Costa Rica VLOG - Our Day in Corcovado National Park, Staying at the Sirena Ranger Station

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foreign [Music] really hoping to find a taper good morning Wildlife Watchers this is Jeff and Holly here bringing you another adventure blog from the land of Costa Rica welcome back to Osa Peninsula one of the most biodiverse places in the entire world we are currently just a stone's throw away from the Serena Ranger Station where we spent the night and we walked down to this beautiful beach where we are just surrounded by Beauty and now there's people we had it all to ourselves but that's okay we want to share the wildlife sightings with others right Holly actually we don't you don't uh just you just you but in today's video we're going to show you around what life is like here at the ranger station a little bit of wildlife watching Expeditions and just enjoy the beauty of Costa Rica I'm going to tell you what it's all about are you excited bring your cameras make sure your cameras are charged one animal I'm really keeping a lookout on would be the Beards taper which is actually the largest land animal you can find in Costa Rica it's about the size of a large Pig and if you don't know what a taper is just picture a miniature elephant with an abbreviated trunk so Holly please let me know if you find one I will taper alert are you seeing it through that it's a bit blurry he's definitely on it a shaky camera thank you don't go back then I saw some spider monkeys go over here so we are walking back to the ranger station for breakfast and boy did taper viewing really work up an appetite our guide especially is excited yes as you know we did the major hiking yesterday and we'll be hiking out tomorrow so today we get to just like hang out at the station enjoy life Meander around the beach you know find tapers and stuff it's not raining anymore which is wonderful still humid still humid still hot still wet still hot yeah it's always going to be wet the rain forest isn't the rainforest without its rain so we are encroaching the ranger station which sleeps about 70 to 80 people per night sometimes more on special occasions so there's a whole community of wildlife Watchers here I can definitely tell just based off the crowd that these are a little bit more of the adventure seeking type someone's like first time hiking and there's lots of Internationals at the space hearing lots of different languages spoken and it's very cool to meet this diverse group of personalities we are exchanging our outdoor shoes for indoor shoes or no shoes and after you take off your shoes you check for ticks and your skin you take them out so at the brief front there's a whole bunch of chairs lined up and this is where people sit relax drink coffee whatever it's also where they do their tick removal so I was like really worried when I spotted a tick on my leg then I took a closer look and started to find several in my leg hair 10 off each yesterday just one day so and I was freaking out I was like Lyme's disease and they're tiny tiny too like really tiny apparently they're not very harmful here they do bite and you feel them it's not as intense as a mosquito but anyway people just hang out here and remove the ticks off their legs and if you have long leg hair like me you really gotta look extra hard look at this ecosystem they love it wow there's the breakfast area over here is where we slept cafeteria area [Music] loading their breakfast which looks really oh and this is where we slept last night and Holly was top bunk I was bottom as you can see we kind of share this area with other people but to be honest everyone was up at 4 30 and everyone was really quiet there are other bunking areas I think there's about three or four of them this is our locker we rented it along with some towels very cheap I think total would end up being like fourteen dollars twelve dollars twelve dollars for a locker and two towels so there's a little laundry area you clean it in the sink so if you want to do laundry bring your own soap and then you can hang dry here so behind me is the communal bathroom I feel kind of weird filming in there right now because people are in there and I don't want to invade on their privacy but just to give you an idea what it's like there's several sinks lined up there's about four toilets for women four for men there's about eight showers that are unisex so there's plenty of showers it's not like you're waiting in much of a line if there is one it doesn't take that long everyone just kind of gets it in now it's pretty quick people pretty efficient around here football game yeah Okay cool so we could run into the taper here because that's where we saw them and they were traveling this way yeah so if we come around this way we might see them again maybe we are about to head on our second hike of the day yes and a lot of it's actually the trail we were on earlier so hopefully we see the tapers guide maybe those monkeys maybe the quady maybe the sloth maybe a sloth we haven't seen a sloth in corkovado yet and he said that our God said that there he doesn't see them I think because the trees are a lot higher they just go undetected as is so hard to find quick note on laundry although you can hang dry it it'll probably never fully dry because the humidity is really intense here you have to be like comfortable with just being moist by the way it was very bold of us to go hiking in the jungle with shorts on normally I would not do that if you're really scared of bugs and ticks you might want to wear longer pants for hiking them into your socks too yes because otherwise they'll just crawl underneath most people here are wearing shorts they're just going for it but again if you're one of those people that's extra scared extra cautious I would do that I'm not sure like they might still get in there even if it's yeah they'll definitely be on you no matter what at least this time of year it might help mitigate it though we have now spotted some squirrel monkeys way up there yeah oh yeah it'd be fun up there looking straight up oh wow they're everywhere I feel surrounded they're right about this I'd really like like a reclining chair right now we could just sit back and look up neck pain tomorrow eating okay this is what the monkeys are eating avocado yeah peace offering for you thank you to my little squirrel monkey oh they're bird finding so much is it uh-huh yeah we saw that cool the biggest population of tapers we are now looking at a toucan my first toucan spotting in Costa Rica first you can hiking ASMR so this will become this wow this dug up soil is a sign that peccaries have been here which are like Forest pigs and they are digging for fruits you can see one of them there oh it hasn't eaten one that was coiled peccary's were here Holly we've spotted your favorite animal oh I would leave you for dead if it jumped on you oh you're such a good friend loyal we just got whistled at our guide sees something Jaguar beards we just want to make sure you have all the wildlife sightings too we are chasing butterflies we are apparently they're attracted to the Salt here by the Riverbanks and these ones seem to be having trouble deciding where they want to land salt all over us yeah come get some salt I don't think the birds like landing on this one we were just walking along and out of nowhere this just seemed to have appeared this is a quati this is a member of the raccoon family nope it's a male we're gonna have to camp out here for the next several hours of sleeping in a ball it's just got really hot it's just like extreme like it's dripping it's probably so hot and all that hair describe the sloth oh it moved its leg it's very it's very furry it's so so long that's it we're getting a lot of inner species interaction right now my favorite thing we've got howler monkeys over here a sloth right here this is the Costa Rica Wildlife dream oh kick it to your helpful teammate that's just vlogging it needs Tick Tock when you have tick time well we made it back to the station enjoy another lunch here in the cafeteria area we got to see the spider in the corner hasn't moved but we're just talking about how this morning we saw so much we saw sloth several tapers including a baby taper we saw butterflies three of the four primate species you can find in this area it's just so biologically dense it's amazing we got an up close look at the karate digging up for some crabs that was really cool we now have two hours to kill before our next hike and we're probably just gonna Meander chill freshen up relax drink water I got some epic Sloth pictures action shots yeah it lifted its head up look you can see its head caterpillars taper shots oh I'm so glad I got these what nothing nothing as you can see this is what it looks like when it clears out it's very well kept here I'd say it's very cleanly for being in a remote location like this here's the map again ah we're just sitting back on these recliner chairs enjoying the views I'm watching spider monkeys and we're just resting up before our last hike of the day Life's good quick note you can't go swimming the beach because the Riptides are a little too intense also that so don't come here and think that this is like a beach holiday this is definitely for the nature nerds yeah so I'm training her to be a nature nerd we've learned a lot about the ecosystem a lot about sloths you know all the sloth facts every single time quiz me why are they slow every 30 days close enough do you remember which species of sloth is nocturnal fully nocturnal correct yeah why are baby sloths sometimes found alone abandoned on the ground can reject their young kind of a natural instinct when they deem their kids unfit to survive and carry on the genes for the Next Generation okay no one wants to watch me probably but I do love slime I think they're enjoying the sloth facts earlier today I talked about tapers do you remember any of the facts I taught you there are no they're no grab things and the babies have little spots like fawns Holly our Bingo boards got a little wet in the hike yesterday here are the Osa Peninsula Bingo boards we have so much to fill out but first you need to pick which board this side or the side okay you're bored my board and the only way we're going to do this fair is if we cross them out in order of the sightings we had [Music] the first sighting we had was a scarlet macaw so we cross out scarlet macaw cat species those are blue morpho so cross those two out spider monkey also there aren't any respondent consoles here so maybe I should replace that with something else after we saw the taper we then saw the Curacao how's your board doing oh you have three now yeah and two-tone sloth and massless oh but that we saw three totes lost today not where's three-toed on this oh we also saw white face capuchins yesterday so we need to do that two-toed sloth would really make your board a winner I know she's learning all of her Wildlife species um the green basilisk and then we saw the hummingbird or I'll just cross off a goody to make this more dramatic hummingbird bingo but hey Holly we both win at bingo because it means we had all these Wildlife sightings together I just needed the two times yeah you just need a two-toed sloth I would like to see a Viper and a big cat nature walk number three it's gonna be hard to beat those two first nature walks but you never know we're gonna start by going to see the sloth again he might actually move his head more than once my favorite sloth watch we found it it's a ball in the tree leaf cutting ants no more days [Music] parade and all of their tails three four five sip seven eight nine ten he's living where is it okay okay like this one in my eye we have now spotted a two-toed sloth with its baby swaying in the tree Bingo Holly just got a bingo on her board [Music] oh my God oh how is it only holding on with two on the one side sorry that the cicadas are quite loud but that was our second taper sighting of the day which means our taper count is at five back to the beach we are now looking at an osprey way up there in the tree hermit crabs so many this is crab City oh was that for me thank you so much you know me so well I'll make you one that says sloth I was a crab I love this oh yeah Holly I got you slash us a present no you love the sloths but I'm personally more excited about the water part because we're going on a big hike tomorrow well everyone it's been a day hahaha and we're gonna go like every wild life of Costa Rica we almost crossed off that whole Bingo board yeah in one day everything except like poisonous anything which I'm okay with and like vipers which I'm also okay with sounds like best case scenario for you honestly best days and floss we woke up bright and early went on a tapered hunt saw so many animals along the way they went on another nature walk in the third one all the while showing you life here at the Serena ranger station now we're gonna go to dinner tomorrow's gonna be another crazy day we have to cross a crocodile infested River yeah with waist-high water yeah yeah so look forward to that yeah hopefully it's not my last Vlog ever we don't want the crocodiles to end me no we would want is for you too what do we well played you're getting good at this Holly yeah you guys should subscribe because we want you to come on more adventures with us so if you want to join me for more nature Expeditions in Costa Rica and Beyond hit that button right there perfect until next time safe travels thank you
Channel: Jeff Hyer
Views: 5,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: corcovado national park, osa peninsula, Costa Rica travel, hiking, adventure vlog, wildlife watching, tapirs, sloths, sirena, sirena ranger station
Id: lg_hBAycBNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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