Costco Breakfast Haul - What To Buy At Costco For Making Breakfast & Smoothies - w/ Thomas Delauer

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hey flavor family what is up I am in LA with my good buddy Thomas de Lauer it's gonna we're it got a busy day you guys we're collaborating on a ton of videos and we could not come here without going to Costco right Calico is so great they're so awesome for filming - yeah easiest place to film Thomas has great videos from there so this video is gonna be about a two-parter actually the first one's gonna be about buying healthy breakfast items here at Costco and then part two of the video which would come out a couple days after this will be recipes back in Thomas's kitchen so Thomas has great videos has a great channel you gotta subscribe to this channel he's dropping serious food knowledge and food science so we're like go what if we collab combine his brain my cooking chops and our shopping and really bring - man thank you for changing I've got all these just guys so we're gonna go in Costco buy some really clean some keto some paleo ingredients for recipes later on whether it alert one's gonna be a trifecta of smoothies for all throughout the day we're gonna try to make this really cool low carb ahh Eggs Benedict right with the crepey knees in here so before we go in like subscribe share check out Thomas channel down below and let's go in there and hopefully not get kicked out no I feel pretty we do it'll be a nice taste for the show that's right all right guys this is gonna be the most exciting part of the video look over here they finally have it here they have organic pasture-raised eggs we do not have this in Chicago I've been getting a lot of DMS on Instagram and I've been having Costco Envy this is exciting because Thomas and I are very passionate on pasture-raised eggs these are chickens that are outside morning to evening nutritional profile is higher they don't have too much of a supplemental feed of grain and because they're organic it's a non GMO feed of soy and corn and the price you guys it's that's 374 per dozen you can get organic ones from vital farms routinely seven dollars a dozen that's the oil it's amazing but the cool thing is so before you totally bag on eggs about being a not the best omega-3 profile pasture-raised eggs have so much in the way of omega-3s and what's really cool is that some people will say well fish have more omega-3s and things like that and the kind of omega-3s that are in eggs are not the kind that we really that is true fish is always going to be the best way to go but when there pasture-raised you have a significantly higher level of omega-3s which basically is going to give you that brain health that you want it's going to give you that anti-inflammatory effect within the body the cool thing is is it's alpha linoleic acid which is a plant base omega-3 that comes from the diet of the chicken so if the chicken is eating low quality food then the omega-3s are gonna be low quality Nevada but if the chicken is raised on pasture and you have a good abundance of diversity of food that's higher quality omega-3s getting to your noggin totally makes sense that when you're buying pasture-raised just look for this this has certified humane as long as your eggs are passed your race and certified humane you can trust them that's really all that matters Organic is a huge plus and I cannot believe the price on this I'm so excited I might sneak a few dozen in my suitcase going home because we can't find this in Chicago you're not going across the country alright going unless border so you're good I'm super happy to have this they don't have the Chicago anymore they're actually putting keto friendly on here and look at the ingredients you guys know it's not ideal in my opinion Thomas how do you feel about the okay one thing is we never know okay a cage freeze now folks I never know that but one thing I will say I love that they're using olive oil simply because Ange did use canola yeah I don't so it's so there this is as a couple months right yeah so the olive oil really cool stuff we'll talk about in the cooking video we'll break it down but basically it's really high in what's called only a cassoulet oleic acid converts into something known as Oh a a in the body which actually activates something called PPAR enzymatic activity I think we're in somebody's way it's meaning enzymatic activity that basically makes it so you're up regulating fatty acid utilization within the body very powerful stuff Alec I think they're just watching our videos and like oh dang Thomas and Bobby says canola is bad well upgrade but that's really cool I mean from expeller pressed canola oil - olive oil is a huge upgrade I just saw something on this hidden cap over here that I haven't seen before maybe you've seen it it's the like these cheese wraps have you seen us I have oh the polios yeah yeah exciting now that won't work for this recipe but check it out I actually haven't seen these here before oh exciting lactose-free gluten-free so these are Parmesan cheese wraps so you could basically make like a little kind of idea would be small but like I smell a breakfast burrito kind of thing for sure breakfast tacos maybe are better yeah yeah because I worry you're not having to worry about yeah that'd be amazing well look at the ingredients here it's just literally two ingredients that's what you want to see no starch no organic but it's okay no I mean you're you know at the end of the day you're gonna try to go organic whatever you can but really comes down to it we're helping getting people off sugar right we're helping making people right make some better decisions in life and I would actually say for this recipe for the low carb Eggs Benedict you can use this too it would you wanna go to let's just get it yeah I will do a side by side all we did another way not amazing yo this is the real deal for shoot today Parma air dried in Italy in the deals phenomenal I mean you can also get a Trader Joe's if you don't want to invest but it's not gonna go bad and you could actually crisp this up and use it for like a bacon substitute well we're gonna put this in our low carb kind of eggs benedict cups well grab this like prosciutto is so like if you look at the ingredients on prosciutto like it's so much cleaner then like for example choux dough over salami anyone yeah you look at people always think oh it still process me now look at that look at all the ingredients that are coming in actually this is pretty clean believe it or not in the grand scheme of things but the salami has way much just dextrose it's got all these other things all these different things whereas a lot of times with the ham and a prosciutto you're just looking pretty much ham and salt yep like your tried it's a way to go yeah it's very easy I can get that back in there and check it out you guys they have a different brand of organic turkey breast here this is Dietzen Watson which is a great brand the one in Chicago we have is called Plainville but we look at the ingredients here and with lunch meat it can be pretty treacherous sometimes we look at this Thomas it's literally turkey breast water salt in organic vinegar that's what you want to see this is so much cheaper than buying like I have a gate there anything at the grocery store so always get organic that's a really solid ones adalat is on the layered superfood is the cleanest coffee creamer on the market it's normally pretty pricey on Amazon but look at these ingredients for the quick deston class coconut milk powder organic coconut sugar not that much organic extra virgin coconut oil and they use something called Aquaman which is calcium from marine algae put a little bit of this in your coffee best in class and this deal is gang Jers we got to get this in Chicago because I love that stuff props to them for having that of course in LA they have it right it's nuts oh okay nicer variety of omega-3s just because we've got seven different nuts and seeds in this again will explain a lot more yes got to be a little discreet I want to take that a second time you guys I'm jealous you guys have the organic almond butter here at Costco you don't have that in Chicago vitally necessary but it's nice to get the organic one because the bottom of the trees are sprayed a lot of course LA has it Chicago where it left in the dust we got to get some cinnamon it's a great deal on cinnamon but also cinnamon has some really powerful effects and mimics insulin in the body so it actually lowers your blood sugar and makes it so you remain more insulin sensitive and we can do the cinnamon challenge later I want a break your fast yeah sure we talked about that many times this is the best deal ever really good deal from the Cointreau because we might if we make a ketose smoothie it wouldn't be very sweet yes so we don't want to actually go ahead and that's literally like half the price do you know if they have canned coconut milk here like the kicker coconut ah they do yeah for Thai kitchens okay let's give some of that because that will be perfect for our Kido some in India maybe for all have these I haven't seen this by the way Wow my keto friends have you seen this no it's brightness let's investigate ha ha so everyone tries to jump on the keto bandwagon yeah and a lot of brands are like Oh keto we're gonna make something keto this is great could be good could be bad I'm going to probably just not that great but okay we got rice cauliflower for the win cooked chicken white meat it could be good could be bad we don't know water white wine okay lemon juice cream again just arguably we just don't know where is coming from Oh white rice flour yeah why why'd you do that and potato flour shallots capers olive oil garlic rice starch salt oregano yeah it's close to being decent yeah they were doing a good job they're on the right path but it's like okay so half an entree so you're basically looking at 20 grand it's not gonna work yeah you know it will work for someone that and I commend someone that's maybe not doing keto just trying to be conscious up there for sure the carbonyl stuff it's a stepping stone and this is a heck of a lot better than what we saw in stores ten years ago Oh big time that didn't exist ten years ago yeah so part two of the recipes is going to be a trio of healthy smoothies which I have tapped Thomas's science brands they're going up formulate the perfect breakfast smoothie midday or meal replacement and a post-workout smoothie it's something we haven't done on channel and I thought with Thomas here we might as well formulate the perfect one for you guys big fan of cucumbers just because the diuretic effect we'd have to peel them it's a great yeah that is a really good deal on some really good really good quality see I say we go for him because we can definitely put these into the smoothie smoothie yes sure nice diuretic effect you only have coke cucumber water that's going to be a great way so a diuretic effect basically what that means it's gonna make it so that the excess sodium in your body it's going to allow the kidneys to kind of expel it a little bit more so that's why a lot of times empty house you cucumber water anything like that you feel a little bit fresher and it's usually because you're having a better sodium potassium balance so your brain is able to send a signal a little bit better so I'm a big fan of it that's why I spas they do it it's all perception helping people feel better when they're at the spa but you're feeling better for our reasons now we could get some fresh berries for the smoothie but it's good to note that frozen yeah generally is easier and safer in terms of the quality yeah less oxidation with protein plus it adds that nice frozen replacement for ice cubes or that what do you think of these power drains yeah let's see what that mixes because that can be a great person with it maybe charge kale and spinach ooh so it's baby kale though man oh we're talking about that in his only video which check out on his channel we're done here so baby chard kale and spinach even if so chard has a little bit of a powerful taste though because but if we even worst case picked out the chard and left that for another dish and we use just the baby kale here we're already getting this is a good deal amazing yeah in there and mask it with like either frozen berries or maybe some nut butter yep I would throw the chard in there okay let's do it it's grab my chili yes Nicasio has they're awesome you know mixed berry but that's not an organic one berries it's pretty important to get organic so if we have to diversify and get them through some different forms that's totally fine okay I would prefer if we go with actually well strawberries and blueberries are both great so the cool thing is if we get some organic blueberries here they used to have the wild blueberries do they not happy I think yeah they're gone now those used to be amazed those were really solid so this is smoothies for probably 10 days so 10 bucks 8 bucks low glycemic strawberries low glycemic load low glycemic index so even if you're on keto you can have quarter to half a cup of these you'll be totally fine yep an organic you gotta buy organic for berries and we were talking about that acai they actually have the ones they you have the package so here these aren't the ones with sugar no these are just read the ingredients see these are original blend let's make sure they have no sugar or nobody liked it once again they have one pack has 12 added grams of sugar that's three teaspoons so get it at Trader Joe's it's a better deal but it has to say unsweetened you add the sweetener yourself because then you can add monk fruit you could add stevia don't get the refined sugar ones so the bad news hey cocaine you grab that super-sweet real quick yeah what's fun the one down there yeah yeah I want to explain some stuff here I talk to a lot of people that are very self-conscious right and they're trying to focus on somewhere one of the recipes we're making on Thomas's channel is my version of Starbucks egg whites and they have them here at Costco and obviously they're cheaper than the ones at Starbucks but let's just look at the ingredients cuz I'm a little nervous about the ingredients compared to the ones that I make that only have a few in your name there's no I see that one right off Sierra guinea right there that nasty and multiplier so that's Detroit wanna natural flavors my phantom gum ideal right it's not terrible but the file local cheese why are people using carrageenan it's so crazy understand right you know and there's conflicting evidence out there with carrageenan but the point is is there so many other things so many options like if you know that there's just widespread knowledge that carrageenan so interesting you know that the whole study things and so they use carrageenan in clinical settings to initiate inflammation so when they're Tetris so when they're testing say anti-inflammatories in a drug protocol drug testing anything like that that said the magic word when they are trying to test an anti-inflammatory they need to take a test subjects and they need to instill inflammation so that they can test it you know what they give them to cause inflammation carrageenan straight up yeah I mean when it's proven as a tool to cause inflammation I just just a minute there's so many options that you don't have to use it that's the best deal ever it's that's why I'm getting more it's a phrase you can never beat it yet Seeta Cassatt in there again we'll save this a lot of the science huh for part two you guys part two amazing recipes already this happened this is like kind of just what happens it's par for the course that's what super powers coming together crazy thing happens if probably security here at Costco who has that oh there we go let's get some of these amazing price yes sweet how organic she is seats are you kidding me I have got so much knowledge to drop on chocolate yeah I just did hurt me oh it hasn't released on my channel but talking about all the different kinds of chocolate touch process everything else the price for this two pounds unsweetened organic cacao unbelievable stock up because it's only a seasonal item here this stuff is gold you know the stem trick yeah yeah would you believe in it it seems to work about I don't know it's kind of like from anchorman like what is it like 90% of the time yeah at the time yeah whatever it is you gotta be there this one's still very green so that the stem trick just in case you didn't know is that you pull the stem out if it's kind of brownish then you know it's ready good to go it's still green that it's usually Clark it usually is accurate yeah not the best way to of course once the time is pull the stem out you've ruined it for the next person coming here so good job Thomas and it's true but a lot of times most of the stems kind of fall out on their own so no here's some other avocados ooh right Bobby those are Ganic you're ganna kuan-yin it and check these out these are good to go alright they're almost too good to go to be honest those are success to a degree you got what we needed it was difficult it always is a little difficult but more important we got our I got our ingredients so we need it no the man can't keep us down let's head back to the kitchen make some recipes we're gonna have a lot of science in that video so please do make sure that you watch part two yeah this is part one it's over right Thomas has part one of Aldi on his channel check that out but part two is all about cooking science healthy food back in the kitchen and so like subscribe share check out Thomas's channel but we'll see you in like a couple days for part two in the kitchen is gonna be epic so Thomas head back to the kitchen let's do it
Channel: Bobby Parrish
Views: 216,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: costco, costco haul, costco shopping, costco grocery haul, costco grocery shopping, what to buy at costco, costco haul 2019, shop with me, breakfast haul, grocery haul, breakfast, haul, food haul, shopping haul, grocery haul 2019, healthy grocery haul, healthy grocery haul 2019, grocery shopping, healthy food, flavcity, bobby parrish, huge costco haul, shop with me at costco, costco warehouse
Id: jWYnBrHOQ-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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