Copper Plating Lead Cast Bullets

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foreign [Applause] so the purpose of this video is today is I cracked the code that would be the copper plating code for lead cast books taking this to this more than one at a time a buddy of mine said that I should I should do it on video so people can see it understand what's going on so here's Shout Out Shake and Bake we pot 20 pounds of lead 400 grain bullets well boolix 50.501 they are for my 50 Beowulf um this is just distilled water so I cast them I water quench them I drained the water off and then I take them and I put them in I want to take you off of here I take them off and I put them in this this is my actual copper plating machine power control you'll see it all in action when we get there bubbler for air circulation gears mower motor Etc little 3D printed jazz in here I have vinegar that's got a little bit of copper copper sulfate in it and then just distilled water again and here's the copper sulfate I've got distilled water one whole can of Zep root killer and five well probably four and a half pounds of kosher salt then if you see these Brown things right here it's hard to do with one hand see these Brown things right here these are actually uh one inch copper pipe but I cut in half and flattened out but I'll show you more on that when we get to there so right now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cast my last I had someone that wants 500 that is a lot of bullets once 500 copper plated bullets however my machine [Music] because it's 3D printed and I did things very very frugally can really only handle about oh probably about a hundred bullets at a time of that after well about 400 rounds of rain it last fine last night I'm finding that a good cook time for them is about 10 hours you could go 24 hours that puts a really good coat on them um however you need to buy smaller molds for casting because they're virtually impossible to resize so I've got like I said I've got 30 30 more of these to cast which I'm just gonna have you come along for the ride because why not okay so like I said just uh distilled water everybody has their own casting methods things like that if you want to know how I do mine you can I have no idea this is uh just send me a message so I'm going to go through about 30 rounds uh 30 more Cycles actually this is so the bullets Don't splash water everywhere and get water and Lead because water and Lead do not mix it is explosive I've seen a single drop drop of water clear out a 20 pound pot like this so um zero moisture so I'm gonna just roll through this probably do the magic of um editing for you guys or fast forward but I'm going to knock out these 30. and then we will uh get to The Copper Place shown gotta put on some music we are ready to go remember always use I safety equipment [Laughter] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] so all right now the key found is do not touch the lead because you go straight from water back into water when we start to do the copper plating so what I'm gonna do right now is you don't have to sit and watch but these are my bullets because remember bullets are Factory made bullets are handmade okay container I'm going to count out a hundred bullets I'm not going to touch them and I can't find my my rubber gloves so I'm gonna have to use this but up to you four so it all goes by weight 750. let's see yeah that's not very heavy so all right now for the movie Magic all right so this this is the money so I have a power supply right here that I got out of an old computer hey voltage control regulator this is my motor control switch for this it's kind of redundant switch for the air the drum the whole I believe it's the diode oh look I got some then I have over in here this is the Coffer copper sulfide uh about three pounds of kosher salt about three gallons of uh distilled water and about a whole can of Zep now I noticed that the more copper you have the better your um plating will become so see I don't have a mount I got a mouth so I submerged about that much because I don't want the connector to go into the liquid okay so this Zep cleaner I mean this Zep stuff it's uh intense so you want to make sure that you're wearing gloves I don't have any right now I ran out of my latex gloves last night my wife is picking some up but I'm impatient so so again more all this is is copper pipe cut in half and flattened out and I'll drop it in far enough to where the connector is not in the water so we got about 150 rounds right here roughly give or take I found this is the best way to fill my machine that's not a lot at all it's better than one at a time so I've got this that I close that up slide my little door closed twist it back now I've noticed that with the lead in it tends to walk that little slip thing open so that's a little lock for that yeah see I can feel [Music] all the copper sulfate on my hands already so let me put this in here I'm gonna go wash my hands all right so like I said these are just power leads this is power lead coming out from my from my power controller black goes to your uh I want to say your diode it goes to whatever the uh lead is setting in and then of course the positive goes to where you're drawing the Copper from now this is what I have found I'm going to bring it a little closer see if I can make it happen without breaking anything thinking the camera fall into the soup so it's in the solution it's in the soup it's in the mix blama let there be light so bubbles motor now this is the part that no one all the videos I've seen and watched is you want about one amp now what's interesting is the way my machine is set up is mind varies between one amp to one and a half amps depending on where this window is because copper plates by line of sight so this is my findings the slower you can get the rotation to go without the motor stalling out the more effective it's going to be so I'm going to let this cook for uh about 10 hours and then we'll come back and see I mean you'll notice I don't know if you can see it in video but you'll notice at this point it's already starting to turn a copper color the interesting part is is when you pull them out they'll almost look like a pink salmon but then you throw them into the tumbler for about an hour and then they come out beautiful beautiful copper so I'll let this run for a little just so you can see I'm running 110 volts because that puts me at roughly one amp but if you're if you'll notice the correspondence of where this little window is see how it starts to go up to 1.3 amps wherever that window is it starts to drop its amperage [Laughter] [Music] all right [Music] foreign I will cut and monitor and be back in 10 hours approximately 10 hours later okay so here we are 10 hours later now the key to this portion is to neutralize the acid for the copper sulfate out of the bucket we're going to stick it in some vinegar and then we're going to stick it in some just plain old distilled water because if we don't neutralize it as soon as the bullets the copper plated bullets start to hit the air they start to oxidize and it's like almost instantly turns him an ugly Brown alrighty so we're gonna line up the motor we're going to shut it off we're gonna shut it off disconnect now like I said this is just distilled water right here and then this is actually vinegar that's gotten copper sulfate in it but it's not enough to really mess with it all right here we go now if you can see them that's the color you're looking for [Applause] that is the color you want that nice pink salmon damn it I did it again uh normally I put this in there but I got so excited for the video I didn't think about it so now I must alternate so the vinegar like I said just neutralizes it for a minute water out with the thing here look at that pretty salmon look at that color look at that take it from there let's stick it in the water and just rinse it off now this is what I do so it's keeping it resting in the water for just a couple minutes isn't a big deal however if you keep it in the water too long it will start to oxidize as well so take it out of the water I'll show you guys what we're looking at now like I said this is just what I do to dry them off a little bit before I stick them in the tumbler here's my Tumblr tumbler it's a Frankfurt Arsenal case tumbler I'll take them like this dry them off a little bit or at least try to so what this is this is Walnut media tumbling medium make sure they're all out so a walnut media with Mother's mag and aluminum polish I'll take this then I'll stick it on here foreign and then I have a an old timer that I plug in set for an hour anything more than an hour it'll start to make it crack unless you go for longer than 10 hours okay it's been one hour let's see the results just Walnut and mother's milk mother's magnesium and aluminum polish not a lot I took uh I took a popsicle stick and I'd probably say I put in about that much and let it work itself in for a little bit reach my hand in make sure I massaged it all in the Walnut all right let's see what we did how do we do oh and [Music] get this real nice towel you know some people might say that it's uh copper plating or or powder coating is better but I hate powder coating and I don't I really just like lubing because it makes a mess and it kills my press I mean 10 hours that's that's ridiculous that's a long time well it's really not if your machine works right and all you have to do is pop it in and set a timer but I mean that's well how thick is it I don't know if you can see me I don't know if you can see me but here's the bullet this is how I test it how do they do that do they do that like this so that's a pretty good pretty good coating because like I said it's copper plating it's not swaged and it's not a and it's not swaged and it's not done in a factory I mean it's all it's all stuff you can um it's all stuff that can be purchased locally uh you know if sorry it amazes me uh it can all be purchased locally Zep what is that at your local hardware store um make sure you get the root kill and then it's three distilled water and um uh kosher salt and I mean I think that this is [Music] a much faster might not be faster per se but for me it's definitely an easier process than having a powder coat I mean I but and powder coat's expensive but I've probably learned I'd say 6 000 ways not to make a copper plated bullet because that's how many rounds I'm how many bullets I messed up trying to figure out this process so yes it can be done on mass quantities um and I got a lot more to do because I have to do that whole entire thing for that guy but again shout out to shake and bake here you go buddy remember just some guy doing some things
Channel: Boolits Builders LLC.
Views: 18,031
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Id: pcjSMarI8sg
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Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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