Coyote Dream

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in the beginning before there was a world or humans there was only Raven and her friend coyote together they decided to create the earth and the universe Raven because she could fly set about creating the sky cloud rain thunder lightning stars and he IOT because he could run very fast created the earth below the dirt the grass ants the mountains and the sea when the world was finished Raven and coyote decided that it needed living creatures in it so they created the animal people to care for the land now Raven and coyote had one last very important decision about life and death Raven thought that everything should live forever like herself at coyote but coyote who thought that everyone might become wiser and more powerful than him if they live that long said that everyone should die after a certain amount of time Raven was not in favor of this idea but coyote persisted until she agreed and so everything in the world after a certain amount of time would die and never returned then one day coyote son died overcome with grief he begged Raven to change news but Raven would not as they had already made the decision together coyote full of Rage blame Raven for his son's death and vowed revenge he then went off to a far-off land which he had left bare when he was creating the world in this land coyote from a pit and began sculpturing horrible creatures which he then we live in two it was coyotes intention to have one of these creatures kill Raven however they all look so terrifying that Raven could spot them a mile away and destroy them before they could get anywhere near so coyote rethought his approach and so created man something that looked harmless enough but could also bring much evil to the world man was also very different from the other monsters because he could think and question everything although it was difficult coyote managed to fit man into going after Regan and broke off one of his claws for man to use as a dagger man reach Ravens gave and went inside he found Raven washing the dirt off of a small silver ball man was also very curious and asked what the ball was Raven said she didn't know and that she had found it in a lake one day she then saw the dagger in man's hand and realized what he intended to do she offered mana choice giving him something that no creature had ever had until this point free will she said if man killed her then he would be a monster forever something that killed not because he needed to to survive but to satisfy his old unquenchable blood-filled lust or he could spare life and she would make man the chief caretaker of this world putting him in charge of all the land and animals even the ones bigger than himself men thought about this for a moment then drop the claw dagger to the ground at that moment coyote turned up and saw that Raven had convinced man not to kill her this enraged coyote so much that he pounced on Raven and the pair began a vicious battle Raven threw the silver ball to man and yelled at him to leave many days passed but man could still not figure out what the silver balls purpose was so in ignorance he threw it to the ground suddenly a bright light covered in the home and the tiny sphere had gone into a huge fireball which rose up to the sky and became the son now everything was full of energy and life and all the animals thank man for this new strength as a present man the animals got together and sculpted their own version of him and called it woman they told him that she will always love him so long as he loves her and together much like Raven and coyote they will make the world full of one excitement and adventure many of the monsters that coyote originally created still survived we know them as hunger disease and depression to this day Raven and coyote continue their fight in the cave as they are immortal and forever the battle is always won a balance sometimes coyote will have the advantage and when this happens they say evil manifests itself in the world but equally orphan Raven will have the upper hand and when this occurs they say good will prevail over evil you
Channel: deathwishboy
Views: 194,101
Rating: 4.9086256 out of 5
Keywords: Coyote, Dream, Upload, Version, Raven, Man, Woman, Creation, Story
Id: Zmg7EWZ-hY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2010
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