Cowboys from Hell (2010 Remaster)
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Views: 873,365
Rating: 4.672421 out of 5
Keywords: Pantera, Cowboys from Hell
Id: WYfljBCpmE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 20 2014
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Annnnnd I'M 17 again barreling down the highway in my mom's shitty Ford Tempo doing my best to blow the speakers with this one blasting
Cowboys From Hell has one of the best intros you'll ever find.
RIP Dime and Vinny. 🤘🏼
Ily Dimebag
I saw phil play at Slayers 2nd to last show at the Forum, and it was pretty sad.
Man, once upon a time I wasn't into metal at all. My parents raised me as mostly one of those "classic rock only" kinda kids and I hadn't branched out at all, and any screaming or yelling was out of the question.
I don't know what it was, but freshman year of high school somebody let me borrow Far Beyond Driven on CD and it instantly converted me. It was brutal and it got me fucking hype, and it started me down the path of getting into tons of bands I'd never have listened to before. Still my favorite metal album, still my favorite metal band. They just kick ass.
Primal Concrete Sledge!!! Album is a masterpiece.
Loved Pantera. From the Dallas area and it was a huge hit when Dimebag died. He actually grew up not too far away from my grandparents near Dalworthington Gardens.
He was an avid hockey fan too, did some tracks for the Dallas Stars.
My favourite song which I discovered just last year. Pantera fuckin rocks!