's been so exciting and so much fun and i hadn't realized how much i missed the snow i used to live in blacksburg virginia where i went to virginia tech for university and it would snow every winter and i didn't realize that i missed that so it's been so much fun to be outside and enjoying the snow i haven't gotten much reading done but i did start the lovers dictionary by david levithan today wow it hits hard this is so raw and real it is a um it's actually quite literally set up like a dictionary so there are words and instead of definitions there will be memories or stories told by i think it's a guy as the narrator um in relation to his relationship with his partner so it's kind of like when you look up a word you have its definition but then you have an example sentence so these are example stories or memories that correspond with the words it's a really creative way to tell a story and i was hooked from the first word slash definition memory which was very unexpected because i didn't expect to be pulled into this story because it is so fragmented in its written format but oh it sucked me in it's kind of heartbreaking actually but it's beautiful and it's raw and the closest thing i can compare it to is poetry it's like poetry but how cool is that this is a story now it is sunday i did not read friday or saturday because i was out having adventures in the snow also i may have binged uh quite a few episodes of gilmore girls it's also valentine's day and landon and i have some fun plans because i'm not sure i'll get through all three of these books but even if i were to just get through one i'm really proud of myself for having read this many books in one week that's amazing right so on today's agenda i will be making some sourdough i prepped it yesterday it's already looking a little bit flat but we'll cook it anyways and hope for the best also i'm in desperate need of a trim so landon will be cutting my hair and i think i might cut his we'll see how that goes and then other than that my plan is to read and just see where the rest of the day takes us so friends grab yourselves a hot cup of tea or coffee and let's get to it [Music] just for flatness reference what happened to it i've never seen them [Music] all right time to put her in all right right [Music] right [Music] i bet it's gonna be beautiful and all risen it is it's not like it's super tall but it's better oh my god [Music] two seconds later oh you almost chopped your finger off i did [Music] what a good carrot [Music] okay friends i finished the lover's dictionary and it was so good so powerful just really hit home i didn't know much about levithan at all and he's actually written a lot of really great books and then co-wrote nick and norah's infinite playlist naomi and eli's no kiss list and dash and lily's book of dares and then he co-wrote will grayson will grayson i think it's two in a row with john green so he's um actually a very experienced well-known written y.a author i would definitely put this in the adult category it was just so good it was really raw painful uh i don't recommend reading it if you don't want to be upset but i did really enjoy this and i'm so impressed with how he managed to tell a story over the course of words and that doesn't make any sense but through the dictionary format that is so cool so that one's finished now i'm going to start crazy brave by joy harjo but i think that landon's going to cut my hair first yeah so let's hope for the best friends [Music] welcome to landon's australian hair boutique here's some mojave oh yeah oh you want to cheers so today our main objective is to get you a haircut [Music] we also like to get you some laughs hopefully no crying oh that's the goal always they go minimal is crying yes so okay take like two inches off two inches yeah look see that's like three inches but that's cool two and seven eighths two and seven eight and you see all of those like hidden ends come out [Music] oh it looks so good this is like seriously such a great thing for you i mean isn't that what all the hairdressers say how do more hairs just continually show up that you just sometimes okay now can you spin this way look at that oh my god [Music] [Music] biceps landon's been cutting my hair for five years he's actually really good at it i haven't been to a hairdresser for five years i've never dyed my hair and i'm currently growing it out to donate it actually here we are so then we just took a couple months off [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] oh my goodness who am i it's awesome oh good job [Music] it's such a good job with my hair i love it it makes me so happy and so to continue this kind of i don't know if you would call it a spa night i'm going to paint my nails and watch an episode of gilmore girls and then landon and i will have dinner together so i just finished season four yesterday and spoiler alert if you have not gotten all the way through season four or past that point so just skip ten seconds okay but luke and more marlar finally kissed and it makes me so happy and i'm so hopeful for the start of season five i really hope that things work out between them i know that ultimately they do but i hope that they don't make us suffer through multiple misunderstandings and huge plot twists and things of that sort because i just want them to be happy together so i'm gonna watch the first episode of season five while i paint my nails [Music] oh [Music] drifting slowly [Music] [Music] do [Music] the finished product oh it looks so good look at that [Music] hello friends it is the end of the night and i didn't end up reading any more books but i still say this is a most impressive stack for a week's worth of reading especially during the work week i think i said it in last week's video but this reading challenge couldn't have come at a better time i was really busy but these books helped me through so much it felt so good to read every single day in a way that was measurable like reading a book a day is really really satisfying and because i chose such a wide variety of genres it seemed like everything i was reading was very much applicable to my life even that specific day that i was reading that particular book so i did really enjoy reading the lovers dictionary over the weekend and i had hoped to read um a few other books but the snow just made it so that we had to be outside and i can't exactly read comfortably in the snow so we took full advantage of this winter weather and i have no regrets that being said i have no idea how this video will turn out i don't feel like i have very many interesting things that i filmed but we'll make something of it regardless i'm happy to have spent this day with you it feels so good to have my hair cut brandon did cut off quite a bit more than i was anticipating but it's so healthy and i know that it will grow back and i think he did an amazing job and we had so much fun cutting each other's hair that sounds weird is it weird and then i did finally paint my nails i've been saying that i want to paint my nails for so long now and i've finally done it i'm not going to stop moving them because i did a really terrible job and if i stop moving them you'll be able to see how badly i painted them so it'll be friday when you're watching this but it's currently sunday evening for me and i have a bit of a case of the sunday scaries just because this weekend has been really magical it's snowy and i'm not ready to go back to the reality of working and all the things that i've fallen behind on already this year but something that i'm going to do to try and set myself up for success is to really prioritize my morning routine because i've kind of fallen out of it i am someone who really enjoys my morning routine and normally that involves waking up no later than six a.m and exercising first thing followed by getting ready and i love to practice spanish i love to do some self-help reading i love to eat a good breakfast i just feel so good when i'm able to be productive in a way that i really enjoy in the mornings in a way that i feel like is expanding my mind and feels really fulfilling or like i'm just making the most of my time and i'm going somewhere you know it helps me to find my sense of direction and figure out my next steps so i'm going to bed early and i'm waking up at six a.m tomorrow morning and i'm gonna exercise first thing and then i think i'm gonna journal just brain dump everything and write out a plan for the week and then get ready and hop back on my best life book reading routine and practice some spanish before i start work for the day and if i can do that i know i'll feel great for the rest of the day and i'm gonna try and do it successfully every single morning and once i get back into the routine of my routine it becomes easy to maintain it and it's always something that i look forward to but for some reason it's the first thing to fall off when i get overwhelmed i should get to bed but thank you so much for being here and thank you for your comments they always always always make me feel better no matter what's going on thank you guys for being my friends and helping me to feel okay and then also just being equally as enthusiastic about reading and gilmore girls and rue and landon and all the little joys of life i appreciate you so very much and i hope that you have a good weekend thank you for being here i love you hugs good night [Music] [Music] [Music] do you
Channel: Morgan Long
Views: 17,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cozy, winter, reading, vlog, boyfriend, long hair, haircut, sourdough, hygge, feel-good, laugh, Gilmore Girls
Id: 1BNmXUnu-qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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