CORALINE is absolutely WILD and it's gonna take years for the nightmare fuel to burn out

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I think this video is going to be really interesting for me because I'm pretty sure it's the first time I'm technically like rewatching something I've seen the movie Coraline it's just it was so so long ago and I really don't remember anything about it so when a whole bunch of people started asking me if I'd ever considered doing it for a video I was like actually that sounds kind of cool because I'd love to revisit and actually remember what happened in the movie genuinely the only things I can remember are there is some sort of other dimension or other version of like her family and stuff that try to keep her captive in that Dimension or whatever and that those Dimension people have like weird buttons for eyes that's it I don't remember anything else to be honest I'm pretty excited for this before we start I thought I'd let you know that I upload some uncut versions of my reactions over on patreon you can also hear me swear fully uncentered over there if that's your thing there's a link in the description below there's also a link to my Discord server which you should join I want to see you [Music] there oh there's a button button kid that's not Coraline though I remember that she's like blue hair well well well this is already unsettling I do remember that it's stop motion so I feel like the animation's going to be [Music] weird whoever this is is like disassembling this pop I feel like I'm watching a murder or holy crap what is going to happen to that skin suit if they refilled it this is godamn horrifying already what the [Music] hell y'all you know what I don't really do well with jump scares and I and I just thought about the fact that this might have although it's like it's meant for children maybe it's not it doesn't seem like it's meant for children look at this so they're making a doll but why did it like float in through the window it okay it is Coraline someone made the alternate version of Coraline is he just doing exercise on his roof why the roof you could do that anywhere bro oh my God I thought I genuinely thought she was just levitating up the stairs I feel stupid now this is an apartment Block it's a strange looking AP bro that was threatening $1 that sucks is that someone's cat or just a cat yeah see she had the button eyes before so I'm guessing is the implication that like some being is creating the alterate versions of them hello oh is it the cat cats followed her instantly throws a rock why was she so terrified by that like if I heard that I'd be oh it's clearly a cat mushrooms what's going on you would stand in that Circle I don't know man why is the cat chasing her God it looks horrify fing I'm just looking for an old well know it the cats like yours actually I do know it let me tell you all about it show me who someone's on the bike what the what hello Sans what are you doing here away from is that oh it's just a helmet it's not okay it's just some guy maybe let me guess you're from Texas or Utah some place dried out be right bro why does he sound so doky I don't like being stopped not by psycho nerds or their cat he's not really my cat he's kind of feral do they know each other already or something I'm from Pontiac huh Michigan and if I'm a water witch then where's the secret well you stomp too hard and you'll fall in it oh well that's yeah I would I was right she shouldn't have been standing there supposed to be so deep if you fell to the bottom and looked up you see a sky stars in the middle of the day what that doesn't make any sense my grandma she owns the Pink Palace won't rented people with kids what do you mean I'm not supposed to talk about it oh that's so ominous she won't rent to people with kids not because she hates kids but because something's trying to kill kidnap steal the kids I think I heard someone calling you wyborn what I didn't hear anything oh I definitely heard someone why were you new born whoa why is she being a D doesn't seem all that bad I don't know is that dowsing Rod of yours poison ivy it's poison oak poison oak my bad sucks oh God you fell in a well yesterday Mom uhhuh I would have died you're why the mom is just so indifferent that's nice you could have died oh I think it's perfect weather for gardening no Carline rain makes mud mud makes a mess mom I want stuff growing when my friends come to visit isn't that why we moved here to grow a garden I mean she is riding something called Garden life and you still have unpacking to do lots of unpacking maybe it's just me but I I feel like you could probably just talk to your kid and explain yourself in your situation so just been like no go unack you you don't get to play some kid left this on the front porch oh did you bring our gloves oh mind look what I found in Grandma's trunk look familiar white what is it huh horrifying that's the thing from the opening credits that's the way I hunch over a computer how's going oh my God let me introduce you to the dirty world of composting for the garden potato peels orange RS coffee grounds eggshell I'm already bored good Lord hello Coraline and poine doll do you know where the garden tools are why would you show zero con like where did you get that from who made this doll of you and why what the boss say don't even think about going out Carline Jones then you won't need the tools bro can you like at least turn around and look your daughter in the eye or something like any attention like she clearly wants attention this house is 150 years old so so explore it go out and count all the doors and windows and write that down on list everything that's blue just let me work he's trying to give her a task to just distract her from him what are those and why are you smacking them with your hand if I saw bugs like that my instinct wouldn't be to hit them with my hand ew I know it's going to be brown or something that's awful why did they move here 12 disgusting bugs one rusty water yo every oh God it's going to no you don't save you don't hit contrl S as you do [Music] things she's showing like zero concern about this doll if someone came and say hey here's this doll that's clearly a view that I found in my grandma's basement or whatever I'd be like what is what is wrong with your grandmother all right little me where are you you hiding wait the doll disappeared why are you not shocked by this how did it get there huh she shows mild Intrigue and not like Bas level Terror hey Mom where does this door go I'm really really busy she's like what door you been talking about will you stop pestering me if I do this for you God damn again you can just be nicer she going to unlock the door how did she know it was that key she's ripping the wallpaper went straight for it is it nothing the Breck W don't get it they must have closed this off when they divided up the house you're kidding and why is the door so small we made a deal zip it bro is it really that hard to be nice to your children I think you are so nice I give you bowls of porridge and I give you I cream that is disgusting Corine we've been through this before your dad CS eye clean and you stay out of the way I swear I'll go food shopping as soon as we finish the catalog saying to your kid like yeah your job is to stay out of the way because all you are is a bother get out of here just again would you keep that creepy ass doll around with you don't forget about me guys oh those her old friends oh that's so sad they set up a little goodbye sign is she dreaming this or is it actually happening ni [Music] horrifying there was one under her bed [Music] too they look like a little field mice what hey come in here this terrifying tiny little door that's now suddenly open would you would you go down that I don't think I would I'd be like oh I don't know what's on the other side of that but surely it's terrible I guess she's like ah it who cares my parents don't give a about me I might as well just climb through here and see what happens maybe if I face some sort of horrible fate they might actually pay attention to me huh see this is what I remember it's like a a replica of her own world but I think she's probably going to like it better at least at first her mom's creep something nice M what are you doing here in the middle of the night you're just creepy mom creepy mom you're not my mother my mother doesn't have but buttons do you like them I'm your other mother silly now go tell your other father that supper's ready I'm I'm guessing both of them are going to be really nice to her but they seem nefarious and Insidious playing piano want to hear my new song My Father can't play piano no need to is the song going to be creep the piano is creepy this piano plays me this piano plays me a she's a doll she's a pal of M I feel like at least at first this would be a wonderful change for her but man if I walked in on this I'd be like what fever dream am I in and can it stop because you're just straight out of a horror movie I mean yeah it's pretty much is a horror movie right she's as cute as a button in the eyes of everyone button in the eyes will onal again vaguely threatening our eyes will be on Coraline we'll be staring at you with our button eyes we give our thanks and ask to bless our mother's Golden Chicken [Laughter] Breast I'm not sure if she's like vaguely put off by this or not this chicken is good hungry aren't you are they not eating are graving well here comes the they are eating she's just not eating it's a literal gravy chain I love that see the dad's eating but the mom isn't is that important it feels like it I'm real diry of course any requests mango milkshake so they just have anything she wants available at all times but she just she didn't even finish her dinner she like had a few bites and then she was like here you go he cake and as soon as you're through eating I thought we'd play a game why why is that focused on hide and seek perfect hide and seek in the rain what rain God that made me jump why would you want to play hideand-seek in the rain we love mud here mud facials mud baths mud pies it's great yeah we love mud it's great for poison oak how' you know I I how did you know I'd love well I mean oh I was going to say it made sense that she knew she had a poison oak rash because I just sort of assumed that the mother had like all the knowledge that the other mother or like the actual mother had that the other mother had all the knowledge of her mother anyway but honestly it would still freak me the hell out to hear that you better get home to my other mother but I'm your other mother I mean my other other mother mom number one he's creeping up behind I think I should get to bed bed they are kind of adorable at the moment they seem really silly come along sleepy head oh they're like oh don't go home to go to bed go to bed here a a way nicer room too hello hello hello hello hello what shaking baby no that's terrifying why would you want that how's it going where's your go they can they speak to her oh what is that oh the mud okay menacingly holding some mysterious substance to her oh okay so you're just going to sleep here you're not going to try to go back see you soon well God damn are they creepy and they're just staring at her oh they left okay wait she's no she's back in her own place she going to think that was a dream or something my poison oak it's gone okay well at least that's going to make her realize it probably wasn't a dream Corine you only dreamed you ate all that chicken I mean I think it's fair to assume it was a dream orange monkey slippers orange my monkey slippers are blue can you get me some of that magic mud you were talking about because I have a terrible case of writer rash on my I like that he did indeed have monkey slippers whatever the hell those are those just look like flipflops but the defining difference in all of that was that he would never wear orange the real Charlie Jones wants his Pages edited he better wrap ASAP why is she going to be so like aggressive about everything I think our mail got mixed up should I leave it outside or oh oh God is this going to be where the doll was made or whatever oh my Lord everything about this entire building is creepy as secret famous jumping mouth circus not ready okay so he was the dude on the top of the building I thought his spindly arms were the one that made the dolls for a second but he looks different very clever using this mixup to sneak my home and pick at muskas mushas the mice peeking at the mice sorry I'm Corine Jones and I am the amazing bobinski I can't tell if I should trust him or not jumping M play only tole toot like that is nice but not so much amazing so now I switch to Stronger Chiefs and soon watch out I'm just straight up not following what is going on about maybe that's the point but man's I'm just realizing is this kind of how I sound when I talk in videos sometimes no what why that was creepy mice asked me to give you message what do not go through little door he actually can speak to the mice it's all bricked up so sorry there nothing sometimes the mice are little mixed up I would immediately hear the advice of the small mice I'd be like oh okay well clearly he actually can speak to the mice because he knows what I'm doing going through this door and the mice are telling me don't do it it's a bad idea and I'm just going to be like oh actually I know better anyway I'm going to go through that door into the creepy ass place with the people with button eyes oh my God the amount of times I've jumped already I mean it's twice but it's it's still too too many times oh nice to see you girl oh she's actually being nice you're being followed it's the new neighbor Miriam they actually seem kind of chill God the taxidermic dogs real a sweet departed Angel why why you going to do that one with tongue out like that I understand that some people like to have their pets tax to D me after they've died and that's fine you know you can do whatever you want do you got to do it in such a creepy way and have like this wall of dogs and some of them like were in awful grotesque positions oh your tea leaves dear they'll tell me your future this going to be like your future is death Caroline Caroline Caroline get her name right bro in terrible danger she's literally constantly being warned don't do it don't go through that don't go visit the other family but I'm I'm certain she's still going to right if I was in this position this would be a very short movie because I'd be so freaked out and refused to do it again ever okay she she saw him immediately but I'm like why is he just like creeping around following her like that I wasn't stalking you you definitely did seem like he was stalking her BR that doll did you make it look like me oh no I found it that way it's old than Grandma okay glad she's finally questioning it blue hair my Swampers and rainco D check out slug Zilla he's such a weiro but I kind of love him you [Music] mind that's weird man he should toss it back you know I've never been inside the Pink Palace wait where does he live I assumed he lived there when they were kids Grandma's sister disappeared oh that's depressing I wonder if the twin sister is somehow related to the family I'm loving these transitions they're so interesting and so weird what she what's she putting out what's that is it cheese for the mice yes yes it is they're so [Music] cute does she like need them to open this portal or whatever why would you go back man the very mice that you let lead you there are the ones that said you shouldn't so thoughtful of you to send this nice cheddar gine cheddar oh the the mice took it to them does that mean the mice are working for the other family or something would you go fetch your father I bet he's hungry as a pumpkin by now hung you mean my other father your better father dear he's out in the garden okay she's very openly communicating her thoughts and intentions she is uh really nonchalant about a lot of things like if random Bland started nipping at me I'd be like oh God death is coming all right man's got a praying mantis copter oh wa wao that's really impressive so obviously this other family of Bad Evil want to steal her away or something but I'm really interested in how exactly because so far they've just been real nice to her done a lot of cool things and like given her things that she wants Mr binsky has invited you to come see the jumping mice perform after dinner really that know it all wbe said it was all Mr be's head I knew he was wrong well everything's right in this world kiddo oh how can people speaking nicely sound so ominous and threatening everything's right in this world kiddo don't question anything watch the mice your father and I will clean up while you and your friend head upstairs why the weird emphasis great another W how creepy is he going to be hello can he not speak I thought you'd like him more if he spoke a little less so I fixed him oh God he can't talk at all nope I like it now run along you two well that's messed everything's right in this world you can have anything you want do you want your friend's mouth soed shut you can have that what is flying some sort of lantern lentle that that tent is Tiny oh wait are they they're going to go in it okay well that's huge on the inside an [Music] amazing oh they spelled out [Music] gine what's this performance going to be like that's so cute oh my God I wonder if they're going to still try to warn her or something I mean they are literally just jumping this is so weird man is it going to jump oh it's rolling down I can't tell if I love this or if I hate it like if I was watching this would I be so enthralled or just terrified where the okay he just came out of nowhere I love how like well trained they [Music] are we loved it Mr everyone's so creepy with the button eyes Quine everything is so what constantly just just like feeling threatened by things that I don't feel like I should be but just are it's just the vibe that this gives gives were they just all watching her sleep the three of them oh it's properly closed again what locked or something and upstairs I saw a real Mouse surface not pretend like the crazy man's in our house you sure you won't come don't fret Charlie I love the new catalog they barely even acknowledge her like not even to say just say like oh wow that's that's nice sounds like fun you know like if you really think that she's just making things up or she's dreaming what harm does it have to just pretend like you're interested and say oh that's that's nice darling don't fret Charlie they'll love the new catalog at least they'll love my chapters wow she's even just mean to her husband oh she going to get gloves so she doesn't get poison oak things again mother please buy me these gloves I'm being so subtle about it put them back but Mom the whole school's going to wear boring gray clothes no one will have these put them back again just can't you explain yourself even if you say oh look sorry I can't afford it my other mother would get them maybe she should buy all your clothes God this this this back and forth sass is upsetting so what do you think in the other apartment I don't know not a family of Jones imposters then why'd you lock the door oh oh she did lock that up I thought you'd feel safer they're jumping mice mom and the dreams aren't dangerous well the dreams aren't dangerous it's just that every time I encounter anyone seemingly in the world they all tell me to avoid this place and yet no I'm going to I'm going to press on how do you feel about a mustard ketchup salsa wrap for lunch mustard ketchup salsa if that's all that you have to offer your kid for food um do do a little better I don't know they clearly have money don't they like they make food they just are lazy as hell leaving my child malnourish sounds so fun if things go well today I promise I'll make it up that's what you always wait are they hard for money I can't tell damn that that's rough though I mean very fair to call her out like that but man that would be hard to hear why is it sometimes blocked off and sometimes not dearest Coraline Miss and Miss forcible have invited gloves after lunch the gloves are going to be there right I made you love mother oh okay maybe not the outfit I made you though you must be the other cat doesn't have but oh I'm not the other anything I'm me um I can see you don't have button eyes I was about to say he doesn't have button eyes is it literally the same cat that travels between the worlds you're clearly the expert on this oh that's Keith David again I literally just listened to him sing in the husband Hotel video how'd you get here I been coming here for a while oh so it's literally the same cat it's a game we play She cats and tries to keep me out but of course I please the mother hates cats not like any mother I've ever known what do you mean she's amazing is he about to shatter her illusion about how great the world is here he's like actually it's pretty much hell so be very careful so all their dogs are alive the way their tails are sticking up behind the chairs the dogs putting on a plate practically naked I'm known as the sir of does she have oh yeah she has button eyes but they're different color so youing withed I your weak away why do I kind of love them I kind of love both of them hello hello toad sail asay well this is this is this is something y'all a true godd must fill out bod what well this ising display okay well I'm a little uncomfortable I did not enjoy that I don't want to hear about her or any of these characters filling out their bodice thank you very [Music] much are they going to think they attacked each other or something oh no everything's just messing up woo what a show why don't they have black button eyes though they're different ready to break a legam our lives for the the this this is surreal man our lives for the theater are they planning on oh oh God okay well that explains the different eyes so they're back like they were when they were young oh boy how like a god yeah I'd be absolutely terrified the Paragon of animal e they there's so much going on here that are like huge red flags and she's just so happy about them [Music] all wouldn't you be like hey look I know it worked out fine but you were kind of Reckless with my life and safety The Barking is Applause is so strange hey there was it wonderful dear what is this point of view shot oh my God speak forcible only they weren't old ladies that she's like so excited they're actually listening to her why does he seem so sad he's he's still sad and looking away at her oh it was magic you do like it here don't you Coraline uhhuh she going to ask her to stay she was telling him to smile like be happy don't give her anything to be suspicious about a little part of me is wondering if she made it so he couldn't talk specifically so that he couldn't warn Coraline about this place you could stay here forever here comes the pitch really sure we'll sing and play games and mother will cook your favorite meals what's the catch tiny little thing we need to do oh what's that it's a surprise you can stay here forever there's just one tiny little thing we need to do but we're not going to tell you what it is agree agree first and then we'll do it okay yeah sound good no no I'm not going to be like yeah I'm going to do this I'm going to stay here what's the catch tell me up front oh God is it going to be is going to be eyes is that what it [Music] is black is traditional C bying what are the button eyes for like do they lock her in here or something but we need a yes if you want to stay here so sharp you won't feel a thing so sharp you won't feel a thing I mean that that makes it sound like I would feel a effect also meeting someone's no with a we need a yes icky I'm going to bed right now dad before dinner I'm really really tired yeah she's trying to get back to her original home right I'll be happy to tuck you in oh no thanks H you you've done so much they're going to get so sus oh and I we aren't worried at all darling soon you'll see things our way oh my God like how many times can I say it's creepy they're going to do some like nefarious scary stuff as soon as she's upstairs right we're going to see the way they interact when she's not around or something what's wrong don't you want to play yeah I want a Huggy face get a grip Soldier what the hell man where's your buttons ler you want to stay don't you going home tonight Rob she's like actually no I don't want to stay you're all terrifying let me guess she's not going to go back this time she's going to be stuck here at the moment go to sleep go to sleep oh God is something going to rip the covers off I'm not ready I'm not ready I'm I ready for a jump maybe I'm so tense oh is it going to be morning but she's still going to be there oh yeah she's still in the same room it's not even morning it looks like night still she's not allowed outside I am so tense what happened this was okay before hey you she's taking the life out of him or something or they're like revealing their true nature all be swell soon as mother's refresh her strength is our strength her strength is our strength the piano's threatening him is the other mother somehow like I don't know the the God of this universe that like takes the form of whatever prey she's trying to catch he pulled a long face her mother didn't like him oh the long faces he frowned and does that mean that they've killed him also him pulling his face down like that oh something's wrong shouldn't the old well be here nothing out here it's like the edge of the universe what she only made what she knew would impress you so she literally is like a a God or like a demon or something how can you walk away from something and still come back to it wa that is so trippy so the world is like whatever the mother wills it to be or wants it to be circus mice are they bad in this world or he just killed it oh boy that's not nice I don't like rats at the best of times but this one was sounding an alarm sounding an alarm that she's wanting to escape or something grabbing grabbing a weapon H oh oh oh okay I thought she was going to try to fight but she was oh that's smart she thinking she can crawl back oh god damnn wow hate that a lot they say even the proudest Spirit can be broken with love the way she just rotated around on that couch but also did you hear what she said they say even the bravest Spirit can be broken hey girl why you want to why you want to break someone's spirit huh chocolate never hurts like what oh Lord cocoa Beetles from Zanzibar I need it hate that why the closeup I want you to let me go is that any way to talk to your mother I don't really know what she thinks she's going to accomplish by talking to her I I don't know I guess why not try and reason with this evil God Demon that may or may not eat children apologize at once Corine no what if she did Apologize just a plator to the count of three one oh Lord is she going to transform wow creepy oh Lord what are you doing did she I thought she grabbed her by the [Music] eye you may come out when you've learned to be a loving what the hell locked her in some sort of weird mirror room holy crap B might be listening who might be listening you mean the other mother what are they like I don't what I want to know oh good lord are they ghosts don't remember our names but I remember my true mommy holy the B down she spied on our lives through the little do oh my God through the doll's eyes so the little Coraline doll was like a security camera and then she crafted a world that Coraline would love like specifically tailored for her oh my God we weren't happy so she us away with treasures and treats and G did she actually eat them gave all that we asked yet we still wanted more so we let her sew the button what happens when they s the buttons on she said that she loved us but she locked us here and ate up our lives ate up our lives literally like ate them you can't keep me in the dark forever I think she could actually beating her is my only chance how do you plan on doing that you could find our eyes has she taken those two yes Miss and hidden them find her eyes mistress and her Souls will be free oh my so I kind of just assumed that she sewed the buttons on top of the eyes but she took their eyes and stored them away and in that like stored their souls I'll try who's that oh oh oh oh it's it's w w oh Lord did he rip open his mouth or something did she do this oh she forced him to smile God that's sad a the poor guy oh he's helping her get back I love himine is that you she doesn't sound very concerned that she like got out of the mirror prison well that is gross oh why is it like angulating man she'll hurt you again she's going to take him out of that well what why is he just dissolving man she does not deserve that guy she make it back oh well she should just never go back in there again right anybody here her parents are gone did did the other mother take them somehow all mom's groceries oh God how how long has it been there door Bel I missed you guys so much you'll never oh the white be that talks bro so mean to him though know that that old doll I gave you um my grandma's real mad says it was her her sisters oh says it was her sisters I wonder if one of the souls she just met belongs to the grandmother's sister it used to look like this pioneer girl then huckin Jr then it was this little rascals chick with all these ribbons and braids and he's like damn what are you talking about come on listen I I'm really not supposed to don't take him there aren't you going to risk him there she can't escape without her eyes none of the ghosts can bro is just like are you losing your mind the other mother she's got this whole world where everything's better the food the garden the the neighbors bro is like legit freaked out now yeah uh I think I heard someone calling you don't believe me you can ask the cat the cat like I I'll just tell Grandma that you couldn't find the he's scared crazy yeah you know what's going to help make someone believe you throw on your shoes at them what I'm not crazy here take my heels so I'm guessing the other mother has taken them but hell Caroline says her parents have vanished quite completely what we've waited months for those tickets I suppose we could they're more concerned about getting a lift as opposed to her parents disappearing we know just what you need a hard candy get that's right what's that going to do how is 100y old candy going to help what she doing some sort of magic stuff there you go sweetie what is that what's it for well it might help they're good for bad things sometimes no they're good for lost things it's a lens to look through what is it going to do she making like fake versions of her parents well this is horrifically depressing yeah that's how a cat wakes you the stair it's so accurate do you know where Mom and Dad are oh right he can actually understand her just can't speak I just realized the parallel between the fact that he can't speak in this world but he can in the other one and ybe can't speak in the other world but he can in this one so they're trapped in the mirror why are they cold dad oh they can see her what well this is nightmarish she's got to okay she's got to go back to the other dimension then to save them what they're a doll oh on either side she's taken them does the doll mean they've been replaced there [Music] then she's like gearing up and and for a fight oh God it's gone back to being creepy the silence is too much walking right into her trap I have to go back there are my parents yeah I mean I would assume it was a trap challenge her then she may not play fair but she won't refuse she's got a thing for Game Challenge oh like pick a game to play line mine is it it's the other mother oh no it's the real mother back for us Mom oh no it's going to be fake mom or something I don't trust it why would you run away from me yeah I knew it oh hate it where are my parents gosh I have no idea where your old parents are liar they weren't bored of me you stole them oh God he looks different too oh he's so saggy have a seat won't you everything about this is absolutely terrifying so they were working for her all along then I feel like there were so many other ways to get rid of that key the other mother is like still trying to put on this facade why don't we play a game she's like yeah games are Love Games what kind of game would it be an exploring game Hide and Seek and what is it you'd be finding Coraline my real parents too easy and and the eyes of the ghost children she's like how do you know about that what if you don't find them I lose I'll stay here with you forever and let you love me that's a hell of a lot to risk let everyone go My real father and mother the dead children everyone you've trapped here deal she accepted that so quickly in each of three wonders I've made just for you a ghost's eye is lost in plain sight in each of three wonders I have made for you a ghost Eye Is Lost In Plain Sight well did she come back three times like the garden the jumping my circus and something else oh the the the dinner are those the three [Music] wonders fine she don't tell me I think that was the clue she's tapping her button eyes wonders oh the gun that's what I'm saying so the things that she made for her she think it's all ugly and terrifying now the plants that bite at you not so cute anymore wow hate that who's going to save her oh wrapped around oh my God I kind of I kind of hope that okay yeah I was going to say I hope she saves herself and not that someone miraculously rescues her where's the cat gone why isn't he [Music] helping oh oh they're taking away the thing that is that how she sees the eyes or whatever that was a nice shot I steal this because you need it oh it's makes it black and white what's you're going to see is it the eye or is it going to be something else oh must be it wa I was so intensely focused that scared the out of me so sorry mother making me to hurt you I don't want to hurt you but mother is making me God is he a lost soul too he's trying to break free oh my God he he he managed to break free and give her the eye run oh or is it just freezing I'm scared bless you miss okay I thought it was going to like crack or something there's two eyes still lost what do you do with the eyes do you put them back in the ghost or something dog bats dog bats no everything everything everything makes me jump now I forgot about this show being a thing too I guess the dinner doesn't count as I wonder there is definitely going to be something inside that is going to scare me is that a hand holding it there's clearly someone in there oh you're just going to shove your okay you're brave something's going to they the join hand is that the that the actress oh God please please it's going to like clamp what's going to happen I knew it that's that's a lot she's worried about waking them or she wants to wake them wouldn't they just attack her okay well solid timing this is a lot y'all oh my Lord hurry on girl her web is unwinding I know that the ghosts are like just people and they need help but God are they terrifying as well is this what you're looking why is he speaking so slowly bored neglected same as bored and neglected feels like making a deal with the devil and love with you he looks so silly it's hard not to laugh if you stay cheese that's a lot of cheese whatever you want whatever you want what if I want to leave you're just a copy she made of the real he's going to be he's going to be something's going to happen what's the horror going to be oh it's just a okay that's less terrifying I just expected some grotesque jump scare they're firing out what the hell are they firing oh it's cotton candy right okay for a second I thought they were throwing rats don't throw that oh my God girl what's wrong with you the one thing you need where's the little like planet or whatever I've lost the game I've lost everything H H how have you lost couldn't you still track down the other eye yeah there it is mention that I don't like rats he tracked it down and killed it LOL I still have to find my parents but you what's the other glue she tapped her eye is it is it the eye in the moon or something the world is falling apart I guess she doesn't feel the need to keep up the illusion how do you know that the house just won't fall apart too I guess the the other mother has to have some place to be oh is she losing her power or something cuz everything looks weak so you're back oh she looks a bit sickly too yeah you verman it's a cat I love you oh my God like obviously I knew that the other mother made the dolls and stuff but I didn't notice the hands until just now maybe she hadn't had them out until just now but those are the spindly hands that made the dolls in the first place right at the start of the movie too bad you won't have this oh okay I knew she lost it wouldn't you have made it a prior oh God damn well that sucks Be Clever Miss even if you win she'll never let you go be clever even if you win she'll never let are they saying to run now just abandon her parents oh has she hidden them back in the original Dimension the one place caraline would assume that they weren't they're behind that door oh they are are they what's her plan there oh they're in the snow globe oh God she just coughed up the key from before open it okay she's distracting her you're wrong she going to like smash the snow glob how is she going to get there now you're going to stay here forever no I'm not what why thrw the cat C the cat's like what did I do what do I do oh my God I'm [Applause] terrified oh he's cloring out the ey he literally ripped her eyes out is she going to turn into like a spider it's literally a like a web the cat's just dipped fair enough man she just used you as a weapon well that's straight up nightmare goddamn fuel like throw something to distract her you know dare disobey your mother oh my God the kick to the face oh the ghost kids are going to help I don't know how I thought this was going to be but this is somehow more Sinister and God the hand is the live it's going to attack or something right don't just just F me leave me don't leave me I'll die without cuz she like needs her life force it's wet oh oh oh the snow globe got smashed in the real world does that mean her parents are out are they going to know what happened are they going to believe her mom dad I missed you so much oh missed us they're all Frozen oh no you broke my favorite snow so they not realize they covered snow and ice I asked you to count all the windows not put your KN through hello do they not realize they're like frozen we got a lot to celebrate you're talking about your Garden catalog of course so things went well what's gotten into you Coraline I guess they're just willfully ignorant what's going to happen with the with the ghost kids so can to the Tulips what's that for the garden party I have no idea what you're talking going to water the lips they're having a oh to celebrate their their success good night a she gave her a present is it the gloves that's so sweet if so a she's actually being nice that's so cute how is this going to end oh well she's going to be like damn I actually can speak to you hello again sorry for throwing you at the evil spider demon I'm really sorry I threw you the other mother it was all I could think of a he forgives her so how is this going to end I'm guessing that Mother's been defeated I think it's time yeah what do you do with them though you just have like these these little balls that have the souls of kids in them you smash them why you put them on the pillow what does that do how does the I feel like this something's going to happen what are those the souls it's a fine fine thing you did for us okay good thought it was going to be something scary it is over and done with for us for us what about me you're in terrible danger what why I locked the door it's the key Miss there's only one at the Beldum will find so destroy it melt it or something thou art alive Thou Art still living I mean that's kind of encouraging but also not destroy the key somehow fam well that's good isn't it doesn't mean their souls are free I got to hide this somewhere somewhere she can never eat it what what's the idea she clearly had an idea why is the cat stopping her oh God is it going to be the other mother in the kitchen or something oh coming through the hand I was saying the hand myyy girl oh down the well that's where she's going to throw it I understand never you sandes worms I mean at least it's just a little hand just like punt it away it's trying to oh oh succeeded in grabbing oh God it's dragging her too who's going to help oh he suddenly believes he's like damn this weird disembodied hand is dragging her is it going to be the other oh God he almost fell down the freaking well oh the hands there too yo help him a why why aren't you helping him as well what was who who did that oh he got a man man has upper body strength throw the key do it now get rid of it although if you throw it down there couldn't like you just send another hand through to grab it from the bottom of the well like I feel like their hand would just be able to climb down and up it seems to be all powerful I'm really sorry I didn't believe you about all this evil I don't think you need to apologize for that that's pretty reasonable Grandma showed me this picture after I calls you crazy what the it's her and her sister before she disappeared the sweet ghost girl oh did he realize that like her description sounded like her Grandma's sister what am I going to tell her just bring her by the house tomorrow we can tell her together would the grandma believe her though oh that the hand looking clouds I was worried there was going to be like a button on the moon or something so this is the garden party I guess she's befriended everyone that's so cute but that pizza was delicious well they seem a bit more lively and nice too you were right Coraline I really hate dirt for a garden at I hate dirt is really something what is the end of this going to be like cuz I feel as though it's going to be left a little open I don't know or like like she could come back or something and soon as they are ready they wish to give special tance oh she's the savior of the mice cuz they're no longer like enslaved by the other mother or something welcome Miss loac oh hello Grandma's just a little adorable not going to lie I've got so much to tell you oh is this how it's ending is there going to be a visual this feels like it's it's it's going to linger on something is it going to be the well oh the cat Okay is that it whoa how how did it disappear behind the pole like that that was a fantastic movie I mean I really enjoyed all of it hey though it was kind of kind of scary as I low key went into this kind of expecting it to be sort of a kids movie I don't know that's just the impression I had what I remembered uh no I think if I watched that when I was like a kid it would have scared the crap out of me there were just so many like nightmarish weird and uncanny visuals and the slow Sinister unfolding of the other mother's true motives was so interesting and very well done I feel as though there might be a whole bunch of deeper themes that kind of run underneath the surface there honestly I think I'll be like dwelling on them and thinking like what could all of these different things mean because obviously there's more to it than just like it's a movie to be creepy there's a whole host of themes that seem to revolve around like relationships with parents as well as themes of isolation and idealization you know almost like this idea that the grass is always greener on the other side or that things that seem perfect probably aren't it's just super interesting I feel like you could interpret that in so many different ways overall very engaging super entertaining creepy as but I'm so glad that I got to experience this again and properly sit down and watch and pay attention to the movie so thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed the video I really appreciate you being here and I'll see you next time
Channel: Mathew McKenna
Views: 127,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coraline, coraline movie, coraline movie reaction, reacting to coraline, first time watching coraline, coraline first time, coraline reaction
Id: e1MIM5ayf98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 43sec (3643 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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