Corsair Walkaround Jim Tobul Oshkosh 2022

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foreign and I have my 1945 chance vot f4u4 Corsair I'd like to share it with you today and tell you some interesting facts about the aircraft aircraft is an awesome plane I'm flying here at air Venture pretty much all week I fly a Navy Legacy and I'll be flying with the F-35 Charlie model and also The Growlers uh which is an F-18 platform but let's talk about the Corsair today this is a magnificent airplane it was designed back in the late 30s early 40s so the guys that designed this airplane were using slide rules we it just it's unbelievable the technology we had at that time or the lack thereof and uh and then designing this from a clean sheet of paper did not exist so they had the largest propeller and engine combination at the time and built the aircraft around the engine and propeller the propeller at the time was built from aluminum it has a little bit of a hollow center it is 14 feet in diameter and it was the largest propeller at the time coupled with the Pratt and Whitney r2800 engine this one is a little bit modified for me because I do a little air racing I do uh formation and I do a full aerobatic Acro routine with the airplane so I want the horsepower and the speed to do that with in designing the aircraft they use these this propeller and engine combination and then they had to design the aircraft being that it's a 14 foot propeller this is a very difficult uh challenge in that the propeller became very close to the ground so the original design had a straight Wing coming across and having the straight Wing the gear was so long that it would never survive carrier operations so the engineers had to decide what to do so one of the engineers decided Well if we put a gall in the wing it will shorten the length of the gear and it should be able to yeah should be able to handle carrier operations where they were spot on got their little slide rules back out you know and figured out okay we have to redesign awesome the goal I get a lot of questions about well does it enhance what does it do from the flight characteristics it's not a plus it's not a Midas it's just a Gold Wing so it looks cool and it's a very unique design you can always tell of course hair because of its Gold Wing So that that's really a cool Factor so going back to the engine this is a later version they made earlier corsairs with just a round nose Bowl in the dash 4 they added the propeller blade so we have four this is a chin scoop they call it and this is the air scoop for the carburetor so it goes from here straight in the carb the earlier versions had little cheeks tucked inside and they weren't very efficient this is a great very highly effective airflow straight to the carburetor in almost a ram air effect so it's very efficient very effective coming around the outside of the nose Bowl this is an interesting fact a lot of people don't know about this but there's a little uh spring load I don't actually I'm I don't think oh that look at that it still works it has a spring load and what you do is you have a platform this is for the maintenance guys and so you would take and plug in a rod which has a step platform The Mating surface is in right here and the other end of the maintenance platform would go into here popped into here and now you have a platform in which you can work on the cylinders the Pratt Whitney r2800 has 18 cylinders 36 spark plugs just to let you know throw that in there so there was a lot of Maintenance and when the mechanics had to work on it they could work on the engine from the Lower Side without a maintenance platform but you're out in the Pacific Islands you're out in an island you don't have access to a lot of ladders so this became a platform for the mechanics to repair the engine work on it and service it because you got to remember there could be 30 corsairs you're not going to have 30 or 40 or 60 ladders hanging around so this was a great design and very unique and a lot of people don't know about that so as we transition we see cow flaps and the only reason for Cal flap is for engine cylinder Cooling invitation I hold side and a hot side for the cylinders and I can adjust those calf labs to keep me in the green range on the cylinder so in high power when I'm taking off they have to be wide open I want as much airflow over those cylinders because they're at their highest performance and then as I climb and I level out I close them up because now I have a lot of speed and that's enough airflow with the reduced power to keep me in the green range for the cylinder temperature so those are very very important and uh this is unique this door opens up and there's a tank inside now I don't have the tank but this engine has what they call uh military power throttle goes up and stops and there's a stop up there that has a copper wire and you can fly this aircraft up to the copper wire if you would break the copper wire and go up this is water injection and because the engine is already as Max performance when you break the wire and you induce or inject water into the engine at its highest level it it the water makes the engine explode and you will get another almost 100 horsepower if you need it so if you're in a bad situation you're against the enemy you can go ahead and break that wire and that's where you fill that tank now I don't have the tank in there some guys use them for racing where they can take ADI and you know there's all kinds of things you can do but that's a door that a lot of people don't realize what that's for so that's water injection and by the way when you break that wire the maintenance officer crew Whatever Gets inside it sees the brake in the copper wire engine comes off that's it for the engine you get a new engine see it's a one-time use that's an interesting fact huh so as we transition I don't know if you can see this but there's a little door up there do you see that little door right there yes it has a little screw on it that um holy cow I don't know if you can see this but there's a mating hole in the wing let's go over here I'll show you this real quick there's a mating hole right there and that hole is threaded and inside there is threads and so when you fold the wing up a jury strut goes in there and you thread the jury strut into the wing and you thread it into the motor mount that's actually a a threaded hole in the motor mount and the jury Strat keeps the wing in locked position when it is on the carrier you know going through a storm if I had the wings up and there's going to be high winds then I would put in my jury struts that's an interesting fact so anyway that is for the jury Strat it's uh again a lot of people don't realize with that little door is for so as we transition if we look inside the wing route and inside the wing route we see these diverters air diverters right there those air diverters on this side is called an intercooler on the original engine that was in this aircraft it had a supercharger and it required a lot of cooling and these intercoolers kept that supercharged section of the engine cool um again that was that was a dash eight engine and some of the early versions that engine required 450 horsepower to move all the clutches and all the mechanism it added almost three feet in length to the engine very uh um early design of the r2800 I have more of a higher now I'll just say a newer engine and mine's electric so actually I gained 450 horsepower of usable horsepower on this engine to fly with because of the lack of all the clutches and this intercooler is not connected I took everything out because it's no longer needed on the engine that I operate it's a cargo engine very reliable very strong and my horsepower is a lot bigger than most and I like that but this is for the inner cooler which I don't have and I had put baffles in here to limit the amount of airflow otherwise it would want to pop my cowling out so that's a lock these are oil coolers and I have one on each side and this is to cool the oil now in combat you know you can get shot that's another thing we actually I took it all off but there was Armament there was armor plates all around this section to protect the oil cooler from Amity enemy fire and so small arm fire could hit it and just bounce right off the Armament Armament plate so it protects this because this this protection of this oil cooler was really important so if a round would come in this direction and take out that oil cooler and you see it streaming out the back in the cockpit I can isolate this cooler and operate off the good one and still continue to fly and that cooler has enough efficiency to cool the oil for the engine and I can make it back to the boat so there's a lot of systems that were doubled up on for redundancy and wartime effort so after the wing route what we have right underneath is one of the pylons this aircraft has two pylons and they're multi-purpose multi-function number one they can handle drop tanks 150 gallons each and they have two drop tanks well Terry carry 300 gallons of external fuel on top of 234 internal so you have a total of 534 gallons of total usable fuel which goes beyond my limit as a pilot I'm five and a half hours and I'm done I'm coming down I want a Coke I want a pack of crackers I'm done I I went from Colorado Springs to South Carolina Charleston South Carolina landed at five and a half hours and I had a hundred and some odd gallons left in the airplane that was Non-Stop too much for me but the aircraft has that in Korea this aircraft has over 200 combat missions in Korea on the USS boxer the Valley Forge and the Oriskany aircraft carriers a normal load would be the right drop is on the right pylon the left one would have a 500 pounder bomb droppable bomb or a thousand pound Tiny Tim that was a very common load on top of that we would have this aircraft has six 50 caliber machine guns with 2400 rounds of ammunition also it has four rocket rails on each Wing so you have eight five inch hvar that's high velocity aircraft rockets on this aircraft so you had the bomb the drop tag 650 caliber machine guns eight five inch Rockets this this aircraft had a tremendous Firepower in Korea it was a close air support they'd call him in it would be Corsair after Corsair just unloading a tremendous amount of Firepower and these were very popular I had a lot of I'll say Ground Pounders you know Marines whoever they are said this aircraft saved my life because they came in and supported us ground guys where the Air Force was way up there somewhere dropping whatever so the the aircraft really had a a huge impact in the Korean War so we have the drop tanks now if you can look up underneath here that's a hug of one on each side and and pull and shoot this plane off the deck of the carrier if need be some of the Jeep carriers had a little shorter deck and they need a little extra oomph but they found out if they turn the carrier into the wind got about 25 30 knots into the wind the Corsair didn't need it it could take off on it under its own power off the deck fly off without using the cat shot so that was interesting a lot of guys some of the guys don't have those uh hooks on their aircraft so that is a rare item okay and as we progress to the gear what we have is another challenge from the engineers at chance Vaught they can't just roll the tire just when the gear goes backwards it can't stay in this orientation the wing is not that fat so what they have to do is turn the wheel 90 degrees through a knuckle Arrangement on the inside so that it goes up into the wheel well flat it's a very again a very unique design that the engineers had to design a solution and you can see that wheel well is very tight everything fits in there very very tightly and nicely and I have to be careful on my tires because if they're just a little too big they will drag inside another interesting fact back there in the back you see that piece of board that piece of wood back there that wood has grease on it and in case this cable which collapses this gear extends about a foot and a half this cable when the when the gear is going backwards this cable collapses the gear and gets tucked into the weld if that cable breaks for whatever reason the tire is going against that wedge piece of wood and it will slip so I can put the gear down it's wedged I wiggle pull some G's and it will slide right off that piece of wood and come back down to where I can land so that that's an interesting design piece that Chad spot did put a piece of wood in the grease it works works like a champ um let's talk about the brake system this particular brake system I modified the original was a Goodyear aircraft break and it was metal on metal it had a bronze discs had Staters and rotors and it's a very challenging to get replacement parts so I replaced them with a red line variant which has more common pucks it acts as a more of a a common disc brake ah the effectiveness is close to the original not quite there but at least it's easily repaired with common parts that are readily available out there so I did modify that just for the longevity I fly the airplane a lot and I do go through brakes so that has been a modified from the original the wheels notice the bolts on the inside those are split Rim Wheels and if I go to replace the tire I simply just take the nuts and bolts apart and the two halves come apart and I replace the tire and tube and then bolt it back together the original design was a solid wheel and by the way they're magnesium not aluminum so it's a really interesting how much magnesium they used on the aircraft but the solid ones are extremely difficult to buy fine tires but more so putting the tire bead around that lip very difficult so this was an enhancement with the split rims and obviously that's what I use um this is a this is what they call an lso light a lot of guys say oh that's where your camera is not so this is lso and that has a red green and yellow lens and so the lso officer is watching your aircraft coming in to land on the aircraft carrier the boat as they call it and your AOA that's angle of attack gives you a relative AirSpeed so as you're coming at the boat if you were too fast your nose would be low and you would have a too fast of a light you would have you know obviously the well the upper one is yellow it's saying yellow is too fast well as you slow the aircraft down which the lso the eye with the flags on the ship it's telling you to slow down as you slow down the AOA the angle of attack changes Green is right in the center the lso is looking for this green light to know that you are on the right speed your right speed right altitude now he's going to look when you're too high of the Glide slope or too low and if you get too slow the AOA pitches up and then he sees the red light and says speed up speed up because you're too slow so there's an exact speed that he's looking for and he can and this is what's telling him how fast this aircraft is is going very unique and I still have it and you know what I think there's light bulb in there and I think it would actually work too it turns on the cockpit for the landing phase only and then you turn it back off so that's kind of cool this uh is where 350 caliber machine guns go this is my spare set of wings these are Metalized the original wings that I have have fabric interlaced I do have the 50 caliber machine guns in there and you would see that they're staggered and I'll show you on the back side why but that's where the machine guns go right here but I haven't covered up by the way I raced at Reno and this was really fast I love having this nice fast slick Wing but my originals will go back on here by next year all right another interesting fact Corsair has a high camera Wing hopefully he can understand the technical jar but this has a high camera Wing which is uh aerodynamically speaking if you compared to a Mustang a Mustang has a laminar flow which is a very shallow thin Wing high speed but very different this has a high camera so it lifts much much more than say a P51 so having this High camera Wing allows it to handle Rockets bombs drop tanks and my girls kind of heavy too she's almost 10 000 pounds sitting here 98 in some change empty so the gross weight on the Corsair is fifteen thousand seven hundred pounds so it's a lot of armament it's a lot of useful weight it's all because of this High camera wing and you can see how fat that Wing is uh pitotube obviously airspeed and um it's a pre-flight check I always make sure you know I went to an air show one time and I saw somebody fortunately it wasn't my airplane a young boy doing chin-ups thought that was a cool chin up bar so you have to pre-flight these items to make sure you don't have any problems with this AirSpeed because that's what tells you how fast you're going and then there's a cover that goes on top and the cover goes on and that's another pre-flight item that I took off earlier today and uh it's it's really nice their only issue with that is hmm if I'm folding the wings I fold the wings get out of the airplane get my cover and I go it's folded you cannot get it once actually I did one time I did climb up you can actually it's not not recommended but you can do it it's just really high up there because you can imagine but the wings actually articulate over Center so the wings aren't like this or more so like this so you can kind of hike as I get to it but you need to put that that tube cover on before you fold the wings here's your nav light I have a strobe built in just a little tidbit these tips are not metal they're actually a material like a not a baker light it's like a fiberglass tip and but a lot of people don't realize that so that is fiberglass not aluminum how as we go over my other Wings which was typical for a dash four Corsair is material this is all Fabric in this section this particular set of wings is Metalized which they had on the dash 5 Corsair they did they realized that they didn't need to save aluminum because of the war effort and so they Metalized them versus using fabric which is very unique speaking of fabric these ailerons are the hens tooth of the aircraft these are all wood built structures all wood and then it has material fabric that wraps the entire wood and seals it from weather from a lot of different elements out there that would Decay wood but that that's a really interesting you know it's a 410 knot aircraft that's my max speed and these wood nailerons balance properly can handle 410 knots which is you know well over 450 miles an hour with wood nail rods that's interesting this right here is a trim tab and so I have all access trim adjustment I can adjust the wings the pitch and the roll in other words the rudder so all three axes of the aircraft I can I can adjust make it nice and easy um there's an interesting shoot up here here's a handhold and what you do is you go in here like this when you're pushing the aircraft around you grab this wing and on the opposite side is another one and you can control the aircraft and move that tail where you want it to go when you're trying to move the aircraft by hand so that's a handhold that I don't know if everybody really knows about that another very interesting piece this was a design that chance Vaught added to the Corsair and this is called a balance tap and the purpose if you look at this aileron and you notice if I deflected down it stays level it stays in the Airstream and it acts like power steering on the stick so as you deflect it the opposite way it deflects and stays in the airspeed and gives you a little extra um power so I you know in a Mustang I like using a Mustang the Mustang the faster you go it becomes like a truck and it takes two hands to do aerobatics and push the stick because they don't have balanced so now you have to you know you have 300 knots of speed over the aileron it takes a lot to push that aileron into the wind to make that uh aircraft maneuver the Corsair with this enhancement it's like power steering the faster I go I can take two fingers and just fly the airplane do my whole routine with two fingers because of that power steering called a balance tab so that's that's an interesting design element as you see there are this is where the three machine guns a 350 caliber machine guns go and as you see over on the left side each gun has two cans of ammo and they transition now the machine guns are staggered and that's what you would have seen on my other Wings is that there's one on the high end then one in the middle and one's short and each of those bands of ammunition go in there and they're staggered so it all works with with three three uh three cans of two three two sets of cans that go in there to supply the 50 caliber and the brass drops out of the bottom there's there's slots down there my other Wings have the slots of these don't this is clean Wing fast wing so the aircraft has a lot of flap area that was one of the uh designs of the aircraft because they had to slow it down this has to get very slow for this size of an aircraft to land on a carrier but you can see there's one two three sections both sides so you have six sections of flaps and they're all tied together via rods push rods and see these are tied together in this area right there and then they attach to the bottom of the wing and then you have air guard that comes out that keeps the air going and doesn't it's like an air gap seal and uh and so that that flap is uh we'll get into that later about it but I just want you to see how much area is involved in these flaps and they're sitting at the lowest or the highest degree of flaps that are available now this is an interesting fact here's a handhold here's a foot and [Applause] there's nothing on the side here but there's a handhold way up there and here's a little step to get in the cockpit but there's a missing link there's no foot plate there's no you have no step can't get on the airplane on this side some of them they cut them in some of them they don't the original aircraft did not have anything on this side Silver Bay says well why would you even have these accent points it's maintenance maintenance would jump up on the Wheel and jump over on the wing walk come over here talk to the pilot be able to put one foot over here communicate to the pilot they could have another maintenance guy on the other side which is the way you get into the aircraft so that's that's interesting that it's kind of like halfway there and but it's not very functional from the ground you have to get up on the wing and walk across so that's kind of interesting the wing walk there are some airplanes that don't have the wing lock because they want to be whatever reason authentic because it blocks the color of the wing but it's not correct you want to have Wing walk that has a little bit of sand in the paint and it gives you that grip and I can tell you I have fallen off this wing and your feet go like that you hit that that Wing root and you hit the ground whatever your position is you're hitting the ground not pretty so I have a nice aggressive Wing lock and your feet will really stick on that as well as getting your foot inside the step everything is very aggressive works really well we have some antennas some are the original antennas like that's an original com antenna back in its original design that's original antenna it has a wire that goes back to the tail I don't have the wire hooked up because I do a lot of aerobatics and I just I'm trying to minimize things that would fail or break and I wouldn't want to wire back there flip it on the back so I I left the post which is showing the antenna and where the wire would go and it goes up to the very tip of that vertical stabilizer that's where the other side of the wire would connect and then well I think it's on the other side it goes in the wire follows down this few slides goes into the radio Bay and that's for one of the radios so as we transition back here is a little cover right here it has a screw in the center and there's one on the opposite side and if you take this little cover off it's a hole that goes all the way through to the other side I have an inch and three quarter solid Rod that goes all the way through the tail and then I have a jack on this side and a jack on the other side and that's the only way you can jack up the tail on the Corsair especially if you're going to do a gear retract I do my own work on the aircraft and when I do an annual on the airplane it all has to be jacked up so the airplane is very high in the air but because that engine is so heavy if you were to jack up the tail it could flip over on its nose so I have to actually keep the the tail down so I have these huge weights that I have to slide two weights on this side two weights on the other side to counteract the tendency for the nose to go down so we keep the tail down we jack it all up and then I cycle the the gear which includes the tail gear and I will take and make sure my doors are fine because I do a lot of high speed Acro things can loosen up and so when you look at the gear well here this is a really nice tie down ring but they use that on the carrier to really anchor the aircraft on the top deck of the carrier and this little bar right here is really critical it's called the tail hook and that's what you're going to use to land the aircraft on the carrier and that hook back there is what grabs the cable very strong robust tail gear assembly it locks and it just allows a certain degree it's not a steerable tail wheel like a Mustang or some of the other aircraft this is a free castering tail wheel in which you have to lock on every Landing so it limits I do a few degrees left and a few degrees right so it keeps you tracking right down the runway for takeoff as well as Landing uh servicing if I want to service the strut with nitrogen I open it up it's also an inspection cover gets into a lot of gears and mechanisms that are working the rudder and the ailerons access cover for maintenance [Music] can't be nice what's unique about the Corsair is if you notice on the rudder and the elevators their fabric they did not use aluminum and the reason being is that it's light but also we're during the war effort they're trying to save aluminum but by Saving aluminum like a Mustang or some of the other aircraft they went to that Metalized control surfaces it becomes very heavy the the fabric makes it very very light so having these control surfaces in fabric makes it much easier for the pilot to do to actuate and as we come over here you see what we have right here remember we talked about the balance tabs on the elevator on the ailerons well the elevators have the same thing which is power steering so all axis of the aircraft less the rudder yeah it's just with your feet doesn't really mean much it's really that stick for us because you're over here working the throttle and you got the stick and so all axis roll and Pitch has the power steering so I can actually fly it with two fingers where a Mustang driver has to use two hands like Quicksilver scooter that's why he has big muscles he needs it and so this right next to it is the trim tab and so if I have a nose heavy nose life it's high low I can trim it to Absolute neutral by the trim tab in the cockpit as well as the rudder rudder has a trim tab and I if it's pulling to one side the ball is offset of my trim in my turning back I can Center it by simply a dial inside so trim the rudder trim the elevators and trim the ailerons all three axis trim on this aircraft it's like a drum beat Indians are coming in I have different camera mounts in this aircraft so you'll see unusual things these I simply have a camera and I can take and photograph Whatever video any aircraft flying with me I use those a lot with classic 45 with Scott yoke when he flies a Mustang we have a routine together and I'll put up cameras and we'll just want a video our routine and you can see more access doors oh here's the other one for lifting the aircraft tail or holding it down as I described that's the other side and it's a clear hole that runs all the way through the tail and more access to servicing the aircraft probably didn't notice this but on the other side it had USS Valley Forge on this side it has USS boxer and everybody says wait a minute you got to choose one or the other why do you have one side with 884 VF which is a Navy squatter and the other side is vf653 why would you do such a thing let me tell you my dad when he researched the bureau number which is 97 143 that's the serial number of this aircraft in the Navy he found it was on two different aircraft carriers USS boxer and the USS Valley Forge he then went to the squadrons figured out the time frame figured out that this aircraft Bureau number was in those squadrons so then he went to the pilots and said hey can you look in your logbook to see if you have 97 143 we found eight Pilots that actually flew it in combat and it's in their logbooks yes flew this aircraft we did this strike on this power plant you know we took out this train because this was a ground support so they took out they didn't do dog fights in the air with other aircraft they were ground-based support and so some were from 884 somewhere from 653 well the boxer in 884 with was Olathe Kansas and I think we had four pilots from that Squadron that we found four Pilots actually fluid in combat the other side is USS Valley Forge 653 that was an Akron-Canton Squadron found out that x amount of pilots from Pittsburgh and from Cleveland flew the aircraft and we built the aircraft I rebuilt the aircraft in Pittsburgh because we were living in Pittsburgh at the time we actually had a couple pilots in Pittsburgh that flew this aircraft on the uh you see that would have been the Valley Forge really it is now unfortunately all the pilots have passed but there's a crew chief from 653 that leaves in Naples Florida he's 93 maybe now and he's still there and he does travel the air shows with me because he and my father used to travel back in the 90s air shows all over the place and so that's why we have one side with a boxer the other side with a Valley Forge because my dad couldn't decide well we're just going to recognize Olathe or we're just going to recognize Akron you know what these guys we found pilot flew both of them from each Squadron we're going to recognize each one so that's why you see two different names yes I get a lot of people to say that's not authentic but you know what it's about the people it's about the pilots that actually put their feet in the rider pedals and they flew this thing in combat we felt that we needed to recognize those guys that's why we did that so just a little tidbit yeah okay so this I this side is very much identical to the other side but this side is the one we're actually going to climb on the aircraft Telltale sign there is the footstep in the flap that you need to get you back up to this handhold this footstep and if you notice there's a lower hand hold here this is will will get you up on the wing step then you transition to the upper then you come back over here to the step and then climb into the aircraft so this is the side that I will enter the aircraft and exit the aircraft only unless I wanted to do a Pappy Boyington and jump off the wing in the front which he could do but I'm starting to get a little older I like the steps so what you have up here is the fuel tank it only has one fuel tank and the fuel tank is in this whole section right here so basically I'm flying behind the fuel tank there's 234 gallons in here and it is a completely encased field bladder system oh look at that GoPro Mountain that's kind of a cool shot to have a GoPro right up the hose nose so as we transition oh hey remember this from the other side that's the jury strut cover that goes into that threaded hole on this side so jury strut right there and then we come into the oil service this is where I service the engine oil and uh make sure you hold on um this this uh dips oh you know what I'll just show you Okay so Max oil of 27 gallons not quartz and right now I'm sitting at 22 gallons which is about right for my demo I'll be flying my demo with 22 gallons of fluid I'm of oil and because I run it at that level it doesn't really exit I do aerobatics with negative and positive G's and when I go into the negative G's it pushes out the vents so if I go any higher I'm just going to lose oil it's gonna become a dirty girl because all it would come right off the belly I gotta scrub more I found out 22 21 gallons is really good for my demo when I go to go home I bring it up to the high end and travel back home this one up here is my hydraulic Reservoir it's a five gallon Reservoir and it has a dipstick and the dipstick has a hole and a rib and three holes and you can see the add Mark is right to here so I want to keep it between these two ribs but sometimes it's hard to see so they give these holes and when the holes fill up with oil because you can't even see the oil on there and it's very difficult but you can see the holes and so that's how I check my hydraulic fluid to make sure that I have hydraulics oh well now we're in the cockpit so let's kind of take a look at the cockpit some of the cockpit is standard the way it was originally and some of it I have modified because I flyed a lot all flight critical instruments have been changed to a new instrument so that it's reliable and if I'm flying into weather I I feel confident that everything is good here's the original clock that that is one of the original items the airspeed I changed it to a more common the G meter is an original g-meter manifold pressure that's pretty common but that's a high if you notice it goes up to 100 inches although my red line is down around 60. RPM the RPM is 2800 maximum and so that that's all very reliable but original this is original equipment as well as a tack generator on the aircraft um I use some more modern equipment these are gauges that measure cylinder head temperature the EGT and also fuel flow these are good indicators for me to tell me that all 18 cylinders are making power they could be warm cylinder head temperature could be up there but it's not making power so me is measuring the exhaust gas temperature EGT it tells me that every cylinder or which cylinder of the 18 are not giving me power so that I can go straight to cylinder number 12 and address that problem so it's a troubleshooting platform but it gives me a good idea because I only have one fan spinning and I want to keep it spinning cylinder head temp fuel gauge three in one that's original Three in One navigation my DG coming up Horizon original wet Compass air speed then we go to Turning Bank manifold pressure which is power RPM there's my mag switch and above it is my G meter this is an original checklist and I have it sitting on landing and I can change it to take off and it gives me a nice checklist to make sure that I have all the proper items addressed and I I leave it Landing then as we transition over to here we have the landing gear now it what's unique about this aircraft is it has a dive break section so you have landing gear and when you come up you can shift it over and come down to the dive brake side and what that does it keeps the tail gear in and does not allow to be deployed so the main landing gear will come out and that is your dive break now you can see I blocked it Dad didn't even want us to even think about going over there by accident pulling the gear down and only having the mains and not the tail but that is one of the um operational conditions of this aircraft in case you needed dive brakes and you were just wanted to point the nose straight at the ground you deploy the dive brake and you can just push the nose over and it will never exceed a Max v e speed of 410 knots so that's interesting here's the arresting hook and so sometimes I will demonstrate that the hook operates and when I come across the crowd I'll put the hook down and you'll see the hook down as I come across with my dirty pass the another interesting is the wing flaps you can see there's 0 10 20 30 40 and 50. that is incredible having 50 degrees of flaps if you notice there was a lot of flap area out there on the flaps but more so 50 degrees and you needed that because of the hose nose if you look down this nose you can see how long that nose is you see that aircraft carrier we're about to land on uh no you'll never see anything forward so the 50 degrees flaps pushes the nose over to allow our AOA remember we talked about AOA so your angle of attack can be lowered and not block all your forward Vision so that's the reason for the 50 degrees it slows it down my stall speed on this aircraft is 77 knots so I have to stay north of 77 because it'll fall out of the sky at 77 or thereabouts so but only can I get there by 50 degrees of flaps typically Pilots are coming in four knots above stall so you're looking at 81 and that knows it would be super super high if it wasn't for the 50 degrees of flaps and it's still they couldn't see it so there was a technique that they learned and it was a pinched down watch the lso officer come down on the deck and slam it that was the technique because the nose is so long to land this aircraft on aircraft carriers so there we go on the flaps here's my landing gear indicator so I can see that both my Mains are down and also this is my tail wheel so I know that all my gear are down and locked with those indicators and they're tied physically with a cable to each of the three landing gear here's my fuel pump I have emergency and I have Boost so it's a two stage pump so in case one fails I still have a backup fuel transfer if I have a left drop tank I can go to my left drop tank over there or I can bring it over to my right and what that does it actuates an electric pump and it transfers from the drop tank to my main tank so everything is transferable that doesn't mean that I could fly off the drop but guess what I can drive I can fly off that drop tank if that transfer pump fails by right here right now it's on on the main tank but see right here right drop tank standby so I could flip this over to the right it will draw the fuel from the right drop tank straight to the engine not to my main tank but to the engine the only problem is we have no idea how much fuel is in that drop so when it is done you will know it because the engine will stop it's time to flip it and you could do the same thing for the left so you can still get the fuel out of the tank it's just in a different way another redundant way of getting fuel out of those drop tanks uh here's your quadrantly oh yeah there's a point okay good here's the throttle quadrant and so what you have is your power this is manifold but this is fuel going to the engine throttle this one is a propeller so this this controls the RPM of the engine and this is my mixture control and so we control the mixture in which it's the air fuel ratio mixture going to the engine and as I said that's your fuel and we can turn it to off and then we lock the fuel out so it's not going anywhere you know what I forgot underneath here here's your cow flaps and so you can take your cow flaps and open them by pushing it this way or you can close them by pushing it this way so that's that's the flat Cal flaps that's right over there see you can see those from back here you don't need an indicator you can just look at them and so this is a trim this is my aileron trim and this would be right here is my elevator trim and this is my Rudder so Rudder aileron excuse me elevator aileron so roll my pitch and this is my yaw with the rudder so you have three axis trim on this aircraft and also here's the supercharger so I can be a neutral blower and I can come up to low blow or I could call come all the way up to high blow and this particular aircraft I don't utilize this I have a switch that's electrically actuated go into high blower or low blow but that that that's part of the original quadrant and an engine that I don't have in this airplane but that's the actual mechanism to shift it from high blood to hot to low blow here's the wing fold mechanism and it's a very interesting design it is hydraulically actuated so I'm in the spread configuration I can bring it up to neutral be like a center lock or I can fold them so what I have to do is unlock this physical pin this pin is on a spring-loaded cable and if you look out in the wing see that little tab that comes up that's how I am actually putting a pin into the hydraulic cylinder to ensure it will never back out if the wings were folded I could show you that lock mechanism but there when the wing is folded I mean excuse me a spread there are holes it's kind of like an eye and a clevis coming together and there's a hole through all of it and there's a pin on the cylinder that goes through the clevis and the eye that locks the wing down so hydraulic pressure if it were to fail you could have it slip out well by actuating that pin it goes in the back of the cylinder and locks that cylinder so it stays engaged and Nev can never back out of the wing so when I'm flying in Flight I can be insured that cylinder will never back out and my wings will always be locked in the spread so I'm going to go ahead and lock those that pin and when I do this it locks it down so that's one of my pre-flight items I look on both Wings to make sure both of those tabs are down so that my wings stay in the position I want um back here if I were to have drop tanks I can deploy my right drop tank by using this lever where I can deploy the left pylon so whatever I have on the pilot if it's a drop if it's ordinance this is how I would drop a bomb so normally it would take the left pylon drop their bomb 500 pound Tiny Tim whatever the ordinance is that's how you would drop it off the aircraft that's how I drop my drop tank if I put a right one on which I have and I want to take it off the airplane I have a couple of guys down there catching the drop tank and this is where I pop it and uh it'll release it so that's the pylon releases and just forward of that is my tail wheel lock and this locks my tail wheel so right now it would be locked in that very limited left and right uh position or I can release it and it's a full 360 degree swivel this aircraft has oxygen on board and so here's my valves for opening and closing my oxygen bottle because when I fly the airplane I'm on oxygen the entire time interesting fact see down there it says dump the tank pressure what you can do is you can take that and turn it on it pressurizes the fuel tank this aircraft has a service ceiling of 41 000 feet and fuel is not intended to be consumed at 41 000 feet so fuel tends to get a little crazy up there so we pressurize the tank and it allows the fuel to stay in its condition that it's expected to be to be flowed through the engine and run correctly if you don't pressurize the tank you'll actually not be able to use the fuel it just it it reacts in some very bad ways so that's a pressurized but that's only for high altitude which I don't go up there anymore so I just leave it in a dump state which is just natural state um on this side is my switch panels over here I have my battery my primer my starter and my pre-oil and I go through my sequence of starting get a radio Master external lights pedo heat strobes section lights navigation lights remember we talked about that approach light I can actually turn it on and it does function and work so those are the switches I use I have a hydraulic auxiliary pump so I can actually fold the wings on the ground by using that pump so these are things I added for convenience purposes come down here here's your lights here's all your circuit breakers for the aircraft on all the electrical systems and here's my radio so I have an audio panel here I have com1 com2 nav my nav does have ILS so I could shoot an approach and then I have my transponder it's really cool not very many airplanes have this I have an onboard camera system and this records all my cameras and I have cameras on each side of the cockpit so I can take video going off my wing this way off my wing that way I have a camera that's on the side of my helmet here that faces right out the screen which is a cool shot I have another camera right here that faces me and I when I'm upside down I can get some pretty cool shots out of all this glass canopy and uh but I have that's an onboard camera system that I can utilize as well oh here's an interesting fact that's a lock that lock is supposed to be on for takeoffs and landings that way the canopy can never come forward it's an emergency situation where if I were to have an accident and the canopy could run all the way forward break all the mechanisms and lock me inside the canopy well with this right there that ensures the canopy will never come forward and so for all Landings and takeoffs that's something that it was always flipped over and also when I'm inside if I have to have an emergency I have a red handle here and here and I pop it and the canopy comes off so I can exit the aircraft need a system on the aircraft and these control all the different these are Armament you can see these are bombs right here salvos you could go in groups you can release Rockets individually collectively you can use one on the right one in the left to make opposings um all different things you have a gun site I actually have the original Gun Site that goes in here and it's operational you can have guns you can have just the inboard guns you can have the center guns the outboard guns now remember they always go in pairs so if you do outboard you get outboard left and right so you can turn all of the guns on and fire them all at one time Pilots say when you do that you could actually feel the airplane backing up with 650 caliber guns going off so they usually use them individually plus saving rounds you don't want all six going out there and every I forget it was every fifth round was a tracer so you can see the Tracer and you know where your rounds are going but you want to be selective only have 2400 rounds so then you have master armaments and but this is this is your weapon systems and this is what actuates and this is what they originally look like your gun sight has a rectal coming up and you can make it as bright or as dim as you want so that you can see your target is lined up the machine guns so now the center pedestal has charging and so we charge the 50 calibers so the guns on the right side will be charged hydraulically so basically this is just taking hydraulic pressure shooting them to the guns charging the guns for operation they need hydraulic pressure to shoot and then when you unload them you come back to the safe so when you land on the boat or come back to the base they're non-operational in the safe mode so you got left guns and right guns you got the oil cooler door remember we saw the oil cooler I have doors I forgot to show you that that I can open and close based on my temperatures and then also I have oil cooler door location so I can actually open them which is always open excuse me always close because this engine runs really cool but if I want to open it I can sit down and open this thing all the way up but the engine runs so cool very seldom and it's in its automatic position so when it comes up here and the oil temperature gets in that yellow range I'll start to see this door open it opens at on demand so as I get hotter of oil temperature it will start opening further and further so I can look down here and know that it's it's operating correctly my intercooler remember I I said that I didn't have it this actually would control the inner cooler in the flaps here's your oil shut off remember I mentioned that if I had problems in the one oil cooler was shot up I can pull this and turn it and isolate the left hand or I can isolate the right hand oil cooler and it won't keep dumping oil overboard there's my emergency bottle I have a blow down from my emergency gear extend and so that's my bottle says I'm right up to high temp it was my fresh air this is my bestest friend in the whole wide world in hot Temps and hydraulic pressure I'm always right around the Thousand PSI in operation and down here the is how I extend the gear with the emergency if I lose Hydraulics and I have to use the blow down bottle that's my procedure that's it I [Music] think yeah you can take he could tell scooter it's yeah quick silver plus egg versus Corsair Corsair will get them every time but thank you for joining me I hope you educate you a little bit on the course here [Music]
Channel: Erik Johnston
Views: 366,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aviation, Aircraft, Airplane, Flying, Airport, Runway, Taxiway, Hangar, Walkaround, Tour, Pilot, Aviator, Wings, Prop, Propeller, Veteran, Interview, Trent Palmer, Flight Chops, Just Plane Silly, Aviation101, Mike Patey, Mark Patey, Baron Pilot, Flying Doodles, In The Hangar, Chance Vought, Corsair, F4U, Hose Nose, U Bird, Black Sheep, Baa Baa, Pappy, Boyington, Jim Tobul
Id: qkSI8abs0Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 7sec (3727 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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