Covenant Sunday Service - January 8, 2023

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign good morning Covenant family as we begin our worship this morning I just invite you to stay in your seats as we prayerfully start with our worship song this morning I have I have no PM I have no piano [Music] we have come into this house and gathered in his name to worship Him we have come into his house [Music] we have come into this house and gathered in his name to worship Christ Lord [Music] Christ the lord let us lift up holy hands and magnify his name and worship him let us lift up holy hands and magnify his name and worship him let us lift up holy hands and magnify his name and worship Christ Our Lord worship Him Christ the lord so forget about yourself and concentrate on him and worship him so forget about yourself and concentrate on him and worship him [Music] if he's so forget about yourself and concentrate on him and worship Christ my son Lord worship him cry [Music] thank you Lord for the quietness of this place thank you that we can come here as a family with you as our father we thank you that we can be here and praise you and worship you just stepping away from the business busyness of life and just spending some time with you in worship this morning thank you for that beautiful opportunity in Jesus name amen amen amen morning welcome to you here in front of us welcome to you about our tuned in on uh on TV this morning or later in the week we are so blessed to be able to share our love of God with you this morning we will be doing some worship songs this morning and the most important thing to us is for you to be comfortable in worship this morning if you feel that you need to stand and raise your hands and your voices God bless you if you feel that you just need to sit and quietly worship God bless you just be comfortable as we worship God this morning in prayer and praise [Music] foreign [Music] let's go to make a way for us in Jesus name [Music] foreign [Music] freedom for the broken in Jesus name there is [Music] our pray we sing [Music] our sins are washed away Jesus name we are rescued we are saved all of us [Music] in Jesus name there is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] praise the father [Music] forever okay foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] praise God [Music] our Glory forever [Music] [Music] shall not be gone [Music] thank you praise the father [Music] three our god of Glory [Music] days forever to the kingdom thank you foreign [Music] holy is [Music] Earth is filled with his glory [Music] of Our Lord [Music] you are awesome [Music] all around [Music] me [Music] together we see holy is [Music] me more Glory we are [Music] how great the castle that lay between us [Music] I could not climb in desperation I turned to heaven and spoke your name [Music] soul so work is finished the end is Jesus Christ [Music] thank you glory to where my sins [Music] Hallelujah [Music] Jesus Christ [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] three out of the silence [Music] Jesus Christ [Music] Christ opher [Music] you may be seated good morning it's great to see everyone ah so we are about to dismiss our kids and our youth and um I'm saying that because we are actually this morning this is exciting for me because I haven't seen this since I've been here is I know that we used to have one but a youth program on Sunday mornings hey so uh typically we've just sent our youth down with our kids and they've kind of been helpers the last little while but now if you're in grade six or up you're still in school um you can um we're actually going to have the youth go out to the portable today and the kids will be downstairs okay so you got that youth and portable if you come to youth group you probably know where the portable is by now but um yes and then the kids will be downstairs but I also wanted to today um just say give a quick update about our youth program as well we will be starting our youth back up on January 18th just giving it a bit of time as kids kind of get readjusted to getting back to school and whatnot um but also because this coming Wednesday our youth leadership team is uh going to be having uh basically some time just to pray for our youth before we kick it into 2023 and this is where I want to bring up an invitation for each one of you this week is because on Wednesday at 6 clock six o'clock to 8 30 we're meeting but we're specifically praying for our youth and I thought it would be kind of a neat thing if as a church we did that you know so like I'm not saying we all come to the meeting I'm saying but like from from wherever we're at right like taking just a few minutes um or that entire time if you feel um uh called to do that just to pray for our youth pray for this season pray for our leaders pray that this is just a season where they can experience and encounter the living Jesus so um I just welcome you to that so that's Wednesday at six um and so but otherwise yeah so we're going to be kind of praying for that this week and then we're going to be kicking it into our youth the following week uh so should be should be pretty good but um I wanted to pray for our kids and our youth before we dismiss them today and before John comes up um so why don't we uh just take a moment just to pray for our kids and our youth this morning oh God thank you so much that you love and you see these kids and father and the youth and father you just see we I see God how you're moving in their lives already God and Father I just pray that today will just be something where they can see they can hear you God they can get to know you better God they can encounter you so father uh we just pray that uh during this time this morning that it will be a fruitful time where they can see you God thank you for how much you love each one of them in Jesus name amen okay so kids you can go at the back and youth uh you can also go out the back good morning I think I've turned on Jack two is it coming through there yeah I'm on hello hello check check coming through all right there we go good morning uh it's good to see you it's good to be with you um just a quick update before I uh before I get into stuff um I got an email shortly well as we were starting I got email um about Randy madly madly um Randy has been in ICU those who remember Randy um he is just he's been moved out of ICU now and he is recovering slowly which is great news considering they didn't know if he was going to make it just not that long ago so um Diane and Randy are so grateful for your prayers and uh to ask if you could continue to pray for them that would be much much appreciated um I will pray for them and some others in just a little bit but I just want to introduce our our upcoming series before I take some time to pray over the past number of weeks and months I've been thinking a lot about what it means to experience or encounter God we've just moved through our advents and Christmas season where we talk about Jesus being Emmanuel or God With Us and even just last week we talked about the fact that the Emmanuel the God With Us reality isn't just a Christmas thing that God is always with us I believe that God is always with me I believe that God is always with you but part of I think why I've been thinking a lot about this is I'm very aware that I don't always feel like God is with me there are times when I struggle to experience God or times when I have a deep Longing To encounter God in a way that that feels substantial sometimes that sense of distance can stretch on for weeks or months I know people who've had it stretch on for years where they had a an absolute firm belief that God is with them but felt like they couldn't reach God somehow um a while ago a number of years ago I was I was thinking through this uh in a time when I was crying out to God trying to make sense of things and I thought if only I could you know if I could see God if I could touch God or if I could audibly hear God that maybe things would get better um maybe you felt that sometimes maybe you feel it right now I'm just to help us think about this longing I'm going to play just a quick song that I wrote during that time I may have played it here before but I know that most of us don't remember stuff I've done you know the last five years because I don't either so um that's just how it works there's no guilt there this is a song I wrote called Maybe turn the guitar on [Music] foreign [Music] alone with my confusion pasted smiles our faces all around deep inside [Music] I know we're full of questions seeking answers we know we're never found and I know in my mind that you are there sometimes I still wonder if you care and if your face could be seen like the sunshine if your hands could be felt like the wind and if your voice to be heard like a song Maybe life would be easy maybe not quite so hard maybe life would be easier somehow cloudy days in the cloud of my mind reason falter in the dampness of tears and I Cry out from a human understanding wanting touch to take away my fears what I wouldn't give to hold your hands a smile I'm sure would help me understand [Music] if your face could be seen like the Shadows if your hands could be felt like my pain and if your voice could be heard like my cries Maybe maybe life would be easy maybe not quite so hard maybe life would be easier foreign [Music] [Music] could be heard like a song maybe life would be easier maybe not quite so hard maybe life would be easier somehow [Music] have you ever felt that that deep longing even as I sing that I know that the truth is for most of us um no matter how much we might long for the physical audible or a visual encounter with God will probably never feel God's physical touch outside of what's provided from his people will probably never hear the audible voice of God outside of that which is spoken by those around us and we'll probably not see the proverbial writing on the wall that we wish we could have to just give us a sense of clarity and yet we still long for encounters with God sometimes we can even get caught up in chasing encounters that we can attribute to God because we're so desperate for it perhaps if we're honest might be among those who've long given up on the idea that we can encounter God in any significant way and so we try to obey God and we try to follow God's plan but we don't really anticipate encountering God but if God is real if Jesus Is God With Us not just at Christmas but all the time if the spirit of Christ is actually with us in this room and in our homes and in the car and in our office and in our school and on the court and while we're with our friends should we not be open to the possibility or even the probability that we could encounter God in some type of real way even if it's not audible or visual or physical it's still real help us be open to genuine encounters with God we're going to spend the next several months really right up to and including Easter looking in scripture at people who had encounters with God my hope is not that we'll try to take something from these encounters that we can be like oh if I just do these things in my life then and it'll become some type of formula it's not that we'll try to emulate anything about these experiences or say that our experience must be like theirs but my hope is that by spending time in their stories we maybe opened up to the idea that encountering God is genuinely possible and if you're already open up to that possibility interacting with their stories might help us with something else discernment because we can't visibly see or audibly hear or physically touch God it can be hard to know when we're genuinely encountering God or when we're encountering a person who's just simply claiming to speak for God or we're feeling an emotion that's been brought on by like some Dynamic music or we're simply feeling the effects of a strange meal and a lack of sleep like when is it God when is it not by seeing some things in these encounters that might help us identify things about the heart and character of God that will help us have discernment during our own experiences over the course of this series we're going to look at Divine Encounters this uh that rad with Moses and Samuel and Abraham and Hagar among others but this morning as we really get into this New Year there is perhaps no better place to start than in the beginning so we're going to start in Genesis 1. um if you want to open your Bibles you can you can follow along but before we dive into the story let's pray together God as we are here this morning we want to encounter you um we know how often that can feel so hard and how sometimes things that we thought were you weren't and Discerning our way forward is a challenge just opened us up to the possibility that we can truly encounter you open us up to the reality that you are here with us in this place and everywhere else we go God I want to pray especially for those who because of the weight they are carrying with things right now desperately need to know you're with them I pray for Diane and Randy I pray for Peter and Dale I pray for Jaren Jill God all those who are carrying weight and worry and and wonder God would you make your presence uh just clear to them whether it's through the word of someone else or something they see or a picture that is taken or just a silent whisper in their heart and as we work through this story today God help us to see just a little bit more of your character in your heart for us that will give us a sense of clarity on our journey and God if you'd be open to it let us experience you in this place this morning in Jesus name amen so we're jumping in at Genesis one I'm not going to read the whole thing truth is I could probably spend a Year's worth of sermons in the first few chapters of Genesis I love it but for the sake of what we want to talk about this morning I'm just going to rehearse the first two and a half chapters to get us to the actual thing we're going to read Genesis begins with a just magnificent ancient near Eastern origin poem about the beginnings of the world unlike virtually all of the other ancient near Eastern stories about how the world came to begin this story doesn't start with a conflict between the gods it starts with actually a unified God who steps in and brings order and purpose out of the chaos and in other ancient near Eastern stories humanity is almost always born out of some type of violence and in this story humanity is born out of the intentional creative hand of God and and Humanity carries within them the breath the life of the Divine that's all accounted for in in Genesis 1 and then as you get to the end of that and into Genesis 2 you have this this this picture of Humanity being set up within creation I'm not going to get into it um but this story describes the worlds using ancient near Eastern Temple imagery and then humanity is set within that kind of Temple place as the Connecting Point between God and creation humanity is made from creation and is a part of creation and interacts with God as a part of creation but Humanity also carries the image of God and interacts with creation on behalf of God there's this beautiful Unity as Humanity Works within creation on God's behalf to help it thrive and as Humanity Works in communion in relationship with God as Humanity works together in unity and Harmony as Humanity lives in the state of wholeness with themself as it says in Genesis 2 25 at the kind of the climax of of everything being being unfolded in humanity put in this place Genesis 2 25 says now the man and his wife were both naked but they felt no shame humanity is living with complete vulnerability and no openness but with no sense of shame or embarrassment or mess and in this place of unity and Beauty to Great Hebrew words are Tov and Shalom one is goodness and peace or rightness in this place of goodness and peace there are two trees set up and each one represents a possible reality the first is the Tree of Life That's symbolic of a connection with God that will sustain Humanity within this place that's filled with goodness and rightness or peace the other tree represents an attempt for Humanity to go after things on their own to rely on their own wisdom discernment and strength rather than their own and God says you know don't touch that tree actually doesn't he says don't eat from the fruit of that tree I made the mistake that Eve makes later on but gives this thing just trust in my way of doing things don't go after it your own way then you get to Genesis 3 and Genesis 3 begins with a serpent character putting the idea into Humanity's mind that God doesn't actually have their best at heart and that God's keeping them from something amazing the serpent character suggests that you know they won't die if they eat from this tree called the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil actually they'll become like God no those who have read the other chapters no they already carry the image of God they already are like God but the first people when faced with the decision chose their own way their own wisdom their own discernment their own strength and that good and and peaceful or rights creation is plunged into chaos and in the story you get to Genesis 3 7 that tells us what happens after they eat it says at that moment their eyes were opened they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness so they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves the unity that existed is gone the peace within each person is gone as they now feel shame at being exposed the unity between people is gone and they hide themselves from each other even the image of using creation Now is a tool for division and hiding gives us a glimpse at their Oneness with creation has been undone God had created this place filled with goodness and peace he had trusted it to humanity and Humanity had in turn brought Brokenness and ruin to it by not trusting in God's way of being it's at this point that the first people Adam and Eve in this story have an encounter with God that I want to read this morning beginning at Genesis 3 verse 8. I'm going to read really the end the rest of Genesis 3. so it could be a while you can follow it along or just settle in and read and listen sorry when the cool evening breezes were blowing the man and his wife heard the Lord God walking around in the garden so they hid from the Lord God Among the trees then the Lord God Called to the man where are you he replied I heard you walking in the garden so I hid I was afraid because I was naked who told you you were naked the Lord asked have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat the woman replied it was the woman you gave me who made me the fruit and I ate it then the Lord God asked the woman what have you done the serpent deceived me she replied that's why I ate it then the Lord said to the serpent because you have done this you are cursed more than all animals domestic and wild you will crawl on your belly groveling in the dust as long as you live and I will cause hostility between you and the woman and between your Offspring and her Offspring he will strike your head and you will strike his heel then he said to the woman I will sharpen the Pains of your pregnancy and in pain you will give birth and you will desire to control your husband but he will rule over you and to the man he said since you've listened to your wife and ate from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat the ground is cursed because of you all your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it it will grow thorns and thistles for you though you will eat of its grains by the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground from which you were made for you were made from dust into dust you will return then the man Adam named his wife Eve because she would be the mother of all who live and the Lord God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and his wife then the Lord God said look at the human beings the human beings have become like us but knowing both Good and Evil what if they reach out take fruit from the Tree of Life and eat it they'll live forever so the Lord God banished them from the Garden of Eden and he sent Adam out to cultivate the ground from which he had been made after sending them out the Lord God stationed a mighty cherubim to the east of the Garden of Eden and he placed a flaming sword that flashed back and forth to guard the way to the Tree of Life there are three things I want to quickly highlight within this Divine encounter but before I do that it's essential we recognize that this is not simply a story about past things the story is about being faced with the decision to trust God's way or to pursue our own and that's something that's been lived out in the lives of people since the beginning of time and Well we'd like to blame the first humans for making such a mess of the world and there are some theologians who who they do that they want to put all the blame on first people for honest we've all grabbed after we've all grabbed after doing things based on our way our wisdom our own discernment and our own strength we've all had a part in disrupting the intended goodness and peace of the world this story is the story of humanity throughout time not just in the beginning this story is also our story and so as we consider this Divine encounter there are some things for us to see in how God engages both them and us in the first and biggest thing that we see about God in this story is that when Humanity has done their worst literally disrupted the goodness and beauty of creation all that was at peace is now in turmoil because of their choices at that point God's response is to seek them out God pursues them they hide God seeks they blame God asks inviting questions they're filled with shame and God doesn't meet their Shame by heaping on more shame I think it's important for us to see that when we've messed it up God's response isn't to say well forget you or to say how dare you do that now I'm going to dump more on you God comes and meets them seeking them out God pursues them he invites them to through his questions to wrestle with what's taken place and even when they give completely inadequate answers he doesn't even correct them at that moment we sometimes like to paint a picture of us being these amazing altruistic seeking people that are like well if God would just stop hiding I would be able to find him and it's actually quite the opposite God is pursuing us It's just sometimes hard to see him when we're hiding behind things and talk to many who say well you know I'll I'll come to God once I get these things figured out not realizing that God isn't waiting for that God is chasing them down already and we've done our worst or from the worst has been done to us God is chasing us down knows he knows your shame but doesn't meet it with more shame that doesn't mean that fixes everything when God shows up second thing we see here is God comes and meets them and hears the story and then he proceeds to unfold with this okay here's what's going to happen as a result of this God is presence in the consequences of your of their actions but he actually doesn't prevent them he doesn't prevent the consequences of their actions which is a really remarkable thing see God has entrusted them to rule over creation they've obviously failed and God's next step is to keep trusting them in the role that he's given them which is really quite remarkable or often our tendency if somebody messes up something we've entrusted them with we want to take it back and God actually doesn't do that he continues to entrust them to that role he continues to give them free choice in how they're going to care for creation he says look look this is what's going to unfold now but he doesn't pull stuff back from them he leaves them to live within those consequences to keep working out the task he's given them again God continues to give us free choice and how we're going to care for creation and when I look at how we're doing right now I don't understand why actually the truth is for most of us we want to have free will we just wish God would take it away from everybody else who's messing things up for us more often than not that's the case but God is a patient God who says look I've given you this role and when you mess up there's going to be consequences but I'm Gonna Keep trusting you I'm going to keep trusting you to learn and grow I remember when I one of my jobs when I was in college I worked at a paint store we sold two industrial customers so we're selling like pails and pails like 20 gallon pails of paint to people who were painting new homes and all kinds of stuff and I'd grown up in a context where reprimand was quick and taking things back if we didn't do well was quick and I got this job and I didn't really know what I was doing but they were being patient with me but quite frankly tinting paint from a formula is pretty simple if you follow the instructions somebody came in they wanted I think it was 5 20 gallon pails of paint this Builder so I pulled them out find the formula tint them all up get them on the Shaker and then I went I just used the wrong formula so now we have like I think yeah this is like 100 gallons of Miss tinted paint and I have to go this is probably my second week there in the summer I had to go to my boss and say I just messed up big time like this is a lot of messed up paint and my watch just looked at me and said okay what'd you do so while I read this formula instead of that formula it's like okay so do you know what you're supposed to do it's like yeah he's like okay put those in the Miss tent pile and go do the next book go do it right I never heard another word about it and just just being entrusted again gave me the chance to actually learn and do better and and I remember thinking at the time this this is a picture that looks a lot like God just saying okay there's consequences there's this mess that we got to figure out over here but go for it again try it again I'd like to say that was the last time I made a mistake it wasn't but I just I love that we're still given this opportunity and how God works with us he's present in the consequences of our actions he doesn't prevent them but God doesn't but God doesn't also take away control of things he keeps entrusting us to the role that we're assigned to there's a third thing in here I want to highlight today today because the consequences were pretty dire the struggles were going to be real like things that were supposed to be a part of the goodness and beauty of creation end up becoming a difficult challenges like childbirth like helping to work the ground and make it make it make it better like there's tension and there's conflict relationship between men and women there's conflict between them even in this struggle that comes because of the consequences of what Humanity had done what I find beautiful is that God continues to provide for them I see three ways God provides for them the first is when he's talking to the serpent he just he he talks in a way that gives Hope For Humanity that there's going to be hostility between between The Serpent and the woman and between off her Offspring and your offspring but her Offspring is going to strike your head and he will strike your heel this very early in Jewish history became read to say God is going to help us get Victory here this was seen as a prophetic statement that there's going to be victory in the future and so even in the midst of the mess God Is providing hope for victory in the future another thing that unfolds is talks about God making clothing from animal skins for Adam and his wife I I kind of feel like this is an early Genesis version of when Israel wanted a king and God said no you don't want a king it's going to go really bad if you have a king and then they decide to go for a king anyway so God's kind of like well if you're going to have the king that you weren't supposed to have I guess we'll try and make it a good one is basically what what happens and this is like well you shouldn't have to have the shame you shouldn't have to have be covered because of the shame but because you have this shame let me provide first to you some cover that will help this isn't the ideal but let's try and make the best of this ideal God provides for them a level of protection in the meantime and I'm still thinking about this one but when God sits there and says look there they're in a mess they keep having access to this tree of life or they can live forever that's not going to go well and so even removing access to the tree of life so that there's an end to the mess for any given person kind of feels like a gift I've talked with more more people recently who this probably happens with every generation I'm just noticing it more as I get older but who look around at the mess and think you know I'm glad I'm not going to be here for whatever is coming but there's there's kind of the fact that there's an end to having to work through the mess it's kind of a gift kind of something God provides even though it's again the best of a bad situation God providing while still giving them free reign to a certain extent and I think this is so helpful because God provides for us even when we mess things up sometimes often we want God to undo everything and make everything better and instead God says like I can't make everything better without taking away your free will but I can help you in this way I can I can provide you with this you know I can give you patience for today I can help you take the next step you know in the Lord's Prayer when Jesus taught his disciples praise give us this day our daily bread it's it's not okay make it so I'm never hungry again it's okay I'll give you what you need for that next step of hunger I'll provide for you this next thing sometimes we get so caught up in what we wish God would do that we perhaps miss out on what God is actually doing bill and I were actually talking about this this morning with like a building that's this age you know the fact that we've never replaced the carpets in here is actually pretty phenomenal and this doesn't look very fancy or pretty remarkable but you can say hey that's that's one of those kinds of small ways that God's provided you know we haven't had to worry about that one thing and so we've been able to take care of some other things you know it's it's often in those smaller ways if we'll take a step back and look and say wait God was providing just maybe not the way I thought he was supposed to so think about this encounter with God again the fact that God is pursuing us wants to have an encounter with us that God is present with us in the consequences of our actions without overriding our humanity and the role that we even assigned and the fact that God works with us in that to to care for us and provide for us that's I think that's a pretty good place for us to start in thinking about Divine encounters today if you're looking for a Divine encounter if you're longing for a Divine encounter it is possible God's not hiding from you it may not be it in person one as this one is described but it can be a very real one God is seeking you God is present with you in whatever is going on and whatever has caused it and God is there to provide for you if you're open to it maybe not in all the ways you want but in the ways that you need let me pray and then we're going to sing a song that I hope just helps us finish this this morning well we're going to sing the goodness of God and I hope that as we sing it you'll be able to just pause for a second and just think of the different ways God has provided well for you and and been there for you God thank you so much that you love us and that even when we are at our worst you are pursuing us that you don't turn everything upside down on us and take away what you've entrusted to us you invite us to consider it and to take the next step forward and maybe the next step we won't make the same mistakes we won't mess up quite as much and we might learn and better partner with you of bringing your peace and goodness into this world God thank you that you provide for us in the midst of the mess and at the midst of the confusion in the midst of the struggle help us to be aware of your hand and be willing to name it and to say thank you for it and help us to be that hand of provision on your behalf when you call in Jesus name amen let's rise together and sing I Love You Lord all your mercy never fails me all my days I've been held in your hands from the moment that I wake up until I lay my head I will sing of the goodness of God [Music] thank you I Love You Lord all your mercy never fails me in all my days [Music] of the goodness of God [Music] I will sing of the goodness of God I love your voice you have led me through the fire in the darkest night you are close like no other I've known you as a father and I've known you as a friend I have lived [Music] welcome for my light you have been faithful [Music] goodness foreign [Music] me your goodness is [Music] after me [Music] oh my God you have been faithful [Music] [Music] Ness God Will Save foreign just a couple of reminders before you go the first is that there is a coqua men's Retreat coming up and there's a couple of us so far from covenant who are going if you'd like to join us guys you were more than welcome we'd love to have you uh come along I'm going to be there and um I'm told there's so far there's not too many or who are registered which makes it just that much more like just just a better chance to connect and not get lost in a big crowd so we'd love to have you as a part of that if you're interested if finances are a concern talk to me let me know we'd love to make sure anybody who would like to go can go this week men's connection is resuming uh Tuesday Morning women's Bible study on Wednesday morning as Brent mentions on Wednesday we invite you wherever you are to take some time kind of between 6 and 8 30 and pray for our students pray for our youth just amazing opportunities to connect with them and we're trusting in God to do some really great work among them uh through this uh through the rest of the winter into the spring and then youth is kicking off on January 18th uh with a bonfire I believe um for all the youth that night so I'm looking forward to that uh if you'd like someone to pray with you this morning Ursula is going to be in the prayer I'm just up here on your right she'd be more than happy to meet with you and pray for you after the service I'm going to close with the blessing in number six may the Lord bless you and protect you may the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you may the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace God bless go in peace [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music]
Channel: Covenant Penetang
Views: 110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZBU9OwI8-nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 30sec (5010 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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