Corn Silage Harvest 2019 - 5830 DOES WORK

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what's up everyone today we're going to take you for a little ride on the silage trucks we're going to take you for a ride in the 58 34 charter silage chopper and then we're gonna take you for a ride and the push tractor and you're going to get to see how the entire forward harvest operation on our farm works from start to finish chopping corn silage to feed our cattle [Music] the 8:30 [Music] [Applause] all right we're Philips I love 2019 and put my hat back on 20:19 has rained a lot made challenges cause of damage from flooding dryland corn which when I used to here in Kansas we grow corn but we count on it going through some heat stress it's like I'm pretty good Charlie getting a ride Charlie likes rides don't you Charlie yeah you do years old twenty-eight years old still hungry still what we were doing earlier with those jugs but and water it makes it in the document [Music] - the ensiling Oh start the fermentation [Music] there's a pump on there it sprays it on we have to put it wash it off so yeah it's bad for you here we usually I don't know in between two hundred or three other takers of mileage this year we planted some extra hoping to be able to pick some and then a random random brain we're actually only gonna chop we're gonna chop under 200 acres because this is making so much silage the and the other has such good grain and every beer we have enough silage and it's worth more the grain so we're going facts you are gonna try to pick more than we chopped this year and this is our first time ever picking for so a learning experience just think it's crazy man we this is Kansas don't worry excited right side up some good corn the weather treats as well for fall harvest we got a lot of crops because it rained a lot that's big of a pain rain can be it makes things go [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] flora to talk to run the here on this thing we gotta actually work when you got short cord you're driving for about an hour and you really have managed this cutter is about 290 horsepower new ones are like I don't know 900 force it's enough horsepower we need we hit there were two trucks and farther away stuff green drugs background there we need to do a second trying to avoid and in younger there down row one rose we have a demo out again but in certain scenarios it's really nice that working well and working well right now and in some time earlier on the signal right we can't make it all the way now with the down room hope you enjoy time in the old 5830 [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hope you guys enjoyed that video please click Subscribe so that you can be notified of future videos we're gonna be uploading a new one every Monday we hope sometimes even more frequent than that also you can follow us on facebook at peterson farm bros and twitter instagram and snapchat act pete's farm bros thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Peterson Farm Bros
Views: 58,067
Rating: 4.9481707 out of 5
Keywords: Peterson Farm Bros, Farming Video, Farm, Farmer, Kansas, America, USA, Silage, Corn, John Deere, 5830, corn silage harvest, work, harvest, Maize, Tractor, fs19, corn silage, bigtractorpower, farming, Chopping Corn, Agriculture, Semi, Silage truck, Push tractor, tractor, packing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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