Country Cottage Cleaning!

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right then guys it is a rainy soggy day let me close up my window I do this every time and then I get a soaked van right so today's job is this big lovely Farm cottagey roof check this out so it's actually quite a big job to be honest but the the sort of height of the roof isn't that bad so looks big hopefully won't take that long so the aim today we get the front done and the back um that'll leave tomorrow just to do the side I'm starting another job tomorrow as well but if we've only got the side left to do we'll only need one B here for half the day so um that's a plan front and back and then that'll be sort of like 75% of the job done I think um a few awkward little pictures like I'm probably going to have to get on the roof hook some cat ladders over um just to finish off some extra bits but shouldn't hopefully be too bad really we'll see how it goes um yeah so I'll get started guys it's a soggy day the fuel station was locked in by a big tanker this morning morning so we're starting quite late um the nearest fuel station from here is the only one I could go to the others are about half an hour away so probably would have been faster to go to the other one but yeah been a busy week so far guys we've done what have we done now one two let me check my list actually that will confirm it it's Wednesday Today by the way and we have done 1 2 3 four five five jobs this is job number six and it's Wednesday so we're doing really well anyway we'll get started and we'll go from [Music] [Music] [Music] there [Music] [Music] right okay then guys quick progress update so we've done that's just finishing off the last bit on the front now um so we've done all of this and I've done the other side of that as well so it's just this long side here um and the back to do now and the time is 12:00 so I actually got on the roof obviously bit hard to film that guys but um I jumped up onto the roof and I got a lot of the awkward stuff from there off the cat ladders so um I'm just set up here it's not the most ideal spot for and it's really bloody windy right here as well um but it's the best I can kind of do cuz that Side Access is is pretty n so um yeah so what I'm on about I got when I was on the roof I got the inside of all this so there's one two three little Peaks here um that I've already done so it's just this side bit which is going to be quite a long reach actually this will probably be the hardest side of the building there's a lot of moss on it as well just straight down there so hopefully I'll be able to reach and then it's the back which will be probably the easiest bit we've just got maybe three scaffolding movements um on the back there so yeah right I hope you're enjoying this week so far guys we've got two three more days to go actually cuz I'm working Saturday as well so we got at least three more jobs to do um right let's get this fit done oh yeah I don't know if you've noticed but I went home and had to changeing clothes because I got when I was up on that roof obviously the wind was just blown it all straight back into my face I was up there for about an hour and a half so as you can imagine I got absolutely drenched head to toe all the way through my coat through my hoodie through my t-shirt down my trousers up my legs the lot see I was shivering okay let's get this bit [Music] done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] ah what a shame I'm just a bit too short because all big enough uh I have got two extra extensions guys but in this wind I do not want to put them on I just feel like it's just going to take the pole um I'm kind of at my limit there I think to what I can hold so um a little bit annoying we're going to have to set up around the front just to get that actually you know what I might get on the roof and just blast that real quick actually in a minute um but apart from that guys we're on to the back now so yeah let's go not too messy even a little bit of M down there that sweep up easy the walls are like painted you can rinse them down um the gutters are all nice and thick so um there's no problem you know I can just SWR that out now and just bu it all out it's really easy to clear so yeah Happy Days right guys we did a mega shift time is half 5 and we have done it so the job still needs to be chemically treated and just a few little touchups um sort of when we've got the light um in case there's any mud splashes on the ground and stuff that we haven't noticed so the guys are going to come back in the morning and do that while I start a new job but yeah sorry the lights's probably really low but but it looks beautiful guys it looks really nice um obviously there's the back which I cleaned I didn't show you you saw me cleaning the side there um the back was a little bit spooky to be honest guys cuz I didn't realize that there was loads of big power cables running across it so in the end we had sort of set up on either side of the house we did a really long reach to get what we could um and then we had to only build the Tower up halfway to get the middle section of the back whoa I nearly went to get the middle section of the back um because too risky way too close to the power lines so I didn't want anyone dying on my watch today um yeah so just a bit of tar I mean the guys will talk us out in the morning tomorrow um but there's that's what the back looks like guys so I know it's going to be very hard to see um yeah it's just a long stretch that keeps on going um so we're leaving that Tower up again for that cuz of those uh thingies to get the chemical treatment on the back yeah there's been no customer here um I don't think the customers back on Friday so they're going to come back to a mega a mega job so hopefully they'll be very pleased I think they will be it looks really nice really neat and tidy I do want to clean this painted render here um so I'm going to ask them about that if they want me to clean it not this time I'll come back and do that another time but we've got other jobs to get to yeah no issues there's like not really any broken tiles these tiles are notorious for breaking um not from cleaning them but just over time they break and they get really brittle and snap easy um I think there might have been like one maybe so yeah good roof good job long day man it was so windy as well I had to go home because I got on the roof there let to go home get a change of clothes anyway right I'll see you guys tomorrow I'm doing another roof tomorrow uh colen's back tomorrow to have the day off today I can't remember what for um yeah he's back tomorrow so full team again tomorrow the guys will come and finish this is the morning me and Colin will start a new roof and then yes that'll be Thursday Friday we've got a mega job and Saturday we got an easy roof so busy week actually a record week guys if we manag to get everything done this will be an unbeatable week I think yeah right see you in the morning W morning guys it just gets better doesn't it uh I loveely as you can hear that it's a lovely rainy day today let me show you this roof me and Colin on it today why didn't you introduce yourself Colin and tell everyone a little bit about you not I'm getting too wet getting too wet we going have to do it another day wait till the sun's out yeah yeah all right so this is our roof today nice and straightforward good access around the back good access around the front um easy peasy as I said um at the end of the last video or the previous clip the guys are just finishing off that big roof we were doing yesterday um yeah rainy but should be nice and straight forward today uh we got a helper on we've got a helper on the job site today guys this is Stickman um yeah he's uh happy to see us but he's pped up got his work boots on his gloves and he's ready to go so we'll see we'll see what he gets done today he does look a little bit too excited though doesn't he we'll see how it goes anyway guys I'll set you up on the scaffolding and we will get going um we set up in about 30 minutes that's what I aim to do let was just tell in Colin that's get to the job we like to get there for 8 be set up by half eight then you can have a drink sit down um and then start cleaning but all you need to do guys literally turn up to the job put your car out put your scuff holding enough take the gutters off get your stuff ready to go fill up your water tank fill up fuel done easy peasy all right then let's oh H go turn the pressure down a little bit maybe about there just keep an eye on that pressure for me I might need it adjust in a bit get me gloves on take up a cloth with during these rainy days because my glasses get covered in water and I can't see get my gloves on and then we are cleaning guys if we making good time today we'll get col doing a bit as well might get to do that second movement we'll see what the time is um I just want to make sure we get this front done by the time the other guys have finished that job just so they can basically just park up and uh uh start cleaning up around the front and we're out the way you know not having scaffolding and stuff to P down around here and all that crap so yeah let's have a look at this roof little bit of moss on the lower part but not too much so that's a good sign all right we can see what color this roof is going to see I'm getting water on this lens ready you can see what color the roof is going to be you can always tell by the lead strips guys um just under lead there's always a bit of a clean Pat so yeah right not too shabby I'll aim to get sort of like up to there these toiles can be a little bit tricky cuz you got to try and angle the nozzle so you get both sides of it otherwise you can leave like black streaks um so you don't want to stretch too far if I try and do by the chimney over there the back side of the Towes going have a black line on it so no harm in two movements right [Music] p p paa [Music] p [Music] la [Music] [Music] pap [Music] p [Music] okay then guys and just like that we are nearly done so all the spot stuff's done done as well top bit so we just got one movement there to finish that off then we're run the back the time is 9:37 so yeah we should be done that yeah call P 10 maybe at the latest [Music] cool [Music] right folks would you look at that time is 10:20 so uh not bad I just need to swir out that bottom go but this top one's all been cleared out um just a little bit of ground stuff to rinse off now take this Tower down set that up around the back and start around there yeah look at that I am very pleased that looks beautiful hope we get some of the neighbors there look at the difference oh check my hose out guys can you see that time for a new hose I've got like three another leak there and another leak there oh it's bit slippy this [Music] yeah yeah it's just not so good in the in the winter who's that we're done here now mate sweet it's Aaron sorry Aaron you'll see that video and see me ignore his call but I have got to get this set up first I love doing the ones on raiseed gr mate you like it feels so high compared to normal so easier to reach everything yeah save your back thank you mate many I have six month I'm an old man in this game now fresh blood hates it though because of don't um I told him I'm not daddy's not driving loles anymore you don't bring any more biscuits oh no we'll have to stop off at the shop on the way mate no we don't M unless you unless it's put on the uh the car your car then yeah but I'm not stopping no all right we've got got to go in this mate that are going to need to come out guard so those PL all the plastic that's in the gutter in they need to come out yeah Bas all of them Lo yeah it's across the whole thing basically whenever we've got a job like that and you go up and if there's any plastic guards in them or hedgehogs we call them just take them out yeah they need to go I see I know it's obvious why they're there yeah right all then folks this is what we're dealing with up here nice talking to the audience mate you piped down you I've got to get used to that um yeah this is what we're dealing with up here so let's see we're nice and Tall so we can clean down this will not take me long at all I'm a little bit wobbly though sorry for anyone's scared of heights um I'll have to adjust these legs ah look look who the corporate was it was calling on that last leg so he's getting a sack guys I think he's uh just not performing well that could have killed me down there I'm joking he's doing good um so Colin's going to put a tarp on that Conservatory he's got a broken Gutter and he said the middle panel leaks and there's a little roof above it so we're going to toar underneath the gutter in um and sort that out um but I'll get moving in a minute and starting this I reckon this will probably take me an hour so we should be making really good time right sweet ready to go who I nearly went then mate nearly went my heart just fell out my butt got your GoPro out there mate yeah that would have been good for video not good for me though not good for you would have got the views though my heart my heart just went all the way down and I nearly fed it [Music] out [Music] [Music] [Music] 40 minutes that's what that took guys 40 not bad at all there all right then folks the Cavalry is here we have uh where'sa he's down there so we've all done now we all finished the job just started by a hiding and of course it's just raining but we've committed now the front was done before it even started spitting um and obviously we got run the back and now it's pouring it down so this is probably a waste of time and money but um that's why we've got a guarantee for a reason so you'll know if you've cleaned a roof and the treatment hasn't been successful because of weather you'll know in about 6 months put it that way but um I run a 2-year guarantee which most people don't do um but that's what I do because I trust that we do the best job ever so if anything goes wrong within that 48 month period I'll come back and sort out for for um this job is very close to home it's actually 10 minutes from my house anyway so it's not too much of a bother um you know so I can pop back whenever basically but yeah for anyone I get a lot of comments actually in know a couple of chaps asked yesterday um about it regarding the weather this rain to be honest I think the front might be okay uh the back's but we might as well just carry on we already got half play through and it started pouring down it's probably going to dilute it too much I don't know it's one of them we'll know in about 6 to 8 months to be honest guys so um looks like I'll probably be coming back to retreat the back but it will be nice Autumn time them anyway it'll be good time to treat it again so if you know it's going to forecast rain uh it wasn't meant to forecast rain we rained in the morning and then it said it was stopping at 9:00 and then it was going to be just cloudy for the rest of the day but obviously yeah pouring down so we got caught out today on a far away jobs I wouldn't risk it I'd just you know what I mean I'd just pack up and probably not even do the job to be honest if it's more than an hour away I'd just reschedule it for another day but for the most part weatherwise guys a little shower here and there isn't going to hurt your treatment at all it's just if it comes down repeatedly kind of like it is now it's probably going to wash it all away before it gets CH to do anything um so yeah something to bear in mind so a little bit of a downer there at the end of the day but still it is only 10 to 2 so job is all done um 10 to 2 so yeah you can't Grumble at that um customer was great as well kept bringing us like teas and stuff rinsed off all the drive everything's rinsed down nicely see yeah it's proper coming down now that's just I might as well tell them to stop the thing anyway guys thanks for watching starting a a brutal job tomorrow guys so for Friday as well so I'll see you tomorrow all right folks thanks for watching that video uh we did a mental job on the Friday I'm really sorry I didn't film it I got like about two hours in and I was like I really should film this um I didn't film to begin with because the job had been stressing me out for quite a long time to be honest with you there was a lot of really hard Parts on it and stuff I've been having sleepless nights over it but we turned up and I was like I'm not filming this I just want to stay locked in and get the job done but it ended out really nice and it was much less harder than I thought it was going to be and it turned out to be a really nice day and I was like halfway through the day I was like should film it and then I didn't and then cuz I thought it'd be too late to join the job halfway through anyway my mistake I should have and then that was the Friday then Saturday we did a really nice roof scraped it it was frozen I was up on the roof um doing dangerous activities while the guys were on the tow so I didn't film that one because everyone in the comments would moan at me um so yeah basically that's the end of the mega week we did two more jobs after the end of this video both really cool really good jobs we had a record week we've smashed out the park it's awesome so today is Sunday while I'm editing this video tomorrow is Monday and it really begins so Colin's full-time he passed his trial he is officially a full-time geizer with me now um and yeah we'll smash it out wait for Dad and Isaac to come back in a couple of weeks time and then that's it folks uh I'll be looking to get one more guy in and then we're complete so yeah all right guys thanks for watching I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Partridge Exterior Cleaning
Views: 30,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roof cleaning, softwashing, window cleaning, exterior cleaning, gutter cleaning, unger, roof scraping, pressurewashing, upvc cleaning, cleaning
Id: 9uEu382ebX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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