CORRECTIONS Episode 99: Week of Monday, March 11

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♪♪ -Hey. [ Laughter ] I was told I shouldn't say something slays. I should say that something slaps. But ideally, I shouldn't say either. I should say something is nice, I liked it. A lot of complaints that I only corrected one thing last week, about lead in the pencils. Someone accused us of false advertising, when clearly this is a case of no advertising. I think, you know, yeah, it started as "Corrections," but we've evolved and we've kept the name. You know, it's like how "Meet the Press" was called that 'cause the press had never met any of the politicians, and they've all met now. But they haven't changed the name to "Oh, You Again?" [ Laughter ] We showed a shot of Rudy Giuliani's empty brain. Called it an X-ray. That would have been a CT scan. Because an X-ray wouldn't get through the skull. They kind of famously see bones. [ Laughter ] Easy way to remember -- CT scans are for brains, X-rays are for bones, triple-X-rays are for boners. -♪ Shot down in a ♪ -Baze. -♪ Of glory ♪ [ Laughter ] -And I didn't get it at first, but... it was clever, bud. [ Laughter ] [ Clears throat ] Somebody sent an ice tray that made little, um... Someone wrote in and said last week, um... I spoiled the end of "American Beauty." I didn't spoil the end of "American Beauty." I spoiled the end of "The Usual Suspects." If anybody spoiled the end of "American Beauty," it was Chris Cooper when he shot Kevin Spacey. [ Laughter ] Remember, we thought he was the bad guy then, but now... That movie's got a real "Usual Suspects" ending now. In "Ya Burnt," we had a picture of a bedbug wearing a bowling shirt, and a bunch of you said the bedbug was wearing it backwards. True, but they're so hard to get on in the first place. There was a joke about people who believe in astrology in "Ya Burnt." And it was a joke that, like, "Hey, ladies, if he was born on November 20th, they're the love of your life. He's born on November 21st, he's going to cheat on you." And a bunch of you pointed out that those were bad dates to pick 'cause both of those days are Scorpios. But if we'd done November 21st and November 22nd, that would have been a better way to do it, because one of those was a Scorpio and one of those is a Sagittarius. Um, the Burn Boys... There's three of them. They work on this. All born -- they share the same birthday. Triplets. I know this 'cause Shoemaker went to the orphanage and just wanted one of them, and they were like... [ Laughter ] I don't know which one of the three he wanted. Ben. So, we got all three of them born on the same day. And their star sign is Slothicus. Based on a constellation. The qualities of the astrological sign Slothicus -- Inattention to detail. Disinterest in checking their work. [ Laughter ] Favorite food of a Slothicus... [ Laughter ] Baby Ruth, or as they say, B-- I'm not gonna do it. [ Laughter ] Alright, where are we? Last Thursday, we showed a parrot. It was actually a picture of a scarlet macaw. Which means it's time for "Animal Flubs: Parrot Edition." -♪ Animal flubs, animal flubs ♪ ♪ Time to take a look at some animal flubs ♪ ♪ Animal flubs, animal flubs ♪ ♪ Time to take a look at some animal flubs ♪ ♪ Animal flubs, animal flubs ♪ ♪ Time to take a look at some animal flubs ♪ [ Faster ] ♪ Animal flubs, animal flubs ♪ ♪ Time to take a look at some animal flubs ♪ ♪ Animal flubs, animal flubs ♪ ♪ Time to take a look at some animal flubs ♪ ♪ Animal flubs, animal flubs ♪ ♪ Time to take a look at some animal flubs ♪ [ Song speeds up to incoherence ] [ Explosion ] -Parrot means to repeat. Brawwwk! Get it? [ Laughter ] -[ Sighs ] Everybody is now getting sensitive with me because I have become sensitive with them criticizing the podcast plug. And someone said, "The reason why people" -- he's speaking for everyone. "The reason why people are put off by your podcast announcement at the end of each show is because it takes the place of the charity you used to promote during COVID. Try bringing back the charity and promoting your podcast." Okay. Hey, everyone, are you familiar with Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America? I am, 'cause I'm a big brother and I do a podcast with my little brother. [ Laughter ] Give it a listen, and then if you want to donate to Big Brothers and Big Sisters, I'm sure you could google it. [ Laughter ] And they'll have a link to donate. Did a whole "Closer Look" about how Fox News is saying Joe Biden must have been on something and how -- they kept -- Sean Hannity kept calling him "Jacked-Up Joe." Jacked-Up Joe, Jack-- And the thing is, I don't watch the clips before "A Closer Look" anymore. I used to... but I just stopped. [ Laughter ] And then sometimes I'll just see a clip, but it's too late to make a joke about it because I haven't watched it in advance. Which brings us to a new segment called "Missed Opportunities." ♪♪ So, we showed a clip of Jesse Watters complaining about Joe Biden, also sort of inferring that he thought he was on drugs. And I will say, when I said "inferring," my butthole clenched, not knowing if that's the right word. [ Laughter ] Anyway, it had followed this long montage of Sean Hannity saying Jacked-Up Joe. And then in the clip, I noticed, too late to say anything about it, that Jesse Watters did something. So, this was the missed opportunity. Let's see the clip and then I'll tell you what I would have said. -All of a sudden, this guy is like... -More like "Jacked Off"! [ Laughter ] This has been "Missed Opportunities." ♪♪ We did a bit about Rupert Murdoch announcing next year's Oscars, the winner. And I had him announce "Oppenheimer," and a bunch of you said, "Well, he wouldn't announce 'Oppenheimer' next year because 'Oppenheimer' won this year." But I bet Rupert Murdoch wouldn't care about your rules. He'd be like, "Ah, that was nothing better this year! To be the king, you got to beat the king! It's 'Oppenheimer' for me! I don't care about your [bleep] rules!" [ Laughter ] -That's not a slice of Pizza Hut. I joked that I had a two-hour "Lost" explainer online about the ending of "Lost," and one of you wrote in, "You should call it 'A Closer Locke.'" That was sent in by an Alex from Arizona. Oh! -♪ Shot down in a ♪ -Baze. -♪ Of glory ♪ [ Laughter ] -Bunch of you said, "Hey, if Zoe and Michael got married, why weren't you at the wedding? Were you not invited?" I unfortunately had another wedding to attend to. Every week, my wife and I renew our own vows. [ Laughter ] They're pretty short now. One could even say terse. It ends with one of us going, "I do," and the other one's like, "Well, congratulations, I do too." I said we're going to play the sea captain lines last week all at once. And then what we did, I was told, was not all at once. It was sequentially. So, here you go. Here's the sea captain lines all at once. [ Gravelly voice speaking indistinctly ] Your way was better. Someone last week said, "Your wig looks bad in the back." [ Laughter ] This is not a wig. I'll prove it. [ Laughter ] Come on. Would I have been able to pull it that hard? [ Vocalizing ] Um... I said "a PPE loan." I should have said PPP. PPP is Payment Protection Program. PPE is personal protective equipment. And OPP is other people's -- [ Cat meows ] [ Laughter ] Looks like everyone here was just... -♪ Shot down in a ♪ -Baze. -♪ Of glory ♪ -He's never sent in this many. [ Laughter ] Hey, you know, we're coming up next week to 100, obviously. We're trying very hard to get all the other ones, the old ones, up. Some have been down, and we're only now 40, 43 and 54. We're working on getting those back up. That's sort of exciting news. Hey, somebody wrote in, "My daughter Kayleigh loves your 'Best Case, Worst Case, and One With Bees' and always asks for the bees. She can quote much of it from memory. The only thing she loves more is jewels. Don't know how to tell you -- your daughter Kayleigh is a Jermaine head. [ Laughter ] She's a Jermaine head. She loves -- She loves the Jermaine stuff. Had a sketch called "Celebrity Baby Teeth" by Jermaine we decided not to do, but... think Kayleigh would have loved it. [ Laughter ] Somebody sent in this. It's a Lego Wally. And, uh... Wally, if you want it, it's, uh, not gonna be cheap. Kenny's already made me a pretty solid offer. [ Laughter ] Said he wants to "do stuff with it." [ Laughter ] Someone -- Speaking of Lego... Someone made a -- sent in a photo of "Jokes Seth Can't Tell," I guess that they made. Someone -- The person who made it, Jen, wrote, "Now that I printed out the photo, I realize the pencil in the mug looks like something else." [ Laughter ] Well, I would only say, if it looks like what you think it looks like... shouldn't have put it that close to Jenny. [ Laughter ] Just mentioned a couple of Lego stories. Crossword. [ Clears throat ] 52 down. "Tiny building blocks." The answer -- five letters. You know what that means? The answer is Legos. You [bleep] up. Whoever made this [bleep] up, and now they're in for it. I mean, we've heard firsthand -- We've seen firsthand how awful the Lego community can be. Whoever did this [bleep] up. Now, I'm not saying whoever edited this should be scared, but when the Lego people show up at your house, you will crap your shorts. -Baze. [ Laughter ] [ Sighs ] That's, uh...99! You know what that reminds me of? Our friend Andy Samberg. "Brooklyn Nine-Nine." Let's see if he's around. [ Line ringing ] [ Ringing continues ] Feels like it should have stopped by now. [ Ringing continues ] Like, what kind of psychopath lets it ring this long? We got a hiatus, and then we come back, and then we have our hundredth one of these, which is, uh... What a trip. What a journey it's been. So, that's going to be a little bit of a break. Thanks for watching, and see me in two weeks.
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 336,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: late night, seth meyers, late night seth meyers corrections, corrections, NBC, NBC TV, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, Seth Meyers, errors, Late Night, astrology, Rupert Murdoch, Oppenheimer, Oscars winner, late night corrections, corrections on late night, errors on late night, mispronunciation, script corrections, script errors, writing errors, writing corrections, writer errors
Id: oWyYYT4wUSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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