Country life. The New Luxury

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as much as social media tries to dictate what we should be doing where we should be and what normal looks like I feel better when I'm missing out on all that because I've fallen in love with this little village beautiful people that live in it and the peaceful life in general my life now revolves around the homestead and then there are those occasional trips I make to the Farms that are a bit far away from where we live I really enjoy my simple daily routines which involve taking care of the gardens visiting my Farms feeding the chicken and taking care of the cows and going to the Village Market the fact that they are no timelines TI to these chores make them quite relaxing and fun too I didn't know things like watering a garden could be so therapeutic in my moments of solitude I ask myself why I spent so many years in the stressful life of the city life that almost drove me ins SC I ask myself questions like what if I started earlier than I did could things be much better than they are right now could I have done more Investments than I've done but then again everything happens at the right time this was the right time for me to move the biggest benefit I think has been on my mental health the thing that drive most of us crazy is the cost of living the crazy bills we have in the cities and now that I live on all almost zero bills I think my mental health has really improved my finances are just getting right and so is my mood I now live a very self-sufficient life I'm not totally self-sufficient but I'm heading there once upon a time I was married so we split the bill such that my ex-husband paid the rent and I bought food throughout the month so one month I decided to do my math I recorded everything I bought that month however small it was and I realized I was paying three times the rent so that just tells you how expensive food is so if you are beginning or you're on that journey to self-sufficient I I think the first thing you should do is have your food grow your own food keep your animals whatever can provide your food that will save you a lot of money and one thing I need to remind you is you don't have to have such a big chunk of land for you to be self-sufficient you can be partially self-sufficient by making good use of the tiny piece you have food can be grown even in balconies so space should not stop you from growing your own food and saving some coin when I was growing up I always wanted to live a luxurious Life For Me luxury was expensive cars Mansions the F life that is and I always worked so hard and I got part of these things then I realized it didn't bring that much happiness actually a poor man sleeps better than a rich man because they really have nothing to worry about they don't have money in the stock market losing value there they are just happy and they are having very peaceful nights they actually have all their wealth gathered Under One Roof but a rich man has a lot of stuff out there he's worried somebody could steal or somebody could just mess up with their money and they're not getting that good rest so for me the simple quiet peaceful life with just enough not so much is luxury these days I value simple things like a quiet afternoon under a tree not so fancy but it brings me a lot of peace and a settled mind for growth it's midm morning here and I'm cleaning some sesame seeds I recently bought I want to preserve them and I will be using a bit of it for our today's recipe I always wash my seeds I don't know if you do too let me know they usually have these tiny particles of sand which can be irritating when you're eating them so wash in makes them settle at the bottom of the Basin and the Sesame floats so it's easy to remove I will dry them in the oven for a few minutes until they are completely dry and safe for storage so I'll be using a bit of the sesame seeds to make a sesame butter just the way we make peanut butter and I will be using our blender the tiny part of the blender that is always used to crush things so our Sesame butter is thien nice so we going to fry some onions in a pan the onions are cooked they don't have to turn golden brown so I'm adding tomato paste and letting it cook for a bit that's paprika garlic powder and then we're just going to stir and mix it well and let the tomatoes and all that cook capsicum mix and then I'm just going to add in the pre-boiled SP spaghetti I've been eating a lot of spaghetti lately I bought a lot of them when Lexi was on holiday and she went back to school and we had a lot of stock left she's the one who likes eating spaghetti so I realize I haven't added salt so that's just a little bit of salt to taste and green onions then we are going to mix them again and once well mixed then we are going to add our butter Sesame butter and mix well and our spaghetti is ready so I'm serving my spaghetti with meat this is meat that was first roasted then cooked into a stew you should try this guys it tastes Heavenly and there's no better way to enjoy your lunch other than having it outdoors in the afternoon Breeze tell me if this is not luxury for the sun is just going down and I just love to watch it disappear behind the hills Simba and Jimmy are always great company when we watching [Music] sunsets Simba is not in very good mood today maybe he sick he's usually a very joil dog maybe he needs to be checked thank you guys for watching it's always really amazing hanging out with you remember to like the video and leave a comment otherwise have a lovely evening bye-bye I'll see you in the next okay
Channel: Jael of the village
Views: 15,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: meose2RaVis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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