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I Phyllis here from seven frugal calm it's Saturday afternoon and I'm going to pick some chicken and dumplings for tomorrow so don't really liked it you know be cooking on Sunday I like to build come from church and just warm up something something good I might add for dinner or lunch on Sunday all right so I went to buy low and they had whole chickens they call them whole Birds on sale if you had your bonus car or a dog 29 upheld this is what I got now this is a whole large chicken place almost a five and a half pounds and it's from field L farms corporation in Georgia and it right on the rack where it says no added hormones and no steroids now years ago I got really sick of chicken you know the big chicken breasts they were just humongous and to me they were always tough so me and my husband both kind of got turned up on chicken from for quite a long time but anyway I have never tried this chicken I did look them up on the internet and they say that the chickens get a vegetarian diet and they're very strict about how they're with the chickens are raised and what their bed and the American Humane Society has sort of bottom is I guess okay but anyway we're going to find out if this chicken was good so I'm going to fix it in the pressure cooker because we're going to have chicken and dumpling so let me show you that all right the only thing I'm going to add to that pot is the water and some of my frozen sell it couple and pulls of that so now let's look at this bird now that the government says you should never wash your chicken and the reason is because you just spread germs around your kitchen where its splashes and everything and then you're washing it you know I don't really wash any of none eat that I'm going to cook because I know that the heat is going to kill any bacteria but I used to always wash chicken but this time I'm just going to dry it off so we'll open that pack and again I still don't have any plastic gloves so I was going to go how to open this and I'm keeping it right in the plastic bag I mean the two grocery store bags it's double bag and I'm sure there's no holes in the bag and it does look good I'll have to tell you it looks good yeah I think this is not a pan but it's probably older than six weeks for sure all right now I know there are some sacks in there with whatever the neck I don't know what else I guess we'll find out the heart the gives or the liver so I'm just going to clean all that out and then this is hard with your hands I know with no gloves yeah all right so now I'm just going to take a bunch of paper towels and dry it off because there is liquid in the bag - and dried off on the inside to get any little extra outfits in there a lot of that liquid is stay right in the bag okay inside looks like there's that's the heart run that out of him now I'm not going to cut the chicken out I'm just going to put it in the pressure cooker just like it is and again handling it as little as possible make sure there's nothing in the neck cavity there alright there it is it looks pretty good to me I don't see any bruises marks on it or anything anyway oh now I'm going to put a little trivet in the bottom of my pressure cooker to make sure nothing sticks to the bottom and again I've probably got about four cups of water in there I'm going to wash my hands without cutting off the camera so you'll just have to wait I'll be right back okay we're back we turn that up sick and see there's my pressure cooker now I'm going to cook this get that position for about 20 minutes with the pressure on high and then I'm going to just cut the burner off and let it sit until it all the pressure goes down and I can take the lid off and we'll let it cool before I pick the chicken off so don't this that's probably a good cup of celery turn my burner on me I'm going to have to wash my hands again and kind of wipe off everything a little Clorox water and when this is done and I'm ready to pick the chicken off we'll be back okay my chicken has cooked and I actually let it cook for about 30 minutes then it took it at least another 45 minutes to cool off and pour the pressure to go down and then we're going to see what it looks like okay something to see if it feels tender and it does okay now we're ready to drain the juice off of course I've got all that celery and at least I'm draining the juice off is because I'm going to actually put that in the refrigerator and let it be cooling so the fat will come to the surface see if I hold this lid on there this is very heavy so bear with me here let me move it out signals look sorry all right I'm gonna see if I can drain some of this anyway it's very heavy okay whoops about God all right now I'm going to actually put this juice in the refrigerator I'll actually put some ice cubes in it and see I've got about a quarter of an inch of fat floating on the top and I want to be able to get some of that fat all and I'm also going to dump the chicken out and kind of break it up so a cool lot faster we'll be back okay we are back and I've picked all the chicken off the bone got rid of the skin and the fat and all the little blood vessels and whatever now I'll have to say this chicken on the thighs and you know on the drumstick was almost as light as the breast meat was and also I decided to not wait for the fat to congeal on the top because there's really not that much of it say so I'm going to pour this into my pie and now I'm going to do something and not seeing other people do and I'm not sure why I do it it just makes everything taste better I'm going to put the juice of half a lemon in my chicken broth that'll do a little tip here if you put the lemon of half a lemon in your garbage disposal and turn it on without running the water and just let it sit in there all ground up it'll kind of really clean out your garbage disposal just thought I would share that all right now I'm going to go ahead and turn my burner up on medium-high to get get this broth good and boiling and I'm going to use about maybe a teaspoon of salt and my bra all right we are ready to make the dumpling dough now we'll move the camera back so you can see now I make mine just like I do biscuits except I don't make them as oh well let's say this I don't put as much buttermilk on them as I would biscuits and as I make them I'm going to put them in the flour and kind of get them all coated with water so that's what a tablespoon or so of Crisco and go ahead and put in a little more baking powder now I am using white lily self-rising flour and I think I need to turn my other light and I'm going to use whole milk buttermilk and while I'm making the little dumplings my Oh a little broth is going to get heated up again and I'll get it to just a good simmer kind of a high summer okay can i squish that the tablespoon or probably take a spoon and a half of Crisco and I think this is about 2 cups of flour and I did sift it first and I put in an extra little probably almost a teaspoon of additional baking powder even though this is self-rising now I'm going to pour the buttermilk in and again this is going to be a much stiffer dough than biscuits so I would be careful when I'm pouring the buttermilk in could just attach more enough again it's a very stiff dough and I do that because I like for the inside of the dumpling you know to be light now and you know by the second day it'll soak up the moisture but it'll still feel you know light not like gummy gummy dumplings I don't really like that kind of some people like that kind of dough now I make another type dumpling sometimes it's a real thin rolled out dumpling and that's really more like a title was like pasta really but they're good too and that particular recipe is milk in the actual broth all right this should be good enough right here all right all right now I'm just going to start breaking little pieces about the size of a tablespoonful and then mashing a little flat and this is very similar to the way I make dumplings to go in pinto beans which I love so just roll it out on a table spoon work and then drop it down a little bowl of flour cuz we want this coated with flour when we put them into the pan all right so I'm just going to keep rolling these out and get them coated with flour and we'll be back okay we are back and I've completed making my little dumplings and I sprinkled a little more flour on them I want all coated all right what's thing I'm going to do is dump in my chicken because I want the chicken to hold the dumplings up so they don't sink to the bottom and get all soggy all right we don't let this come back to it just a slight boil when it does we'll be ready to put our dumplings in so we'll be back all right my broth and chicken have come to a pretty good boil now and I've got it on medium now once I put the dumplings and of course it's going to slow the boiling process so I want to make sure each one is coating coated with the flour I'm going to drop them right in now don't want it boiling a whole bunch because I don't want it to boil over so I'm just going to dump all of them in make sure they're good and coated with the flour I'm going to put the lid on for 10 minutes and let them boil with the lid on not not removing the lid and not cutting down the heat just we want that that nice calm even heat someone trim my bar down just a little bit more cuz I don't wanna fall in too much because they'll break up the dumplings alright this gets ready we'll be back ok the dumplings have been cooking now really for about 15 minutes actually and what I want to do is I'll make this really the gravy that's in there and I want it to be thicker than what I can see so I'm going to add 3 tablespoons of the sole self-rising flour to about 3/4 of a cup of water now it's actually three heaping tablespoons so I'm just going to mix that up while we us can kind of get the lumps out of it and this is just a whole meal I'm going to take the lid off now and I'm going to just gradually add that excuse me the milk that that was too thick which would really be unlikely you could just add some water stir that around a little bit there's some lumps in that flour that's okay they'll really descend right now we're just going to continue cooking this for a few minutes until that flour thickens up that chicken broth we'll be right back okay my chicken and dumplings are ready and I want to show you what I'd look like we took one of them out now we will be having this for lunch tomorrow now even though the sauce looks a little running right now this is going off and set in the refrigerator overnight the sauce is going to thicken way up looks like a little biscuit on the inside and this will soak up water during the night and I'll have a light dumpling that's what I call them anyway a very light dumpling I'm not going to taste of it because it'll be too hot all right I hope you'll try this and this is just one version of chicken and dumplings now I don't put pepper in mine but most people do so at this point you might want to put I don't know as much as a tablespoon of black pepper in there then my husband likes the dumplings with red pepper and I like them with no pepper so anyway here's what it looks like a little miniature biscuit but again after it's set overnight it's going to it'll be moist on the inside all right we'll see you next time
Channel: Phyllis Stokes and Son
Views: 128,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hormone free chicken, steroid free chicken, high quality chicken, country chicken, simple chicken and dumplings, southern chicken and dumplings, chicken n dumplin, pressure cooker chicken, quick way to cook chicken, how to use a pressure cooker, Delicious Full Meals
Id: lxG11BC9pds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2013
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