Costco Gazebo - How I Built It

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so my last project we poured this patio and we really wanted a gazebo to finish it off so I headed to Costco found a great deal on a gazebo in the showroom got some guys to help me load it up there and I brought it home so it will fit in a Ford F-150 this thing was really heavy to get out of the truck so I did need help with it and now it's time to build it let's see how this goes all right I'm thinking the instructions will be in the first box so fingers crossed and there they are all right we are starting here at 10 25 just because I wanted to see how long it would take me to look through the instructions and unbox it there are over 95 pieces in here so I'm going to read the instructions which isn't normally my go-to right here it says do not attempt to install a loan yeah most of you know me I will be attempting to install most of this myself but luckily my husband works from home so when I need to I can go grab him and haul him out to help me so one of the things that I really liked about these instructions that made it really easy are that any time it asks for a board it has a number right there next to it 1053 is that board and then on the actual board the number is on it so it takes out a lot of the guesswork for you that makes it really nice when you have over 95 pieces now right away I had a board with a little bit of damage on the edge there made me a little nervous I was worried that this was going to be one of those projects that you pull it out of the box and there's damage all over it but I was really surprised to find that that was the only damage that I found in these full three boxes of almost a hundred pieces of wood and additional accessories so I think that's really good took me about an hour here to unbox everything then I had to run it around to the back patio so the unboxing and taking it out to the patio took me about two hours so this project is going to take you some time it is definitely not a one day project now of course if you had those four people they suggested it might go quicker and here I am doing it on my own as I said so I'm using a long board to help me with some of these big posts just because they were really heavy now I will say in the beginning it seems overwhelming to start this build I mean there are pages of instructions but I just started one step at a time and it goes very easy and the instructions are easy to follow so don't be overwhelmed the nice thing is that most of the screw bits and everything that you need are included you just need the cordless drill but everything that you need is included here so that's nice you don't have to go buy special tools for it the wood is a little bit soft so you want to be careful when doing things like right here I put a board underneath it when pounding into it because anything like a rock underneath it or anything that you pound into is going to Dent that wood so just be very careful with it when you're putting it together that you're not scratching it up or denting it but I was able to do it and not have any issues with it so it's definitely something that you can do now one thing that I'll point out is that all of these boards were straight there were no issues with the boards not fitting together because they were curved or had any issues like that this is actually something I'm not used to I usually buy wood from the big hardware store in town and I swear most of those boards are going around a corner so I was very pleased with how this all went together at this point I had all the posts together and the support beams so I had to go grab my husband and have him help me put it all together it's nice because it's broken up into little chunks so you put together the posts and the support beams then you put that all together so you have your frame and then you move on to the roof so at this point there was a lot of debate and looking through the instructions to make sure that we had everything in the right spot and everything ready to go because when you have these heavy posts up you don't want to be sitting there trying to figure out the instructions at that point now they do suggest that you have four people at this point and if you are 6'4 it's very helpful you could see that I had to use the edge there to stand up because I wasn't quite tall enough but again we did it with two but what we did find was that we used clamps just to help hold it in place so that we could set up two boards at a time and have the clamps to help hold it in place for us now my husband helped me set up the four posts and then I went around and just made sure that everything was leveled up because you want to make sure that everything is level straight up and down and that you have the correct spacing from each post as well as diagonally because when you put up that Roofing if you aren't square and everything isn't correct in there your roof isn't going to fit together right so the patio drains right in the corner where the Gazebo is now unfortunately that's pretty poor planning so we won't be able to have a carpet in the Gazebo that I was hoping for but the nice thing is the water does drain right off so it doesn't really sit there and if we put in gutters it should help with some of the runoff as well and now for the roofing you put together each of the four sections and then you put it all up and hook them together now the only tricky part I had here are that there are so many different parts there are 11 different screws so at times I put the wrong screw in the wrong spot and I actually had to go back and change out each of the screws so that I could use the longer ones somewhere else where they were needed each of the roofing Pieces come with this plastic over the top that you take off and this is amazing it really protected those pieces so all of my pieces came perfect no dents no scratches you just line it up on the boards and then you just screw it in using the bit that they send with this whole project seemed totally overwhelming but it went together really easy now it has these pieces that go on the bottom of the roof that just direct the rain so that the rain comes down the roof and goes straight off rather than coming off and kind of going everywhere and again I said we'll probably put in some gutters that will go right below it in time just to drain the water off now at this point it would help to have four adults to put up this roof we had two adults and two kids and we made it work wasn't wasn't easy there was some tweaking of the roof here and there it went together it it wasn't too hard again anybody can do this I would suggest getting for adults for this part and now to test out how strong this is can hold me I think you're good to go and the next step not needed but I wanted some lights for Ambiance so I ordered some hooks from Amazon that just screwed right in we put them on the inside and we ordered some lights that hook right into them and there's my helper putting in the light bulb for me and it's all done let me walk you through and show you some of the details that I really like about it so I really like the stain on the wood it's a light brown color and it goes really well here accenting all the concrete and the gray here and let me show you the base that it has here it's nice it has something that goes around the base just to decorate it up and you can see the metal part down there that we will be bolting into the concrete before the winds and the winter get here I like the black Hardware it's all showing on the outside and the inside so you want something that's going to look good and doesn't look like it's going to rust and then they thought through adding in pieces on the edges here that just dress it up and make it look nice so you don't see the ends of the board right there in the corner let me get a look up on the roof there so you can kind of see the color a little more and what it looks like so far all the debris and the water have come right off of it no leaking on the inside okay on the inside here you can see over there is the artistry logo that you can put up you can choose not to as well and here's a look around the inside it's really roomy you can see that we already put up some heaters in here but they aren't quite hooked up we'll get those before the winter and we will also probably put a fan in the middle there just in case it gets warm out here and not sure if you can tell but there is a lot of Headroom in here so you can stand we can put a fan in here and there's room for a lot of furniture so overall we are really happy with this we need to get some new furniture in there but right now we'll just use what's there
Channel: Around the House
Views: 56,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: --hrJ1KH3w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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