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draw anything unique Amy there's a game right here what is up fam welcome to another adventure it's been a long time since I've done a dumpster dive slash trash picking video I know how much you love them so yeah here we go we're gonna do some got my friend John Green with me and we're gonna go hit up some millionaire neighborhoods I hope you're ready for this adventure nice duties [Music] [Music] trying to do trash picking and be going through neighborhoods first of all make sure it's legal okay because I know some states will not allow you to go to people's trash here where I'm from in Florida it's considered public property as soon as it's by the road so you're not violating any laws make sure you're not okay here in Florida it is kind of dangerous because everybody's got guns and if somebody needs to hear like on their property I don't know I can't shoot you I mean I don't know what you some money depends I mean you understand like if someone's looking through my trash I would take it offensive like hey it's recycling be my guest I mean it's trash I would rather it go into someone's hands than be in a landfill so that's the way I look at trash picking and it's in my opinion way more rewarding than dumpster diving we are gonna probably do a little bit of dumpster diving in this video - but we're gonna primarily focus on trash picking and we have been at it for about 30 minutes so far driving around and some of these rich neighborhoods and we have found I do have this really cool neighborhood in mind we're gonna go hit it up right now it on the water really a lot of these houses are on the water so you know I've found some really cool stuff I got my pickup truck - in case you know we find any cool stuff like to bring with us I have a friend that's moving and needs some furniture and a lot of people throw out old furniture all the time so we're gonna don't be on the hunt for nice furniture or whatever we can find it's valuable just made it to this really cool Beach neighborhood and it is trash night which I'm excited about I find a lot of really cool barbeque grills here I've taken a few home before and I'm not talking about cheap little twenty dollar barbecue grills I'm talking about the expensive thousand dollar barbecue grills so I'm hoping I can run it to one of those and also maybe some furniture now the only thing that kind of stinks about this neighborhood is that every single street is like a dead end because every street is on the water they're on like salt water canals do the other houses over there those are on little canals but nobody do their trash out over your holiday theme I'll towards the end okay Wow look at that my tops I've always wanted a little on the water he didn't that'd be so cool all these houses are nice I hear some of these houses have elevators yep whew Magnus oh yeah these are pretty fancy dancing which into things would you feel like a fancy lad I mean real fancy that when they got to garages well no installer don't solid we are being followed by a cop right now no lie I think one of the neighbors you know cuz we've been kind of like going up and down these neighborhoods we haven't really gotten out yet but I think yeah I'm thinking one of the neighbors probably called was we been driving kind of slow in front of some houses possibility that we may be stopped by a cop all he's pulling in now he's gonna pull me over bro ya know perfect there he goes right there hey what's up buddy we're trash speaking yeah that's legal right looking for furniture for a friend so yeah we're not looking to rob a house or anything yeah we're not here to break in we're just looking that's why I got my pickup truck looking for barbecue grills furniture things like that we got like two more streets that up and that's yeah you didn't oh you went through every street okay well yeah thank you for protecting the neighborhood all right he thought we were gonna rob I'm still checking the near 800 yeah not wrong with that that was really funny I have never been stopped by a police officer you know what I mean I have had a cop roll up on us while we're dumpster diving but never trash speaking that's the definite first and hey here's another first time for something it's the first time that I've mixed up trash picking and dumpster diving in the same video like on a series like the what millionaires throw away and we happen to be still in a very wealthy neighborhood we're gonna hit up there gamestop dumpster right now there's also on AT&T I haven't had much luck with Game Stop dumpsters lately I know that there's other youtubers that do I have spoken with Game Stop managers and they told me that they're not allowed to throw away good working stuff anymore so if we do find stuff that could be either LA or it could be just broken stuff anything good not a it smells like poo pee in here yeah and that's from the ice cream store over there so far this night has not been kind to us but we're not giving up there hasn't been one night that I went dumpster diving that I didn't find something cool so I'm just waiting for that cool moment and looking for you you don't have to wait that long or as long as me it's kind of cold out that's the lead bet night reason why we came to this dumpsters because there's a cool shoe store here but I didn't tell you what it's shared with freaking dentist office lucky wait a minute what's under there well I sees there sometimes where we go dumpster diving and we spend hours looking for something but like I was mentioning there's always that one pot of gold at the end of the rainbow you just gotta find your way to that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow stomp stars Macy Dean this should get like violation for this I mean it's not too bad at least it's not a bunch of food salt cardboard and stuff is it full public dumping all right yeah Oh some people public dump in some of these dumpsters too and we found some good stuff in them last time we were here we found a computer and then we found like a speaker box or something - yeah what smells oh thanks yeah I had one of those that smells moment this next dumpster is a pet store dumpster and wagon oh that's like a Radio Flyer wagon check this out whoa cool all mean see this lick one thing I hate seeing dude is pet food being thrown out like that that looks like perfectly fine I was like the local apartment and then the the seats right there there's a movie called Radio Flyer have you ever seen the movie Radio Flyer such a good movie this reminds me of that movie I want to watch it was like the medal Radio Flyer wagon though oh that's one of those like big printers whoa that's just to probably give animals like medicine or something that's one of like most people's fears going in a dumpster I think maybe only once ever I've been in thousands of dumpsters okay and only once have I ever seen syringe in fact I've seen more syringes doing my exploration videos I can haunted places than in a dumpster and the syringes that we found are usually you know I got a pet store actually I think that's the last time I seen at a dumpster it was in a pestle were like this oh what's that dude bro let the helium helium tank Oh balloon time that's empty that's empty why would they throw a whole helium tank away though I'm pretty sure you can sell those back to it yeah somebody dumped that yeah they're probably doing a a clean-out or something could have been one of mr. ways it's for gardening you put it lay through your gut brother Oh any money in there dang it I usually like to comb an entire dumpster but being it that's a pet store dumpster you know ya know but there's been some times where I've almost walked away from a dumpster and I kind of thoroughly check it out and I find something good in it so you have to really check them out really good they do my cars so many times all right we're headed towards a really good dumpster right here I found some good stuff in here if this isn't good we're gonna go back to a neighborhood that I think we'll be able to find some cool things that's it well we wanted some furniture all right we're headed towards the neighborhoods thought I'd include a little bit of dumpster diving I mean even though we didn't find anything good there's something good found something here oh it's completely empty though oh it smells good here but we were here thinking how funny would have been when the police officer asked us what are you doing if we were like yeah man we're about to rob some people of their garbage uh I mean I don't know could he have arrested us if we said that like you know hey we're about to commit a robbery like if but then change it up and say of garbage we're gonna rob people of their garbage did we check that they're all crappy but yeah I thought that was kind of funny isn't it crazy how when you're in a certain situation you think of things you could have said that would have been better later on that's me then I get choked up with talking a lot it's one of my disabilities you do too yeah John and I came across this clothing drop-off reason why I encourage a lot of people to check these places is because people do a lot of illegal dumping here sometimes they get over filled with clothing too but sometimes like you know people just dump their trash here when they're just accepting clothes all brothers like dirty underwear right here all right John just found something interesting right there he was sniffing it I caught him sniffing it she weren't supposed to tell anybody you brought never all right such a nice guy he's putting it in the one that's not overfilling which i don't get why you know nobody else is doing it what's in here see look there's books in this one and you're not supposed to have books see that's all I'm saying people will leave random junk what a baby seat what's in here bro look at this this is a a bag of trash like actual trash we found a lot of lottery tickets - is it a winner no I found these really nice shoes tons of nice shoes in here like boots no wow look at all these belts bro nice but see all these books right here they're gonna go right in the trash forever in a landfill because this place is just foreclosed so I encourage you if you like dumpster diving check out these little stops right here that are just for clothing John such a nice guy look at this now one thing that I've done before too is when I've gone trash picking and found clothes that I wouldn't use I would bring them to places like this too because you know hey it's much better in a place like this versus a landfill remember that gold at the end of the rainbow I was telling you about I think we just found it we just found an air hockey table what even has the what dude it's a nice condition too bro let's dig it did this come with it I mean you could buy the kit for that yeah the top probably dirt cheap yeah I bet you this turns on and everything we're gonna try it when we go home we went just like two houses away from that hockey table and there's more cool stuff over here they're kind of dirty but they're not bad dude for outside these are fine for like that oh yeah so it's mean Green on them yeah Oh Oh what dude is there anything in there it's a complete tool yeah that's a lot of Christmas lights inside the garbage can wow this house that I'm at right now spells success because there's a for sale sign outside the house there's a u-haul truck and there's a ton of garbage so more than likely there's something you're right dude there is a ps4 barks seal it see they're for sale sign oh dude look at this baby stuff what that's clean look at these take this for my knees oh I'm taking this no no yo look at that comforter set brah if I just draw the very beginning this is hella have you read came right here what is that oh that's nice a we control their mood so one of the yes like a cable box controller what is that well why don't make a mess oh ah those are Jordan Starks that's a sock Oh a charger oh that's a USB for us beat him yeah so you always want to clean up after yourself when you're dumpster diving I'm really curious what kind of game this is another ps4 box nothing act like it hey we did find some cool stuff here we are in another very wealthy neighborhood it's a matter of time before we get the police call on us in here too what did that sign say at the entry hall before he legal activity towards larger doors this is a nice neighborhood to like do people come in here rob these neighborhoods is there anything good right there what God waste how's this table look do this table ain't that bad it's one of those fold up ones ding but we could have got those four chairs that's alright let's think this table did end up take in that table got it right here it's in great condition anything this has any roaches and they even have some beds over here they always want to check in there you can always find me yeah we've done it before does this smell this thing right now is that for Jackie oh wait what's the brand you okay that's why it smells good okay I still can't believe the Calvin Klein yeah I would have taken that reclinable like lazy boy but a couple reasons it's wet and the microfiber type material I don't know I've heard some bad things about it that look fam post Malone this one wasn't hard to spot looks like they've been doing some cleanup at this house but what caught my eye was a really cool-looking wheelchair dude is there anything wrong with it back oh look wheels are like a good condition daddy yeah alright whoa yeah for one of those things you put above the toilet what else we got microwave I know it doesn't look like a ton of goodies but we got quite a bit of good stuff here we just got home right now you could see the Sun came up nob just kidding my battery ended up dying and I usually like to say a formal goodbye hope you enjoyed the trash picking adventure let me know that you want to see more than by leaving this video a like and let me know here in the comments as well I'm gonna go ahead and end this video before you leave doke
Channel: OmarGoshTV
Views: 1,211,419
Rating: 4.8121796 out of 5
Id: 59X1s5WGnCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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