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yes sir I'm here to see Special Agent Casper my name is Sam Seaborn Seaborn yeah I'm sorry I'm not seeing your name here agent Casper knows you're coming Sam how you doing Mike just requesting the file on Daniel Gault so wildly outside the parameters of your authority as a political appointee I came here to listen Mike you guys got it wrong and you know it really yes what else do I know Michael I gave you the heads-up as a courtesy I don't need your permission to go to the OPA I don't need your permission to tell the press why I did Sam the guy did six months for a capital crime now you want to get him a presidential party in six months for perjury before vexing Liam dying of a heart attack you know why because the prosecutor couldn't make espionage that's right well why do you suppose that was I don't suppose I know it was because the US Attorney blew at 12 jurors say no and your snowman was named by Joe McCarthy as part when two years of treason yes which was called at the time a conspiracy on a scale so immense is to dwarf any previous venture in the history of whom a somebody wake me up from this because I think he just deputized Joe McCarthy into your argument my point you know who else was on that list Sam General George Marshall author of the Marshall Plan and mentor die is an hour of course that was after he won world war two made more than we missed Owen Lattimore I have stone not everybody at state was wrongly accused the guy's rounded up some pretty dangerous TV comedy writers too Sam Ring Lardner just died how many years does he get back the bureau's had moments in its past that it's not proud of I'll bet if we comb through the fine print of history we might be able to find one or two occupants of the Oval Office who could say the same thing but the difference is our failures are public and our successes are private so when we apprehend an enemy of the state like say a fugitive member of West Virginia white pride we don't take a curtain call on Sunday with Sam and Cokie when we learned that it wasn't the Secret Service who ordered the canopy down Rosslyn we kept it to ourselves please God Mike please tell me you weren't just threatening Toby Ziegler I wasn't Sam good yeah anyway because the bureau will be embarrassed isn't a good enough reason I put Daniel Gault on the list I just wanted to give you a heads up anything else nope
Channel: TheRealJaelinque
Views: 21,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: west, wing
Id: 63EzHxaLVRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 30sec (150 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2012
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