Copy That | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church

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Do you know what the Lord showed us  on our campus pastor call this week?   That the glory of the latter house will be  greater than the glory of the former house.   Well, what in the world does that mean?  God said that through the prophet to some   exiles who were coming back and rebuilding the  temple. It was so small compared to Solomon's   temple and so plain and so simple, it says the  people who saw Solomon's temple started crying. They were crying so much the people who  were shouting, because they never had a   temple at all before… They were like, "Woo!  This is awesome! This is amazing! This is a   house for God. This is a place we can meet with  him." They couldn't be heard above the weeping   of those who could only compare what they  were looking at with what was before it. So God said, "I don't want you to look  at it and compare it to the old temple."   I believe he's saying that to somebody in  this room. "I don't want you to compare   what I'm doing in your life right now to  what I did in your life in a previous season   when you didn't have a bad knee…"  I'm preaching to the over 40 now.   I know you used to be the star  wide receiver in Dillon, Texas, but   right now I need you to understand  it's not what the temple is made of… I told our campus pastors, even as our church  is kind of coming back… After the pandemic,   it takes time for people to come back, so a  lot of the buildings don't look like they did   before that thing that happened (which I  can't say, because then they'll take it out   the YouTube algorithm, so I'm going to just  beep it out…the thing that happened). If you   look at what it is right now and try to compare  it to what it was, you'll miss the whole point. He said, "The glory of the latter  house, what I'm doing right now…"   He's pointing to Jesus. "…will be greater  than the glory of the former house."   So, this is what I told them. "Don't  look for the gold; look for the glory."   The gold is the external. That's  Solomon's temple. Look for the glory. What God is doing right now… He's  trying to get you to attenuate your mind   to what he is filling you with. What  do you want to be filled with? Do   you want to be filled with fear? Do you want to  be filled with depression? All you have to do,   if that's what you want to do, is just  do everything you see the world doing,   but if you want to be filled with joy  unspeakable, full of glory, in the Holy Ghost… You can't do what the world  does and get what the Word says.   So, are you ready for the Word of God? I  want you on your feet in the ready position.   I am going to pick up where I left off  last week. Somebody shout, "Copy that!"   That was the last thing in my  sermon last week. Let's pick up   with a Scripture I mentioned last  week, but I didn't get to mine it:   Hebrews 13:7. Did anybody come to  church from over 100 miles away today? Anybody come from over 500 miles? Do   y'all remember the song from the 80s? "I  would walk 500 miles, and I would walk…"   We're really going to get YouTube flagged. "Just  to be the man who comes to Elevation Church…"   It's a great worship song. Right?   How about all of the new songs we've been  singing? Have you been enjoying that?   Lately, we've been getting into these  writing rooms and just wanting to sing   the Word of God. We just sang a song,  and it goes straight from Matthew 5.   I'm going to talk a little bit  about my dad today in the sermon. I'm going to tell you some of the good stuff, the  bad stuff, or whatever. It's just going to be what   it is. One memory of my dad that's really precious  to me is he loved the Sermon on the Mount,   Matthew 5-7. So I was thinking, when  we were writing that song where we go   through the Beatitudes, "Blessed are the poor  in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.   Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be  comforted," and just singing those Scriptures… I was thinking, "Man, the L-train would love this.  He'd be running laps." So, it's just exciting.   We're going to be recording some new songs on  October 6. You're all invited for that. Also,   you're all invited to Elevation Nights. We're  going to take this glory on the road. If you're in   Atlanta, Nashville, Tulsa, Fort Worth, Houston,  Orlando, Sunrise, or Jacksonville, come on out. That's October 26 through November 4  ( You don't have to come   from 500 miles. We'll come to you. It's going  to be so exciting. Welcome. Wow! Look at you,   you walking talking miracle,  you living breathing miracle.   The Devil is so confused because you're praising  God after all he put you through this week.   He's flipping out. He's summoning all of  his little junior demons, like, "I thought   I told you to attack them." They're like, "I  did, but the angels came, and they made it." Hebrews 13:7: "Remember your leaders, who spoke  the word of God to you. Consider the outcome   of their way of life and imitate their faith."   How many of you heard the sermon last week?  Y'all do know they're free online. Right?   If you ever sleep in or can't  be here, make sure you catch up. A lot of times, it's on the second listen that  you really get what God wanted to say to you,   because on the first listen you're kind of judging  me, like, "I don't know if I agree with this. What   are those shoes?" Just looking at stupid stuff.   Then sometimes on the second time, there are  not the distractions, but it goes deeper. You go, "Oh, I got it on one level.  Now I got it on the second listen."   There's a value in repetition. There's also  a danger in repetition. I felt like my sermon   last week was a little more on the negative side.  I'm not apologizing for it because I took it from   the Bible where God warned Moses. It says it  warned him, and I was warning you. "Make sure,   or see to it, that you build according to the  pattern that was shown you on the mountain." That's where God met with Moses and showed  him how to build the tabernacle…Holy   of Holies, table of shewbread…all that  stuff he showed him on the mountain.   Then he had to go down to where the people were.  I always had these great ideas about ministry   until people showed up and messed up my ideas  of ministry, because they don't do it like you   tell them to. They don't run to first base,  then second base, then third base. You see   them over there climbing the fence, playing  in the dirt, and stuff. And that's me too. It's tricky to be a leader. How many  leaders do we actually have here   today? Worship leaders. Let's start there. Cool.   I want to ask that again, but this time  I want every parent to raise your hand.   How many worship leaders do we have here today?   Whether you want to or not, you are teaching  your children not only how to worship…   And some of that you're teaching them as well.  If you're a "one hand in the pocket" hand lifter,   they'll probably do the same thing. It's also  true that you're teaching them what to worship.   Every time you set the schedule to say,  "Well, we'll go to church if we have time…" Wow! I just felt an Arctic wind…  It's true. I'm so grateful that   Christy Collins pulled out her iPhone and  captured this video I'm about to show you.   I feel most of the time like I'm failing as a dad.  I'm hardwired to be hard on myself. Some of us are   too easy on ourselves, and some of us are too hard  on ourselves, and then we can help each other out. Holly is really good about it too. She's always  sending me these Timehops. Do y'all do Timehop,   where it shows you, "This is what you were doing  five years ago. This is what you were doing seven   years ago. This is what you were doing nine years  ago"? So, she'll show me at the Charlotte Knights   game with the boys just to remind me "You're a  good dad." I need that. But what Christy captured…   We were doing our recording with Elevation Worship  and Maverick City called Old Church Basement. I sat right there with my kids on that ledge.  Our whole family was on that ledge. The building   still wasn't fully open. We COVID tested and  made this album. It has touched the world.   It's probably one of my favorite things  I ever worked on as a songwriter,   as a pastor, as a producer, and I'm so  thankful for everyone who was involved.   But the greatest part of the night wasn't  on YouTube. The greatest parts never are.   The greatest part was when we were  recording the song "Wait On You." I'll trust in your promise I'm gonna wait on you… You have to do it with a little growl.  You have to aggressively wait on the Lord.   When I just couldn't take it anymore (we  were about 37 minutes into the song),   I jumped off the ledge and ran  down. I couldn't take it anymore. I looked up, and Abbey was  standing beside me. Now,   my children are very competitive. Last  week I baptized Graham. I called him up   onstage. I gave him a speech. I gave  him a Bible. Abbey said, "That was,   uh…that was good. When am I going to be in a  sermon again?" So I picked this out because   it fit with my theme of Copy That. Watch  this little 50-second video. I love this. [Video] I like that one.   I favorited that one on my phone. I could see  it in those moments. Do you know those moments?   Do you have those moments  where you need an example,   a better example? I want to go ahead  and beat all of the trolls to it.   I'm not going to be on Dancing With the Stars  with those moves. I know that. I understand that. I understand that my moves are unorthodox. My kids  tell me this all the time. They keep me humble.   But we didn't choreograph that. We didn't practice  that. We didn't have to. I didn't tell her,   "I think I'm going to do this wounded eagle  move, like an eagle that was shot but not killed. I'm going to come through, and I need you to  do it with me so I don't look stupid. It would   be cute if you did." I watched her. I realized  there's what I say and there's what she sees.   People do what people see. The challenge  for a lot of people I'm preaching to   is that sometimes you have to be  something you've never seen before.   When I read my Scripture, "Remember your  leaders, who spoke the word of God to you…" Remember your leaders who spoke the Word of  God to you; who told you, "I can do all things   through Christ who strengthens me"; who told  you God's hand is on you; who told you there's   nothing more important than God; who told you  that if Christ isn't at the center of your life,   the whole thing will fall apart; who told you and  taught you, who preached to you and taught to you   that you are who God says you are. But in reading this, I realized a lot of the  people I preach to never really had someone   to speak this Word over their lives. So  they went with what the world told them   because they didn't know what the Word said  about them. That's what I was going to tell   you about my dad. One time my mom… My mom was  so good at this. She would cover for his crazy.   She'd pull me to the side and say,  "You know he's doing really good."   I'd say, "He's not doing really good.  He's crazy. I can't stand him." And he   was doing good. He was coaching my  teams. He was doing all this stuff. One day she said, "Did you know he didn't  have a dad growing up?" I didn't know that.   I knew he didn't have his dad long, but  I didn't know his dad had killed himself.   I didn't know my dad had found his dad  dead on his own birthday when he was 8.   I didn't know that. I didn't  know he was making everything up. So, even that one time when I said I hated him  and I wanted to kill him when I was a teenager,   and he picked me up from school early and told  me we were going out to the national forest,   and he had two guns in the back of the truck  and one of us was going to kill the other one…   Even though that isn't necessarily the best  parenting tactic and it's not Dr. Phil approved…   He didn't have Focus on the Family growing  up. All right? "I did the best I could." He's doing really good if you  saw what he never got to see.   So, when the author of Hebrews is saying,   "Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God  to you," he's not so much talking about the words   they spoke, but then he says something really  powerful. This is what I want to teach on today. Somebody shout, "Copy that." That's what  they say on a walkie-talkie. "Copy that."   It means, "I heard it. I got it. I'm on it."  Do you see these security people around our   church keeping you safe? Thank God for them.  If you knew how crazy some Christians are,   you'd be clapping better than  that for the security team.   But they say it all the time. I'll walk  by them… "Copy that." "Row 4. Copy that." I wanted to call the sermon that, because  that which you copy is that which you become.   That which you believe is that which you become.  So, when he says, "Remember your leaders,   who spoke the word of God to you…" There are a  lot of words that were spoken to you and over you   and about you that have to be uprooted before  the word God spoke about you can be planted. Now, remember, the Hebrews have not been a part  of Christianity for two millennia like we have,   so they haven't had 2,000 years to get used  to the idea that we are justified by faith,   not works. It's all new to them. They have  not had 2,000 years to get used to the fact   that it is by grace you have  been saved through faith,   that it's not the blood a high priest takes…  Remember I talked about this last week,   that they serve in a tabernacle that is  an earthly copy of a heavenly reality. Even Moses… As holy as he was,   as important as he was, as amazing as he  was, Moses could only lead them so far.   In the middle of this he gives them an instruction  as he concludes his letter. He says, "Consider   the outcome of their way of life and imitate  their faith." Or in other words, copy that.   The Lord said to me, first of all, "Consider  the outcome." Isn't that hard to do?   What you're seeing all day long in people's lives  is just, what I called it last week, a snapshot.   "Consider the outcome of their way  of life and imitate their faith." So, a question I've been thinking about…Is the  way of life I am choosing producing the outcome   I desire? We need more leaders in  the world today, fewer opinions.   We need more leaders, fewer influencers.  Oh yeah. This is the part of my sermon   where I am a crotchety old man telling you that  what you are seeing on your Reels is not real. This is the God's honest truth.  The writer of Hebrews said,   "Imitate their faith," but we live in a  time where we are imitating their fake.   So, consider the outcome. I wonder what happened  five minutes after they took that picture.   I wonder what happened five minutes  after they posted that. I mean,   just five minutes. Not five years.  Let's talk about five minutes after. One day in church I was so sick of  preachers always trying to be perfect.   "My family and I wake up every morning, quote  Ephesians, pray, and sing the Beatitudes."   I said, "Let me show you what this family  is really like," and I showed one of our   Christmas videos. It was so beautiful.  "Welcome to Elevation. 'Unto you is born   this day in the city of David a Savior, who is  Christ the Lord.'" Then I showed the outtakes.   Holly Furtick was one step short of having to  be bleeped. What she was saying to those kids   in those outtakes… Watch this. Outcome, outtakes. Nobody is showing  you their outtakes. I have to get this across. I   don't care if I have to say it every week. I'll  be up here 75 years old, dragging my right leg   behind me, talking about… What you're copying  is cropped. It is only showing you so much.   A lot of the people we are emulating and  imitating and talking like and captioning like… Do you know what's the weirdest thing?  I thought we, as parents, were supposed   to set an example for our kids, but now I see  grown men and women trying to talk like a kid.   It's cringey, y'all. It's cringey   when you're a dad of three and you're still  trying to show you've got it, you've got game. Do you know what you've got? You've  got dependents. You've got bills to   pay. You've got a mortgage.  Grow up, man! That's over.   "When I became a man, I put away childish things."   I'm not talking about not having fun.  I'm the goofiest dude in the world.   But what I'm saying is a lot of times… Romans 12:2  is my favorite verse to explain this. It says,   "Do not conform to the pattern of this world,  but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." A lot of people will make the distinction between  the pattern of this world and the renewing of   your mind, but really, in the text, the juice of  it is in two different words. It's conform and   transform. Conform is something you can change.  It's like an attitude or a posture. Transform is   different. Transform is something that has  to happen because of what's on the inside. Since you have Christ inside of you now… Remember,  you're not serving at a tabernacle built with   human hands. You don't have a high priest who was  selected from among men. You are not serving a   shadow or a copy. You have a risen Savior who  set an example for you so you can copy that. Since that is in you… The Spirit of God  is in you, not the spirit of the world,   not the spirit of worry. You get to reproduce  that because it's on the inside. Be transformed   by the renewing of your mind. So, what's  in you has to come out, and that's why the   writer of Hebrews says, "Remember the word  of God that was spoken to you, and copy that   in your heart. Copy that in your life." Oh,  I forgot to read you the verse after that. Verse 8 says, "Jesus Christ is the  same yesterday, today, and forever."   So, he says, "Remember the leaders who spoke  the word of God over you. Consider the outcome   (how it worked out for them)…" We use  all kinds of excuses for bad examples.   We'll do the same dumb things we saw growing up,   and this is what we'll tag it with at the  end: "And look at me. I turned out all right." Did you though? Did you really? Maybe it  just hasn't caught up with you yet. "Well,   I yell and cuss at my kids. My dad did it too,  and it was good for me. I turned out all right."   I don't think you're all right. I'm watching  you right now. I'm seeing there's a little   bit of a wound, just a little bit  of a wound, just a little something. How do you copy what you never saw?   He said, "Jesus Christ is the same  yesterday, today, and forever."   The Devil isn't very creative. God is a creator;  the Devil is not. The Devil is so uncreative   he only has three temptations. That's the only  way he can tempt you. First John says, "The   love of the world is the lust of the flesh,  the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life."   Go to Matthew, chapter 4. We said Jesus Christ  is the same yesterday, today, and forever. A lot of times, we think we're facing  a brand-new temptation, but we're not.   It's just the same Devil in a different disguise.   I love helping my kids navigate  their lives the best I can, but   it's tricky sometimes, because we didn't  have Snapchat. We didn't have TikTok.   But the same Devil who's busy on TikTok  was busy on DOS or a rotary phone or a   fax machine or whatever you did with your  messaging…pigeon. It's the same Devil. The same three things you're tempted with that  derail you and sabotage you and bring you back   down and get you out of the pattern God showed  you on the mountain are the same three things   in Matthew 4. Jesus goes to the wilderness to be  tempted by the Devil. Last week, when I finished…   Graham, do you remember? "This is my son I love,  in whom I'm well pleased." Graham is so funny. I   said, "Do you want a special meal after we baptize  you?" He said, "Jesus didn't get a special meal." "I'll eat whatever everybody else is eating.  Jesus didn't get a special meal." He wasn't   saying it because he was holy. He was just making  a joke. The next thing that happened in Matthew,   chapter 4… So, the affirmation of the Father  and then the temptation from the Enemy.   This is a pattern you can copy: to be affirmed  by your Father in heaven so that when you are   tempted by your Enemy in the wilderness you will  have at your core your knowing of who you are. "Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into  the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.   After fasting forty days and forty nights, he  was hungry. The tempter came to him and said,   'If you are the Son of God, tell  these stones to become bread.'" I know you know this Scripture, but let's just  move through it, because there's a lesson here   for today. "Jesus answered, 'It is written: "Man  shall not live on bread alone, but on every word   that comes from the mouth of God."' Then the devil  took him to the holy city and had him stand on the   highest point of the temple. 'If you are the  Son of God,' he said, 'throw yourself down.'"   "Prove yourself. Show everybody what you can  do. If you've got it, flaunt it. Go ahead and   show everybody who you really are. You  have to make it happen for yourself." "'For it is written: "He will command his  angels concerning you, and they will lift   you up in their hands, so that you will  not strike your foot against a stone."'   Jesus answered him, 'It is also written: "Do not  put the Lord your God to the test."'" One more.   We've already seen the lust of the  flesh. "Turn the stones into bread." That's when you try to turn things  into things they were not meant to be.   That's when you try to turn sex into  an object to gratify a spiritual need.   Rather than in the context of  marriage expressing your sexuality,   you express it in places where it spills over  and contaminates all of the places of your life,   because it creates commitments that are not  rooted in covenant but are rather rooted in   convenience and pleasure, so then the Enemy can  rip you out because you turned a stone into bread. This is when we go seeking for people's  validations when our Father's voice is not   enough. When we didn't have a leader  who spoke the Word of God over us,   then we are open to what the world thinks about  us. We will change everything until we get   the exact compliment, the exact affirmation,  the exact validation we were looking for.   That's the lust of the flesh. The lust  of the eyes and the pride of life… This one right here… I've dealt with this a lot  in my life. Verse 8: "Again, the devil took him   to a very high mountain and showed him all the  kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 'All   this I will give you,' he said, 'if you will  bow down and worship me.'" Now, I've never   bowed down and worshiped the Devil like that,  but I have worshiped what the world worships. I have, at periods in my life, thought a certain  level of success would make me a real man. I have   thought a certain amount of money would make  me secure. It really has to do with worship.   I don't want to depend on God to be  my provider. That's too uncertain.   So I start worshiping what's in the world (lust  of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life).   "All this I will give you if you  will bow down and worship me." "Jesus said to him, 'Away from  me, Satan! For it is written:   "Worship the Lord your God, and  serve him only."'" I realize now   that I am a leader…for these three kids, for my  wife, and God has made me a leader in this church.   Now I'm asking myself the question, "What example  do I want to set of what we worship?" I know what   the world worships. The world worships  talent. The world worships sensuality. Here's a weird thing about our culture. I preach  in the United States of America…Charlotte, North   Carolina. I wouldn't rather be anywhere else. I'm  born and raised in the Carolinas, and I'm proud of   where I'm from. But the weirdest thing about our  culture right now is the way we worship youth.   We don't remember our leaders who spoke the  Word of God over us. They're irrelevant.   They're not trendy. We'd rather go find somebody who hasn't even  lived long enough that we can even know if   they make it through their 20s. Do they  even live to be 30? And we will copy that.   I'm just stirred up about  it, because I am watching us   copy the world and slap a  Christian vocabulary on it,   and there are no different values in the  house of God than there are in the world. It's not about the external stuff. I'm not talking  about that. I'm talking about the kingdom within   you and the culture around you. You need to spend  more time remembering those who spoke the Word   over you, because that's what Jesus did every  time he was tempted, and that's what you copy.   You fight the world with the Word. You  fight the spirit of the world with the Word. So, every time the Devil said, "Do it," Jesus  said, "It is written…" He wasn't making this   stuff up. All three things Jesus did to fight  temptation, to fight hunger, to fight pride,   to fight his senses, and to agree with the  Spirit… All three things he said were already   written in Scripture. Jesus said, "I know what  the Word of my Father is on this situation,   and I'm going to copy that. I  will not conform to this world." That's why I'm glad he's the same  yesterday, today, and forever.   It doesn't mean the world stays the same, but  my worship stays the same, because I understand   that what God did in my life yesterday… It won't  look like what he's doing today, but watch this. The same God who delivered me from that   will deliver me from this. So, I speak  by the spirit of faith, not fear.   Imitate their faith. Don't copy their flaws.  The world is weird, and it's not working,   and it's broken. It hasn't been since Eve listened  to the Serpent twist the words of her God,   and then Adam, instead of being a good  husband and leader, blamed the woman.   In my family, I have to go through this all the  time. I have to weed out the worldly values…daily.   Transform your mind. You don't do that one time.  You won't even get out of church good today. It'll probably be somebody with an  Elevation sticker in the parking lot   who will make you so upset…   They'll probably be playing worship music too.  They'll probably be playing "Wait On You."   "Quit flying and drive!" Right  there. It doesn't take long.   I'm going to say it again. Stop copying crazy.  Consider the outcome. "Where's this taking me?" Now I ask that about thoughts. Some things  that are really bad feel really good to   think…really good. I don't know if you should  confess this or not. I love judging people.   I am completely addicted to it.  It's so fun. Oh, it's so fun.   But how it feels, the outcome  of that thought process… One of my friends asked me the other day,   "How do you want to feel at the end of this  day? Reverse-engineer it with your decisions."   Consider the outcome. And to consider the  outcome you have to monitor the inputs.   Now we live in a time where everybody wants this  product, whether that's millions of dollars or   the kinds of cars or the kind of success or  the kind of marriage or the kind of life. I want that outcome, but I don't  want to emulate that process.   We get it backward. The writer in Hebrews  said, "Imitate their faith and consider   their outcome." We want to imitate someone's  outcome, but we don't want to invest our faith.   So, I want what you have, but I  don't want to do what you did. So now I'll put it on a credit card   at age 23 to have what you had at age 32 that  I didn't want to wait a decade to achieve.   We need better examples. I'm not just  talking about cussing and drinking and   chewing and tobacco and all this stuff.  We always love to say the external stuff.   I'm talking about the internal stuff too,  and I'm talking about the values we model. I told Elijah the other day… We have so many  good times. He said one day, "I wish we could   record all this stuff you and I talk about working  out and just put it out. It would be the biggest   podcast." I said, "Well, we would also get  canceled," because we talk about everything. We   talk about Hebrews 13. We talk about other stuff  too. We talk about everything, because he's 16.   I don't want him to imitate everything about  me. I really don't. He started driving recently,   and every road rage I ever showed him is  coming up behind me in the rearview mirror. I see it coursing through my son, and I'm like,  "Don't copy that. Don't copy that. Do you know   how I'm nice to your mom? Copy that. Do you know  how I study the Word of God? Copy that, not that."   Then my kids get mad at me because… Holly  and I do PDA stuff all over the house   all the time, because it's my house. "Yes, I will walk up to your mom  in my kitchen, and I will kiss her   with my whole mouth right in front of you, and  if you don't like it, you don't have to look."   Oh, sexy stuff is only allowed on TikTok. I  forgot. Not in a marriage. Because the world   told us the place for that is out of bounds,  but, Devil, I don't copy your technological   patterns. I'm not copying crazy. I'll kiss my  wife. I'll hold her hand. We'll take a nap. We are married! The marriage bed is  undefiled. Hebrews 13:4. "I'll kiss her again.   Go play outside. Build a fort. Kick a can. I don't  care. Because I want you to know you are supposed   to kiss your wife and love her more 20 years…"  "I'll tell you, marriage is dirty and gross and   nasty, so save it for your wife." What?! I want  to emulate something that's worth imitating. I don't do it all the time. That's  why that video meant so much to me:   because I saw a time I got it right.  You know how we get so self-conscious?   I saw how she did it even better. She was  about to start head banging. I don't know   if y'all saw that. Because we watch Guns N' Roses  videos too. I'm going to keep it real with you. Consider the outcome. "Where is this headed?"   Not just what does it look like or feel  like in the moment. Where is this headed?   If you keep emulating that… There are two sides of  this. Okay? I think you have to think of yourself   in this passage thinking about the examples that  were set for you, because you copy what you saw,   and you don't even realize you're doing it.  You don't copy what they told you to do. One thing my dad did that was so brilliant… He  struggled with alcoholism, and he took so many   times to talk to me about what that was like for  him. He said, "If you will commit yourself early,   you can break this. This has been generational."  He told me about his dad's death. He told me about   what it was like to grow up in an abusive home  like that. He said, "But you can break it," even   though he couldn't break it. He struggled with it  so long, sometimes victorious, sometimes defeated. But he was determined to give me  permission to break a bad pattern.   I don't know who you are, but there's  one person the Lord said to tell it to.   You're a good person; you have bad patterns.   You know how the Enemy condemns you. "You're  worthless. You're this. You're that." Then   you start to believe that, and you copy  that, and you identify yourself with that. You're a good person. Christ has made you   new. You're a new creation in  Christ. God made you that way.   But if you have bad patterns… The pattern  of this world and the renewing of your mind.   There are always voices speaking  over you and to you and about you.   What are you going to copy? There's  the example that was set for you. In some cases, there's the season of life you  were in and the season of life you are in.   What are you going to copy in this season of  your life? Jesus knew what to do. He said, "It is   written… It is also written… It is written…" I am  not consulting with my Enemy for my life strategy.   I'm not going to copy it. I'm not going to  take these thoughts and just think them,   because I know where they lead. Even recently, the Lord began to deal with me.  He said, "I want you to stop indulging your   insecurities." He said, "It gives you self-pity,  and you use that to sedate the pain of pressure."   I wrote all this down as fast as I could  so I could remember what I was hearing from   God's voice. "What it costs you is much greater  than what it offers you." Consider the outcome. When you tell yourself lies  about yourself and limitations   about yourself that do not… Now  you do have limitations. Okay?   I'm not one of these "You can be anything you want  to be." I think sometimes you need somebody to   tell you, "Get a backup career and keep your day  job. You are not going to make it on Kickstarter." That being said, the limitations and the lies  that come from what you have copied in your   heart or what you saw… A lot of times, God… Like  the people in Hebrews. God was bringing them into   a better covenant. Look at Hebrews 8:7. It  says, "For if there had been nothing wrong   with that first covenant…" That's the one Moses  got from Sinai. That was the Law that we broke. If it hadn't been for the limitations  of that covenant, in that insomuch   as we were flawed (God is perfect; we  are flawed), this isn't going to work.   "…no place would have been sought for another."  The other one, of course, is the covenant that   begins not with what we have done but with what  God has done and that we're accepted in him. This is our new starting place, but the Enemy  will take you back to what you saw all your life.   Even as God is blessing you with  something better, you will sink back down   to the baseline of what you saw, because what  you copy in your heart sets the direction of   your life. "It is written…" I am not  copying the world anymore. I did it.   It's exhausting. It's depleting. It's  depressing. I'm not doing it anymore. I'm not going to measure myself how I'm told  I'm supposed to measure myself anymore. I did   it. I barely lived through it. I'm not going  to copy the way the world spends time anymore,   where the proof that you are significant is  that you are so busy you have no time or margin   to consider anything God might invite you  to do. So now we're just all running around. I asked one guy, "When do you take  your day off?" He said, "Well,   I don't take a day off. The Devil never takes a  day off." In my mind I'm like, "Are you copying   the Devil or God, because God took a day off?"   It's in our rhythms. It's in our rest. It's  in what we receive and what we release. The Lord wants you to release some things that  were spoken over you by those wrong voices   so you can receive something better and copy  that. Just get it on your mind all week long   and copy that…the Word of  God that was spoken over you. Father, I thank you for what you gave me today.  I hear you speaking from heaven right now,   and I want to hear your children say, "Copy  that." I hear you, God. I hear you talking to me.   Pastor Steven was talking to a lot of different  people, but you were speaking to me, God.   You showed me something on the mountain.  You showed me something in your presence.   You invested something in me, and the  thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy it. Lord, I want to   bring the people before you today. Such a  vast group, Lord, you've called us to pastor,   some people just starting out in their faith and  some people not even sure if they have faith yet.   Your Word says imitate their faith.  We've been copying the wrong stuff, Lord.   We've been taking fear and just living in  it and rehearsing it and regurgitating it   and feeding it and living in it and  regurgitating and rehearsing that,   so we repent of that. We repent.  We want to do it differently. Do you have the guts to say that? "God, I want  to do it differently." Come on. Stand up on your   feet. We're going to pray this together.  It's not my job to transform your mind.   It's your job to cooperate with the Holy Spirit of  God. So say, "Lord, I want to do it differently." "I want to do it differently. The way  I've been doing it hasn't been working,   and I'm tired of it. I'm weary, and I'm  heavy-laden, so I'm taking your yoke today.   I'm joining up with Jesus and I'm hooking up with  you, Holy Spirit, because your burden is light." For all the spirit of heaviness  we've been under this week,   we exchange it now for the garment of praise.   We thank you for your Word that has been  spoken over us. Maybe we didn't have a   person to speak it to us. I pray for  somebody today who was verbally abused,   and now the trauma of that  experience has them trapped.   Your Word says Jesus Christ is the  same yesterday, today, and forever. It's not too late for you to break the pattern.   It is not too late for you to live.  It is not too late for you to love.   Maybe you weren't loved like you were supposed  to be loved. Maybe you didn't have leaders.   Maybe you don't even know what to copy.  Now here you are, and you're grown,   and you're trying to raise kids, trying to  be something you never had the chance to see,   but Jesus Christ is the same  yesterday, today, and forever.   Even if Moses couldn't show you, there's  something greater than Moses here. Not only just an example. You have  the Holy Spirit inside of you.   God has seen you as you really are, not as you  thought you were and not as you were last year,   not as you were 10 years ago, not as  you were before this sermon today.   You are changing from glory to glory with  ever-increasing glory, and what God put in you   is greater than anything the world can  throw against you. Now imitate that! You know what? You haven't even  seen the blueprint of the true you.   I saw an interview where a man said Steve  Jobs was walking him around before he died,   and he was taking him through and showing  him all this stuff Apple had already invented   but people wouldn't find out  about until three years later. He said, "And we went through this door and  that door, and we had to put our eye on the   thing and the other eye on the other  thing. It was 16 security clearances,   and there was a table." He said, "Steve Jobs said,  'Look.'" He said, "He was walking me through,   showing me stuff he had already designed,  stuff that was already prototyped." Do you know God can walk you into your future  and show you who you are going to be when you   get free? That's why I worship. I need God  to get me past all the security clearance   and show me what he sees I'm going  to be that hasn't been released yet. I love the Scripture. It says, "It does not yet  appear what we shall be." That means no eye has   seen, no ear has heard, neither has it even  entered into your heart what God has revealed,   but God has revealed it by his Spirit. Show me by your Spirit, God, what you  see in me. Show me by your Spirit, God,   what I am stripped of the stuff that was  said about me that I repeated in my heart,   and help me to take what you see in heaven and, as  it is in heaven… "Our Father, who art in heaven,   hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come,  your will be done…" Your kingdom come.   Let the culture go. Your kingdom come, your  will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. See to it that you build according to the pattern  God showed you on the mountain. See to it that you   remember what your Father spoke to you in the  baptism at the Jordan when you're facing that   Devil in the wilderness, and copy that. Do you  see that victorious Savior risen from the grave?   The Bible says that as he is risen, so are  we risen. So I'm coming up too. If he got up,   I'm right behind him. I'm not staying down.  My Savior didn't stay down. I'll be that. I hear you, Lord, and your Word never returns  void. It accomplishes what you send it to do. We seal this Word now in  the soil of our faith, Lord.   We make a pact with you concerning our purpose   and concerning our peace. We are rejecting the  world's patterns and aligning with your promise.
Channel: Elevation Church
Views: 357,985
Rating: 4.9296641 out of 5
Keywords: elevation church, steven furtick, copy that, elevation church sermons, pastor steven furtick, steven furtick sermons, 2021 sermons, preaching, preacher, imitation, leadership, perspective, comparison, thought life, temptation, affirmation, worship, direction, of the world, outcome, way of life, conforming to the world transform your mind, renew your heart, copying crazy, consider the outcome, inputs, outputs, faith, yesterday today forever, sermons about imitation, sermons about leadership
Id: k-AWd4ozBMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 49sec (3349 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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