Counter-Strike - DE dust2 HD
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: flashdeckanimations
Views: 114,727,309
Rating: 4.8047185 out of 5
Keywords: counter strike, valve, cs, counter-strike, de_dust2, de, dust2, series, animation, gaming, fps, first-person, shooter, funny, flashdeck, flash deck, wx, wei xing, stickman, stickmen, parody, flash, dumbass, the pro, camper, killer, assassin, freekill, psycho, swat, striker, lagger, fd, god, newbie, hacker, admin, chicken, chase, best, ownage, css, source, counterstrike, ace, comedy, montage, animation short
Id: 5Cjrp23lBSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2009
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The dumbass always survives!
My god, they knew!
oh camper camper...
yea awesome animation. Fun to remember. I wish the hacker's wrath project wasn't canceled
I remember in school a bunch of CoD fanboys watched this everyday in the library, they'd named them selves after the characters in the videos. they didn't even know or play cs.
I remember watching before I even thought of playing cs very long time ago :D
All I remember is McDiddies
That video was the first thing I ever saw relating to cs
The animator was actually one of the animators for the movie Gravity