couple build their own earthbag home DIY full timelapse 10 weeks in 10 minutes

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so [Music] hi welcome again to this episode of outlaw ecobuild if you're joining us from the very start uh here's our house which we constructed last year and if you have followed us since we made the youtube channel you will remember that back in may we started an extension of the house um you probably remember this scene where our house extension was still just a pile of bags today i want to show you the full time lapse of that build and i'm going to explain a little bit as we go how we did that and this will be a summary because of course it's not possible to cover all the details but if you check out the videos then you will find some more in-depth explanations of these this process so here we are laying the first bags of our gravel stem walls so these are double bagged um polyurethane bags and they're filled with gravel the first two courses we did like this to bring the the earth wall up um away from any possibility of getting wet here's the room as it is today um we've already completed the full earthbag walls and nick's put the roof on and i have finished the carp and today you are joining us uh yeah as we're at that almost finished stage so here we are right back at the beginning with our gravel foundations unfortunately we do have the footage of this area being dug out um but that was done uh by a good friend the digger driver who dug out this area of the the hill it's actually the part of the first terrace on our land is it's the bottom turrets on the hill and the space there is dug out from the second terrace um we had to pre-fill a lot of the bags for this build um firstly because it's easier for us we don't use that traditional method of filling the bag in place on the wall because we have nick and he's more than capable and strong enough to lift up the bags on top of the wall although that did nearly ruin him toward the end um and secondly we pre-filled those bags because the earth that we took away from this hill was actually in a big pile there on the site where we wanted to build the house so we needed to move the earth anyway and it made sense to move it just one time into the bags rather than moving it all and then filling the bags and then moving all back so here we are on the first course of earth bags we've laid the gravel bags and then the first course of earth bags and we marked out there where we wanted to install the doors and nick built these box frames as they're known which are kind of wooden a very sturdy wooden frame that will hold open the space in the wall way where you want the doors in the future this is not a door frame it's not going to stay in there um but it's used to withstand the force of the bags on either side that you can tamper all the bags super well or if you're unfamiliar with that term to pack down the earth as you can see nick doing there with that big um it's actually a pressure cooker pot filled with cement with a stick in i think it's his own creation um so that you can build up those walls around the box forms and in the end you can remove the box forms and install your doors or windows or whatever it might be in the opening in the building so this build this build this room is the extension to the rest of the house you can't see in this video the rest of the house because it's connected with that box that you can see there was previously the truck and the same digger friend i mentioned earlier uh came and helped us take that down off the back of the mercedes truck and place the box there in place that we could build the house around it so this is actually built into the house and this room on the end will be the bedroom for our eldest son and the box of the truck we still call it the truck will form two more bedrooms for middle and smallest ones and it's connected at the front there with a kind of conservatory um that's all glass and where we keep a lot of our plants one of my favorite rooms in the house um so yeah here we have the extra bedroom uh we're about halfway up the walls there nick is here measuring out the spaces where we will install some windows in our house built last year we installed all regular square windows um but in this case you can see here we we decided to experiment with these kind of concrete rings uh which will not only be the form for holding open the bags we're actually going to leave those in there and they will become the window frames um and i guess kind of like a shelf inside the room because we will place the glass toward the outside um so we placed those where we wanted them on the wall leaving enough space on either side that it's not too close to any to the end of any wall so it's not to affect the structure and we basically just built up the bags around them we installed the barbed wire as as instructed in the kind of continuous ring on either side and also a ring in the middle and those middle bikes between the windows until the bags were high enough that we could just put a barbed wire row again all the way around from door frame to door frame over the top of the round windows and then we continued with several more courses of earth bags until we were up to roof height um and that's pretty simple so we've got like a four by three meter room here um we managed to complete this in i think around ten weeks eight to ten weeks uh in our spare time it was not a full-time project we did this after work on weekends although that i didn't mean to make that sound easier than it was it was a lot of work but fairly straightforward and simple for sure by comparison to the house which was if you check out our first video the time lapse of the full house this was a lot more work and i think it took us around six months um but i think still that's quite a quick method of building um especially when you're doing it yourself and yeah there's many benefits to this way of building anyway and the price also the the cost effectiveness although it is much cheaper than conventional building and a lot more eco-friendly is a lot more labor intensive um but there's something really rewarding about that too um using your own hands to build your own home so here we're up to roof height the bags on either side are the desired height and we decided to do the left hand side of the building a little bit taller than the right as you can see here that you have a kind of slope on the roof to allow the rain to run away and good drainage because we will we will install a green roof on here we did this also with our house and we're going to do a full episode to explain all of that because this is a super cool way to build a roof we really like that so there's nick going in with the tongue and groove which is the first layer after the roof beams and the roof beams are eucalyptus poles the nick cut them down himself from the the forest on a neighbor's land here with permission um and yeah there's that tooling roof that's just standard stuff from the diy store um i began the cop here so there's a whole episode this week the the latest episode the last one um from this one um is a full low down on the cup the recipe and the application and yeah how to make the the ratios right that you get a good sticky cub mixture and some tips and tricks i love this phase of the build the cob really makes it look a lot less like a pack of stacked bags and there's nick putting in there the insulation boards and you will have to wait for the next episode on the roof to see more of that we um we're gonna do a full episode on how we did this roof and tell you how we did the green roof and what we found was the best way for that project um and yeah coming soon we'll hopefully be able to show you this finished build we have now some render to go on there the lime render some windows to install the green roof to finish and then interior fixtures we're gonna also share with you how we did the electricity and we have a bit more of a simple way to do that than the traditional way with these earthbag buildings um and some tiles to lay and then i think we can paint and put some furniture in there and the room is ready so stay tuned for how this turns out in the end we're going to share all the details on that with you and as always if you have any questions um if there's something we missed out or i didn't make clear please let me know i'd be happy to clear that up for you and yeah let us know in the comments below what you think of this video and any other information that you would like to know we'll be happy to share that with you we hope you enjoyed this video thank you for your time to watch this and your support please like and subscribe if you like what you saw here and have a great week we'll see you next week [Music]
Channel: Nick and Constance
Views: 112,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #earthbagbuild, #earthbaghouse, #diyhouse, #diy, #earthbag, #superadobe, #hiperadobe, #offgrid, #offgridfamily, #offgridhomestead, #survivalists, #naturalbuilding, #cobhouse, #strawbalehouse, #alternativefamily, #ecohome, #earthship
Id: ZviZi-vsctY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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