Corée du Sud : Une économie puissante

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It's an event highly anticipated, taking place this afternoon in the north of Seoul, the capital from South Korea. A sports meeting of a new kind, as popular as Football World Cup. In front of the Olympic stadium, the atmosphere is worthy of a science fiction film. super heroes and more than 10,000 supporters, of all ages, boosted. They are all there to assist to a national championship, video games in network. We call that of e-sports. In this Asian country, the inhabitants are passionate about this new discipline. There are several hundred professional players, and millions of fans who worship them. It's a game well known in Korea. There are fan clubs like ours who attend all the games. It's a real phenomenon. I am disguised in DJ Sauna. He's a character of the video game. She fights with a star-shaped weapon. She is very strong and very beautiful. And she has big breasts, Unlike me. Smeb is one of the rising stars of this new sport, and a star in Korea. Here, its popularity is comparable to that of a European football player. At only 20 years old, he is the captain of the Rox Tigers. In French, super cool Tigers. One of the two teams qualified for the grand finale of this national championship. I am going to fight, we have to win. You are going to fight my son ! Smeb stopped his studies two years ago. To devote himself entirely to this electronic sport. Around him, the members of his family encourage him. My son is very famous. It's a eSports star here. In the street, people recognize it. As a mother, I am very proud of him. In the beginning, when he told me that he was going to quit his studies, to become a professional player, I was worried, I disagreed. But since he was very motivated, I ended up letting him. Now he is successful, I find it good. I think that he did well. For the family, the challenge is considerable. The winners of this final will pocket €100,000. But more importantly, sponsors. These young players are funded by major brands. On average, Smeb earns €60,000 per year. If he wins, he can win new contracts, and hundreds thousands of euros. So, before kick-off, he stays focused. We're doing one last game so as not to lose control. It'll be great, I'm really looking forward ! We will beat them I'm sure. I already imagine us brandishing the cup. More than a sports meeting, the competition is a real show, broadcast live on television and watched by millions of viewers. Ladies and gentlemen, I request to welcome the two teams, for the grand finale of the Korean Championship. Let's go for 4 hours of fighting. The game takes place in three rounds. Each team has five players. They face each other with their keyboards and their mice in these glass cages, to be isolated from noise. Spectators follow the competition on these giant screens. The principle of the video game is the simplest. Both teams have an army each superheroes with supernatural powers. Their goal, to combine skill and strategy to destroy the adversary and conquer his territory. Smeb! Watch out for the bomb! Everyone is there, it is fighting. Eyes on their son, the parents de Smeb anxiously counts the points. Not now, I'm focused here! They are a little tense because things are not going very well for their son. After more than 3 hours of competition, the 2 teams are tied, one set everywhere. But the opponents Super Cool Tigers, are on the verge to win the last round. 30 seconds left in the game the Rox Tigers are in bad shape. If the SK team wins, it will be their fifth victory in the final. It's over, it's over! The SK team won! A news SK victory! It's lost, the cup and the €100,000 rewards are for opponents. For Smeb and all his fans the dream is shattered. I'm sad, my son played well but the other team was stronger. I hope he wins the next game. I am anyway very proud of him. This is the third consecutive year that Smeb and his teammates lost in the final. But they haven't lost everything. They leave with a check for €60,000, Smeb accuses everything likewise the blow. Honestly, I'm very angry to have lost. But I'll give it my all for the next game. The national championship cup will be maybe for next year. In the meantime, the Super Cool Tigers will have other opportunities to stand out. In Seoul, there are several competitions like this every month, just as popular. Famous for its K-pop stars, who imposed their musical style and their unusual dances to the whole world. South Korea is a small country in Asia, stuck between Japan, China and his enemy brother to the north. One of the worst dictatorships around the world. Its capital, Seoul, a megalopolis of 25 million inhabitants, is the showcase of this company at the cutting edge of technology, and innovation. With no less than 30 million telephones laptops for 50 million inhabitants, it is the most connected country in the world and the world leader in smartphones. Its emblems are Samsung, LG or Hyundai. Flooding multinationals the planet of their products. At the forefront of robotics, Korea is inventing the society of tomorrow. An economic miracle because 50 years ago, this territory of Asia was among the poorest on the planet. The secret of this success, the spirit of competition that the country cultivates to the extreme. Work rhythms are frantic there, more than 60 hours per week, among the toughest in the world. Exceptionally, we have been allowed to film behind the scenes, of an emblematic company of the country, Posco, the Korean steel giant. To its employees, the multinational requires unlimited dedication. Let's go for Posco's motto! "Employee dedication is the basis to ensure the prosperity of Posco!" "Posco is the best". To survive in this highly competitive company, Koreans are ready for anything. The latest trend, using to cosmetic surgery, to please employers and make the difference during a job interview. I've wanted it since a long time, I'm ready. I'm eager to. others pay fortunes to shamans, to ward off the evil eye and ensure the smooth running of their business. And children are not spared by this race for excellence. In second grade, Youngjae is submitted to incredible academic pressure. Between the program of his high school and its evening classes, his days are longer 3 p.m., a world record. We Korean students finish our homework even if it's 1am or 2am. We do not have a choice. What is the secret of the miracle South Korean economy? And what are the failings of this race for performance? South Korea survey, a small country at the forefront, determined to play in the big leagues. In Seoul, the fascination of Koreans for new technologies, sometimes exceeds the imaginable. Mr Qwon is the head of a clinic renowned cosmetic surgery. He is rich but rather discreet. Of his fortune, we will only see its impressive collection of cars, rare pieces estimated at several tens of thousands of euros. But he agreed to show us something more precious in his eyes, her two little dogs not really obedient. Come on, go up! Chengdu 1 and Chengdu 2 are worth gold because they were cloned... Go Chengdu, hurry up ! Unthinkable in Europe, the cloning of pets, is totally legal in South Korea, and fully accepted. Mr Qwon had the heart broke a year ago when Chengdu died, her beloved little poodle. So he called to science to resuscitate him. I was so sad when my dog died. I did not hesitate a moment to have it cloned. Korea is number 1 in the world on cloning technologies. We are the best in this domain. I went eyes closed. This afternoon, Mr Qwon takes his two clones, in the clinic where they were created. He wants them to pass a medical visit. In the suburbs of Seoul, the establishment practices commercial cloning, dogs for 10 years. It is unique in the world. Good morning, you're welcome. The practice is still reserved for an elite, because to get a replica exact of his dog, it costs €80,000. Good morning ! So here the staff takes care of its very privileged customers. No queue, Mr Qwon is immediately received, by the chief veterinarian. Her two five-month-old puppies are not sick, but one of the two does not arrive to open his right eye, and Mr Qwon is a little worried. What do you think doctor? This eye problem is it related to cloning? Or did it happen at the time of childbirth? Sometimes the eyes of a cloned dog do not develop well. I think in a few years, he will have to operate, because the eye is degenerating and it can become problematic. It's a routine operation for the clinic, but it's not necessarily reassuring. And Mr Qwon heard a lot rumors about cloning. I was told about a cloned dog who was in perfect health until its 5 years. Then it started to be weaker, to play less. Do you know this story ? What I can tell you is that the first cloned dog in our clinic, was born in 2007 and he wears very well today. In ten years, more than 700 small clones came out of this clinic. Customers come of the whole world. To duplicate his dog, no need to move, just send a direct debit of skin or organs by mail. Technicians extract then the animal's DNA, and they inject it into a female's egg. It is time cloning. The success rate is 40%. Thank you so much ! Bye. Mr Qwon is relieved. Apart from this little problem to the eye, nothing abnormal. Before leaving, he holds to thank the owner of the clinic. Good morning, how are you doing ? They have grown well! Dr. Wong is one of cloning pioneers. He is also a very controversial man. which caused a scandal a few years ago, after publishing work wrong about human cloning. Since then, he refuses to answer to questions from journalists. OK well received ! But cameras are welcome when it comes to advertising. That day, a Chinese television filmed cesarean delivery, of the last child clinic clone. The dog that I will give birth to will be of the same race as this one. a month ago Today. The 2 dogs have the same genes. They are not brothers but have been cloned with the same genes. The show is well established. A great promotion in perspective for Doctor Wong. After South Korea, the scientist hopes, develop cloning animal trade in China. In Seoul, wealthy individuals are not the only ones to use the services of Dr. Wong. These German Shepherds were ordered by the government. They should join soon the ranks of Seoul police units. These dogs were cloned with the genes of a very special American dog. He saved the last survivor from the wreckage of the World Trade Center, during the attacks from New York. This is a very good example for show how science, can help the society. These dogs will surely one day serve the police. To detect drugs, hunt criminals and even save people. Nothing says that these dogs will perform well in the ranks of the police. They inherited the genes of a heroic German Shepherd. But cloning does not allow to transmit the character of the animal. Come this way ! Mr. Qwon made some bitter experience. He fell in love for its two new Chengdu, but he still has not mourn. So every night, the same ritual before going home, he spends a few minutes in front of the tomb of his deceased dog to collect himself. You know I think if it was to do it again, I would not do it again. Even if the appearance is the same, their spirit and their character are very different. And I realized that I was attached to memories, of those good times spent with Chengdu, and not its appearance. Contrary to to European countries, where animal cloning collides to questions of ethics, here the subject is not debatable and the practice has a future. Come on, follow me! South Korea bets on new technologies. This race for progress allowed him to move from underdevelopment, ranked 11th among the great powers world economies in less than 50 years. A meteoric rise that the country must also to a very specific work culture. Officially, Koreans spend 52 hours a week at the office, but they do well often more than 60 hours. almost twice as much than the French. In Seoul, the capital, it is not uncommon to see the offices still lit, right in the middle of the night. Exceptionally, a famous multinational opened its doors to us. It's 4 a.m. at Hyundai headquarters, the Korean automobile giant, and several employees make extras. Tchong Sang is charged Communication. A profession that is not exercised normally not at night. Except in South Korea. As I work in marketing, I have to do a press review. I select articles and I post on company website. I get up early and I work early, but I think I contribute, to the proper functioning of society because I give essential information. This morning, Tchong is not the only one on duty. Others have outright spent the night at the office. In this rest room, about ten employees are catching up on lost sleep, as they can. Lying on these benches or in these adapted armchairs. It's common here and no one is surprised. I do not really know why they sleep there. They may have arrived early in the office, like me. Anyway, they have need some rest. Tchong Sang has finished his press review. Before the big morning rush, he too enjoys a moment of calm, to take a nap. For the well-being of its employees, the company has invested in state-of-the-art massaging seats. A luxury. When I have sleepless nights at work I often come here to rest. They are really very comfortable these massage chairs. And I say thank you to my company for having them installed for us employees. Today, Chong Sang go to work 2 p.m. Per week, he makes more than 60. As for holidays, he is only entitled that at ten days a year, and it is rather frowned upon to take them all. These infernal cadences have been established in the 1960s, to revive the country ruined by war. But recently the government trying to turn the tide, because to spend his life in the office is not synonymous with efficiency. Korean employees are among least productive in developed countries. Good morning. So for two years, Hyundai has been putting set up poster campaigns, and American methods to rationalize working time. This morning, Tchong Sang is participating to a meeting with the director of his department. Amongst the collaborators, a strange guest... This cube. This is the company's latest find to limit the duration of meetings. You have to turn it on and then choose the duration of the meeting. 5mins, 15mins and even 1 hour. Today will be 30 minutes, that's the time I need. It's a first step, but habits are tenacious. With or without a cube, meetings usually overflow, and employees continue to work overtime, beyond reasonable. And there is worse... In South Korea, the border between private life and professional life, is often blurry. And even after work, many employees spend more time, with their colleagues than with their families. Management Guong Jiang, 1 hour by plane from Seoul. It is here by the sea, that Posco, the fourth largest steel producer in the world, installed part of its factories. five square kilometers dedicated to metallurgy. A city within the city of size of an average Parisian district, Built from scratch by the multinational. 6500 employees work there behind closed doors. The firm imposes a discipline almost military, the antithesis of the French model. It's 8 a.m. in the morning, their day begins always the same way. A gym session and slogans to the glory of the company. Let's go for Posco's motto! Employee dedication is the foundation to ensure the prosperity of Posco. Posco will grow if all employees comply with safety rules. Posco is the best. As a good soldier, Tai Sung participates this ritual every morning for 20 years. It is important to chant his slogans. It allows us to keep morale high. Tai Sun is a worker, he takes care machine maintenance. On average, he works 12 hours a day, without counting the hours additional unpaid. But here it is normal. The key word is dedication. And all day the employees respect codes, to show their loyalty towards the company. In the first place, extreme politeness. This morning, Tai Sung made an appointment with its spare parts supplier, in order to diagnose a broken down machine. Just change the remote control, the rest works. The case is quickly settled, but before to leave his supplier, Tai Sung puts the forms to show respect. In South Korea, it is mandatory. when you meet someone for the first time, we must bow. And after, we shake hands. It's the same thing for old people. Relatives or subordinates, we have the right to greet them with the hand. But to greet his superiors we have to bow down, to show his respect. These are the rules courtesy in South Korea, Second golden rule, respect for hierarchy. In Korean companies, impossible to question, the decisions of his superiors, even if they are wrong. Everyone must stay in place. And to remind this principle to employees, here again, there are codes. Tai Sung and his colleagues have a meeting to take stock of the repairs in progress, to address each other they don't use their first names, but their titles, like in the army. Manager, how is it going with our supplier at the factory? There is a problem with the measurements. It will take three months to do it all over again. Head of synthesis, how do we do for safety standards? Head of Development called me to that I ask Synthesis Assistant, to take stock. Seen from France, such a protocol could make you smile, but in South Korea, it is very serious. Calling us by the titles of our functions, it makes us responsible. I think it's better for the efficiency of the work because the hierarchy is better respected. He is a bit after 7 p.m. Tai Sung and his colleagues dispatched urgent problems. So tonight no extras, workers can go home with peace of mind. But leaving their office, they do not leave Posco for all that. Because the city that surrounds their factory fully owned by the multinational. The stadium, the schools, homes, shopping malls, and even public transport. Everything was built by the steel giant. The conditions are ideal for us and our families. There is everything here. The company has it all planned to make us feel good, in this city and at the factory. And that's good, that we gives more motivation, to give us thoroughly in our work. Tai Sung lives in this workers' town five minutes drive from the office. Hi ! I'm back. With his wife and her two children. A modest 4-room apartment that he bought back €55,000 from the company. Since we got married, we lived here, in the Posco village. With my wife, we never lived anywhere else and we really like this apartment. Tai Sung's wife is a stay-at-home mom. Together they have lived here for 20 years. But the couple don't often the opportunity to share intimate moments, because Tai Sung usually stays late at the factory and after work he goes out with his colleagues. Tonight he invited them to his house to celebrate with the children, the end of school exams. - Good evening ! - Good evening. Among the guests, a technician and his wife. And two women whose husbands are still at the factory. You don't feel like to work overtime? No not at all. If we weren't here, we would surely be together in a bar having drinks. You know, our neighbors are also our colleagues, we all live together. We feel close, and for me, this is not a problem. For everyone, An evidence. But Tai Sung and his colleagues push the envelope even further. We are Friday night. This week-end, they are resting, but they planned to participate to a charitable activity, organized by the multinational. Cheers ! The next morning, in a small village 1 hour drive from the factory. Does everyone got his tools? It feels like a day at work, except it's Saturday. Posco workers volunteer on behalf of their company, to kick of hand to the peasants of the corner. We come to repair their tractors or their iron gates. We come to help them because they are poor and they don't have the means to do so. In South Korea, the economic boom caused a rural exodus. Many villages meet depopulated and impoverished. So Tai Sung and his colleagues use their expertise. Look at the space between the door and the wall! - Yes OK, I see ! It closes poorly. We'll fix this. It's good what Posco does. The charity operation is a great publicity stunt for the company, and it doesn't cost him almost nothing. It is the Posco workers who put hand in the wallet to finance the operation. We, the employees, we donate 1% of our salaries, to contribute to the activities company social. With this money, we buy the materials, that we need to work, including iron and we buy it from Posco. It's true that our lives revolve around the business. I work and live in a Posco apartment. I raise my children there and I was able to finish my studies thanks to a grant from the company. So it's normal that I give of my free time at the company. It's a fair things back! This model allowed South Korea to emerge from underdevelopment. But it shows its weaknesses today. Several financial crises have been there, and for the first time of its history, the country knows unemployment. At 3.7%, the rate remains low compared to France. But the competition has become even more ruthless. In Seoul, many residents find themselves excluded from the system, and poverty appears now in broad daylight. Grandma, come here! Have you already eaten or not? - No not yet. - Do you want this rice cake? - Yes thanks. Choï is a pastor. For several years, this fervent Protestant defends the cause of the poorest. Every Saturday he organizes a soup popular in the northeast of the city. On the menu today unsold food, ceded by local traders. Rice with peas, meat in sauce and fried tofu. Take only what you get to eat, don't waste. Probably the only meal of the day for these men and women in need. That day, they are fifty to devour their lunch, face turned to the wall, steeped in shame. Here you have people who were CEOs of large corporations, others who were university professors. They have all become poor after the financial crisis. However, they participated to the economic development of the country. They also have paid a lot of taxes. But today the government does not recognize them. He wants to hide misery in Korea. He drops them. Among those in need, a majority of elderly people. In South Korea, nearly 3 million of they live below the poverty line. The system is in question of retirement. It has not been set up that at the end of the 1980s, and many seniors have not contributed enough to earn a decent pension. Most of them live in abandoned neighborhoods like this. Regularly, the pastor Choi visits them. When I stay too long no news, I'm worried. I always wonder if they are still there if they have a problem or if they are deceased. I'm still worried. A few days ago, one of his proteges no longer gives any sign of life. A 60-year-old man who lives in this decrepit building. The pastor wants to make sure that everything's OK. Good morning ! There is someone ? Ho are you doing ? Have you eaten ? No, I haven't eaten. Why you haven't eaten? I was lying down. We have to eat to live. I will not not enter. I wanted to ask you if you liked the rice cakes. Yes I like that. Here, eat this. A few years ago, Mr. Kim was draftsman for architects' offices, but his business were not flourishing. Today, he finds himself without retirement with only resource, state aid. €300 per month, the Korean equivalent of the solidarity income. An insufficient amount for have decent housing. This 5m² room at €150 per month is all he can afford. When I sleep, I unfold a sheet on the floor. As I'm sick, I wedge the pillow between my legs and then I lie down. In this box, Mr Kim piles up all his personal effects. clothes, books, memories and some devices, that he was able to save of his old life. That's my computer. Here is my television, and these are memories of my childhood. For amenities, you have to go to the landing. Mr. Kim shares them with about twenty tenants, who live in the same conditions as him. It's the shower for everyone. Here are the toilets old-fashioned communities. We are always told that Korea is an advanced country. But look for yourself... It is a scandal ! Inequalities among the rich and the poor are very high. Come on, take care of you. See you soon. Pastor must leave. Others left for account are waiting for his visit. Even 20 years ago, most pensioners lived with their children, under the same roof. But economic progress has changed mentalities and tradition have been lost. Today, after 60 years, many seniors find themselves on their own. To get by, they are often forced to return to work. Damn ! This grandmother is 81 years old, like all Korean retirees, she touches state aid. But to improve his daily life, she collects paper and cardboard, that she finds in the street for resell them to landfills. I would never have thought it would end like this. I worked all my life as a housekeeper, I did some ironing I've been doing this for over 30 years, and now my legs hurt. But I have no choice. 4 hours a day, doubled over for picking up papers or pushing that cart. A work grueling. But Mrs Choi couldn't find anything better. Her two grown children try to help him from time to time, but they are not rich enough to meet his needs. So, tirelessly, she brings back his loot to the dump. For this first delivery, she will receive ten euros. The price depends weight. - How many kilos do you have? - 50 kg, - It's good For me ! The recycler always tell me, "you are in poor health, you should stop". But I do not have a lot of money... Even if my hip hurts, I prefer working rather than doing nothing. On average, this work brings him 200€ per month. Added to 300€ social aid. This nest egg allows him to live decently in this small two-room apartment. But at over 80, the pensioner is worried. At this rate, she wonders every day how long she can last. I am not not happy. Very often in the evening I think about dying because life is too difficult. I pray every night not to open my eyes before falling asleep. I'm eager to to join God. Ms Choi's remarks reveal a sad reality. South Korea holds the record world's highest suicide rate. On average, 40 people kill themselves every day. It's twice more than in France. In Seoul, the bridges are all under surveillance. And to help candidates for suicide, teams of lifeguards take turns 24 hours a day. But despite their efforts, the authorities are struggling to stem the problem. And in recent years, suicide also affects young people. The reason ? school pressure overwhelming. When it comes to education, South Korea is one of the most successful countries on the planet. Its high schools are among the best and his students occupy the top of the podiums. A national pride. But this success pays a high price. Young Koreans are also the most stressed in the world. It's 7 a.m. in Seoul, in the very chic district of Gangnam, Madame Park prepares breakfast but this morning, she has a problem... Her husband is already gone to work, and she does not arrive to wake up her 16 year old son. His name is Yunjae. Wake up ! Come on, wake up! I can still sleep 10 minutes, please, mom? If Yunjae has so much hard to wake up, it's because he sleeps very little, no more than 5 hours per night. An incredible rhythm for a growing teenager. The rest of his time he devotes it to his studies. His dream would be to integrate after the baccalaureate at a prestigious university, and for that he must to be among the best. Yunjae! are you standing He's so tired he can't get up. 30 minutes later, the young boy finally shows the tip of his nose, but he is late. So no breakfast he will content himself with a banana. See you tonight ! Hi ! Let's go for his daily marathon. More than 15 hours of study every day, from 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. An insane schedule, unique in the world. First stage, high school. Yunjae is in second in one of the best in Seoul. Here the uniform is rigorous. The girls and the boys are in separate classes, and discipline is strict. Everyday we have to drop our cell phones here. It's the rules. On the program this morning a lesson of economics taught by this professor. The course may be interesting, from the first minutes, some pupils nose dive. Like Yunjae, they do long days, so they catch up on their sleep late as they can. Yunjae starts he too dozed off. Of himself he decides to sit at the back of the class, behind this high table. It was placed there to allow students to combat fatigue. Standing, without a chair... Difficult to fall asleep. If I stay seated, I'm going to sleep. I'm sure. I have already had several warnings and from 3, I am deducted points. So I do everything for don't lose any more. In high school, all students start the year with 54 points, but at the slightest mistake, they can lose. Sleep in progress costs two points. reach zero, it is exclusion. So everyone stands squarely. It is the head teacher who keeps the accounts with its software. And he's not kidding with discipline. When I click on a name, I can know everything on behavior of the pupil, to the hour and in particular if he lost points. Watch Yunjae For example, he slept in class yesterday despite my warnings, so I had to to take away 2 points. His mother immediately received a message, that way she can lecture him when he comes home at night. It's really a good method to enforce discipline. This system was set up Four years ago, when the state prohibited punishment bodily within the school. But some habits die hard, and beware of students who heckle in the hallways. It's 4 p.m. classes end, but the daily marathon from Yunjae continues. After passing by more than 7 hours in high school, he must now chain 5 hours of private lessons. I'll be fine rest ! But the day is not still over for me. And the young boy must not drag on, because his mother is waiting for him lead him to a private academy. It is a school that provides intensive courses. In Seoul, 90% of students attend these establishments after their high school. South Korea is a small country and we have few natural resources. our wealth, these are the brains. So we invest in the education of our children. That's what we have more expensive. Hi Mom ! For his evening classes, the parents from Yunjae pay €900 per month. It's expensive, but in South Korea, education is priceless. For 5 hours, the young boy will continue math exercises. The goal is not to correct its shortcomings, but to get ahead on the school curriculum. In Seoul alone, there are 30,000 establishments like this. A parallel education system supposed to guarantee success. Bye and see you tomorrow ! 10 p.m., Yunjae can finally to return to his place. Before leaving he must point as at the factory. His parents can check that he does not skip class. It's here, finally! It feels good ! Now I can finally go home, take a shower and go to bed. Every evening between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m., thousands of schoolchildren leave like him these academies. A surprising sight in the streets of the capital. But the most incredible thing is that after have spent 12 hours in classrooms, Yunjae still has not done his homework. So before going to bed, last halt in the study room of his residence. Many buildings have pieces like this, to allow students to revise quietly. I am really tired there. But I have no choice... We Korean students finish our homework even if it's 1am or 2am. We do not have a choice, that's how it is, that's our job. It's past midnight, the young boy finally pushes the door of his apartment. Mom, I'm home. His mother prepared him a last meal. His father is still not come home from work. Hold Yunjae, your day went well ? Enjoy your food. This infernal rhythm, Yunjae imposes it every day. His mother is aware of the excesses of the Korean education system. But she doesn't see other alternatives. Of course I have the pain for my son. He works a lot and he has little free time. But as long as it holds the blow he must continue. Korean society is very competitive, we worry about the future of our children. They have to work hard to put all the chances on their side. Tonight, once again, Yunjae will go to bed exhausted at 1am. For several years, the authorities fight against the educational frenzy, children and their parents by limiting the opening hours of the private academies. But the battle is almost lost in advance. The arrival of unemployment has increased tensions in the labor market, and to make room for themselves, young people Koreans are ready for all excesses. The latest trend is to use cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance, and please to employers. In a few years, South Korea has become the kingdom of the scalpel, far ahead of Brazil or the United States. And it is not uncommon to come across in the streets of freshly operated patients. Be careful to sidewalks. A slender chin, a pointed nose or a widened smile. Here everything is possible, even the most unlikely, how to get injected botox in the vocal cords, to have a more beautiful voice. He will have the voice more calm, more serious. It will lessen the tremor vocal cords. Throughout the capital, advertisements put forward the prowess of these surgeons. Even the photo booths succumbed in this quest for perfection. But also surprising as it may seem, for many residents, pass on the operating table, is not just a simple coquetry, it is above all a factor of social ascent. Hi ! See you next time. At 28, Ewu holds a degree in communications. At the end of his studies, three years ago, he thought he would find a job easily. But today the young man no matter how many CVs are sent, and job interviews, nothing works. And he is convinced of it, it is because of his physical appearance. When I call employers to find out why I wasn't taken, I am told, "you are too thin". "Your face is too fine, your eyes are too small". My look is considered negative. I think I don't give not a good impression. Concretely, I am made to understand that I don't fit the image of the company. And in the end I'm not taken because of my physique. Ewu would like to work in the service marketing for a major fashion company. So to put all the chances for its part in the face of recruiters, he decided to do enlarge the eyes. A choice that could sound fancy. But in this society ultra-competitive, the cult of appearance has become the rule. Many employers admit that the physique of the candidates, plays a leading role in their decision. Some go so far as to demand information details on the anatomy of their future recruit. All these are the resumes I sent as well as documents that I had to provide. once a business even asked me for a certificate, to know if I was in good health. This document shows the state of my body. around my chest, around my thighs. All the details of my anatomy are listed there. I presented this document during the interview but I was not taken... In desperation, Ewu made an appointment, in one of the many gangnam clinics, the most neighborhood upscale Seoul. Here there are over 500. Good morning. Ewu chose one of the most famous. It stretches over sixteen floors, nine doctors work there. Each his speciality. And here, the staff is in tune with current beauty standards. - Good morning. - Hello doctor. Ewu is going to be operated on by Doctor Do, an eye enlargement specialist. Look at the mirror. You have skin that hide the eyelids. The skin fold grows eyelids down. For an Asian, you don't have not necessarily small eyes, but we can correct shape and remove the skin. In South Korea, it is the intervention most popular, especially with women, who dream of a face western style. But Doctor Do operates also many men, on average 15% of its customers, and the vast majority of them pass on billiards for professional reasons. I'm not surprised, because the competition In the working world in Korea is fierce. There's a lot unemployment. So for men who have Appearance concerns are more difficult. So everyone tries to distinguish, even by small details. The operation costs 1500 €, it is not given, but for Ewu, the investment is worth it. Maybe finally his ticket entry into the world of work. I've wanted it since a long time, I'm ready. I'm eager to. The intervention does not last only a quarter of an hour. It is carried out under local anesthesia. For Doctor Do, It's the routine. Operations like these he makes between 6 and 12 a day. In the rest room, Ewu is in a hurry to discover his new look, but he will have to wait a little longer. Now it is necessary that my eyes are healing well, it's necessary I take care of it. But I think it's okay really change my life. four more weeks of patience, one last visit to the clinic to remove the stitches, and maybe finally his dream job. Faced with social pressure and growing economy, Koreans experience growing discomfort. And in this predominantly Christian country, there are more and more of them, to seek comfort in faith. This morning, out of sight, in the heights of Seoul, a ceremony a little special. A shamanic rite, a practice ancestral spiritual, whose purpose is to communicate with spirits. Behind the scenes, the leader of this merry troop concentrates, before the arrival of his next client. His name is Gimpa, he is a professional shaman. Former singer, he discovered his vocation twenty years ago. Since then, he practices religious rites to communicate with the gods of nature, and his business brings in a lot of money. Everyone does effort in life. But it does not work always as you want. People come here for find meaning in their lives. Thanks to the powers ancestors and gods. And it's mostly young people who rediscover shamanism. Among its customers, stars, sportsmen and more and more businessmen. Gimpa must receive this morning a distinguished guest who made his fortune, in the management of heritage. The millionaire is close to the government. So the shaman greet him in person. - Good morning. - Good morning ! It's been about a year that we haven't seen each other, is that it? Yes, it's true. You came last year, The man is a regular at the place, but he prefers to remain anonymous. Because to pay for the services of a shaman to make your business prosper, is a little taboo. I came to pray and ask the spirits to protect, my company and my employees. May they all stay healthy to make our business run smoothly. To grant wishes of this personality, The shaman prepared an entire program. To begin with, the Kutpai rite, a ceremony well known to his followers. In traditional dress, bare feet on this sharp blade, Gimpa, perform dances to enter in a trance and invoke deities. The gods of the sea, of the mountain and all the other gods say, that things have changed since last year. In the front row, the businessman don't miss a beat. It must be said that to afford the services of Gimpa and its teams, he had to pay a lot of money. Over €20,000. And it's not over. To obtain the favors of the gods, he will have to multiply the offerings in cash. In the cabin next door, the collaborators of the shaman, prepare another rite, the sacrifice of the pig. The animal was killed the day before. His death shall ward off diseases of the businessman and his entourage. But for that, you have to give to the gods the equivalent of €50. - Do you have 30,000 won? - Yes. An offering washed down with rice wine which will end up in the pockets of the shaman. Spit three times! And then you can go out. But don't you look back especially not when going out. It may seem barbaric, but with this kind of rite, the businessman is convinced to ward off the evil eye. At the beginning it scared me. I was even a little embarrassed. But I watched, I learned and I understood. And once we understand the meaning of things, we end up accepting it. It becomes obvious even. The ceremonies will follow all day. For every dance Gimpa changes his costume, and his client multiply the offerings. In total, in addition to the €20,000 paid when booking the ceremony, he will pay 3000 more. An amusing rain of banknotes the shaman and the spirit that seems to inhabit him. I have money, I have them everywhere. We are fine enjoy. I feel the spirit of the grandfather, he is waiting for me. At this rate, the businessman still entitled to a good meal. Although the price of this day is exorbitant, he believes in it hard like iron. One day I negotiated a contract with a company I did not know. The shaman gave me warned. He told me to be careful certain details of the contract. And it saved me. I avoided disaster. On average, Gimpa performs a fifty ceremonies, like this one every year. What to collect a nice jackpot. And his business has a future, because the country matters more and more believers. Every year, 40% of South Koreans consult a shaman. A few miles away, at Seoul Station, Ewu the young unemployed man who made himself to operate on the eyes walks at a hurry. This moment, he waits for it since one month. Make a new photo identity for his CV. And he counts on his new face to relaunch their job search. My face softened. I'm still the same, but today with a more pleasant physique, i think it will happen much better with people. The difference is not necessarily blatant, But this surgery aesthetics has at least the merit, to give him back faith in him. With his new face at the top of his resume, Ewu is persuaded to drop out the job of his dreams, in the marketing department of a large company. Before, when my eyes were slanted, people didn't think I was nice. I have even been told that I am not was not recruiting because of my physique. Today, my eyes are big. Since the operation, I can look more easily, my interlocutors eye to eye. I think people trust me more than before. It's important and it can do the difference with a recruiter. Since the end of our filming three months ago, Ewu still hasn't picked up the job he wants. But it's only one a matter of time. With a growth by almost 3%, South Korea is today one of the most dynamic countries in Asia, and one of the most innovations on the planet.
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Keywords: Corée du Sud, travail, objectif, performance, compétitivité, efforts, nouvelles technologies, innovation, tablettes, robots, clones, jeux vidéos, multinationales, acier
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 33sec (3453 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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