Could Chris Evans & Lizzo Be Collaborating In The Future?

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2022 đź—«︎ replies
congratulations on lightyear i saw it just the other night really enjoyed it oh thanks i gotta kick it off with the premiere last night all right you said you like the shirt twitter's obsessed with the guns you know it's an animated film right like you didn't have to bother you didn't have to bulk up on it that's right i was doing push-ups in the car just ready well congratulations um talk to me a little bit about obviously signing on to this do you remember when you first saw the iconic film that was toy story yeah of course it was a big deal i'm a big animation fan so at the time not only was a great movie but but it was kind of kicking the door down in terms of a new approach to the medium so it certainly had an impact yeah and it had an impact of course uh when it came time to sign on for this role however that's something else entirely did you feel the pressure what were you feeling taking it on and then how did you make it your own uh i was intimidated um you know even hearing light year i said well what does that mean tim allen's buzz lightyear and the director gave a great pitch saying that you know when he was a kid he loved star wars and uh that that when he saw the first toy story movie and he saw that andy and all of his friends knew buzz lightyear and they loved buzz lightyear and he wondered well what's the movie that they saw that made buzz lightyear so iconic in their world so this is that movie and i said okay okay so so it doesn't have to be i mean i have a bunch of captain america dolls out there that don't have my voice so i could at least justify in my head why it's not tim's voice but but there's no denying that tim did something iconic that we all know and love and so you have to acknowledge that pay homage to that and use it i mean the character is supposed to be the human version of the toy so you'd be a fool not to use it but but you still have to find your own interpretation while respecting what tim did absolutely you said you were a big fan as we all were when we were younger what would little chris think of this moment what would you say to little chris about this moment bro we're headed to buzz man it's about to go down she wouldn't believe it he wouldn't believe it i mean little chris kind of is me most times i can't believe it yeah wait you do you really you really mean that do you still look up at your life and think oh yeah i i i my my emotional maturities you know stopped at 12. so i mean i most of my you know life and experience in this industry it almost feels like it's happening to somebody else and i'm just kind of watching it interesting okay um what struck me about the film when i watched was obviously you have these themes of teamwork and persistence but buzz sort of realizing over the course of time you know what's the saying if you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far go together right and that's something that it seems he learned in the film is there any way in which that resonates with you how do you most identify to some of the life lessons buzz learned this journey well that's the best thing about pixar they do such a good job of weaving multiple themes and lessons into their movies and the one that kind of resonated with me was more about not living in your mistakes and recognizing that the mistakes you make don't define you and that in fact there there are opportunities for growth you know it's it's it's not something to dwell upon in fact it's it's a chance to evolve absolutely beautifully said and so true one of my favorite parts of the film is anytime socks was on the screen that's what everybody he's so funny and cute and hilarious when he got you with the dart i was like who wrote this this is genius um how much fun was it to see that play out watching it back obviously when you're you're recording the animation that's one thing it's great i mean that's that's the tricky thing about doing these things you know you you spend most of time in a booth without other actors without visuals you just have someone trying to explain to you what it's going to be and then there's that one guys but then one day you come in and they actually you know they put some things together and you get to see some stuff and you just goosebumps did you intentionally kind of like purr just not i can't up i mean like listen there was i can't count how many times that i would go into the recording booth and angus would say okay so before we do this next scene we actually got something to show you because they didn't always have visuals but if you did have something i'd say oh my god great and it would show something and no matter how early in the stage it was you just get this you know little kid in me yeah just kind of just goosebumps right absolutely um socks obviously the side kick in the film you've got your little homie dodger he's the rescue is he is down to ride his socks's oh come on absolutely i was actually kind of hoping when i first saw socks i was like are you did you base that off at thought yeah similar coloring you know i mean i kind of thought maybe maybe dodger might have modeled for it but uh what was the verdict did they no no they could have lied to you they might just tell this man it's based off a dodger selfish um nailing the the sort of cadence that buzz has here lowering the register of his tone what were the keys to differentiating this buzz from the one that we first saw sure well like i said you know you want to try and borrow steel what tim allen did because it was so good it's what we all know and again it's not like you're doing you're not playing uh batman or james bond where it's it's an iconic role but you get to make you know fresh tracks in the snow this is this is the character that tim is just in human form so you got to take what he did you got to use it you'd be a fool not to yeah um so it was kind of a manner of taking what he did and and my first recording session was just a shameless impression yeah tim allen yeah and and then you slowly have to kind of find your own interpretation of it while still using his choices as your compass yeah and i watched the movie alone no kids there enjoyed it laughed had some takeaways i'm sure the children wouldn't take away quite yet but when they watch it again um what are you hoping for audiences of all ages obviously watching this thing is the takeaway the same across the board yeah i mean look that's what pixar is great at doing it's something that it's great for kids but most of the pixar movies i've watched there hasn't been a kid around i'm just watching it as an adult enjoying these movies that's what they do they make great cinema for all ages i don't think that's a fair pitch though when you say it because you just told me you have the emotional maturity of a choice that's true that is not selling me on the idea that that adult should be watching this and i'm completely trolling you i get exactly what you're talking about uh really quickly before i let you go uh we know you and lizzie were friendly might we ever see a collaboration maybe she hits the soundtrack for a future film yeah i hope so actually i i've heard that i've heard some rumblings of that so i don't know if that's going to happen but exclusively not yet too soon maybe maybe maybe [Music]
Channel: Access
Views: 134,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chris Evans, Buzz Lightyear, Lightyear, Disney, Pixar, Lizzo, Celebrity News, Celebrity Entertainment, Celebrity Entertainment News, Newest Celebrity News, Celebrity Interviews, Entertainment News, Entertainment, Recent News, Social Media News, Social Media Posts, Celebrity Scandals, Access Hollywood News, Access Hollywood Celebrity News, Access Hollywood Newest News, Access Hollywood Entertainment, Access Hollywood Entertainment News
Id: JB5Ddv9SiN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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