Counseling Student REACTS to Dr. Maruki & Joker Session (Persona 5 Royal)

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hi my name is john and for those of you who aren't familiar i'm working on getting my master's degree in clinical mental health counseling and so today by popular demand we're going to be looking at dr maruki's session with joker and because you know joker's not always the chattiest guy this one's gonna be a little bit different so if you don't want spoilers for the third semester in persona five royal make sure to click off this video right now because they're gonna be lots and if you like this content you want to see more of it coming from this channel make sure to like the video subscribe and ring that notification bell so you never miss another upload and i would really appreciate it if you shared this video with your friends whether that's on twitter discord or anywhere else you like to share things but with all of that out of the way let's just jump into the video okay so this one starts a little bit before the session actually starts and he's talking to kasumi asking if he's here for a session as well okay so i actually think that this is kind of cool because this gives us a little bit of insight into a lot of maruki's other sessions because we know if you've played through the entire persona 5 royal that he met with kasoo kasumi way before he started working at shujin and that's how her whole situation kind of started i think that this is interesting that she's still meeting with him though because this shows a level of consistency so he is continuously meeting with her and so that likely means he meets with a lot of other clients on a more regular basis or students in this in this instance and so that's something that we just don't get to see ourselves we see the first session and then it just kind of trails off from there we don't really see or know if any of the other phantom thieves besides joker and kasumi go back to see him and so seeing that he does have this steady stream of appointments with kasumi is really really interesting and cool and i wish that we could see a third session a fifth session to see how his process develops how he might set goals for his clients so that they can reach their goals or if he even does that because we know that he's kind of a fixture he fixes his clients problems for them so that they don't necessarily have to do it for themselves which isn't the best thing for a counselor to do i don't know this raises a lot of questions for me i think it's really interesting but let's just keep going she mentions that she's been seeing him for a while and i the the maruki awkward we're just gonna call it the maruki awkward it strikes again don't go over selling me i actually don't mind this at all though uh because when we're talking about confidentiality this is a completely different situation than when he breaches on in ryuji's confidentiality to yusuke which at this point is later in the story because everyone knows that's mandatory for every student in shujin to go see dr maruki so since kasumi brought up that they've been seeing each other for a while even before they were at shujin i think him just kind of saying uh don't over sell me and kind of just kind of changing the subject a little bit not really addressing it i think it's more than fine i think it's more than okay and in a school saying like this where you're going to see all of the students in the halls there's only so much you can do in terms of that so this completely fine and he's looks like he's trying to temper joker's expectations which yeah whatever and then she pieces out all right so cuts to black they enter into the office and so i think it's important to say how i chose the dialogue choices for the rest of this session and honestly it's just the dialogue choices that i naturally gravitate towards and thought would be the most interesting to talk about for this session i'm not going to go through each and every dialogue choice that you can have in his responses to those because i feel like at least for me that would be a little bit redundant since they all come to the same track eventually and so what i said here is that joker's feeling maybe a little bit nervous and maruki responds just by saying that ugh maybe you don't have to feel so tense we're just gonna have an ordinary conversation and i love how he does this i think that this is one of his greatest strengths is being able to kind of start easing the students into these counseling sessions counseling sessions can be a really anxiety inducing thing for so many people and that's so normal and so murky being able to have this understanding that this could cause that anxiety just kind of easing it in just saying we can just have a conversation if we do get into some deep stuff we do if we don't we don't and that's completely fine taking it at the client's pace is so so so essential because if you try to dive deep in and the client says uh maybe let's not go there or they give some kind of cue that tells you that they don't necessarily want to go there then maybe you can realize okay i should pull back but if you keep pushing on through you're not going to be able to develop trust with a client and trust is so essential and i think it's also important to note i haven't really said this in any of the other videos but it's your job as a counselor to provide the resources that your clients will need whether that's community resources or let's say you're just not meshing well together so opening up that conversation of i've been feeling some resistance throughout this process are you getting what you want to out of this counseling if they say no then looking at your options maybe a different counselor would be beneficial to them not everyone is going to click with every single counselor and that's okay sometimes it just doesn't click and so it's supposed to say i like how he says this so let's keep going all right it cuts to black okay okay so i love this too because we're just going to say confidentiality was addressed in that cut to black as always if you want to go hear my thoughts on confidentiality go to my first video with dr maruki and i explain that really in depth there but i really like how after it appears that joker has given his full story from his point of view this is when dr maruki says okay i've got to be honest with you the school board did kind of give me the rundown on your situation before we even met and the reason that this is important to say now is because he gave joker the opportunity to share his side of the story without any reservations we don't get to hear it obviously because you know silent protagonist problems but he gets to share that i've worked personally with a lot of adjudicated youth throughout my schooling and career and a lot of times the biggest issue of youth who may have gotten into a bit of trouble is that people won't listen to their side of the story and so they have a lot of problems some of them not all i don't want to use broad brushstrokes but might have a lot of trust issues because no one heard them out and so giving that opportunity for marquis to actually hear joker out no one's really hurt him out besides van and ryuji up to this point so jiro didn't the school definitely didn't and so this is fantastic but also having that transparency saying i did hear about this and because let's say that came out three sessions down the road and joker was just operating under the assumption that all he knew was his own perspective that could break trust so addressing this a lot sooner is fantastic and that might rub joker the wrong way definitely but it's better to be honest and upfront with someone than to hide things and have it come out in an unceremonious kind of way so good on maruki here too and so in these dialogue options we can even see kind of why i was talking about how joker could have said so much for my privacy and you know that could be something that comes up i still think being completely honest with your client is so much better than hiding stuff or compartmentalizing stuff like that because that shows them that they're more able to trust you and maybe you will rub them the wrong way and again they can maybe want to talk to a different counselor who doesn't have that background understanding that's fine whatever their comfort level is at but then i i don't really i know that this is just to dovetail everything back into one uh concise conversation i don't really know what he's doing here it sounds like he's just kind of talking to himself saying uh have you forced yourself to accept everything nah that's not it why not just ask joker obviously silent protagonist problems i get that but in a real counseling session just ask that open-ended question of do you feel like you had to force yourself to accept everything that happened and if he says no then he says no and that's fine but maybe that is how he feels and you can process through that so it's weird i think it's just because of the nature of the scene but let's keep going okay he's kind of going into a little bit of a monologue and so here margie's really focusing on joker's strengths from the story that he told being able to reconcile your internal and external world and i think that that's good that he's acknowledging those strengths i think it's a little bit early in the session to be making such broad brush strokes but for all intents and purposes this is an intake assessment he's checking each and every student to see whether or not they need additional services based off of what they tell him as we know joker's a pretty put together dude throughout the course of the game the anime anytime we see joker he's got pretty well together and so him acknowledging that because it probably is pretty apparent as they're talking to one another i think is good and so joker looks a little bit curious and he starts explaining himself okay okay so actually i'll let it run for just a little bit here yes maruki is projecting onto joker right now because he says that a lot of times people won't be able to mediate that internal versus external reality essentially that can take them to some dark places as we know and we learn in the third semester this is alluding to exactly whether muruki is consciously acknowledging this right now or it's completely unconscious the loss of roomie has really profoundly affected him moving forward in his life and that's kind of led him to the point he's at right now he's in a dark and twisted place and all he wants to do is help people but as a counselor he's not doing it how a counselor should he's not empowering them he's trying to fix them he's unable to mediate the internal reality and how he perceives things with how the rest of the world in the external reality is and so he's creating this very much this dissonance within himself and he might be looking at joker saying i might be kind of jealous that you're able to cope with everything so well it kind of reminds me of how aketchy looks at joker seeing how joker's able to move through life find friends be able to mediate his situation so gracefully and so well so i'm almost seeing kind of a parallel between maruki and akechi in terms of their views of joker right now and he again he's saying it's so admirable that you're able to stand up to it and to be fair he is putting a lot into probably what's been a 25 to 30 minute conversation you can learn a lot about someone from 25 to 30 minutes but he is giving joker a lot of credit here which i'm not saying that the credits not do but saying that he's fully coordinated his internal and external world maybe joker is just the kind of guy who knows what answers to give to a counselor a lot of people know what to say in certain situations how does he know that this isn't a pardon the joke but a mask he's using a facade and that he's actually having a lot of inner turmoil but going on this big long monologue about how great joker is just seems kind of strange i don't know maybe that's just me but this could also be because he knows that joker is already a phantom thief he's already seen him ryuji and on exit the metaverse and he already has a sneaking suspicion that they're the ones responsible for kamashita's change of heart and so that could be why he's putting all of this onto joker in this moment i'm not saying that counselors shouldn't acknowledge their clients strengths they 110 due it's just they seem to have just met and these are some big compliments coming out of maruki but yeah joker being joker agrees and barbecue says you're not deflecting you're not self-deprecating which self-deprecation is maruki's bread and butter he loves self-deprecation maybe he doesn't love it but he certainly uses it a fair bit and so again kind of looking at kind of how they're this yin and yang situation which we do see by the end of the game kind of does turn into this battle of ideologies so i think that that's a really kind of funny line he hears the bell and it was just kind of conversation i'm not gonna harp on him not using time efficiently and uh here we go he brings up his research and this is the research is really interesting and very plot relevant and so i think it's important for this to be part of his confidant and he's very vague about it at first here as we see and so joker says so what and then marky asks joker to be part of this research um i hate this i hate this oh no because overall this wasn't a bad session a little bit weirdly complimentary of joker but it wasn't it wasn't bad by any means joker is very well put together this this is as inappropriate as it gets though for a counselor because this creates a dual relationship and so that's creating a dynamic between him and the client that is outside of just that therapeutic relationship doesn't matter if joker never comes back to counseling again there's still a statute of limitation there where you shouldn't have any relationship with anyone with you've met with in a counselor client relationship for literal years you shouldn't do that and so asking four seconds after they're done with the counseling session totally totally totally inappropriate for a clinical mental health counselor which is the role that dr maruki is acting in right now he's not acting in a traditional i'm from america so i'll use an american school counselor as an example he's not acting as a school counselor he's more a counselor in a school and so there are distinct differences between those professions where a school counselor at least again in america uh i personally am not familiar with how it operates in different cultures if you know about that stuff i would love to learn but at least in america the school counselor while they do do mental health stuff it's always very short term they might do crisis management but they're really focused on social emotional health for all students career stuff and their academics and those are kind of the three tenets of what they do and they need to disperse their time over all three of those core tenants within an american school counseling system whereas a mental health counselor is able to have these more profound mental health conversations is able to go more in depth with the actual counseling piece and so ah this is really this is really not good and while i'm not going to look at the entire social link today we see that they start becoming a lot more enmeshed with each other and ah okay let's continue okay he's asking to bounce like bounce ideas off of and he's oh maruki you and your snacks and joker asks the good question why me though and marky doesn't really give a straight answer because he can't really say well i've been interested in you ever since i saw you leave the metaverse a couple weeks back oh okay and he'll repay you for it so now they're getting uh it's it's becoming such a a deal and it it's so i'm sorry it's so it's so gross you can't have dual relationships i know i'm harping on this a lot it's because it's so important and it's so unethical and i i'm flabbergasted i'm absolutely flabbergasted that he's well i guess i shouldn't be surprised he's a researcher at heart first and so his research takes precedence over anything so if he thinks that joker can help him with his research that he's been working on since he was a grad student i guess it stands to reason that he would take that opportunity that doesn't make it any any better though mark markie's such a nice guy he's such a genuine person and i believe that if you watched my session where he talks with haru he genuinely could be such a good counselor but he just makes so many decisions that just weird me out gross me out aren't ethical and while i'm sure he has he clearly has some level of counseling education under his wing he seems to be playing uh fast and loose with what rules he actually decides to abide by within the counseling profession which when you're dealing with people's mental health you should probably kind of play it more by the book because these ethical codes aren't just there to make things more difficult it's there to protect the clients and to a large extent even yourself as the counselor so and they exchange contact information with the times that we're living in right now usually i would say that maybe you shouldn't do this if you only have a personal phone but with the times we're living in with covid19 now date this video immediately but with covet 19 happening telehealth and telemedicine is becoming so much more prevalent that a lot of people won't have work phones and so i'm my tune on this one has kind of changed i don't think it's inappropriate by any means to give your client your phone number because if there is an emergency they're able to connect with you and contact you but they should be the ones doing the contacting unless you have a very good reason very good reason for connecting with them whether it's reminding them of a session whether it's something involving their life a checkup whatever it might be there must be a good and therapeutic reason to reach out to them which as we see throughout the course of the game barbecue just text joker here and there saying hey you want to help out with the research today which ah it it goes back to that dual relationship but it it's icky it's just icky and so the rest of the session just kind of plays out with marky starting to talk about his mental training which honestly i loved in the game because i like having more sp but uh wow this one was rough city the counseling session itself if we just looked at that in isolation not bad not bad at all i can't say that enough he didn't do anything that raised huge flags or anything like that it's what happened afterwards they gave me the heebie jeebies i've seen so many comments saying things along the lines of i would love to have dr markey as a counselor because i feel like i could actually open up to him and i can totally respect that a hundred percent he has by far one of the better dispositions for a counselor because he's able to provide that really positive regard that unconditional positive regard that shows that he actually cares it's just he's not only supposed to be someone that you can talk to he's supposed to be someone who can challenge and help lift you up to be better than you can be and he just doesn't do that because really when it comes down to it he's only in it for his own motivations obviously that's been attributed to his past a lot of the way he thinks and the way he behaves is because of his past and i totally get that but if you can't do what's best for the clients help them to be the best that they can be you shouldn't be in that counselor's chair until you are in that mental place where you can do that and you can be the one to say we need to set some goals where do you want to get to let's work together on this not just i'm going to fix you or you're if i do this for you you you do this for me it's it's not a give and take like that it is a relationship but it's not a you scratch my back i'll scratch yours kind of situation oh maruki you're gonna kill me man but that'll do it for today's video guys and i wanna pass the question off to you how did you like this session with marky are there dialogue choices you would have preferred i'd chosen i'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments section down below while you're down there why not liking this video why aren't subscribing why even ringing that notification bell so you never miss another upload and like i said at the beginning of this video i would love it if you share this video wherever you like sharing things whether that's twitter discord whatsapp or anywhere else and as always i hope you have a fantastic rest of your day fantastic rest of your week and why not even a fantastic rest of your month and we will see you in the next video later
Channel: ThoughtBubble
Views: 33,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Counselor Reacts, clinical psychology, Mental Health, psychology, Psychology in Video Games, masters in counseling, Professionals review, Reaction, React, Analysis, thoughtbubble, persona 5, persona 5 ost, persona 5 review, persona 5 ps4, persona 5 royal, persona 5 royal review, persona 5 royal gameplay, gaming, playstation, ps4, jrpg, atlus, dr. maruki, reaction, counseling, react, analysis, persona 5 royal reaction, video game analysis, ペルソナ5, takuto maruki, phantom thief, joker persona 5
Id: oPQhY1jjNc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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