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foreign [Music] welcome back to the channel today we're going to be doing something pretty special you guys have been requesting to like in the comments we're going to be doing a full price breakdown of what it's like to build an E30 in South Africa so stay tuned and let's get started [Music] those of you that don't know I actually bought this car about two years ago about the guy in mamelodi and it was a full project but it like I said you know it was a dream boat so so that's where we all started two years ago so when I got the car it wasn't running in it wasn't running 100 it was on dictator still using dictator as well so first part was to get the car actually tuned properly because it wasn't on a proper tune we sent the car to NFS tuning they sorted out the tune on the car got the car running pretty decently uh that cost about two and a half case after that we sent the car off to get serviced uh we did the engine seals we did um crank seals we did we also we also did the new clutch which cost 2400 with the lock plus we paid the mechanic about 4500 labor um did he do a good job I don't think he did a great job he was a bit of a sketch mechanic I shouldn't have really trusted him in the first place but I was new to it and I mean this is how you learn in this game right I also bought Palestine shocks for the car from from Nascar a few of the suspension bushings the pickle surgery in South Africa the license was behind so we had to pay about 5 000 to bring the license up to date and to put the car into my name so it cost me about 19 000 to paint to get the car sprayed um obviously you know they're not all teams like I say in all my videos uh there will obviously be imperfections with the paint even the cars coming out of the factory these days still have imperfections in their paint so yeah you did a pretty good job for anyone that's gonna spray the cup do budgets around 20 20K for decent spray job so when spraying the car you can either get new plastic bumpers uh I know they go for about four and a half K uh for the front and 5K for the rear or some something around there we didn't opt for that option our bumpers were still in a decent condition so we just re-sprayed the Pampers as you can see this this is what a stock one looks like this car's bumper has never been taken off it's never been repaired nothing like that like it's all original the peanut left does cost about 800 bucks at the time when I bought it there was a shortage of it and people were selling them for about one five it was ridiculous but yeah I managed to get it for 800 bucks in joburg so for the lab a lot of people they'll drywall screw the Tulips into place or silicone it and stuff but they don't know you can just buy the original lip gloves from BMW they about 500 bucks for 10 of them you do need 10 of them I bought a new vent from BMW that was about 300 Ram [Applause] clear indicators and side to side indicators I paid about a thousand for that to get new fog lights they're about 500 and it's not too expensive make sure you get the ones with the rubber seals and make sure everything connects and works properly so when it came to the wheels I've always been a huge fan of chrome tnj bbs's I always feel like it sits fit makes the car look really nice we bought the rims and we bought the rims from Auto styling klerksdorf those were about 20K we also bought tires and stuff but we bought the tires from autostyle just Auto Style yeah we bought the tires from autostyle those were about eight thousand and we still had to travel to klerksdorp and stuff so you can call it about a 30k glue the entire combo I think I actually think it was money Realty and it makes the sky look completely mad but you can also go for another option which is the OEM work Wheels if you want an original wheel setup you can go and buy original work Wheels original bbs's they're gonna cost this wheel alone costs about 30k for the Sales brand new and that's without tires or anything else so for our budget the tnj BBS has just did it for us eh as you get to the back of the car you can see the car is fitted with um with the M5 foot spoiler but it's obviously a replica original M5 wood spoilers I see people calling prices of about 12 000 which is absolutely ridiculous but I guess it's supply and demand right um this boots for layer came with the car it's not an it's obviously not original this is a fiberglass version of it you do get better versions of the boot spoilers which you actually these this one over here this is a plastic wood spoiler so it's not made from fiberglass but it's a complete replica you can get this food spoilers that my brother's shop check out CSP Motorsports they've got stalker video as well they are obviously parts that were born from BM like for instance there's 325i badge I bought brand new for the sangoma that cost me about 800 a brand new food page will set you back 1100 because no other badge will fit on it besides because as you can see there's its own shape an original Prestige panel will cost you about 1 300 actually 3 000 from PM I got a quote from them where I went for the replica of it which cost me only about 600 Yen from my pillow Motor Sports so yeah I'm happy with that mud flaps everybody I mean my flaps they go for about 500 bucks so for the exhaust I sent the car off the power pipes the car is actually running a complete standard exhaust the only issue we had what it was the original back box was correct so we had to get another black box with it which was done in power pipes but the car original with the original back box was silent it sounded actually really amazing while on the notes of exhaust power pipes did stainless steel t-grounded branches on the car they look amazing the quality is quite good they also did a full free flow on the car so in total this the exhaust cost about 16 500. uh they charged me four thousand to tune the car and 10K to do that and the rest was just they said they did a service and one from the car as well so yeah so in total we spent about 32k yeah this is what a stock standard engine bay looks like there's absolutely nothing missing from this engine bay every single plastic every single thing is still in the car all the stickers are still in this car and yeah this is the original branches and yeah so you can see the comparison between mine and just original one so as I mentioned the car is running on dictator but to someone that doesn't really know these cars too well you think the sky is actually running on its uh normal airflow meter setup simply because of the way I've got everything running I want you to keep the skies OEM as possible so I've still got the original air box with the airflow meter setup don't ask me how I managed to do it it was actually a bit of sorcery but yeah so if you compare this engine to that one yes there are a few Plastics and things missing I mean you know that guy is a super super clean original but you'd never think that this car is actually running on dictator unless you hear the the launch control graving so I put a new versus Clutch and pen that also I'm not too sure on the price on it but it's really not too expensive um we had length come and help us with the air conditioning with this guy and a lot of the electrical uh you charged about 4K and we got the we got the air conditioning working blowing ice cold we also managed to get all the lights working the dash lights are working check panel as well as the onboard computer so that was great that was something I really wanted to be a turn on this car we also got messed around with other electrical that cost me about 5k but it's all part of the game I guess so A lot of people don't know that you can buy a lot of these parts from BM and pay way less or even like you know in some cases it's actually better to just buy brand new clips brand new Foams brand new pipes from BMW because you know it's OEM quality instead of making a plan everywhere and the difference in cost is very small so you rather have OEM proper BMW parts in your garden in there for the interior with this car I wanted the Ricardo Sports seats or Ricardo's some people say um yeah so I got scammed out of original seats for eight and a half K so that's eight and a half kick on I managed to get these seats I bought us I bought another E30 they shared these seats in it took swapped out the seats and sold that car so that's how I ended up with this Ricardos to recover them in genuine Napa leather that cost me seven thousand that under that Joe in in Alberton so if you guys need an interior guy please hit us up give the guys some work his quality is good we also bought the original badges for the seats that cost like 800 bucks with regards to the dash there's many options to do it I paid four and a half K to do my Dash so when you're doing when you do get your dashboard done it's always better I'd always advise to fill the cracks in the dash first and not to just reskin it because if you do just re-skin the dash after some time in the sun it will the cracks will start opening up again because it wasn't full they did a pretty decent job I'm happy with the outcome uh like I said not everything will be how it is from you these cars are old so you can't expect a brand new car like I say if you want to play a new car you know it's BMW another option which is car I had to have was a sunroof this car has a fact requested sunroof but obviously when I edit it resist the sunroof LED that was in there there was nothing else in so I paid about 2 000 for for the central spots and then I paid a guy named indu 3K to put the sandals in the car he refurbished all the rails and everything and serviced it so I am happy with it I haven't had any issues with the sun repairs yet that would so common issues with these cars are usually the steering rack they always give in side leaking a lot of guys will replace the E30 steering rack for E36 because it's interchangeable and it does what kind of you know you will have to grind away a few pieces to make it fit nicely um from my personal experience like you guys know I've showed you guys I've done the E36 record version on this car I wouldn't recommend buying another rack because at this point the scars rack is leaking again and I paid about in total to do the to do the power steering and everything that cost about three grand and I paid one five for the rack so it was pricey I should have actually refurbished the original E30 rack with like a few guys were telling me it's gonna cost you about 180 to do to refurbish a rack or buy a brand new one at 100 just buy a brand new one because you're gonna just buy end up buying someone else's issue so just a bit of buyer's advice for you guys who want to buy these cars and rebuild them or store them they are dream cars for all of us there are a lot of variants that come in these cars you get your photos your toodles your cabrioles your convertibles I mean you know the price it goes on and the prices obviously go up um the photos aren't really is uh SKS is the two doors or the isos in triple threes but they are starting to hold some decent value um what gives these cars good value is that they're both original three two fives on the take original cars they both have matching numbers all over the cars uh both of them came with Factory sunroofs I personally feel like you know a box most PMS SDF sunroofs so when obviously when buying these cars be careful of where these cars that come from where they loved before you know they are all cars they will suffer from rust a lot of these places that will suffer from rust is in the battery box in the boot if it's an original three to five but even if it's not they do Rusty as well also on the shop Towers if you do see rust in the shock Towers I would say just be careful it is a major job to do but I guess it also depends on what you want to do with the car if you don't if you don't plan on keeping the stock M20 motor you can always drop something crazy in there you can drop a M50 three to eight more so you can even drop E46 M3 Motors in the it's all up to you and your budget I could have sent the car off to a workshop who does it I know M Town does it the work is great Chicanos does it the work is good but obviously you know for me it was it was my build I wanted to build the car and get hands on with the car as much as I could you cannot must also remember that if you add up the total with the cost of the car we're sitting at about 200k all in maybe even a bit more with beauty if you count all the times I got scammed and stuff as well so you can do that you can also buy an original stock clean three to five that doesn't need any work but that's only if you can find one and and if you can actually afford it because these cars are starting to call numbers these days this car here is professionally evaluated at about over 300K so be aware of getting this game you'll get scammed out of Parts you'll get scammed out of anything for these cars like I said it's better to always buy brand new parts from wherever you can if you can't afford to there are some parts Obviously good secondhands will do we do want to see more of these cars on the road and bring them back to life we're not trying to kill him just be ready be cautious of what you're buying check for rust make sure all your paperwork's in order and yeah guys we hope to see many of these cars on the channel soon we hope this we want to see you guys world as well if you guys need any help with your as well please don't hesitate to email us or contact us on our social platforms we'd love to see more like I said we'd love to see more of these cars if you guys enjoyed this video please give us a thumbs up hit the Subscribe button if you haven't already we've got crazy content coming soon as you can see we've got a nice lineup of cars here and yeah peace [Music] thank you
Channel: The Usual Suspects
Views: 180,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cGdnF3wdQgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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