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hello my name is Harold I'm one of two brothers that has designed and built this corn cracker I might take a moment to tell you a little bit about it it's very simple operated by anyone cooperating random birds to change you simply make an adjustment and you can go from coarse to fine this machine is designed to grantor but it will grind the other dry form a cedar or like wheat or being a lean brand cat food that that you might want to use to supplement your feed protein level so get your moment to show you a little bit about first of all it simple operate it's like I said is no barrier to change you simply loosen the locknut adjust your handle to integrate or grind that you want and go from there now when you put the corn into the hopper you'll make sure that you gauge closed you crank your motor and then you make your adjustment but what grande you want in this case we're going to open up one turn and that be for a coarse grind let's see that Oh just grind now this is a coarse grind it's good for cattle for for hogs or just about any livestock that you'd want to feed it to and you can feed just grind two chickens or any other file that's that's fully drawn if you'd like a finer grind you simply make adjustment on your own your handle I screw it all the way in relock the nut open the gate just back in and go right through for a second run and then compare the grind okay here we go you can see this grind is much finer it can be fed to chickens or small chicks I wouldn't recommend it for quail but if you want to even finer than that simply run it through again and it will come out as fine as cornmeal therefore you can feed it to quail or or any small fowl this machine is designed to run about oh we're on a 50 pound bag and four minutes or less you can run 800 pounds per hour depending on how fast you feed it here the information that's my clock look at our website with maize meal calm thank you
Views: 68,830
Rating: 4.6263738 out of 5
Id: zPk-xcVobNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2011
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