CoPilot Q&A

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you may be aware that GitHub copilot can write code for you but did you know that copilot is based on the Codex AI which is a descendant of the gpt3ai which is conversational so you can actually ask copilot questions if you put it in the right format use a queue so that copilot knows it's a question and you can ask it pretty much anything as a developer you can exploit this to your advantage for instance let's say you start a merge you want to cancel a merge but you don't remember how just ask copilot it will spit out the command for you to abort this merge and it knows a lot about git so we can ask it all sorts of things like for instance how do I list out my git remotes or something else I forget a lot which is how do I undo an ad when I've already added files I want to undo that it's a reset that's right and then finally even things you think it wouldn't know like how do I remove files that I've added to the git ignore but they're still in my repository boom there you go
Channel: Visual Studio Code
Views: 133,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gRNo_JOl-9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 58sec (58 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2022
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