Cozy Autumn Vibes With Fall Decor Ideas That Will Transform Your Home

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today we have Bob all new fall Decor DIYs keep watching I'm Brandi and this is making it my own DIYs the first project is a hanging tin Floral so I thrifted this little chin bit from a Goodwill and I'm just going to take my newfound sanding block from Dollar Tree I've I've not seen these so they're not in my area anyway but this works really well really really well and I'm not busting up my fingernails while I'm doing it so I was unable to remove this label and I didn't want to take the time to soak it off you know overnight I needed to get this done so I decided to sand it down especially around the edges to make it nice and smooth so now that everything feels like it's nice and flat don't worry we will be disguising this with paint we're going to clean it off I'm just using a baby wipe and then I'll dry it off then we're going to take it and spray paint it with two coats of that olive green now we're going to have a brown and a green here I do change that green to a different shade [Music] all right so I'm going to take this bath sponge from Dollar Tree tear it up uh you don't want any Square edges okay no Square edges and I'm going to start dipping into that brown this true Brown and I'll start stippling this all over and I'm just going to turn that sponge to give it different you know I don't want there to be a discernable pattern so I'm just going to turn it in different directions press down harder in some spaces and a little lighter and others idea is to make this look like it is aged and it's been sitting out somewhere and somebody's lovely little Happy Garden where of course there are sunflowers growing and we are changing from Summer to fall okay so now we got it looking nice and Rusty we're going to add layers onto this the spray paint had a satin finish and I really want to cover up the shine so we're going to do that in a few steps like whatever green that you like this looks like a nice green to me it's got that warm coloring in it and it looks like moss so I'm just going to tap this all over and I'm using a smaller section of the sponge to do that I didn't wash out the sponge because we're going to be using the brown again as we layer on the texture from the paint now I'm just going to dot this on I'm going to go around and make sure that all the little areas on the handle and in the corners side are covered and we're going to let that dry looks a little loud right now but don't worry we're going to go back over it with a little more Brown now there's barely any brown in here I'm just getting small amounts of brown and I'm going to tap that over and I'm looking for the places where I still have a little shine left and I'll just dot that around you can use if you're trying to get like a specific corner or around the edges just take one finger and press that down and it will go a little bit darker into those areas be sure you get your handle too they do have something on a smaller scale at Dollar Tree I saw recently it is much smaller but it is 10 and it is thinner as well but you get the idea and you could certainly use the same technique I'm going to use a little bit of cool temp hot glue and drop down some floral foam in the bottom to hold our floral arrangement together now this is going to be a super easy floral arrangement with all of our Greenery coming from Dollar Tree so we've got some beautiful eucalyptus we've got that little pig over there on the side that is just stunning I cannot believe it came from Dollar Tree and then we're also going to use some mums from Dollar Tree now so these are when you get them from Dollar Tree they're usually all pushed together divide those up kind of pull the picks out a little bit and slide those pieces of leaves stay on your stem so that they look even it's going to give you a more of a high-end look we're just going to put the whole entire pick in the back Center very easy to do now these are the moms that have the little bit of like Meshi or burlapy kind of burlapy yeah kind of texture in them and uh so we're going to add those in the entire pick and we're gonna do it sort of off to the right a little bit but don't be too obsessed with where you put it right now because things can be moved their own wires and you can bend them then I'm going to grab another same one and I'm going to press that down I'm trying to make sure that the taller ones because there's usually one taller you know in the picks that you get from Dollar Tree I'm trying to put arrange those so that they are pushed toward the center so that the arrangement is higher in the center so that's what you see me doing here you see how that goes it's kind of graduated from the back down to the front I'm going to grab this pick now and just pull it apart you can see me down there in the right bottom corner and then I'm going to place it down rather pushing the stem back into the gap between the two floral bundles and then I'm going to move those around a bit kind of thread my little flowers through there [Music] and then decide if I need a little more fullness at this point and you could leave it like this but I think I want one more pick off to the right [Music] so I'm gonna Bend and turn those a little flick on the bottom to make them kind of go outward instead of straight up I'll take that third pick so so far we have one two three four five hex in here and what a pretty Arrangement that makes very simple very wild cottagey looking so grab your Ribbon here's my little horde of fall ribbon choose the one that you like and that coordinates with the colors you have and this one this one I believe I got at the thrift store look at this y'all have y'all ever seen one of these I know some of you have because some of you so and this goes way back I do believe I love it though it's better than a pin cushion it's just wound up paper I love it so I am going to make a little bow for this I'm going to flip this over on itself this is about six inches so that's one two three times so far and I want to leave a bit for a tail so we're gonna have five Loops three on one side and two on the other and then I'm gonna cut the remainder off to make uh some little Tails okay this is wired ribbon so it's going to fold and stay together nicely I've just chosen a little thin gold ribbon here not even entirely sure where this came from and then I'm gonna fold it to make sure that my Loops are the same just giving me an idea of my placement then I will grab that Center flip it over and then start bunching up the fabric from the bow get that ribbon in there and just pull it make sure that I'm still in my Center and pull it tight in the middle it's going to sort of pleat it in the middle but don't be too concerned about that because you're not going to see the back of your bow right so a couple of knots is going to keep that locked in place then you can pull your little Loops out obviously if you use more than six inch folds then you're going to have a bigger bow if you use less you're going to have a smaller boat smaller bows are a little more difficult to handle if you have vision problems and if you have problems with your dexterity so if your hands are weak or you know you have arthritis it's a little more to worry with when you get down to smaller size bows with all the fluffing okay so all the little tail pieces I'm going to cut in a dovetail and then the little extra pieces that are in the inside of the bow we're going to pull those out and we'll give those a little dovetail too because you can show those in your boat when you get it you know on your piece you can flip those around and you can have those showing too and it gives you a little more fullness and then it's not the same bow that everybody else has right we want something unique and something that brings us joy in our home all right so I'm going to use a pick this is like a I don't know it's just a dowel it's a thin dowel that I thrifted and I had a a bunch of them all in a rubber band and these work really well for putting things in Florals so I'm just going to add some hot glue and then I'm going to tie a very tight knot over the hot glue is really going to lock that bow in place you could always glue to the metal but if you use hot glue on metal it could pop off and I'm just going to say that most people don't have E6000 sitting around or the time to wait for it to dry so we're going to use hot glue for this and this method now once that glue is dry because we don't want to make a mess we'll be using it in here you're going to trim off as much as you need so that it will sit down in your little bucket obviously if you use the Dollar Tree one it's going to be a smaller bucket so make your little stem a little bit shorter and then flip those Tails all those little tail pieces out and you can trim them down if you need to and fluff out the pieces of your boat this has five Loops in it [Music] I think the look of this is super cute if you don't like the bow you can certainly leave it out but it gives it a little extra some I don't know like festivity I think it really says that you're a welcoming fall from Summer into fall yeah I think it turned out pretty good what do you think think of all the options for colors that you can use in Dollar Tree they really have got some beautiful floors I just really hope that your stores have the florals that my stores have but if not substitute where you need to grab those scraps from last year the next is going to be cream and sugar pots now if you happen to have these sitting around the house when you ruin your Farmhouse days you can use those now and flip them and use them for something else so these were in the donation power but I decided to get these out because what do they look like to you they look like pumpkins let's see what we can do with these we're going to try two different finishes on because they are shiny we're going to be sealing those first with a matte sealer and then we'll be putting our chalk paint on top of that so I gave them one good coat let them dry thoroughly including the little lid then we're going to use the pumpkin chalk paint it is orange and it is matte and I will start off with the lid just to show you how simple this process is y'all know how to paint and we're going to do this when you are painting something that is circular if you go from the inside outward and even Strokes it's going to give you a better look you don't want to see Strokes going side to side and just willy-nilly all over the place it's going to leave gaps in your paint and your coverage you need to want that go around the lip of that as well so that everything has some coverage [Music] this little pot and the lid are going to get two coats each as well as the creamer all right we're going to grab that school glue because it is on sale right now super cheap with school starting back soon we're going to get some sheepskin chalk paint use whatever color that you like I flip that around so I wouldn't mistake my my two different whites there I'm going to add some school glue all over the top of this lid and we're going to do some crackle paint now look at my little thrifted brush just hair falling all out of it it's time for new brushes y'all any companies watching I'd love to have some new brushes all right so we're gonna go around and do the top and do the sides we're not going to give it a chance to dry I'm going to dip into the other chalk paint and we're going to put that all over here you do not want to run that chalk paint back and forth you want to give it one swipe and only go and add a little bit of extra while you don't have paint you don't want to have a mess on here okay we're gonna leave it like that and we're going to start and Heat this is the second time I have had a heat tool to Croak on me so I am in the need or a new one does anybody have one they can recommend this is um arteza and I've used them for years but I'm looking for something a little more heavy duty so anybody have any suggestions I would really appreciate it if you could drop that in the comments so I'm going to continue to add heat here and it is going to begin to Crackle look at that I like it the process of crackle painting is fun to me in my opinion it is fun I really really enjoy it I'm taking the hairs out of the thing look at that in that terrible but I'm gonna use it to death before I throw it away because that's how I am about stuff it has really got to be on its last leg for me to trash it okay maybe it needs a haircut all right so we're going to go around all the nooks and crannies and all over that pumpkin with an even layer of the paint the thicker the paint the bigger the crackle so I'm not having like huge amounts of big plaques of crackling paint I just want to make this nice and even and this is going to be a very special little pot it is really going to have some stuff going on I'm going to start off by just using my chippy brush and going into that paint and going over each of the little ribs in that pumpkin or each of the sections I believe the ribs are the gaps in between am I right I had a lot of subscribers um tell me that they were ribs in a pumpkin so thank you very much for that because I could not find that word now on the bottom I'm not as concerned so I'm just going to kind of stipple that paint on and go over the bottom as well and then you see I'm trying not to go back over any place I've already laid paint down right I'm gonna go just gonna touch over the top what you see me doing is just touching over the top then I will swipe some down each of those little depressed areas until and I'm working quickly but this is in fast speed in case y'all were wondering I'm working quickly because I want to get that heat on there to get that crackle started now I'm just going in and touching it along if you want to leave orange gaps you can certainly do that and in the process we will have some orange showing through and I am pleased with that I'm totally fine with it so this is the coverage we have and I am going to start adding that heat and drying it you can most definitely use a hair dryer here if that's what you would like to use that works too I'm Gonna Keep On and make sure that you get all over it you want to get all over the individual little pieces you want to get all in the details of the beading on the top and bottom look at the crackle this is so fun to me and I have to say I wasn't into crackle when it was popular back in the what was it the 80s but it's really an enjoyable process and it gives you such a unique look so for those of you who saw the sunflower tray and really loved it you may enjoy these but again you know make it your own however you like it so let's age this baby we're going to take some of that antiquing wax and a little I just have a little narrow foam brush here got my paper towel on the side and down in the ribs where it goes down I am going to take some of that and go right down in there now I've never done this particular technique before so I'm not exactly sure how I feel about it until I get to the end I was really thinking oh you've messed this one up you're gonna have to scrap this and start over but I make it work nope I don't give up no peace left behind so now I'm going to get that paper towel and it is dry and I'm just going to start going over those spaces and I'm thinking this is not spreading like I want it to it is clinging to the chalk paint and it is not spreading like I want it but I keep trying we persevere I'm going so I'm going to grab that brush and it barely has anything left and I'm going to go over the lighter sections to try to get it kind of Blended the paper towel okay now this is looking better I'm liking this better yep I like that better now but let's grab a baby wipe or a little wet face wipe and then go over the entire thing any place that it's a little bit heavier kind of lightly go over that and it's going to let some of the orange from underneath show through as well but to me that just adds to that unique aged look of this and I'm happy with the Finish oh yeah that is look at that y'all I like that and if you don't like it you don't have to tell me I figure if you don't call me and I want you probably don't like it so you don't have to tell me all right so chippy brush into the brown we're using a different technique on this one she just has two layers of the paint on her then I'm gonna go in the cracks and I'm gonna go over all of the little beaded section and inside the lip I'm also going to go all the way around the detail that is in that handle now you might not have the exact same things that I have but you can certainly find a jar at Dollar Tree something that you can do this yourself you know some way that you can do this yourself go over that using that damp wipe and I'm just going to blend that out and all around the edges too so there's a different technique if you don't like the chalk paint well the crackle paint I mean need some more coffee ladies and gents okay so once they are thoroughly dry we're going to go back in and make some little arrangements so I've got some leftovers from last year a little bit of leftover foam I've got some leftover Moss we're going to put a little glue in the bottom put the foam down let it dry now on the top of this I'm going to use tacky glue because I don't want to completely disintegrate my foam so just add that tacky glue and then we'll put that mollusk right down inside of that you can use the brown walls too at Dollar Tree if you would like to do that but I kind of want to give the feeling of Summer interval so that's why I use the green and you're not going to see that much of it anyway so I'm going to cut these little picks down I do think that these were from Walmart if I if you watched last year you probably remember that so I think it was from some stuff that was donated to me but they had a Walmart label on them and they were already cut down I'm gonna add some picks here and there I've got my pumpkin in place so it's nested in there you can press the lead to the back so you can see the lip if you really want it to look like the little creamer picture I just feel like that pumpkin is too big even though I love the shape so I'm going to replace that with a little pumpkin from Dollar Tree I'm going to add just a bit of cool temp glue put that in at a slant [Music] and then push that down in there I like the look of that just for a little extra Pizzazz I'm going to add some scraps of these Greenery pieces that I have from Dollar Tree that I've already been using this year that's cute that would be so cute on a desk or is a little pick-me-up gift you could give this to someone with a card you know a little get well or or anything oh this one so many ideas so many ideas we shall start off with some glue and some foam press that in it's just a little scrap of foam give it a chance to set up then I'm going to take some of the same eucalyptus from Dollar Tree see how I have all the little sections spread apart [Music] then I'm going to add a couple of different heights in here if you just want to add Greenery to the top you could just you know save your little money put your Greenery in there now you have a little potted plant but you know I'm gonna do more look at the wildflowers that I got at Dollar Tree I've got to go buy more of these I'm very pleased with these other quality they are beautiful too love that muted color I'm going to add this down in here and look how pretty that looks with that green really nice and it kind of Echoes the color that's in the pot which really makes it come together in my opinion so I'm only using one pick of these and I'm going to cut them into little sections and I think once you cut them all off there are five little stems nhdm has you know several little flowers at very tights you want to ideally put your tallest ones toward the center [Music] but make it your own no matter what you do make it your own and it will be perfect so this is how it looks we did all the work on that lid so we're going to add that lid back don't worry now I've got some trim here you can grab some trim from Dollar Tree I cut it in three sections it's about a foot long I'm gonna wrap it around these Laurels right at the top of the jar and I'll show you that in just a moment and I'm going to add some hot glue just to help hold it down so it doesn't sort of float above it this is also going to give the Arrangement a little more stability I'm cutting it in slant here it's going to give it a little more stability because sometimes the foam especially that type of foam since it's not really made for dry Arrangements it will pop out so to keep it in place this is going to be our little Helping Hand and it looks cute I think we're going to take another one of those picks I'm going to measure how far down I want to put it into the arrangement and it will fit perfectly in here I'll cut it down I'm going to add some hot glue or some cool blue and the foam then I'll put the stick down and give it a little room to breathe off to the side and place that lid right back on there look at that oh I hope y'all like this one such a simple little thing to do and the best thing is you know you might possibly still have supplies from last year that you can use now we're going to do a raw wood sign all right I'm going to use a brush this is for my Mod Podge I'm going to use matte just my choice I have a little squeegee and a calendar that I found at Goodwill what a beautiful calendar look at these pictures oh the owl this is the one we're going to use okay carefully tear that out this is some piece of wood that I have finished in another project and we're going to use it again and believe it or not the wood pain from Goodwill I've got two different pieces now when I say Goodwill I mean the Goodwill bins it's not your it doesn't have like price stickers and things that you have to go buy there's no shelves and anything set up Fancy no not at this one this is the bins you gotta dig for your Treasures right I'm going to take a little bit of this mist it's alcohol and then a little finger dauber and use that technique that Trish and Kay use over on their Channel crafting cousins all right so I'm going to color my edges I tore the paper first like they do and I am coloring my edges just tapping in there and making them darker now if you don't have like an alcohol spray you can also use the antiquing wax to do this certainly and this is going to give it like a dark Edge I decided since it didn't look centered and I accidentally tore a little too much that I will make this more of a round picture and put everything in the center got these little Dollar Tree pieces and I got those last year I'm gonna add some of this Mod Podge onto the board and then I will spread it out mainly off to the side because this is where I want that beautiful print to be on the side and then we'll cover the whole thing so the Finish is the same all over so I'm going to press this down in place we're going to do a little something extra on the side I'm gonna add some of that Mod Podge to my edges I did not have to squeegee this down it laid down flat but if you need to squeegee squeegee put it down and then make sure everything is nice and flat hey then we're going to cover the entire board and let it dry I also went into the raw Edge and um put some Mod Podge on there and it's not quite dry yet that's why you see the white that's just to keep it from falling apart some of this beautiful mesh ribbon and some green ribbon from Hobby Lobby last year on clearance then I'm going to use a furniture repair marker and go all the way over my slime I love to color I don't make time to do it like I used to because I craft so I still get that little Artistry out in my crafts but I love to do this and some people enjoy watching people paint into color so put this in for y'all enjoy Andrew welcome all right I used Maple for this has sort of an orangey tone to it so I just use that color for the pumpkins then we're going to cut down that mesh flip that over and instead of glue and I'm going to use my short Staples here excuse the blurriness when I staple okay and then it's going to be even more secure once we put down this ribbon we're going to layer this on top they are two different sizes so they make a nice look because you can still see the back then we're going to do both of these staple down it's going to stay in place well maybe not forever but you know for a long time these came from Dollar Tree I think I've had these forever we're going to add this and just add you know as a little embellishment underneath the hello fall I think it sets it off it gives it some dimension [Music] and I just enjoy it like this so I'm going to go over it with my glue and glue it down and the good thing is this Leaf has burlap over the top so that blue is going to go through it and that is going to be a nice solid adhesion yeah I had to turn it just a tad to the side because it wasn't even while the glue was not dry yet this is the result of that see up there the Mod Podge is still a little bit wet but it'll dry we're having a crafting Cruise the 24th of the 29th of 2020 and I would love to meet you there all right now we got a wood round board this is from Dollar Tree last year on the leather tag these came from temu this year and then I thrifted this piece this is a little like a little cutting board or a breadboard or whatever you want to call it I am going to I just got that my put my mat underneath there so you could see it against you know my wood table it was kind of a blending together I'm going to start Always by cleaning and sanding I like to give my surfaces especially these boards a rounded Edge so I'm being sure that I I do that don't want anything that could cut anybody's fingers or that could leave any type of a splinter so once it's clean we're going to wipe it off really well get all that dust off and then I will put my cling on here this is a I believe this is a wall clean [Music] you can certainly use any cling that you like wherever you get it from I love this it looks very again muted and it's just such a pretty look on this round board now I'm going to grab my little Cricut squeegee and go all over this to make sure there are no bubbles wrinkles or lifted areas you can see here that it Blends in pretty well if you look at the lighting though it's going to look a little you can kind of see your edges I'm going to seal this in because I want this to be permanent when you put the Mod Podge on you are going to be able to see your edges even more so I don't know what it is about it when you put it on there but you can you can see the division but you can with professional things as well things that you get at retail stores at craft stores you can see theirs too so if you like it it doesn't bother you leave it alone it looks offset anyway so I think it's pretty but I'm going to show you how you can blend that out if you don't like it of course there's the option of fussy cutting all around but I don't have time for that and I'm sure you don't either so I'm gonna grab my finger dauber and I'm going to grab a uh my wax and I'll go all around the edges so where I'm going is right outside of the print and on the edges where it is on the board now you got to make sure that the Mod Podge is completely dry of course and then I'll take my finger or a paper towel you know I'm messy when I craft so I don't mind you you see my hands I don't mind that it doesn't bother me at all we're going to tap that all around and just um you know rub that in with a towel or your finger or softball and then for a little extra Dimension I'm going to sort of outline it by using that dauber and going all the way around the outside edge of the beautiful board and even though it says matte finish it does have a slight sheen but it's beautiful it's such a pretty piece and so simple to make y'all so I'm going to take this little piece and y'all don't tug too tight you see how easy that I broke that the faux leather be careful when you tie your knot on the back so I'm going to do a double knot in the back and then trim off the excess y'all know how to tie then I'm going to add some hot glue just under it press it back down into there until it dries and then when you lift it up it'll look like this I want to embellish this because what if we wanted to give this as a gift take some scrap flowers add one up here and then I'm going to fluff it out a bit of course want to make it look pretty not like it's been in a box for a year and then some eucalyptus from Dollar Tree just one little pick I'm gonna put that in the back I didn't even glue those down so they can be easily removed a little dot of glue behind it will keep your blessed sign in place and then I'm going to take some strong real leather ribbon that I have and I thrifted this and I'm going to tie it in a knot this knot is going to be bigger than the hole that is in the top of the board so I'm going to use that as part of the design element we'll push that right through the back and then pull that knot in place you can see the pretty knot you flip it over add a little hot glue and this is going to hold it in place be sure you let that dry and then once it's dry make sure everything is presentable and beautiful and this is how she'll look so excuse the backdrop in here I'm trying something different I would love for you to subscribe to this channel to see what kind of a fall backdrop we come up with if you've enjoyed the projects today a thumbs up will show YouTube and other people that I have created valuable content that you have enjoyed and that you have found something useful [Music] we actually had five projects and I am very curious to know which one that you like best which one you think that you might do yourself the information about the cruise is going to be in the description box below and one thing I want you to remember is you matter if you take nothing else away today you matter [Music] somebody needs to hear that and I truly mean it we all do I hope you're ready for fall and Halloween because we're going to be mixing it up all through the next few months and we're going to be having a lot of fun November subscriber appreciation month lots of giveaways coming so be sure that you hit the notification Bell after you have subscribed I thank you so very much for dropping by and I'll see you again real soon bye
Channel: Making It My Own DIYs
Views: 20,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Making It My Own DIYs, crafts on a budget, budget friendly DIYs, thrift flips, budget friendly DIY decor, crafting tutorials, craft ideas on a budget, rustic decor diy, crafts to do at home, rustic decor ideas, makingitmyown, home decor on a budget, seasonal decor diys, budget friendly craft ideas, thrift flip decor, seasonal decor, home decor on a tight budget, diy home decor on a budget, fall floral arrangements diy, fall floral arrangements, crackle paint miniatures
Id: P-kXdgi2zJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 22sec (2062 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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