Covenant Community 101: Intro to the Appointed Times of Yahweh - Part 1

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[Music] okay so today we're going to continue in the CC 101 which is covenant community 101 series and inside the series has been these sections so the last section we just did was about discovering your identity so as a new person of the covenant community we're trying to go through these basics one of the most important things to do now that you file hopefully you've discovered who you are and who you're supposed to be so now that you understand that you are or are supposed to be an Israelite okay so now we're going to talk about the things that I expects you to do as an Israelite and so one of the most basic things is the observances the feasts the days that we keep so we're going to go through a series of teachings here the first one is going to be on the appointed times okay that may be one or two parts depending on how we get done today normally the first time was just one part of might be two and then and don't laugh because I know I've said that in dun-dun-dun 10 there's not going to be 10 which is going to be go over the basics here so it might be 2 then we're going to go over the Shabbat which also might be 2 or something like that and then we're going to talk about how we choose or while how we decided to make our decision about what calendar we would keep so just want to tell you in advance what you can expect coming up in the series because I had to pick the right order that made sense to logically flow through I don't think it made sense to start talking about calendar things and people don't even know what Feaster this or that they might have to be keeping so let's first talk about what Abba expects us to be observing then to get specific about just the 1 the Shabbat which is the one that comes up every week the rest only come up once a year and then to go into the calendar alright so just so that we understand what we're dealing with here now I do want to talk about the fact that your expectation hopefully I want to set it correctly is that we're going to be going through the basics and not so much an in-depth study here in other words I'm not going to break down every detail of each of the feasts and everything that is all about them in every detail what I want you to understand is as a new person because I get emails all the time shabu ode is coming what do I do Passover is coming what do I do this is coming what do I do because people don't know what to do so I want to make sure that you have at least a basic understanding of what the feasts are when they are and what you're expected to do okay and so we want to keep it to that kind of a level now as we are going through this as well I want us to understand because it because I know that those questions do come up that this is going to be basic the one that's going to get a little bit more detailed is going to be the Shabbat one because we're going to take that one of the feast and we're going to focus on that a little bit more detail about what we do and what we don't do when it comes to Shabbat all right so that's Disick set your expectations correctly because let's face it you grew up in a world that if you grew up in the mainstream of the world or in Christianity you didn't have to ask a lot of details about the origins of Christmas or Easter or this or that you just knew that these things that you did okay Christmas we do this Easter we do that right you kind of with just in a culture where everybody just did well now as an Israelite these are all new things to a lot of you you're like okay now that I'm an Israelite I don't I don't know anything about these things I mean I knew I knew what Christmas was in Easter and everything but what do I do with this so I wanted to start in second Peter you don't have to turn there but you can if you want second Peter chapter one for those of you that are not new this is a verse that I want to read for those you that are not new in 2nd Peter chapter 1 and we'll begin I guess in verse 10 he goes for this reason brothers okay actually let's go back to verse 8 he says for these are in you what are in you okay he goes through this whole list of things that you should be doing man I keep wanting to go back and back and back let's go back to the beginning of the chapter even he says favor peace and it be increased to you and the knowledge of Elohim and you our master verse 2 okay so he wants us to have these things increased in the knowledge of Elohim so this is part learning about the feast we're going to learn about Elohim okay because these are we're going to see are his feast as his mighty like power is given to us all we need for life and reverence through the knowledge of him who called us to esteem and uprightness through these that have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises so that so that through these you might be partakers of the mighty like nature having escaped from the corruption in the world caused by lust so he says we have been given exceedingly great and precious promises so one of the big promises was at the Covenant he said if you obey my voice I promise you to be taken as my people and all these blessings those are promises in this covenant he said if you obey I will do I will take you as my people I'll protect you I'll make you keep you safe I will bless you with blessings of overflowing of abundance etc he said because of that we are we need to understand what it is that he expects of us so that through these you might be partakers now he says for this reason verse 5 do your utmost to add to your belief uprightness to uprightness knowledge so he starts with believe so you understand you believe something your understanding it and you believe it and now uprightness what is that brightness it means that you're actually with integrity doing it okay so you're doing the right things that's uprightness to uprightness knowledge so when doing things then you start to understand what you're doing so you gain knowledge in doing this is v it should be a lesson to everyone who says well I'm not doing that till I understand it where's that in scriptures he says you need to agree agree in Exodus 19 if you obey remember he hadn't said anything yet if you obey I'll take you as my people you agree to do everything I say from this point forward I'll take you as my people so knowledge comes through the action the participation then it goes to knowledge self-control because once you understand more then you should be even more disciplined to say oh I get it even more now I really need to make sure I'm doing this so it wasn't just that you started doing it now you're getting more serious about doing it to self-control endurance because there's going to be challenges in doing whatever it is you're doing to endurance reverence because now going through it all and seeing the endurance changing you and developing you and growing you you can have even more reverence and appreciation for the plan that Abba has for your life to reverence brotherly affection into brotherly affection love so this is see love is the end product after all the other steps it's almost like Christianity wants to start at the beginning that love should be the first thing okay but remember when we go to Deuteronomy 1012 and you have to turn there he says Yahweh says Moses what does Yahweh expect of you okay he didn't start with love he said fear and then walk in my ways and then we get to love okay to fear me to walking on my way to love me to serve me so loved is not the first step he says it's the same process here the Peters did you think Peter knew Deuteronomy 1012 I'm pretty sure he did okay he laid out the same process here you're going to do it and then you're going to love because in doing it you're going to see all the process and why you can see how much he loves you now verse a for these are in you and increase they cause you to be neither inactive nor without fruit in the knowledge of our master issue of Messiah so he's saying that knowledge of Messiah is not just an intellectual thing or an informational thing he said if you're doing all of this then you will not be inactive or without fruit in the knowledge of our master so if you're not doing all of this the information is not bearing any fruit it's inactive yeah think about that for he in whom these are not present is blind being short-sighted has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his old sense and now you're seeing who he calls blind okay we talked about this a little bit during the announcements those are watching this have no idea what I'm talking about but we talked about who's actually lost or blind so those who are blind or what the people here that should know better okay because remember verse 1 it says that he's writing to those who have obtained a belief as precious as ours so these are people that should know better in verse 1 he tells you who is writing to so those who have obtained a belief as precious as ours now he says for he and whom these are not present as blind being short side has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his old sins so your cleanse from your old sins so that what that you can do different things than you'd been doing because the things you were doing were sin but you're now expected to be doing that which is right or righteous that's the uprightness that we read about in one of the first steps here so your utmost Adyar to your belief upright behavior now continuing says for this reason brothers all the more do your utmost to make firm your calling and choosing he could using this utmost he's expecting a lot of efforts because a lot of people have bought into the Christianity thing I'd like to make her altar call and life should just be a breeze just kick back and let it just flow he's saying no no you're going to have to do your utmost he expects you to put in an effort and he says what do your utmost to make firm your calling and choosing for if you are doing all these matters you shall never stumble all if you're found so doing you'll be called a well good and good and trustworthy servant found so doing all right for in this way an entrance into the everlasting reign of our Messiah and Savior Yahshua Messiah assuming master and Savior Yahshua Messiah shall richly be supplied to you oh I'm sorry I thought I was already in just because I knew Messiah existed and that he died and was resurrected you mean I have to do all of this he says in this way one way take your belief in and uprightness not Brian has had knowledge to knowledge self-control to some expect you to do all of these things to do your utmost to hold and make firm your calling and your in your choosing and in that way and entrance see you weren't given anything that you have I got it now it's done he said if you're doing all of this and entrance will be made into the everlasting Kingdom for a master and save us you I shall richly be supplied you so that you shall have a way in how if you're so doing with all your strength and all your know your being with your utmost so now we get to the verse I wanted to actually get to so for all you people that have been doing this more than five minutes who actually have our familiar sum up with the feasts I don't want you thinking another teaching about the pieces they know about the feasts listen what keifa says here what Peter says and so because of all of this stuff I intend to remind you of these matters again and again and again and again though you know them even though I know that you know them and I've been established in the present truth because I think it is right that as long as I am in this tent as long as I'm alive that I am here to stir you up by a reminder I think that's my job as well I think it's the job of every teacher I think that it would behoove every buddy to understand that the teachers role is to stir you up by reminder things that you should know theoretically and it really isn't theoretical it's reality you should not be learning anything for me that you don't already know I should just be reminding you and stirring you up to do it we should eventually get to a point where knowledge is not the problem information is not the problem there's a lot of new people that don't have the information and the knowledge so we're going to increase the knowledge and help people to understand with the right information what's going on but at some point you shouldn't be needing information anymore what you should be needing is the kick in the tuckus throw a little get a shot you you need a little kind of you know reminder that you're actually supposed to be doing what you know because some of you know somebody or several somebodies that know what to do have the ability to do but they're not doing some of you see that person every morning in the mirror you know what to do you have the ability to do but you're not doing and so I believe that that's why I want to throw this out there because sometimes I know there are people and I know it's probably not you but some people might be like I know the teaching about the feasts I've heard them do it before blah blah blah whatever but you know what you need a reminder and it's not going to be exactly the same as last time because every time I I teach my notes are very sort of sparse and so most of its just going to come as I speak so it's going to always be a little different each time so that being said let's go ahead and start looking at the appointed times now remember we're not going to be going in depth there are chapters and places and teachings I've done that if I remember I'll point them out to you that do cover some of these things in more in-depth sort of way but I want to go through the basics remember this is a 101 class this isn't a 201 or a 301 like in college this is a basics class and so this is now going to be the basics an intra we'll call it to the appointed times of Yahweh the original name of the teaching was the appointed times I will call this an intro to the appointed times of Yahweh so we start with part 1 of this teaching which is what are they and who are they for so let's go to Leviticus 23 one of the few things that Abba wants us to do that is almost completely self-contained in one chapter you have Leviticus 11 which is good for the COS root issues which by the way we may go into those right after we finish this section on observances okay because that's also a 101 type of thing you know what do I eat what don't I eat and why you know what is food so but this time we're talking about observances so what are they and who are they for so first we must understand who the appointed times you know you know who they're for and you know what before we can only therefore we got to know who appointed them so who appointed these times let's see let's go to chapter 23 of Leviticus first one and you always spoke to Moses saying speak to the children of yesterday Alan say to them the appointed times of Yahweh which you are to proclaim is set apart gatherings my appointed times are these so whose appointed times are these whose observances are these Yahweh's these are not Jewish holidays or holy days because you're going to be accused that oh you guys keep the Jewish stuff well the Jews are the only is realized visibly still keeping them yes but they're not the Jews holidays or holy days or observances Yahweh says to Moses speak to the children of Israel so who are they for children of Israel they are Yahweh's observances and they are for the children of Israel this is why I did the discovering your identity first so if you're listening to this and you haven't watched that yet go back and figure out that you're supposed to be an Israelite so now that you should know that you're supposed to be an Israelite you can understand that these now what he's speaking about now is for you these are Yahweh's feasts or appointed times well define these terms to you in a minute and they are to be proclaimed and set apart gatherings they are his and they are for the children of Israel that's very important we understand this okay now what we need to understand next is what is an appointed time what is an appointed time so the Hebrew word here is mo Adam okay the idea of at a point of time as a mo had a mode the more Deemer appointed times our appointments they are fixed times in other words they have a set time in a seasonal context because they also can mean seasons okay we have the different feast seasons they are festivals in other words there's celebrations where you feast and you celebrate and they are assemblies convened for a specific defined purpose okay in other words there are very specific purposes to these observances then they are set fixed times their appointments but the idea of a being an appointment means that when you have an appointment do you go someplace generally by yourself or you go to meet somebody okay mostly when you have an appointment you're going to meet someone if I'm talking to you and I say listen I've got to go I've got an appointment okay so generally you should be thinking oh he's got somebody has to go meet okay there's some people he has to go see okay so these are appointments you're supposed to be doing a meeting with someone and we're going to talk about who that is and how that plays through so this is appointment now remember in verse 2 it says you are to proclaim these as set apart gatherings so these appointments are also set apart the Rings so now we're talking about a Mikra a Mikra is a gathering and then it's called a Mew croco - so kodesh means that it's one that serves Yahweh's purposes so Mikra is an announced so the word there you see in the Hebrew croco - Mika kodesh is an announced proclaimed gathering a public meeting a rehearsal so also the idea of rehearsing something so these are things where we're going to be going through and we're supposed to be knowing that it's a rehearsal for something else or something bigger something in the future we're practicing we're rehearsing so and it's a me crack OH - so kodesh means that it's a holy Mikra it's a it's a it's set apart it's Kadosh it's a set apart now when something is cut DOS it is set apart for specific perfect purpose of serving Yahweh in some manner in other words Yahweh has defined it to serve Him so let's say for example I had the kadosh table for the showbread guess what that table has only one purpose you can't just use it you know to take out and do your no office work on you can't just take it out to do I'm saying it has a specific purpose and we're going to probably do a teaching at some point on what it means to be set apart or kadosh and that's going to be a good teaching because you are supposed to be a kadosh people in other words you have a very specific purpose as a human being in the context of being Israel as a Kadosh nation that means your whole existence is to serve Yahweh's purposes okay so now we understand that these a point these appointed times these appointments these mo odds is mo a team okay they have a very specific purpose that they are there to serve Yahweh's purposes so keep that in mind when we talk about them that that means that you can't be doing your stuff and whatever you want on his days that he's already defined what it's for he has chosen that time for his purposes and he does tell us what he expects us to do okay the Hebrew word Malad comes from the word yard which means to fix upon by agreement or appointment and it implies that it is to meet at a stated time to be summoned to to like an engagement as in for a marriage like so be like meeting with are going to meet at an engagement with like your bride or the bride with the bridegroom so there's a lot to this a kind of hinted even marriage related stuff because we know as the body of Messiah as Israel our destiny is to be the bride and so there are marriage related you know things that are in here and trust me if you were in love and engaged and you were supposed to meet with your betrothed your bride or your groom whichever sex that you are right so if you whichever side of the altar you're going to be on right and another thing came up which one is going to win out the other thing or your meeting with the one that you're in love with who you're engaged with you see see it's about priorities I mean if that is your beloved and somebody else tries to lure you away to do something else you like oh no no I want to be with my beloved I'm sorry yeah I mean I enjoy company with you too nothing personal but this is my beloved this is my betrothed this is my bride okay so keep that in mind as we go through this so well let me read that verse again so he says speak to the children of Israel and say to them the moa deem of Yahweh the appointed times of Yahweh which are to be proclaimed as Mikra kodesh is set apart gatherings Amica kodesh my appointed times my MOA deem of these okay so we should we should understand now as we get started the very most basic element of this is that these are Yahweh's and he gave them to the children of Israel so if you don't believe in Yahweh you can ignore all this that's fine if you're not a child of Israel it's not for you but if you understand what we talked about for ten weeks about discovering our identity then this is absolutely speaking to you okay your Creator the king of the universe who has chosen you to be his children and call you the children of Israel his chosen nation he's telling you these are the times and he wants to meet with you these are appointed times to meet with him so when I tell you if I'm on the phone you have an appointment you may be like oh what kind of appointment so I've got to go meet you know I've got some business I've got a doctor I've got some other thing well these are if people talk to say I've got to go meet with my king a meeting with my Creator so it says well why can't you do that on Saturday because I have an appointment oh really what appointment I'm meeting with my creator I got to go meet with him I can't why can't you come into work on Saturday because the king of the universe wants me to come and be in sitting at his feet and he's more powerful than you mr. or mrs. so-and-so who runs his company okay so your boss wants you to come to work your creator wants you to come be with him that should be an easy decision but you don't think of it that way do you so you need to think of it that way okay so as we approach today's study and it may be like I said it probably two parts as we approach today study let us keep in mind that these are the moa team and meet claim the appointed times instead of our gatherings of Yahweh he set them in a specific order that's another thing that we'll learn as we go through them because in the order we're going to see that it tells us the plan of salvation he can teach you the plan of salvation through the order of the feasts okay so they're in a specific order and each one has specific instructions okay so going to learn the specific instructions Yahweh gave them to the children of Israel and we as children obvious rayel are to proclaim now there's another part of it he says tell them that these are to be proclaimed hmm they're to be proclaimed declared don't be shy about this stuff I'm not saying you need to be on a street corner but you got to be ready to tell people oh I'm sorry but I'm going to this proclaimed no feast I have got to be a cha float which is coming up on Wednesday right I've got to be at something or whatever it is okay to be proclaimed now by the way to be proclaimed among sister al so it's not to just got to tell all your friends and family members I have the responsibility to proclaim to you guys that date is coming you need to be there okay because remember these are for the children so when you're telling it to friends and family and workers you're not proclaiming to them because expect them to be there you're only letting them know in the context of I can't be here because I'm supposed to be there I can't do this because I've already got an appointment okay how many times in your life have you had to tell somebody I'm sorry I can't come to something because I have an appointment you do it all the time why are you afraid to do that with Shabbat why are you afraid to do it with the feasts okay because you know that if you it took you so many months to get that doctor's appointment and if you miss it you know you're going to be in big trouble and you'll never get enough well what about missing the one with the creator of the universe how about the meeting with the one who redeemed you from death I mean there's so much power in all of that and yet we get our chain yank so easily back to to work or the family things or whatever we do so I want to make sure I strengthen you as a part of this teaching okay so we as children of Israel are to proclaim and set apart public gatherings okay and it's also the the Hebrew there makes it something that is supposed to be done in a public way these are pointed times and we are to keep observe them we are to observe these things so now we're going to start breaking them down so in this chapter the first one that we read about in verse 3 is the Shabbat okay now I'm not going to go into much detail about the Shabbat because we're going to do that in the next teaching after we finish this one okay so verse three says six days work is done the seventh day is the Shabbat of rest it is set of our gathering you do no work it is the Sabbath to Yahweh in all your dwellings okay so he's including the Shabbat as an appointment so when people ask you about the holy days and the feasts Shabbat is just one of it's not because we have people out there that keep Sabbath and nothing else it'll keep the Feast but they keep Sabbath well Sabbath is one of the listed ones here he starts off thing proclaim and verse two these are my appointed times my appointee times are these in the first thing he lists is the Sabbath so the Sabbath is absolutely a feast or a Sabbath is also a mute clock code - the Sabbath is also at a point in times it's one of the Modine so one that comes up the most often if you're in a Jewish community the Sabbath is the highest of them if the Sabbath and a holy day fall on the same day the Sabbath requirements override the feast requirements first you must make sure that you're doing the Sabbath requirements included within those feasts requirements coz the Sabbath is the primary of all observances okay you don't see Israel getting in all kinds of trouble specifically for breaking feast you see them getting in trouble for breaking Sabbath's of course the feast have Sabbath's in them we're going to talk about that but understand we're not going to go into more detail but the Sabbath is the very first one listed here okay but I'm not going to include that in my list of Modine so I'm going to list five MOA deme okay now each of the MOA team that are going to be listed here in Leviticus 23 may have additional things linked to it but I'm going to list these five there's Pesach and comets oat and B Kareem we're going to include that all together okay Pesach talked about soda and B Kareem we're going to read about that here in verses 5 through 8 and then also would be Kareem 10 through 14 so we start off with in the first month on the fourteenth day of the month is verse five between the evenings is the Passover of Yahweh Passover to Yahweh a fifteenth day this month is the festival of unleavened bread to Yahweh seven days you eat unleavened bread on the first day you have a set apart gathering you do no servile work and you shall bring an offering made by fire to Yahweh for seven days and on the seventh days and set apart gathering you do no servile work because you stop there so so verses 5 through 8 is talking about in the Hebrew it's Pesach that's Passover and the Hebrew for the days of unleavened bread or a festival of Allah bread is hog you got to get that throat thing going hog how much soap okay so it's in Hebrew with feast the matzo okay hi is HEIs done mitosis mitosis feast of unleavened bread talk about soaked okay so they're connected together okay because the evening that is Passover is also leading it to the first day of unleavened bread okay I'm just listing them here for you first before we start breaking them down at all so first you have pace off and comets out then also linked with this we see in verse nine now by the way if you're reading this straight through can I say this every time we go through this because to me it's kind of interesting the conversation is now complete about Takamatsu because verse 9 says and you always spoke to Moses saying speak to the children of Israel and your so say to them when you come into the land which I give you and shall reap its harvest then you shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest to the priest and he shall wave the Sheep before Yahweh for except for your acceptance on the morrow after the Sabbath the priests waves it and on that day when you wave the Sheep you prepare I'm going to go not going to read the rest of it right this second so in my opinion the discussion about unleavened bread is over so I think it's interesting that everybody whether you are from a messianic group or from an actual Jewish group always links the counting that we're going to breed about here in a minute of the owner to shovel out to some time during unleavened bread because really it doesn't say anything to link that to unleavened bread whatsoever unleavened bread he says and on the fifteenth day okay he says here at the end I'm in suing on the seventh day verse eight you're going to have a set apart gathering to do no work and then he goes into another discussion so I think it's very interesting that we you know for those who don't want to look to Judah everybody's looking to Judah otherwise you would never connect the counting of the Oh mer the starting of the counting of the 50 days to unleavened bread you would do it based just on you'd wait till the harvest was there and you go and reap it and you start counting so with all this arguing about do we count after this and County after that we'll talk about that in a minute just remember that there's nothing scripturally here that links this don't let you out there's nothing in there's no scripture that links it's unleavened bread and you will not see as we've continued to read anything that says and when you do this based on the Sabbath during unleavened bread as a whole first all it doesn't say anything about unleavened bread here interesting so how how come we do it the way we do because our older brothers the Jewish community who we follow on you know on the things that we don't know otherwise who are don't you know we said we said that during the identity teaching they've got the scholar will not put the part between their feet etc well this is this is why we do what we do and by the way whether you do it the one way or the other way those are both from Judah the Sadducees did it one way and the Pharisees did it the other so it doesn't matter okay so so this is called be kareem of the wave sheaf the waving of the omer of the firstfruits so this was something they weren't even going to do until they came into the land he says and when you come into the land and reap its harvest okay now and you shall wave the sheaf before Yahweh notice that nowhere in here does it say when you're figuring this all out that you need to go out and search for aviv barley or green barley or anything to figure out timing there's no mention that anywhere in here okay it's just not there now we're going to start a big debate you guys have to wait till the third teaching out of this after I finish this then the Sabbath then we'll get to the calendar issues okay and we'll cover all of them I promise now so now it's going to tell us more details than in verse 12 on that day when you wave the sheaf you're going to prepare a lamb a year old a perfect one as a burnt offering to Yahweh and it's a grain offering two-tenths of an Depot so I'm not going to go into all the details here okay and then we're going to get to verse 15 alright and it's going to tell them and from the morrow after the Sabbath from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering you shall count for yourself 7 completed Sabbath's until tomorrow after the seventh Sabbath he count 50 days then you shall bring a new new grain offering the Yahweh okay there's something to tell you what to bring in the offering and the rest of those verses there so you can read these verses through as it explains how to what what is expect now let's bear in mind this is important as we go through this almost all of these details here how much of a grain offering how much with what animals you bring etc are at the moment this is important rendered moot MOT in other words not doable or long no longer do we have the ability to do or whatever because there are parameters that are missing the law has not been done away with these instructions are still valid but they're valid within context and parameters okay let's understand law law today by the way in the United States or wherever your listening is no different than law back then for a law to be implemented you have to know who it's for when it's for where it's for what jurisdiction how its to be implemented who gets to decide if it's not implemented who gets to apply punishment to get to say what I'm saying laws don't just exist out in the ether and so this is with the understanding that there is a place there's a proper temple and tabernacle and altar to bring these offerings do we have that today no so that is by the way the only reason we do not do these things not because as Christianity taught you that Yeshua was the end-all be-all for all sacrifices which by the way there's no verse that says that but because there's no temple and there's no Levitical priesthood to do them because I can promise you read your Bible read the book of Acts read all the way through read some of Paul's letters they were still doing you know the temple offerings all the way till 70 when there was no more temple the Apostles and the disciples and all of those that were followers of issue what kept going to the temple all the way until there was no temple okay so so you don't need to get bogged down this is for the new person right for the new person you don't need to figure out the offerings and what it Etha is and what a hint is and and all these other things because we're not doing that right now there's no way to do it correctly and to implement it correctly so we're not doing it all right so let's understand that but what you do need to that there are observances and we're going to kind of get into this in a little bit here more there are observances that we can do and as we go through the observances that we can do one of the things we need to understand is that there is something called chavo which is our second mode demon this is the counting of the 50 days Cod again it's a hog has shop eloped because when we get to the 50th day you have what's called hog huh Chavo the feast of weeks okay in Christianity you learn this to be called Pentecost okay Pentecost again has the same sort of context of counting okay but it's the feast of weeks all right the feast of weeks cloud kashaf whoa now I don't want to get into big debates here we're going to cover during the calendar discussion so when they wave the sheaf okay because remember we're just kind of listening your 5 MOA demian we're going to get in more detail for them in a minute okay so we started off a Passover then unleavened bread then there was at some time at some point you're waving a sheaf okay one group believes you should wave that sheep on the day after the Sabbath the Saturday Sabbath it falls during 11 bread other group believes that you do that after the first holy day we're going to talk about why that is in a minute we're going to talk about the seven high ship ox but in understanding all of this just understand that there's a counseling of 50 days from whenever you count will settle that argument in the future here okay I know you're going to sit here system from tomorrow after the Sabbath well we're going to find out that there were two actually three during unleavened bread they could have been doing it after all but it says to count seven Sabbath's well it's Sabbath's of weeks it's the same way of counting Sabbath's of year in chapter 25 and we see that in verse 8 of chapter 25 when they're counting for the Jubilee okay so we're counting seven Sabbath's of years there's no Sabbath's like Saturdays they're to counting seven complete sevens you got to understand in the language of Hebrew that it was talking about sevens they didn't just use a week per se but it's talking about the sevens that's an argument for another time feast number one is got a whole bunch together with it the first moa team first of the mobile team is Passover unleavened bread and B Kareem or wave sheaf the second one is Shavuot which you see in verse 15 through 21 and we get to verse 21 it says and on the same day you shall proclaim and set apart gathering as your set apart gathering for yourselves you do know server I'll work on it a law forever in all your dwellings throughout your generations okay so there you have that then the next one is called the Crone true ah the Hebrew actually the Crone through a lot of people refer to it as yom teruah or the day of the trumpets it really in hebrew has more than idea of the day of the awakening blasts of the memorial or a memory of the awakening blast okz throne is a memorial okay that's in verse 24 and 25 speak to the children Israel saying in the seventh month on the first day of the month you have a rest a remembrance or memorial of the blowing of trumpets to set apart gathering you do no servile work you shall bring an offering made by fire to Yahweh okay then you have the fourth one which is Yom haki preme or the day of atonement actually it's in plural there is a yom kippur says yo Mikey Prem's as they have atonement and we also call that yom kippur and by the way with the Crone through ah your the day of trumpets a lot of people out there will be attacking calling it Rosh Hashana okay or the head of the year well actually if you go to Leviticus 25 it tells you that in the fiftieth year when you're going to declare and proclaim the year of release that's in verse 10 you're going to do this excuse me verse 9 you can do this on the day of atonement on youma keeper dream you're going to blow the shofar and then pronounce and declare the year so the year for count the time or the beginning of counting years is actually around the day of atonement not in a V or an April but more in toward September so there's actually two different calendars and we'll talk about this more in the calendar teaching going on in your scriptures here and so calling it Rosh Hashanah now the head of the year is actually appropriate because it's the first day of the month that you count when you're going to have the year of release just like we don't have a big deal about our vivre one but it's the first day of the month when you have Passover okay which is the 14th of that month now so then we have youma keeper dream in verse 27 of chapter 23 on the tenth day of the seventh month is a day of atonement it shall be a set apart gathering for you and you shall afflict your beings and shall bring an offering made by fire we're going to get into more details about that in a little bit here and then you've got hog high Sukkot and shamina at Sarat together so that's your fifth of the moa team because they're appointed times that are together so you have Sukkot or the feast of boobs and shamina at Sarat which is the eighth day assembly that's literally just what you mediator means means the Assembly of the eighth day okay that's a verse 34 through 36 alright which says speak to children Israel saying on the fifteenth on the fifteenth day of the seventh month is the festival of booths Sukkot for seven days fiame and the first days instead of our gathering you do no work so we're working for seven days you bring an offering etc now notice at the end of that verse isn't on the eighth day the eighth day is not an eighth day of Sukkot Sukkot is seven days he says on the eighth day you shall be a set apart Gavin view and shall bring an offering made by fire it is a closing festival you do no work so this is like a separate festival and we'll talk more about it in a little bit okay but notice that each one of these MOA team had set apart gatherings and they had a festival kind of idea about them together okay now so let's talk about these other things that were connected to them so we have five MOA team or five seasons remember these are appointed times the modem appointed time so in those times it may be more than one thing happening like Passover unleavened bread and B Kareem while happening in the same period right so then there are things called what we call high Shabbat high Sabbath's these are high days the Jewish community absolutely understands what a high day is when you cook you talk about going on a to one of the one of the Modine they will say things like yom tov or a good day but it's a high day okay and so they call them the high holy days because they have high Sabbath's on them there are seven of them well look at them verse by verse we have in the first one being the first day of combat so that's in verse 7 it says on the first day you have a set apart gathering and do no servile work in other words you treat it like it's a Shabbat so there are seven Shabbat that don't necessarily fall on the weekly set okay the first day of combat so okay so we see that that's a high day and by the way just so we can kind of hold your place here I just want to kind of bring out something that's important because this helps to figuring out the death burial resurrection of Messiah go to John 19 well we're going to hardly get through as much as I thought I'd get to today okay John 19 okay and we're going to look at verse 31 there's an important verse for you to know where it is because this helps people would understand how to calculate the death very limit and resurrection how many of you still believe well you don't the right that he is in I always thought that he died on Friday all these hands go up right okay why do we think he died on Friday because it says that they had to get him down because the next day was a Sabbath well let's read John 19:31 therefore since it was the preparation day that's what they call the day always before any Sabbath that the body should not remain on the stake on the Sabbath for that Sabbath was a high one see there's her hint it wasn't the weekly Sabbath it was a high Sabbath and so what high Sabbath happens right then if you know your Leviticus 23 you know this Passover and then it starts right into the first day of unleavened bread the first of commet so it's a high day so they needed to get them down because of Passover and unleavened bread not was Friday and so you can see how the Wednesday the Wednesday crucifixion would take you to Wednesday night you know starts it's after sundown starts the first day of unleavened bread Thursday was the first day of unleavened bread they had to get him down nobody was going to go to the tomb on Friday because Friday is the preparation preparation day for the weekly Sabbath they certainly weren't going to show up on Saturday because that was the weekly Sabbath and so they all showed up on Sunday we can also see that they went to buy oils on that Friday to get the oils to prepare for him they weren't buying the oils on Saturday to prepare to giving him on Sunday ok and so what you see is he was killed on the when was he killed the 9th hour while 3:00 in the afternoon and so three days and three nights he would have been resurrected Saturday afternoon about three o'clock because he is Lord of the Sabbath and so why wouldn't he be raised on the Sabbath now of course and the people show up Sunday morning the angel didn't say he left five minutes ago he said why are you here he's already gone he's been gone he's been gone for a while he's been gone but the key is the hints that you find in in different places new testament to show that if you're looking from a Hebraic israelite mindset and you know you're Tanakh you know your torah you know your old testament oh it's a high day i know what a high day is there are seven of them let's see this isn't during Sukkot this isn't during shovel oh oh it's during Passover time it's right before Passover he's killed when they killed the Lambs so that night began the first annual high day the first annual survive so they had to get him down because that day was a high day now here's another example in scripture where the Sabbath isn't actually talking about the Saturday Sabbath because people are going to make this argument in Leviticus 23 when we're counting the Omer oh you got to count Saturday's that's just not true scripturally that doesn't necessarily mean that every time you see the word Sabbath it's talking about Saturdays sometimes just talking about a high day okay so whether seven of these High days go back to Leviticus 23 there's something else that I missed I wanted to kind of touch on but I'll catch it later when I get to the when it comes to jhemini at Sarat do you remember when Yeshua went to it's also in John when he went to the feast in John 7:37 says he went to the feast this is Sukkot it was there at Sukkot he showed up at the end and he said it was on that day that great day of the feast that last day is also known as the great day she met Sarah it is the big great day because it symbolizes the forever they'll Omaha after we get through the Millennium it symbolized it will learn about that later in part 2 of the teaching ok so you see issuer actually giving us a hint of when that is he stood up on shamina at Sarat so that's John 7:37 you can see and on that grant and what he did he said come and drink of me okay maybe actually just turn there Rita - just to make sure that we have that read sorry for being so scattered today I'm like all over the place so on the last day the great day of the festival is she was stood and cried out saying if anyone thirsts let him come to me let him who believes in me drink hmm on the last day the great day to peace so as you go through this you'll see that he was there for Sukkot okay he was there for Sukkot and it was going well that's what was going on that was a timeframe of this okay this is Sukkot so what is the great day the last day the great day of the feast jomini at Sarat so here's to me that Sarah right there in John 7 all right let's go back leviticus so we're looking at the seven high day so the first one is the first day of unleavened bread verse 8 and you shall bring an offering made by fire to Yahweh for seven days and on the seventh day is they set apart gathering a micro kodesh you do now do no servile work okay so the last day of comet so the last day of unleavened bread also is a high Sabbath so there's two that's number two let's go to verse 21 this is now dealing with Shavuot and on the same day you shall proclaim a set apart gathering for yourselves you do know several I work on in a law for every new dwelling throughout your generations so there's high Sabbath number three then we go to verse 25 and that's yom throughout the day of Trumpets it says you do no servile work you shall bring an offering made by fire okay and actually the end of verse 24 says it's a set apart gathering there's your high day right you do no servile work the end of verse 24 to 25 then in verse 28 it says the number this is a fifth high day this is atonement okay verse 28 it says in you shall do no work on that same day for the day of atonement to make atonement for you before Yahweh your Elohim okay and in verse 27 it tells you it's a set apart gathering right on the tenth day of the seventh month the day of atonement is a set apart gathering okay so you know that's another high day also we see again in verse 31 it is a Sabbath of rest to you which means you do no work Allah forever this is the same thing talking about the day of atonement and verse 32 says it's a Sabbath of rest to you does that mean a day of atonement falls on Saturday no it simply means it's treated like a Sabbath so in case you think I'm just stretching things there it is in verse 31 32 you do no work a law forever throughout your generations all your dwellings and it is a Sabbath of rest to you and you shall afflict your beings okay hmm interesting okay so you have a Sabbath and it tells you it's from evening to evening so in case anybody wants to argue out there that Sabbath's are kept from morning to morning and there's a lot of people out there doing this here we're told from evening to evening you observe your Sabbath right there in verse 32 oh no no that's just for Day of Atonement now from evening to evening is how you observe Sabbath's okay so we're in Leviticus 23 still verse 32 so that is hi Dana were five and then we go to verse 35 and it says it on the first day this is now we're talking about Sukkot feast of booths on the first days that set apart gathering do no servile work and then you have on verse 36 it says for seven days you bring an offering on the eighth day jimena at Sarat you have a set of art gathering and you bring an offering the fire it's a closing festival you do no servile work now did you notice that it kept saying over and over again no servile work what that means is that you can do things on high days a high Sabbath that you can't do on the weekly Shabbat the one thing that you can do is anything necessary to do the festival you can cook and there are verses that back this up you can cook on the high day you can set up and feast on the high day but it's a set apart day what does that mean kodesh means it's a day where you can't do anything else but do whatever Yahweh purpose that day for okay that day has been purposed to serve Yahweh so each one of these High days just like the weekly Sabbath is a meek rock kodesh it is set apart for a purpose of serving Yahweh and his purpose is only and anything else has to be put to the side and so here it makes the specific saying not that's no work but no servile work in other words you don't go to your job you don't go do that which produces income but you may be doing quite a bit of work it's the feast so you know setting up and breaking down and cleaning up and cooking there's a lot of work involved in feasting okay he says so you can do that on these high days of course you're not doing that on you know high day number five because you're fasting okay the one for the ohm Kippur obviously you're fasting you're not eating okay now so there are seven right there five Modine there are seven annual or high days here are the seven high days the first day of unleavened bread treated just like a Sabbath the last day of unleavened bread Shavuot trumpets atonement the first day of Sukkot and shamina at Sarat so these are days you would need to make sure to have off from work these are days that you're not going to graduations these days that you're not going to wedding these days they are set apart for serving his purposes and his purposes only you're not going to do family activities with you know family and friends going out to wherever you go this is the days you're meeting him you're not meeting other people you're going to meet him on these days these are appointments with him and with his people okuu and by the way when I say with his people you can't just go meet with his people somewhere else and do whatever you want meeting with his people meeting with him so you got to be where his people are gathered together to meet with him okay that's what you do on the seven annual high days all right I've got time for one more piece of this I don't work out I guess okay so five low Adam seven - botz there are three what we call Haim or shallow ségolène three pilgrimage fees go to Deuteronomy chapter 16 okay Deuteronomy chapter 16 and verse 16 that should be an easy one to always remember 16 16 right Deuteronomy 16 16 three times a year all your males appear before Yahweh your Elohim in the place which he chooses at con tomate sucked a I shall vote and if contest Sukkot at the festival of unleavened bread the festival of weeks is at the festival of booths and none should appear before Yahweh empty-handed but each one should come with a gift in his hand according to the blessing of Yahweh with a blessing of Yahweh your Elohim which he has given you now so we've got three words here that you need to learn okay Bernie learn more with deme you learn micron codec three more you're learning a lot of Hebrew today okay so we have what's called the Haim okay ACOG is a festive day think of it as a holiday not holy day holiday because holiday what do we think about as a holiday it's a vacation a time away from something okay so this is supposed to be a time away from the world okay that's what cog means it's a kind of is at play a time when you go to way from the world is not what you try to do on a holiday hey we're going on holiday what does I mean I'm going to go do something else and get away from my cares and my job in my world and right so even though it is also a holy day but it's also supposed to be a holiday in other words you're taking time away from the world you're getting away from things now you're not just going anywhere you're going to meet with him so you're supposed to go three times a year all the mail supposed to go to the place that he chooses to go and have this refreshing away from all these other things to go and be festive is we supposed to celebrate so the hog means that it's a place you're going to go have a feast you're going to celebrate so then we have something called the shallows regulan that's another way that these three refer to shallows is this simply the Hebrew for the number three okay so if you're counting I'll catch taim shallows okay so it's number three so if you learn how to count in Hebrew like I did when I was in Hebrew school you know I'll catch them shallows you know okay so shallow and reg Alim the regulan means a pilgrimage feast in other words it's not just any kind of feast it's one where you have to go pilgrimage to there's one where you go to it's not like you're just going to do this where you are you pilgrimage to someplace all right so three times a year or seasons of the year all the males are going to pair up here before Yahweh your Elohim in the place where he chooses haha my throat SOG has Shavuot and Sukkot and that's actually what the Hebrew says you go into your interlinear read the Hebrew or into your homage into your Hebrew here it's gonna say Hanukkah Sukkot I mean swimming on comets out sagas Shavuot and hog ha Sukkot ok unleavened bread weeks and boots all right so this is really important now so as we kind of wrap this up one of the key though is it says where are they to be observed it says in the place where Yahweh chooses to make his name dwell he says you're going to go before Yahweh in a place he chooses okay he chooses in the place that he chooses alright so I know a lot of argument comes out of this like well well we're two or three or of us are there there his name is so that's wherever wherever that is and as long as just two or three of us that's it no that doesn't work that way necessarily well he chose to place his name I always used to teach he chose the place his name in Jerusalem so we all have to go to Jerusalem well I felt like the rock gave me a different answer last night when I was putting the finishing touches on this one as I always do on a Friday night you know what he has chosen at this time for us to be in the diaspora we're here because it's his choice so it says that he wants us to do these things where he chooses guess what he chose to you to be here whoo that's a little different for all these years they used to tell people well if you're not going to Jerusalem you're not keeping the feast right anyway well now I'm not so sure about that when Yeshua returns and he gathers us all together guess what then we're going to have Zechariah 14 then if you go to Zechariah 14 it says in that day if you do not come and keep the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem now you're going to be in trouble in Zechariah 14 verse 16 and it shall be that all who are left from all of the nations which came up against Jerusalem all the Gentiles shall go up from year to year to bow themselves to the king of Hosts excuse me the King Yahweh opposed and to observe the feast of booths cago Sukkot shall be if any one of the clans of the earth does not come up to Jerusalem Jerusalem to bow himself to the sovereign yahweh of hosts on them there is to be no rain etcetera etcetera hmm and if the clan omits ryeom does not come up and enter in then there was no rain and then on them is the plague which Yahweh plagues the Gentiles who do not come up to observe the feast of booths okay so you have to come up to Jerusalem but why would we be going up to Jerusalem men because Yeshua will have come back shall be now sitting on the throne because we're going to go to him and Dow at his feet okay so I'm going to say that 16:16 is that you're to go were you supposed to go with the group he's appoint you to go with here in the dispersion not just any two or three people gathered together claim that that's it he said he has set you in a group he sets you in a body he said two as a part of something if that's the case some of you scattered isolated not apart anything but you can try and become apart even virtually because we a look we live streaming as best we can but you have the ability when it comes to the pilgrimage feast to save up your second tithes we're going to do a teaching on tithing again two to three clarify all that and that money is for feast keeping and you would use that money to travel to these gathering places in the dispersion is that making any sense okay so this is a new thing that the you know the rock I believe just lighted my head up with at like 1:00 in the morning last night because I don't write these things on Friday night don't get me wrong but I review them before coming and allows that time when my family's already gone to bed everybody's asleep and I kind of go verse by verse to what I already wrote down to kind of make sure that I have what he wants me to give and sometimes he throws these little interesting you know clarifications informing so we're we do observe them in the place where Yahweh chooses and that has to do with where has he placed you if he's placed you here in MTO I then you're supposed to come to the M TOI observance if this is where he's placed you so I'm not saying everybody in the world whatever needs to come to the M times are if this is where he's placed you so then you should come three times a year and by the way people have asked why don't we do two or three days for shablow we do a week for unleavened bread we do eight days for for Sukkot what about the three times a year by the way we're to probably one of the only Messianic groups that does unleavened bread the same way that we do Sukkot a lot of people do Sukkot they have people gather together in a park somewhere in a public place somewhere for a week so we're not the only ones that do that but I don't know too many to do unleavened bread that way too and it's shameful the verse says three times a year you do these things now of course shovel it's a one day event so it's a little tough to make people travel that far for a one-day thing I don't know how that's going to work in the dispersion but what if we made it a 3-day thing where you can come and we could go someplace and be for three days where the one day is Shavuot so you get there the first day we're all getting prepared and excited then we have shablow together then we have another day together so maybe for a three day event that might make some sense so let's let's consider siddur how we can do that so I wanted just to throw that out there to kind of introduce you guys to the basics of this we're going to wrap up here this is perfect fake so now in part 2 we're going to talk about how they are observed okay and then why we're observing them and what they symbolize okay so this is going to work out perfectly so what did we learn today we learned today that yahweh has said and proclaimed and to us and we're to proclaim them within the body that he has appointments he has what we call mo a team or set appointed times and that these appointed times are meetings with him that he has declared and that there are five of those seasons or times okay we went through those five times you got Passover unleavened bread and all of that right then you got Shavuot trumpets atonement and Sukkot okay then you also have the seven high days right first day of unleavened bread last day of unleavened bread Shavuot trumpets atonement first day of Sukkot and Jimena at Sarat okay so you have those seven then you have the chalo Strega lien now Komatsu gaga shall vote at Cana Sukkot unleavened bread feast of weeks and Feast of Tabernacles we feast of booths right okay so cooked okay so hopefully that's all starting to make sense to you and it's starting to come together I still haven't answered what you need to do on them I'm going to talk about that how do we keep these things what do we do what we what's expected of us next week in part two I'm a I mean okay father we come before you and we just want to pause to just to really appreciate that you have given us appointments times to meet with you that you've given us these appointed times that we can get away from the world and all the cares of the world have our time away and be with you now father it's like you're saying come leave all that behind come be with me come spend time with me father we want we hear you we are listening that you want us to come be with you on these days on these times and father help us to embrace that if you are wanting to be with us why would we choose to be with anybody else on those days why would we even think to choose to be with anybody but you when you our Creator our king our sovereign why would you our Father why would you why would why would you choose to be with anybody with you Father help us to understand and embrace it as Israel that these days were proclaimed by you through Moses to us to be kept and observed and because they are going to teach us as we get into the next part of this we learn so much about why why do we do these things what do we what do we get from them what does it do to us and for us and then how does it affect our relationship with you so father we want to thank you thank you so much for giving us time date we'll call these special dates with you and help us to truly commit to hold on to the cling and do our utmost as keeper said to observe and to keep these things father we thank you for these things we praise you we hope that everything that we do as we move forward brings you more glory and honor and that we do not shame you in any way as we come to you now in the authority of our master our Messiah who is coming our soon coming King Yeshua mashaykhina Yeshua our older brother issue a high priest father's in his name we pray Maine Maine [Music] you
Channel: Messianic Torah Observant Israel
Views: 14,631
Rating: 4.9250584 out of 5
Keywords: mtoi, messianic torah observant israel, steve berkson, covenant community 101, cc101, intro to the appointed times of yahweh, pesach, passover, matzot, unleavened bread, pentecost, shavuot, feast of tabernacles, feast of booths, sukkot, sukkoth
Id: pZ-lvfkWX-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 14sec (3974 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2017
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