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[Music] finally it is desert season again and we're here in the desert I have a special guest the one the only mark of waymark so if you don't know mark is the owner of the fantastic pack company way mark and he invited me on a trip so here we are we're in coyote Gulch beautiful beautiful place just doing some route-finding it's what I love to do he got a little tricky because where we're at is right at the Escalante River you don't like climb up on the side of the bench because we didn't take the like normal trail to get down into the Escalante that drew actually drops down into kata Gulch but we are camping tonight not in coyote Gulch we're gonna go upriver past towards Stevens Canyon and that's gonna be kind of the route that we do that is gorgeous so we've got Stevens arch in the picture there well good morning to you all beautiful beautiful morning in the desert cannot complain about stuff like this but we are camped right under this massive massive overhang it's just really beautiful I love being in spots like this that we have all to ourselves there's no one else around here been awesome a lot warmer than we expected too [Music] that's time to start making our way up Stevens Canyon we're just doing a little short morning walk up there I'm not gonna go super far go check out the grotto and then we're gonna make our way all the way up to Jacob Hamlin arch in Cody gold so we got a lot of terrain to cover today this is a canyon that I have been looking forward to seeing for a long time [Music] oh we are approaching the grotto Stevens Canyon about 10 minutes ago I told mark should we turn around I don't know how much further it is my goodness yeah that's amazing well this is cool there's no doubt about that the best part we get to experience it all to ourselves well that my friends is the lower section of Stevens canyon up to the grotto someday I'm gonna have to come back and just do some more exploring up high what a beautiful place we returned from students canyon and found a crow that was rummaging through marks pack pulled out pork rinds all the goods kind of our last look at Steven's arch before we make it to the confluence with coyote Gulch just doing a little bit of scrambling to get around this big hole it's probably waist to chest deep confluence of Coyote in the S Kalani by us Kalani I love you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just totally in my constant ah of this whole Canyon everything just like every corner there's another beautiful thing to see yeah head never stops we're getting close to where we are hoping to set up camp at Jacob Hamlin arts and hopefully there's not a ton of other people there we'll see though [Music] about seven o'clock and just eating some dinner we got camp all set up we're chilling out it has been a fantastic day just a beautiful day we are little ways above jacob Hamblin arch just because we had quite a few people there we had to pass to find a good secluded spot that was away from a bunch of noise you know me I hate people just kidding I just don't like being around noisy people but we're gonna enjoy the rest of the sunset the alpenglow head to bed we'll see you in the morning morning is upon us and we are making our way you know they've got packs on to the exit so we've got about a 600 foot climb once we get to the exit but we have about I don't know quarter-mile even to get to that point so have a great night of sleep last night just slept so good a little bit chillier this morning than it was yesterday a lot more wind what a beautiful place [Music] if you haven't already gathered everything here is just beautiful and magical and awesome and Wow that'll be the theme of the trip [Music] [Music] or at the exit which is up there 600 feet put it US base ically up on top just above Jacob Hamblin there's already some people starting to make their way up [Music] it's extra windy but we made it out on top Jacob hamlin arts you are beautiful we'll see you next time what an incredible weekend it has been huge thanks to mark for keeping me company and for making rad packs it's been awesome but we are just about to the cars gonna call it a trip in a video so thanks for watching guys y'all are awesome subscribe if you are not and as always have an awesome day any parting words mark like a true hero yeah [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Backcountry Exposure
Views: 6,033
Rating: 4.9859648 out of 5
Keywords: backpacking, coyote gulch, stevens canyon, stevens arch, crack in the wall, escalante, zebra canyon, ultralight backpacking, Waymark gear co, Waymark packs, waymark pack review, Jacob Hamblin arch, Stevens Canyon grotto, Zpacks duplex, desert backpacking, adventure, smooth 4 gimbal, Zhiyun smooth 4, iPhone 11 pro max
Id: PPQvw2VVSi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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