Corey Knebel Flies with Blue Angels

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I heard the beep so I guess that was it loud yawn your ear huh no no it's good all right now it's all good oh man see you guys are playing tonight oh yeah big it down are you ready heads inside take it all right APU right now it's on basically start the right engine all right so put your left knee you can see the engine display there's an RPM there yep 20 percent of the LP ma introduced the right side fuel and then right boy the RPM is the temperature watch how quick of that temperature arises there's already hundreds just from the fuel getting dumped into their way quicker than by truck do you want me to our my seat now not yet I'll let you know okay 500 500 it's over around 600 usually she's just there in poverty perfect yeah that's the jet gonna be yelling that's just for just a bit good to go we're gonna start the left engine all right here comes that thing about some weather real quick listen to that temperature one eight two point one four seven or three-year-old one-year-old localizer runway 5-left approach and you landing runway through five left departing runway through five left one free treatment clothes ILS runway one left house of service pile of runway ones neither flight out of service WRL them service parking for numerous taxiway closures on the airport transponders required so beyond these 1700 feet above the ground yeah we go way above that quick call the clearance delivery see if I copy are clear it's here Claire evil angel seven should have a clearance on file back here - angel 70 cleared the marking Mitchell Airport via radar vectors maintain 5,000 things like 9,000 of your final departs frequencies one can you depart frequency be one to five point three five four five three three seven two but walking via radar vectors club became 5,000 expected nine thousand depart walk twenty five point three five five three three seven Lou angel seventy Rebecca's correct and just over are you looking for an unrestricted climb to 9,000 if we're able if able I'll take it up to absolutely upside out to be good alright we'll see if we can work that out when you're on the tax you go see if we can coordinate something for you but for now initial up to maintain 5,000 Rebecca's correct enjoy the flight I just have a thank you all right so we just got our clearance right now we are waiting on the aircraft to figure out where it is essentially I think of its bit their crab spit turned on for about 12 hours now and it's kinda like your cell phone we turn it on takes it just a few you know a couple seconds to figure out where all the towers are located itself essentially that's what the airplane is doing right now okay so give Bobby a thumbs up forget the thumbs up he tells me hey go put your flaps at full so I go full flaps take a look at that left wing the backside of it you see the see the ailerons moving around flaps look good good we're gonna go flaps up make sure those leading-edge flaps get nice and flush there with the wing very good ultimately go right here to flaps for takeoff so we're all set to go there all right everything's looking good on the rudders don't move it correctly make sure I get all this stuff on that all looks like it's good to go check this all right I'm going to enter a quick way point so that we could go it's about actually it's let me already be up there it looks like that's awesome let's see what do we get [Applause] seconds wait pull it to 40 to 30 we can enter that so 4322 sock to myself go about 40 miles up to the west 87 up to the Northeast and pretty much got some protected airspace up there that won't be able to pretty much do whatever we want it about 30 miles up to the northeast good I just realized we're all in the same cabin yourself shouldn't part I mean if I'm hard it's gonna cut away man but the cool thing about this is it blows all the air air to the back [Applause] grab Blue Angel 7:30 taxi from that guardrail foot thank you actually Juliet this crash three to five watts attack to be in November November purple April 17 we give him a little smoke kick those smoke out so going off there to the left smoke is and we are out of here man let's give them a thumbs up good way fist bumps yeah controls are good to go way down a lot cancer down we've got our trip set at 12 30 30 30 [Applause] [Applause] and on the outside let's go ahead we are going to do we're gonna do is 305 Jesus we park this thing about 45 degrees those high clouds I want you to take a look behind you and see what the ground looks like is there climb it up okay alright buddy are you ready to departure runway through five take off the wind there's three three zero one two it's our religious evidence take up to five left if that was uh 9,000 weight or something else or maintain Niner thousand heading two seven zero Niner thousand seven take up to five left we are clear for seven change to the partner about the northern take a later step approach apart we are cleared for takeoff [Applause] 25:35 alright we'll give a quick little run up here or over set but make sure we got good digits here just a little bit wipeout hydraulics or good engines are good are you ready let's do it alright here we go his full afterburner feel that right there oh yeah we're already at 80 Bahts going down the runway chase there's 100 140 let's go ahead get off the ground here 50 feet we're already at 200 knots the gear flaps are up there is 50 feet there's two lady alright cry squeeze those legs ready [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] 240 knots right now [Applause] [Applause] let's head on out here quick on your looking at the there the left DDI so you exactly right we are at 9,000 feet right now we we just cancel I apart we're now in a VFR flight right now that means we don't plan on hitting any clouds or anything like that so okay we are good to go for VFR I'm hoping there'll be a bit of a hole up here whatever we have plenty of altitude above us so we could do a full flight but these these are hanging out right about 4,000 feet these clouds are [Applause] display that you're looking at so you nail that altitude the moving to the left side though we've got our 279 that's our airspeed yep so 280 now below that to the left you have our angle of attack which is essentially the angle in which the air is hitting the bottom of the aircraft so it's 4.0 right now we'll just we'll talk about later more how that really affects the airplane but right now it doesn't really make a difference but below that we are a balk number point five one so easy way to think about that is our it's a percentage of the speed of sound that we're going so we're going 51 percent of the speed of sound right now [Music] obviously you don't know what we've got now or looking roughly 300 but right now a little over 600 miles per hour would give us the speed of sound right below that is our current g 1.0 since we're sitting here we're 2800 nice and level official 303 zero and then below that you've got five point nine which is the max of G's that we've pulled thus far that makes it make sense sweet so what you Texas with owner I did well George v Texas George South Texas North Austin thanks perfect man I'll never leave that place yeah where are you from I am from Kansas however I Spit my last couple of years down at the Corpus Christi Texas device instructing the real instructor for the baby okay maybe students down there that's awesome yeah that's good to go we got a family down there they work for P P [Applause] just look we got Lake Michigan here that huh yep that's like they should get down below then we probably just passed over the shore just about a few miles ago we got about another 20 miles out here to go I'll take us three minutes to get there and it will won't start it'll take us three minutes three minutes what a way to travel yeah yeah so got the Phillies in town tonight oh yeah that's in the NL Central yep central holding right now just trying to beat the Cubs yeah I like a big Royals fan it is tough to be lost fan back early two-thousands late 90s they just were not very good but they went to the 14 World Series and they lost the chance right yep yep lost the Giants bow saw Moustakas at the all-star game and yeah this World Series ring on yeah I was jealous boom boosts oh yeah it's crazy even in Miami where we were they were they announced the staying like who like those guys cell Perez yep they're men Vargas was also there okay we're gonna do the first thing is just do a little g1 show you what two three and then four G's feels like with six G's so two three and four Jesus first what we're gonna do we're gonna go to the left no need to flex I just want you to kind of sit back and talk to you all about it just listen you won't you won't be close to passing out or anything so okay the human body typically controlled right around four G's without without having any issues and without even flex it so if you're ready we're gonna go to the left do it here comes to G's already right there's two cheese they definitely feel it but I think by the end of this flight you'll will be pulling through the half G's you don't even realize it all right here comes three G's right there it's three times your body weight push it down on you so wherever your weight is triple it that's what you're experiencing and ultimately here comes 4G go back to the right baby I'll get down there take a look at the water a couple little holes out here alright we're going to go touch 6 G's on this one I'm gonna say alright coin squeeze those legs ready hit it you'll go into our anti G straining whatever hit but they were just like art taught you sounds good we're gonna go to the right are you ready ready alright squeeze those legs ready hit it [Applause] little right we get up sexy six point three of that one do a complete 180 turn right there we do about ninety degrees okay well let's figure out these clouds go it's good just down here take a quick little look-see alright see if we're gonna be able to get down here by the other water at all [Applause] it's a while so that you can kind of have some reference to kind of how fast you're going yeah actually this will be pretty good right here yeah it just was gorgeous right here perfect I'm gonna use this little hole we've got here I'm gonna show you a couple of believers we do it the the demo all right first thing we're gonna do is what we call the diamond roll it's very it's a very but what makes it cool is that the one through four blue angels one through four do it all while maintaining about eighteen inches away from each other so they do a complete 360-degree almost barrel roll it do that all eighteen inches away from each other all right so here we go get just a little bit more speed on the jet [Applause] spoke up he's the pole rolling out so diamond role is that the cop would sound like say up we go gives a nice easy little pole like this memories got guy left wait go the right wing a guy in the slot right behind him and that he says okay he starts his role [Applause] and you can see as long as you may take 1g the whole way around you can be completely upside down and not fall out of your seat yeah a little bit outfit out that just stay out of these clouds bit down that was a diamond rule nice I'm seeing y'all show a couple times last year we got to watch it in Chicago yeah [Applause] alright there's diamond roll we're gonna do a quick aileron roll so the next videos I do after the diamond roll they come around they do the diamond to aileron roll basically it's just a quick rule to show you how fast the airplane control alright so have you got make sure you got a hold of those grips it's not I don't need the strain or anything it's just a quick little roll here we go we're going to left ready feel good do a great awesome back around here and I'm gonna see if we can actually see our shadow on the clouds kind of a cool perspective if you can actually behind this right now other times we'll get her chef yeah I see it here we go so just out the right side of the airplane you can see see our shadow as we get closer to clouds here it gives a cool little perspective - yeah [Applause] yeah we're not getting there on that great we shadow but get a little quick look at it there you go [Applause] let's get a quick look at it turn outside all right so we saw the top and Alejandra or we saw an aileron roll we saw the diamond roll now we're gonna go down here a little bit lower let me show you the high alpha pass so obviously the diamond is the four airplanes that do do a lot of their close precision formation flying and then you've got the solos and their role is to just to demonstrate the maximum performance of the f-18 alright and show the kind of performance that this thing has so I'm gonna get here's a little hole right in front of us we're gonna go down [Applause] I always ask guys you know when you're little you probably thought it'd be cool to go in a fighter jet I wonder where to sound at least for me I was like wonder what it sounds like inside of that thing and of course now I know and I'm like yeah I guess it kind of is pretty similar to what I always expected how in terms of sound how does the 18th you know does it sound and feel exactly like you thought from the outside it sounds a lot I figured on the inside you kind of hear a lot of it too yeah I mean this is smooth sailin quiet you can hear I mean whenever we do the parallel rows whenever I hear it yeah all right here's a nice little open spot and we actually go a bit lower [Applause] first up slow it down we're gonna do the high alpha pass [Applause] so we started out with 9,000 pounds of fuel and we are already down to 7,200 well we've got ninety eight hundred pounds or down to 7,200 so we've lost about 2500 pounds already the other guy we're gonna set 25 alpha and that's the angle which the air is hitting the bottom of the aircraft ultimately what it looks like is we're just cruising along you know if the dough's pointed up in the air over the ground we're indicating about 130 you can see behind us but check out and I'm going to wave off check-in trout we're gonna climb almost straight up [Applause] go upside down for a hot second already we went from 1:30 and there's 200 right there there's 250 there's 300 [Applause] and is gonna do camp a party first when people in front [Applause] there's 500 looks like it'd be a dream 600 you want to go ski the speed of sound right there 1.02 you're a go vertical [Applause] look out look out the sides right now court Oh [Applause] what do you think that was so you just mix up Barry and you went up to about 15,000 feet yeah I never thought I'd do that [Applause] taking our smoke so you already just to said that you see it right up here wow that was a lot so we're just gonna take a couple laps here nice and easy you still feel good awesome so you got to see how slow the airplane go and pretty quite as fast as it can go but we we went to sell beer oh yeah we could go almost - if we really got up high and pointed it down pretty fast jet there's fast ones out there but this one could land on every aircraft carrier so he's pretty cool stuff 45 mark right yep so we slowed it down pretty quick about 6:20 at this it depends on your altitude but yeah whoever you are it was about 6:20 [Applause] that is crazy well next thing we're gonna do is show you upside down alright [Applause] we got a look at something while we're doing it though right so if you would mind grab at those grips just come feel like you're hanging for the straps here just a second here we go upside down Oh feels crazy so they get it what G right there negative one G not the best your mates just hanging from your lap belt there so it's something that comfortable thank you what G negative G's are not always the most comfortable thanks to Paul it's like all the blood cutter rushes to your head oh yeah like standing on your head really [Applause] all right it was an upside-down well you still feel good you'll feel good man cool bit throw up like 20 minutes well you know I don't want to make it I don't want you to let's go back down here looking out below the clouds for a bit that as far as the demo goes show you most of our maneuvers that we do so really we've got about three thousand pounds of gas roughly 2500 pounds of gas which is about another 10 to 15 minutes we're doing whatever you want to do alright so I like a minute we go take a look down here at the lake below the clouds that we'll have some time to kind of do some cloud surfing around the clouds out here cuz I feel good it's whatever you want that I could make pretty good suggestions that's a great idea five eight three two a Sox on the walkie approach you got the kids November 23rd baby girl what about you kids we have it geez we put six is gonna be pretty upset if I come back hold seven point five g's with you let's do the bit radius turn so basically this is how tight the aircraft could turn basically we'd use this in a combat scenario if we were in an air-to-air engagement we got to be able to pull G's so we're definitely gonna want to flex this because we're gonna get up to about seven and a half G's okay so I'm gonna get a set up here get a little bit of more air speed on the jet [Applause] and we are going to go to the left Cory and I want you to just focus on squeezing those thighs your glutes and your abs when we when you start feeling those G's coming on all right we're gonna go to the left are you ready squeeze those legs ready [Music] [Applause] keep working on it [Applause] I did it 7.3 G's definitely it doesn't have to be like wait it's just like keeping those muscles activated like I'll just do a couple you know a few sets of you know eight to ten you know a couple times a week you know that like 185 terribly ton of weight but it just keeps those muscles activated engaged I feel like I can always flex those muscles and they're always working pretty well so definitely squat sit up stuff like that that that engage the ABS and stuff are are great exercises for fight those G's [Applause] 7.3 G's and you stayed with me the whole time you either Connor could do that that's great so you're able to eat like a full meal before you fire yeah I mean we can dispose airsickness yeah yeah we lose the guys could how great you're gonna feel if you're just down a bunch of pizza or something I don't know but yeah we could most of us try any pretty healthy a lot of us you know have the Panera app or whatever that will order food on it going to pick it up we try it being on the road but as you know it I don't know the team right like get some decent food for you guys but for us you know we're it's kind of on our own a lot of the stuff that if the air show provides for us will be it's great food it will get you through the day but you know as far as the nutritional value of it how great it is yeah these flight suits you know we got a stick we're gonna be able to fit in them all the time tomorrow we've got a practice later today yeah so tomorrow and that day okay you'll probably in fact I bet you two say on your game on Sunday Oprah here is flying over a couple of hours ago so that close to the stadium [Applause] maybe give a little give a little pero rollaway yeah well maybe I'll do that yeah I'm excited but Ryan hope would make it to the game on Saturday or on Friday if I get time but definitely Saturday right about there hopefully hopefully good see ya if we close it possibly right so what's your what's your specialty you got a mean fastball yeah guys see guy gets used to 1995-97 then here comes a 85 on a curb or whatever that's right he's all messed up [Applause] well let's uh let's see what this they could do if you're good any time you want to break just let me know but really unless we got all these clouds out here one thing we have it that is a loop so let's do a loop real quick all right well we're on our way up there's your vertical I guess we kind of did a loop earlier a little bit [Music] [Applause] the airplane will talk to you a little bit you give us a bit of a poem you can hear it kind of rubble and out there 26 [Applause] [Applause] Aurore that was a rule exactly watch this note that nose could move you almost like just do a little pirouette type flips right up in the air it's kind of cool this is the fighter right here the 18 [Applause] what is the guys job the co-pilot you should do usually our back Cedars are a weapons systems operator a weapon systems officer always though we'll have a targeting pot on them I sitting on the bottom of the jet and they will you know look for targets on the ground with that so that's a lot that what they're doing that allows the pilot to kind of focus on just flying the airplane there's very specific delegated tasks between the two of the pilot and the co-pilot so that they don't always step on each other that's what the backseater kind of does that's really all I need up to do usually [Applause] those pure political right there and this view could never get old so likes zero gravity pointing straight down right now 11,000 feet [Applause] well we get to a few stay we got star head now anything else you want see how close can you get to the water I get down to about a thousand feet about a thousand feet yeah we'll get down here [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] gran fondos requires that the unwell offering on the runways and taxiways bird activities ascend to the airport's all their crap recycle hope those in selection will taxi into our aircraft remain on problem control frequency until it lives on initial contact you have information Juliet Juve it's alright yeah there you go thanks sea the sea the water Oh better now huh 26 miles from home five minutes right now but at the climb up just a bit in order to talk to approach [Applause] [Applause] so walk the approach vigil step seven is ready to RTP current weather bill walkie on onboard and we're at 2100 very good safe flight conditions and we're VFR at this time however I'd like to probably take up IFR back to the field we're so very good you cleared the wonkavator vectors color maintains three thousand five one eight three oh one is zero to three thousand and clear to go I'll give your inner vectors there so we can't expect the localizer for my two five left approach that was you're too freaked out to 3,000 feet strike the localizer and laid some clouds on the way back obviously as we are so we just picked up an IFR clearance so we're cleared in the clouds and hope it as we get close to the airfield the clouds will hopefully dissipate Victor 18.4 seventeen eighteen forty seven seven right now he said 180 at 3 pounds so we're head 180 I see that on the left side 841 0 for our contact Chicago one to five point one yeah definitely look at look at the left display zeros on the top the localizer 9 to 5 approach that act a party 8 have you checked on let's see procedures or I'll approach localizer we've got 2 5 4 52 the tech in [Applause] t54 is gonna be their final course [Applause] maybe Blue Angel 7 1 0 mount from fakie TURN RIGHT heading 2 2 0 maintain 2500 so that was on the localizer cleared localizer runway 2 5 left first blur seven two two zero two five 2500 feet so establish grip for the localizer 2 5 7 Charlie Victor contact Chicago center 1 2 5 point 148 have a turn left direct perfect plan be acidic that mean to you one 3,000 course we - 5 4 right there turn left heading zero Niner zero [Applause] so there's a line over on the left side essentially that is what I'm flying to right now so as I can see this heading that line will start to move to the to the right in that left display moves to the center I am good to go to start turning and tracking it in let's see how it's moving right now yeah somebody anticipate it turn right 2 5 4 will be about my approach course [Applause] the headache and right there should keep it pretty much centered and then from now if I see it moving right maybe Blue Angel seven contact talking just a touch attack banana three girl so we have now intercepted that at 7.1 I got my gear flaps down suck your flaps down our gears down our flaps are full or hook is up we are clear down the street in mins of 1160 [Music] 2500 feet till 7.1 then doing the 1160 terribly it's a seven chicken is sick miles on the localizer two five left if a 4-bit battle if I do break out I'll be able to clean up would you would you clear it for the overhead that would be approved just advice lettuce I want to let you know when I start to break out here we're doing right now is we're using the approach all the way down there yeah you don't want to stay in the clouds shooting this right approach we're gonna go down below the clouds we're gonna put our gear flaps back up and accelerate there's basically a legal way of getting back to the field okay and still do the overhead approach alright so this is looking good I got a request the overhead right break midfield clearly a two five left all right we got the spoke on we're gonna break to the right so get on get ready to squeeze those legs are you ready squeeze those legs ready hit it [Applause] we announced tofu [Applause] a little bit of a poem to bleats bear speed there terribly I just saw the three down a lock for an HSI book put away if acutally a to five left greater flaps are for hook is up smoke is off lights are on and we are cleared to land nice job on that we got seven point four G's I feel like I just went through a full body workout [Applause] so you can still pitch that's right great [Applause] 3:28 for an 8:00 to 5:00 will spawn appoint another 3.8 deck [Applause] Jim we didn't have to use the call it be over you checked yeah we didn't have to use that that's my preferred way of doing right when Abel and then contact ground point need makeup before pushover ground point eight thanks all right Cory we're too safe speed let's go ahead save our seats so with the right hand on the outside of your right leg make the arm turn to save up state the front awesome nice work man Romeo is possible grandpa lecture 7 squared out before tax to the guardrail please don't wash your own good morning thanks the Alfa hold for the mic I'll bet a whole short black a bit better but we still got a week's doing everything else that's good pretty good GoPro footage of it anyway [Music] you bet my pleasure seven point four deputies are free mindpower 14.5 today which is as much as the airplane or lettuce boy gets go 7.5 but you would not know the difference [Applause] something's Erica Roman cross are only three one what sort of text away Mike [Music] yep you take your wait time seven point four and that's what we felt the break right there and it was tight to the the way we came in yeah it landed and landings one of my favorite parts [Applause] [Applause] granblade seven whole trip like that plates better take off well I'm not sure what they got going on oh there's like there's the airplane right in front of us that he wants to get out before before us I'm not sure if you can see it he's right on the same taxiway pointed towards us well it's gonna be up here since we get far to get y'all on strap and everything apparently we're just in a stalemate here with this airplane [Music] [Applause] 8:03 is we mean thousand to a muffin e170 running its to five bucks a cup of mm what's the age of seven to write a microwave and what night flat 45 left something dark Romeo continued to be a Mike November crop from way one right and one hour left Mike thought ever cross both runway one-niners panel [Applause] Blue Angel seven cross our way to five left cross my right to five less [Applause] [Music] November continue Michael's ever so cross the way to 5.41 other way ladies every copy oh yeah I'd like to good November so cross what nine left two to five left thought of it before there we go that makes more sense
Channel: Milwaukee Brewers
Views: 120,731
Rating: 4.8556151 out of 5
Keywords: Major League, Corey Knebel, Major League Baseball, Baseball, Milwaukee Brewers, MLB
Id: x0HMmZlqOvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 5sec (3425 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2017
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