Covid-19: During This Time, Let Patience Do A Perfect Work In You by Zac Poonen

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well we praise the Lord for everything he allows in our life many of us have been in and this year for another CFC church for many years and we have professed to believe many wonderful things and we many of us have also probably got an idea that may become quite spiritual in all these months and years and I praise the Lord that he saves us from deceiving ourselves by allowing circumstances situations to save us from deceiving ourselves that we have become spiritual or that we have faith when we don't have faith or that we become spiritual when there's two complete complaining and grumbling about many things the purpose of our coming together as local churches is the Bible says to encourage one another daily lest we be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin it's not only to sing praises to God for many churches in the world a praise time is the most important thing that's important but we should be having a spirit of praise all the time all the time even in our homes but what we need is to hear a word that challenges and encourages us to be faithful that in the presence of God and gods the light of God's Word we get light because God's ultimate purpose we must never never forget this we have preached it for 45 years in CFC churches and it's very easy to lose sight of the goal God's ultimate purpose with which he works every single event that happens to us if you don't remember it let me repeat it for any newcomer Romans 8 whereas 28 and 29 most Christians code verse 28 I say we caught 28 and 29 and that is God causes we know we know that God causes all things so let's stop there and ask ourselves well what's happening around the world today we've been not that God originated but God's allowed it God causes all things to work together not individually but together for the good of those who love him and who are called according to his purpose not those who have their own plans and their own goals in mind but those whose lives are aligned with God's purpose God makes everything work for their good and that's a very small percentage of people in the world who aren't really born-again Christians and among the born-again Christians there are very very few who have allowed themselves to be aligned with God's purpose so this does this doesn't work for everybody and if people claim it it's not going to work unless you love God which means other things on the earth don't interest you as much as God himself very few people love God with all their hearts hmm I've met numerous believers who in a time of testing they discovered they they love their parents or their loved ones or their relatives or the girlfriends or boyfriends or children or something more than God or money perhaps or that job or comfort or ease but if a person loves God above everything else you cannot love God and have someone equal to him you love God means you he's supreme in your life called according to his purpose means your life is aligned with his purpose now let me explain that that purpose is describing verse 29 then you know whether you're aligned with his purpose he predestined those whom he chose to be his children way back he predestined that we who trusted in Christ should finally become like him in our character conformed to the likeness of his son so that heaven will be populated with people who look like Jesus spiritually with he being the eldest brother that is God's purpose and I want to say to every one of you if that is your purpose - and if you love God more than you love money more than you love any human being on this earth more than you love your wife or children or comfort or ease or anything if you can say you love God more than anything else you got no goal in life but to become like Christ and everything else is secondary I can tell you something which will be absolutely true every single day of your life everything will work for your good I can't promise that to every member of your family because they may not have that same goal your wife may not have the same goal your husband may not have the same goal then I can't promise it it's an individual thing your children will be predicted if you're the parent by you having that goal but if the person is a grown-up your wife or husband doesn't have that goal well it may not work for them it's an individual thing if you love God and you love it more than anything and everyone on earth to the best of your knowledge I'm saying to the best of our knowledge because our knowledge is not complete that may be something unconsciously I love more than God if so my greatest longing is that God will show it to me so that I'll get rid of that idol in my life it is an idol to love anything more than God's the lover it's an idol to love your job or to love your comfort you love money or anything more than God that is the same as bombing down to an idol which you read in the Old Testament God punished the Israelites severely for so to love God supremely and to say Lord I want this to be my one purpose in life that in everything in life I want to become like Christ I'm not looking for comfort I'm not looking for ease and not looking for money I want to become like Christ and if you take me through hard paths to become like Christ praise the Lord I'll accept it so that's very important that we never forget Romans 8:28 in 29 all through our lives don't claim verse 28 unless you have aligned yourself according to verse 29 and I believe that's easy because if you believe God is a good god as we believe and teach then we can be sure that such a command he gives us to love him supremely must be for our good I have tried my best in my life to the best of my knowledge to love him supremely in my married life to always seek to love God more than I love my wife more than I love my children more than I love money have tried and tried my best I don't know unconsciously there's something there is I ask God to show it to me but this has me life's so peaceful and restful for me no matter what happens and the amazing thing I find is that God plans God's planned every day of my future as I move along where I don't have to think about it so much he plans ahead it's a wonderful life I want to encourage everyone to live this life and many of us have assumed that we are living it and the time of testing like this really tests as to see whether we have come to that place or not so I want to turn to a words also now in James and chapter 1 in James chapter 1 it says here and let's apply this to the situation we are in right now this is the Word of God and there are history say history tells us that James is the first book of the New Testament written before all the Gospels and before all the other books the letter to James was probably the first book of the New Testament written and if it was first inspired book of the New Testament written then here is the first Word of God that comes in the New Testament Brothers verse to consider it all joy or only joy when you encounter various trials now it's quite likely that history is right the James is the first book of the New Testament written so after those more than 300 years of silence after the book book of Malachi was finished when God decided again to write inspired Scripture isn't it interesting that about 1516 years after the day of Pentecost when James was written the first book of the New Testament the very first sentence is consider it all joy my brethren when you encounter various trials begins with that the first book of the Old Testament was the book of Joel who lived 500 years before Moses who wrote Genesis and what's the theme of the book of Job be faithful in trials God has a purpose in trial he'll bring you through triumphantly at the end it says God restored job and his fortunes and blessed him double at the end and I believe the same thing will happen to us so to me it's very interesting that what I see is the first book of the Old Testament in the first book of the New Testament both begin with being faithful and trial and rejoicing in trial now job could not come there because he didn't have a Bible he did not have any understanding of Christ dying on the cross and he's saying he didn't have the Holy Spirit and so we see job though he started out well he couldn't last very long he began to question God and complain and saying why are you firing all your harrows at me every now and then joke would come into some light and say well I trusted my Redeemer my redeemer lives and even if he slays me I'll trust him but then he would sink back into depression and complaining but it is not to be like that with us unless with all our profession of being New Covenant Christians we are still living in the Old Covenant I believe this particular time where we are being tested with this pandemic all over the world is the good test for me certainly and for every one of us to find out are we really living in the New Covenant or is it only in our head that we wonder stood all these wonderful truths about the difference between you covenant in the Old Covenant and known Romans 6:14 and all that and God says okay now I'm giving you a test you know just like in a school in a class children are taught to arraign india's like this children are taught for a whole year and at the end of that year they have what's called a final examination and that final examination determines whether they understood all that they study they all sat in the class all the children sat in the class throughout the year but when it comes to the final examination some possum get very good grades which means they've really understood what they sat in the classroom and study so think of it like that be well so many of us in NZ cff sat here in the church for a number of years we have not in our heads we have sung the songs with great zeal and done the memory verses of promises and commands and believed everything is so wonderful we were so thankful that we are in a wonderful New Covenant Church and we have good fellowship with one another and our children are doing well in Sunday school and all that wonderful and God says okay now I'm going to give you a little examination it's not the final examination that's gonna come when Christ comes again this is a midterm examination to wake us up just in case we haven't studied properly then at least we can be ready for the final examination thank God for midterm examinations that wake us up and show us a real state lest we deceive ourselves until the final day I thank God for midterm examinations different ones that our God sent in my life to will show me where I stand so that I don't deceive myself the sealing ourselves is one of the greatest dangers that Christians face not only being deceived by the devil but deceiving ourselves and God does not want us to deceive ourselves and that's why he gives them gives us these midterm examinations to see whether we will consider it all joy or as one translation says consider it only joy James 1 verse 2 my brethren when you encounter various types of trials many of us have gone through different types of trials financial trials trials of sickness problems with relatives different types of trials and now we have a pandemic as a trial and having to sit at home and finances are limited some places food is limited meeting with others is limited we are limited to the people in our own home all the time I can't go out no relief by going outside for many people going away from their home was a relief but you have to stay in the home all the time it's a problem for many people well that's a trial okay so various types of trials God's Word is the first book of the New Testament says considerate only joy I want to do that I want to do that in this situation this is I faced many trials and I'm sure you have also but this particular trial I want to consider it only joy every day I want to ask myself am i joyful in the Lord today you can consider it only joy if you have found your joy in the Lord turn with me to Philippians in chapter 4 and there it says in Philippians 4 and verse 4 Philippians 4 and your verse and verse 4 rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice notice carefully he doesn't say rejoice always he does not say rejoice in your circumstances because sometimes the same says it don't bring us my joy they bring us a lot of pain and difficulty in suffering the command is rejoicing the Lord he never changes he's always the same so if he changes then I can my joy will fluctuate but the Lord Jesus never changes he never changed on earth and he's the same yesterday today and forever and so rejoice in the Lord I have to find my joy in the Lord not in my circumstances not in how much I'm earning not in my job not in my bank account and all these things that we may have put our joy in God shatters it all thank God he does and I pray he'll shatter it all even more in the days to come yes so that I can find my joy in the Lord completely I don't care if the stock market crashes down to zero every share comes down in value to zero and everything this confusion around my joy must be in the Lord alone that will test it is there a single circumstance that Almighty God who runs this universe can allow in your life if you love God and are wonderful Phyllis purpose that will defeat that purpose in personal life may be difficult and they have to live more simply then I'd be used to all these years that's fine I may face pain and difficulty and even with bringing up children and so many things I mean physical difficulties but he will never leave me nor forsake me that is absolutely certain so that's the message I want to share with you that you will really see to love God with all your heart in these days and I ask God to show you if there are things that you imagined that you had learned in all these years but you haven't really learned and this trial is showing it up that we haven't really learned it so further on in James itself first of all consider it all joy when you encounter these various trials because he says in James 1 verse 3 the testing of your faith what is being tested in our life these days first of all our faith do really believe with all it's happening around the world that God is still on the throne that he will never forsake his own he will remember his own that his promise is true I will no leave you nor forsake you and we can sing no never alone no he promised never to leave me never to leave me alone what can I sing that and can we sing that at home with our children Lord never never alone he promised never to leave me you'll never leave me alone you're with me in my house right now it's not just my family in the house but Lord Jesus you're here to considering joy when you bring calm to these various trials because the testing of your faith trials test our faith it's a midterm examination before the final examination of the judgment seat of Christ and what is it testing is testing my faith and it'll produce patience or endurance God wants to work patience in me we are basically sinful impatient people as children of adam' you see that with children how impatient they can be when they don't get what they want or they want something urgently and they grow up and grown-ups also can be so impatient when the wife doesn't do things as soon as the husband expects it or the husband doesn't come back and as soon as the wife expects him to come back in patience in patience we are impatient on the road with the traffic nature is impatient and God says I want to make your patient that's part of my nature we have to pursue up to love the trial of our faith works patience and I want to say to you my dear brothers and sisters we have very little patience and these trials really make that clear but let patience have it's perfect result endurance endurance in this trial it says in James 1 for let it have its perfect result as it don't you don't think oh man this is going to be over but it's going to be over I'll tell you God is already determined when it's going to be over are you happy with that I'm not worried about what the news reports say user reports say one thing today and it's changed tomorrow they see what's going down it's getting better better and then a week later no no it's getting worse but that'll go on like that there's a verse in 1 Thessalonians 5 which says when they say peace and safety to be sudden destruction no let this endurance have it's perfect result I know one thing God will not allow me at any time now or if this virus problem continues for 5 years he will not allow me to be tested beyond my ability that I'm absolutely sure of and I hope you're absolutely sure of because I believe the Word of God is more reliable than the news reports and the Word of God is more powerful than this endemic virus 1 Corinthians 10:13 God will not allow you to be tested beyond your ability that doesn't depend on you it says in that words because God is faithful he is faithful and he had to believe that if his eye is on the sparrow his eye is on you and me if he has numbered the hairs on my head he can be pretty sure well he knows whether some virus is gonna come in into my system or not he knows it very well because he knows he's even the number of the hairs of my head he's numbered my days number the hairs of my head and universe too so let patience James 1:4 have it's perfect result leave it to God to decide when that work is completed Lord if has got to be one week fine if it's got to be one month fine if it's got to be one year I bow and I accept your will just give me grace to go through it that's all I don't pretend that I have the strength no I don't I don't I I'll be grumbling and complaining for a summer and this goes on beyond what the news reports say but with the grace of God I will not human if it takes five years because God says my grace is sufficient for you and these are wonderful opportunities in these days to demonstrate to the world around us that the grace of God is sufficient and when we come through it finally to testify every day of this trial the grace of God was sufficient don't you want to have that testimony my brother's sister that you'd be able to say no I didn't grumble and complain through this trial like all the other people in the world no I found God's grace was sufficient throughout every day of this trial and if he have failed in the past few days let's wake up and say Lord from today onwards I want to make sure I don't know how long is it gonna gone but I want to be patient and at the end of it it he make me it says in James one forward to me perfect and complete lacking in nothing let me ask you a question James 1 4 how many of you would like to be perfect complete lacking in nothing spiritually I say sure I want that James 1:4 I want to be perfect complete and lacking in nothing spiritually I'm sure you do too ok then it says let patience have it's perfect result because God is in control of the whole universe this in the in the in the midst of the universe earth the whole planet earth is like a grain of sand in God's eyes never forget that in God's eyes the earth itself is smaller than this teeny weeny coronavirus germ or virus or whatever it is birth itself is like a teeny-weeny German one's grain of sand in this universe and God has loved this grain of sand so much that he sent his son into this grain of sand earth to show us that he loves us and I never want to forget that a thousand years with God is like one day and so God lives in eternity so he knows exactly how long this thing should gone and I know that he will not allow me or you to be tested beyond our ability and I thought also you know of you know the Bible says Jesus said that the last days will be like the days of Noah when people will be eating and drinking and Matthew 24 just like the days of lot and Noah Matthew 24 and as it was in the days of when they were in the days of Noah judges Matthew 24 and verse 38 they were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage what were they doing eating and drinking mentally for 38e marrying and giving in marriage and suddenly the flood came and they were not ready how we don't want to be like that what happens suddenly in the days of Noah nobody believed Noah nobody gods Noah preached and preached for 120 years judgment is gonna come judgment is gonna come god hates your sinful ways God hates your sinful ways Christians have been preaching that around the world for a number of years and the world as you see it particularly you see what's happening in the last few years sinking more and more into all types of sin sexual perversion and all other type of sin murders terrorism Wars slaughtering people all types of things persecution of Christians and one day suddenly judgment will come I mean turning that verse I quoted earlier in 1 Thessalonians in chapter 5 what this alone ian's 5 verse 3 while they are saying peace and safety the day of the Lord verse 2 1 Thessalonians 5:2 will come like a thief in the night while they're all saying peace and safety destruction will come upon them suddenly like upon a woman with child and they will not escape but brethren and that's a word to you and me you're not in darkness you know people say that Lord will come like a thief in the night not for me no no no but it says very clearly here he's gonna come like a thief in the night for the world but for me he says I'm not in darkness that that day should overtake me like a thief 1:31 is five four no I'm in the light I'm a son of light 1 Thessalonians five five and so I'm not spiritually asleep it says in verse 6 let us not be spiritually as sleep as others do but be sober we are of the day were saved so let's put on the breastplate of faith so I thought of the days of Noah Noah stood faithful right to the end and then I thought of Noah inside the ark and he did not know by the way he did not know how long he was gonna be in the ark it rained for 40 days and 40 nights and he thought oh that's it but no it went on and on and on and on after the 40 days are over then another another month went by and Noah's wondering when this is gonna be over but see when I get out of the ark another two months are over the rain stopped and it's still we inside the ark you know he finally ended up one year inside we are but he didn't know that can you imagine how it was living inside the art not knowing when it's going to be over what's going to happen there's a lot more uncertainty inside the art then there is inside in your home right now or my hall and God loved Noah and there's a beautiful words I want you to see that in Genesis the what Genesis 6 verse 23 it was a much worse pandemic than where you see today where's first of all Genesis 7 Genesis 7 verse 22 anything that had breath on dry land died and God blotted out Genesis 7 23 everything on the face of the earth men animals creeping things Birds roll blot it out and I mean nothing survived but God take care of Nora and it says here but chapter 8 verse 1 God remembered Noah and all the beasts and feet and the cattle and his family that was inside the ark to me the church is an art is the ark today is the thing that Noah spent his life building and if I were in Noah's time I do join in 100% in building that Ark and that's why I want to be 100% with Jesus today in building the church that's the only thing that's gonna remain the people who are whole heart and disciples of Jesus that's a church it's got a remain when Christ comes and all those who play the fool with Christianity even people who come and join CFC churches for some material benefit or and this is a good place for my children to grow up because the children are so nice and you don't have any personal devotion to Jesus Christ they're not devoted to Christ they might want to be in a nice Club where my children can grow up well and these are good people my teenage boys and girls can be in this church and that's not Christianity that's a club Noah it says here was inside the dark and can you imagine how much patience he needed I thought of that today how patient he had to be waiting waiting and okay the rain is over when when are we gonna get out of the art no no it's a lockdown here much bigger lot down the road people are facing today can't open the door can't go out have to be satisfied with whatever food you brought in into the ark and not only that I tell you the archives are pretty smelly place can you imagine with all those animals and everything else going on there and the Noah and his sons having to clear all the muck there and the smells it was not at all a convenient place to be in but it was the safest place on earth because everything else was destroyed outside of it was terrible sometimes people can come to the church and complain about this and complain about that and this thing wrong with the elder on that thing wrong and then brethren you don't realize the church is the safest place on earth it's much worse outside brothers history we must finish with complaining completely and suddenly about complaining about anything in the church have you done that are you determined to do it from now on the ark was the safest place on earth it was smelly all right inconvenient tight spot locked down inside not knowing when the rains gonna stop but believing inside that God is in control and it says that God remembered Noah and I want to tell you this dear brothers and sisters God who remembers you at this time take that word if God remembered Noah say to yourself God remembers actor and daughter him to put your name there God remembers you he hasn't forgotten about you and the devil the gods already planned when that flood should subside and planned the day when the door could be open and Noah could come outside and be a witness for God and what a testimony he is to today and I believe if we come through this in victoriously not grumpy and sour and bitter and complaining and somehow surviving no but if he come through as more than conquerors triumphantly we can be witnesses for Christ yeah I believe that those reasons why God has allowed this to come and the other thing I thought of in Noah's time was not just how patient he had to be day after day after day I'm sure he had to encourage his wife and his three sons their wives they were less mature than him they did not know God like him and we have people in the church who are not as mature as some of us older brothers are well we have a responsibility not to complain about that but to encourage them maybe your wife is not as spiritual as you are well don't look down on her God have mercy on you if you look down on others and if you see someone particularly your spouse your husband or your wife but not so spiritual encourage them encourage them we're in this together we're waiting for Christ to come and be patient be patient what a lot of patient they needed over there with each other here imagine those eight people Noah is wife his three sons of my wives living together all constantly bumping into each other and it's so easy to get irritated with each other and they didn't even have the Holy Spirit in those days and can imagine the amount of grumbling complaining why aren't you doing this Wang wait I told you to do this and you didn't do it all those things that Shem and ham and Japheth would have been saying to each other and Noah trying to bring peace among his children it wasn't an easy thing we read about that they were in the ark for one year but meditate on that what is it like to be inside the ark for one year with all those animals they had to learn to be patient and today we live in the day the holy spirit was given us grace they know I didn't have grace we have grace and we want to demonstrate in this time and that grace is sufficient for every need but we can ever face in life including this particular time that's not testimony to the world around us very very important testimony and I also thought of the fact that well before I get there let me show you one verse and 1 1 Corinthians 13 you know when you speak about love in the world most people think of lovers help the poor and give them some money give food to the hungry which is all excellent these are all marks of love I agree but 1 Corinthians 13 says in verse 3 that you can give all your money to feed the poor and not have love have you read that 1 Corinthians 13 verse 3 you can give all your possessions to feed the poor and you may not have love you see how can that be because it could be doing it to other motives with other motives not because of the love of God promise you and it said you can even give your body to be burned for the lord's sake oh what a brave person I am I'm gonna be a martyr and you may not have love for Jesus Christ is it possible to be martyred and not I love for Christ it says then I surrender my body to be burned but I don't have love I feed the poor I don't have love it looks as if I love God with all my heart I looks as if I love my neighbor as myself but I don't it's a very subtle thing so much of the good we do can have motive as other than love for God even what we do for the Lord which looks like oh this means sacrificing for the sake of the Lord it may not be and I we thank God for circumstances and situations and trials that show us our need Lord I don't love as I should and then it goes on to say the number one characteristic of love 1 Corinthians 13 verse 4 is patience love is patient infinitely patient was the word in the Old Testament God long-suffering God is long-suffering and in God's long-suffering there are many many O's in the world long hello ng long suffering and that's the long suffering that he tries to give to us we have to learn first of all to be long-suffering with our spouses with your wife with your husband with your children patient long-suffering and we can an opportunity for that when we are in these tight situations like this you know where you don't have the relief of going out to a place of work now you're always in the house now many of you husbands are experiencing what your wife has been experiencing for many years sitting cooped up in the house the whole day you are you had the relief I'm going to work and getting some relief being outside and coming back when your wife was inside the home the whole day and you never realized what she was going through now you realize it inside the home they all may know how but you need to go out yeah patience patience love is kind we're being tested in these things very easy when we are cooped up like this like Noah and his family inside the Ark to become unkind because we are upset and irritated let me realize all not talk about new covenant the lottery his words good I thank God for every revelation that we get that shows us that we didn't really understand it thank God that I know it before the final examination this is only a midterm examination thank God I can wake up and study the subject property and get 100% when the final examination comes love is patient kind the other thing I thought of was contentment I don't know how content no I was inside the Ark because he didn't have the holy spirit I can't blame him but today we have the Holy Spirit and the Lord Coop's us up in something like an ark locked inside we'll be patient with one another inside the house you have to love one another we have to be kind to one another kind in our works kind in our actions merciful recognizing we're all imperfect people being merciful with one another inside our home and content with our circumstances because it says here in Hebrews in chapter 13 you know particularly when we don't get enough what we need for some it can be financial difficulty or shortage of food or our favorite foods we finished with all that it says here Hebrews 13:5 in the middle of that verse be content with what you have can you take that word be content with what you have even if it's limited God will not let you starve to death he's if you've sought the kingdom of God first and his righteousness he will add all that is needed for you he taught us to pray our Father who art in heaven give us that means me my family at home our daily bread we are not asking for enough for the whole year but Lord what was what I need for today but I need every day I want to pray you give us enough every day that's enough I believe you'll give it to us just like you forgive our sins give us this day our daily bread and it says you'll be content with what you have why because the lockdown is over now it doesn't matter how long the lockdown continues how long this stay-at-home order continues because God is said I will never desert you I will never forsake you I will never leave you I will never forsake you and I want to say to you brothers and sisters let's take the opportunity to practice the presence of God the presence of Jesus Christ in our home just to remind each other and if the parents forget children you please remind your parents little children remind your parents Jesus is in this home whenever you find anybody being irritated or upset in the home lovingly don't judge them don't think you're superior to them in humility say dad Jesus is here my little boy Jesus is here let's remember he's here he's listening to us he's watching as he cares for us and he has said I'll never leave you nor forsake you so we can boldly say Hebrews 13 6 in this time of trial the Lord is my helper I don't have many human beings to help me some of us are more helpless than others perhaps it doesn't make a difference the Lord is the helper of everyone the Lord is my helper I will not be afraid I will not be afraid the Lord is my helper I will not be afraid a good confession that we can teach our children to make and in time of testing you know these are days when we can instill faith into our children they grow up it'll hurt them one day in some future situation this thing will not go on forever God not because I believe in what the news says but because I know we have a father in heaven who cares for this earth he sent his son to die for this earth in Romans 8:32 says he who spared not his own son how shall he not with him also freely give us all things so be content with whatever God allows and if there's a delay they say well God is in control of that they don't have any complaints one more where's Philippians in chapter 2 see we can be overwhelmed with all that we heard today but here is the comforting word Philippians 2:13 God doesn't ask you to do it all alone job sort of had to do it all alone without the Holy Spirit but Philippians 2:13 today it says God is at work inside you and whenever the New Testament says God is at work inside you is referring to the Holy Spirit that's the Holy Spirit what is God working inside me listen to this apply to yourself I believe this for myself God is always at work inside me we already saw how he's at work outside of me that's Romans 8:28 God is at work outside of me all the time making sure that everything works for my good and 1 Corinthians 10:13 making sure that no trial is too much for me I praise God for that he's at work let me repeat outside of me making sure that everything is going to work for my good that applies to you as well and making sure that any trial that comes my life is not too much for me to bear he'll stop it if it's too much now it says he's working inside me to praise God I have a father who works outside me and inside me and inside me he's working in me first of all to willing to work his good pleasure means to desire his will and to do his will in Para for a legitimate purpose that's what it means first of all he's working in me to desire his will for my life that's the best I can tell you from 60 years of being a born-again Christian God's will is the best you mess up your life if you choose your own will he works in me to desire his Will O Lord I want your will at any cost I don't want to do my own will and not only desire it he gives me the strength the grace in my heart to do it if he only gave me the desire that's no use David said in Psalm 40 I'd like to do thy will o God he had the desire but he couldn't do it as soon as he saw Bathsheba he lost all his desire but Jesus came the same verse in Psalm 40 he's coded in Hebrews 10 where Jesus says not I delight to do thy will I've come to do thy will o God Psalm 40 I delight to do thy will in Hebrews 10 it became I do thy will oh that's what's the Old Covenant a new covenant even people in the Old Covenant had desire to do God's will they couldn't do it but here now God works and me to desire it and to do it as it says in Hebrews 10 lo I come to do your Will O God Hebrews 10 you read those verses 5 to 8 and so what do I need to do that's also here in Philippians chapter 2 verse 12 I've got to work out what God is working in what is God working in I desire to do his will and to do his will I've got to work that out every day now and as I do that you know what will happen what is one of the first areas I've got to work it in here is a little homework for you in the next few days like teachers give homework here's the homework verse 14 what should I work out do everything without grumbling without complaining without disputing one day at a time don't think of the next one-year Lord for the rest of this day Sunday April the fifth for the rest of this day I want to do everything without grumbling without complaining and tomorrow morning when I get up I want to work out what you're working in me to live the whole day without grumbling without complaining without murmuring about anything and then the next day another day comes up I'm gonna work begin the day and when we work out what God works in to do they live the whole day without grumbling and complaining what will happen if we live day by day like this thus we will prove verse 15 that we are new covenant Christians not just that our church is called New Covenant Christian Fellowship but that we are new covenant Christians that we are blameless and innocent children of God in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation why is the generation crooked and perverse because the world is full of people who murmur and complain I mean if God were to look down from heaven to this earth as he does everywhere he here murmuring complaining murmuring complaining all over every part of this world every corner of the world people are murmuring complaining every house even Christian zone murmuring grumbling something is wrong this and the other husband and wife saying yo-yo it's because of you blaming each other murmuring complaining and in the midst of all that he sees one person here one person there one home here one home there prayer like a light in the darkness because it says here among whom you shine as a light Philippians 2:15 in the world grumbling and complaining is the darkness of the world in the midst of that here is one person or one family one home which is like a light which is a like a light means you go to that home there's no murmuring you're complaining come murmuring you're grumbling or complaining there think of Noah in the ark we want her to wait as long as he had to God remembered Noah me remember you and me it was inconvenient in the ark but they survived they came out triumphant and the world was populated with Noah's family and we are called to be a witness in our generation as a light in our generation dear brothers and sisters that sounds gone for the power of the Holy Spirit it's impossible without that from grace everyday you got to ask for it every day that's pray as ba heads in prayer our Heavenly Father he'll never leave us nor forsake us we have that confidence we thank you we know that you're with us in this trial I don't have a clue how long this is gonna last but I thank God it's all in your mind father you know it all and I can be happy as I look at your face because my dad knows it all I don't know but I thank you Father that you know it all we can rest in you day by day day by day me live this life determined to be overcomers this time to prove or p.m. studied and understood for so long to prove in our life and if there is any one who's failing help them to learn the subject so that they will be ready for the final examination thank you Father you're preparing us for the coming of Christ and we want to be more and more like Jesus every day a thank you in Jesus name Amen
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Rating: 4.8202248 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Zac Poonen, covid-19, covid19, cornavirus
Id: 9CC1TbfngIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 29sec (3089 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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