Costume Price Increase Soon - Patch Notes Review - April 30 | Black Desert

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all right what is going on everyone and welcome  back to another Black Desert patch notes reading   today is Tuesday and I actually forgot today was  patch day I thought usually it's on Wednesdays   but it was today so we wanted to talk about  a few things I know a lot of people don't   actually read the patch notes so I'm here  to do it for you plus there's a few things   I want to talk about that is pretty good and  you know some good changes as well so let me   pull up the patch notes and yeah so today  April 30th we got some interesting updates   today maybe there's some kind of cool stuff so  first of all let's look at the events we got a   cooking event coming up and basically if you  go into your mail right now let me just show   you um so in game let me move this over you just  look at your thing and then you get the Supreme   Alchemy and cooking tool very cool let's  go cook get some good stuff all right right so dhin Elixir Mastery plus 25 is that new I could have sworn there was an  Elixir like that before I know there's one that   gives Mastery I didn't know there's one that is  cooking time so I think that's actually pretty   good um yeah that's cool so let's see how do  you get it you just log in very cool Alchemy   buff get another one one of those Supreme tools  oh okay so for anyone who's thinking about doing   life Skilling now is the time to uh start crafting  all those Elixir for your grind for the next like   month and a half or two got an item drop rate  and the one that matters the item drop rate   everything else is kind of irrelevant but very  cool for the past few weeks I've actually been   seeing this um like you know how they made it  from shy to every class can do the music stuff   every week I see some sort of new update for this  but like every week I just also have no idea what   I'm looking at so expanded to music note limit  to thousands of people can actually play their   songs that's cool admittedly this is something  I've never looked into but maybe one day when   have more free time and then there's cool new  titles for all that stuff oh oh yeah so this   is actually one big thing that I actually saw and  I was like oh that's nice so back in the day let   me try to explain this so before when you had  like a garmo heart in your weapon and then you   extracted it it would just untag that weapon so  nowadays like as of today it just reflects the   untag version that's not going to delete the item  so I think that's a good thing um personally I've   never had to do that but I for some reason I  don't think this was ever a big deal but now   that it's not even a problem anymore that's cool I  wonder if people were thinking about like oh okay   so I could tag my character and then take out to  garoth art for something else for some reason and   then they were thinking the tag would stay on the  like extra fiery weapon or something but no before   it would just delete the tag if you removed it  nowadays if you just removed it it'll take off   the fiery tag off the extra one so I think that's  actually overall a good thing because like you   know it it costs silver and everything to retag  everything and um now it no longer does that it   just reflects the copied state so overall I think  it's a good thing I never knew that was really an   issue until today actually never really tried  doing that uh black star and G weapons exchange   improvements so change of the Black Star to Godard  The Exchange process was the quest so I remember   doing this when it first came out um you had to  like exchange some items that you got I think you   got it in like the Elia Calon those various purple  materials to exchange it or something like that   and now they're changing it to use scorching  sun crystals as follows so you use upgrade   materials directly instead of having to go through  a quest line as far as I understand so I think if   it's skips like an entire like unnecessary process  and makes things a lot easier to transition into I   think that's good however I will say that nowadays  with the guaranteed enhancement system you know   how like you can just if you fail enough times  there's a light at the end of the tunnel I'm not   really sure if gter is necessarily the best play  to do I have to do the math on it cuz admittedly   I don't know like obviously having the steps  to get to pen is obviously a good thing but I'm   not sure how much the value of like if people are  trying to guarantee it these days if it's better   to just keep slamming black stars well I think  in my opinion it's very situational because like   obviously if the extra AP you get onto black  stars from or godders from like T or try put   you up into a new bracket it's obviously a good  thing but with the guaranteed enhancement system   now it's like you kind of want to keep it at T  and then eventually it'll hit pen whereas you   have to go through four more layers of steps  in the godar route so admittedly I don't know   the math behind that but I feel like it's better  to stay at Black Star and just keep going for um   pen that way with the enhancement system change all right so improve the Black Star  God our weapon format to preserve the copied   and branded state of gear previous exchange  Quest can no longer be accepted honestly I   had no idea that was even an issue like glad  it changed all right so Mount we've improved   the daily sailing quest to which involve your  usage of ship Cannon to now register Cannon   kills from a greater distance I did a sailing  video like last month and it like it tells you   that you killed a thing now I that's cool I  think usually you just look at your screen   to see if it's dead and you get loot while  you're at it but I mean if it gives you a   fat notification that you killed a sea monster or  something that's cool um Quest and knowledge when   you complete the medah main story you'll see a  crossroad path one for beginners one for veteran   players or people who have just done both of  them admittedly it I don't think they really   needed to add the novice and Veteran one it's  like both the same well not this they're not   the same but like I don't think veteran tag  will add major difficulty like if you're on   your seasonal character with full pen I think you  you'll crush it I don't think there's any major   combat that people get hard sucked into but I  don't know remove some knowledge entries following   the simplification um had them distributed I  could have sworn I had all of these but I don't remember remove the knowledge of Blackstone  armors and concentrated these no longer exist   everything's unified oh they're just removing a  lot of random knowledge that's kind of sucks but   whatever I mean I understand exchanging Quest and  other goodies there's also one thing I wanted to   talk about and they made a notice on the launcher  and it's on the website as well but they're also   raising the price of uh outfit costume boxes  and as you guys know if you look at like the   Pearl shop or whatever and you see how they're Max  price right now like at 1.63 they're changing it   to 2.2 billion in the upcoming patch which is  actually a good thing believe it or not like I   know no one wants to pay more silver for the same  amount of crons I get that but at the same time it   has always been due for an increase so you know  how back in the day vendor cron used to be 2 mil   right or well they actually raised it so let me  just show you when you buy vendor crons nowadays   just in case anyone has never actually bought  it vendor crons are three mil each they used   to be two and buying costumes has always been  significantly cheaper but now they're kind of   making it less pay it's not less pay to win it's  just like it they're kind of making it equal more   or less into um silver to crownstone Value so  yeah overall I think that is actually a good   thing and uh maybe that'll circulate more costumes  into market for literally everyone and uh overall   it's not like a big change I think this is going  to be a continuing problem forever simply because   as they increase the like grind spots as they  add new content into the game as you all know   everyone makes more silver an hour these days  so it's like yeah the eventually there's going   to be a drought everyone's going to buy costumes  again there's going to be thousands of orders as   the grind spots get better and how much silver  people make an hour so overall um yeah it's a   necessary change and it's something they're going  to have to work on for the rest of this game's   life unless they literally remove costume sales  from the market but it is what it is I I kind   of still wish that you know they just lowered  the price of cronston removed sales of costumes   from the market and uh but I mean that's never  going to happen that makes them so much money   so it is what it is I think it's overall it's  a good change that they're streamlining silver   to on value for nons Spenders as well um but  overall that's about it that's what I wanted   to talk about today quick patch notes I actually  thought it was tomorrow instead of today but yeah   it wasn't really a Content update more just  like a quality of life it wasn't really much   that they added today but um yeah so anything  that's happening on the channel as well I   think we're going to be trying some new Grind  spots updating some of more of my guides that   a little bit older and that's on the weekly agenda  so with that said thank you guys so much for   watching hope you guys enjoyed it if you did drop  a quick like hit that subscribe button if you're   new here I like to make videos for beginners  returning players and people who are looking   to get better so whether you're on Seasons or an  endgame player got stuff coming out for you and   with that said thanks so much for watching I'll  see you guys tomorrow have a fantastic day peace
Channel: Jonlaw98
Views: 769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Black Desert Online, Black Desert, BDO, Review, Jonlaw98, Jonlaw, Jonlaw Guide, Black Desert Review, Jonlaw Black Desert, Black Desert Gameplay, bdo guide, black desert guide, jon, law, black desert online gear progression guide, gear progression bdo, black desert online 2024, bdo get ap fast, bdo gear upgrade, bdo progression, gaming, mmo, mmorpg, highlight, worth playing, bdo guide 2024, bdo how to make silver, jonlaw98 silver, bdo costumes, bdo outfits
Id: 1QUexSp2Nvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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