Cop Under Investigation After His Wife's Mysterious Murder | The New Detectives | @RealCrime

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a young electrician suffers an agonizing death the victim's hair May determine whether it was a jobrated poisoning or a deliberate Act of [Music] murder the wife and mother-in-law of a police officer die from apparent heart attacks just weeks apart a paper trail leads to a possible double homicide and bizarre double life an engineer with no apparent health problems becomes mysteriously ill and dies a bounced check triggers a Relentless search for the truth poison is a silent killer but not completely undetectable by utilizing advances in forensic technology detectives can now expose the perpetrator of an invisible death [Music] [Music] w on the evening of September 7th 1991 paramedics were called to the home of Robert and Joanne Curley in Wilbur Pennsylvania Joanne told emergency technicians that her husband Robert was in unbearable pain though they could not immediately identify the source of the problem they found his vital signs were dangerously low the 32-year-old electrician was rushed to the hospital doctors there were already familiar with Robert Curley they had treated him for a rare nerve disease just a few days earlier at that time Curley complained of pain in his hands and feet as well as hair loss and severe nausea now the escalation of Curly's symptoms caused them to reconsider their diagnosis the hospital's neurologist quickly ordered new tests this time for exposure to toxic chemicals 2 weeks later doctors confirmed that Robert Curley was suffering from exposure to thalium a toxic heavy metal thalium a naturally occurring element was widely used in pesticides until the early 1970s but was banned from widespread use after researchers determined that exposure to concentrated amounts could be deadly its use is now restricted to Industrial purposes forensic toxicologist Dr Frederick reers explains the effects of thallium poisoning two or it's a nerve poison and it starts out very often with burning feet and then you start getting ascending paralysis you know you can't walk and then eventually you can't use your your arms then your eyes start to droop and your neck starts to go and then your brain on your heart and everything goes so it's a very Insidious poison for Robert Curley the information came too late this is Curly I'm really sorry the damage had already been done and the effects were irreversible after suffering a massive heart attack he was placed on life support so it's just best for him soon after he was declared brain dead so other Robert's wife Joanne gave permission for her husband's life support to be turned off a few hours later Robert Curley was pronounced dead the official cause of death was cardiopulmonary failure due to thallium poisoning now they had to determine how and where he came in contact with the deadly chemical a representative of Osha the occupational safety and health administration was sent to investigate Joanne kley stated that prior to his death Robert had been working on a major renovation on the campus of a local University that sounds good soon after he began the job Gurley complained to co-workers of flu like symptoms by the end of the first week he could barely walk he set his feet felt like lead his colleagues noticed that he looked sweaty and red-faced Robert Curley would spend the next month in and out of hospitals going from one medical crisis to another should drink something eat something it's a long day the facility where Robert Curley worked housed chemistry Labs as well as rooms where chemicals were stored including five containers of thallium salts OSHA investigators began a painstaking examination of the chemistry lab they needed to identify the source and remove it before others were injured the team took numerous air samples and exhaustively tested various objects and rooms to determine if there was another source of exposure they came up empty there were no signs of tampering or leakage from any of the containers they learned that Curley was storing cabinets in his garage that he had taken from the University chemistry labs they searched his home but found no traces of thalium on the cabinets with no answers to explain her husband's death death Joanne Curley contacted a toxicologist at the hospital good some of them can be a little bit she seemed terrified that she and her daughter might also have been exposed she demanded that they be tested for thallium Joanne Curley tested positive but the amount of thallium in her system was not at a toxic level she would not require treatment her daughter had even smaller amounts in her system about 10 times less than her mother Robert Curley had over 900 times the lethal dose of thallium doctors insisted that the high levels of the toxic chemical could not have come through skin absorption he must have ingested a fatal dose the hospital passed the test results on to the police after ruling out suicide police concluded that the poisoning was no accident Robert Curley had been murdered indivual but who would want him dead investigators needed to know every aspect of Robert's daily routine as police collected items from the house Joanne told detectives that her husband would routinely take a half gallon thermos filled with iced tea to work with him each dayu if you don't mind any tea left over at the end of the day was shared by the family that night at dinner the half gallon container was collected for future analysis two other thermoses were also collected one quartz sized and the other a pint siiz Joanne told investigators that neither of these two containers had ever been taken to work by her husband all of the items collected were sent off to the lab and [Music] tested while waiting for the results police continued their investigation they spoke with Robert's fellow employees there were over 150 Tradesmen on the renovation team at the [Music] University since they all worked at the place where Robert got sick they were all considered Suspects police had to determine if any of them had a motive to kill Robert Curley but no one seemed to dislike the electrician honey come here let me show you something I've got a great idea look at this Robert's co-workers revealed that Joanne had recently come into a large sum of money all these job materials license fees everything that's sen that you get she had been awarded over a million dollar in a wrongful death after her first husband died in a traffic accident no absolutely the financial windfall was a source of friction to do with that money I I've got Robert wanted to use the money to start his own electrical contracting company I've waited six months for that plus she wanted the yard to be Joanne made it clear she had no intention of bankrolling her husband's dreams it's my money well we can talk about that we can't it's my money and you're not getting it investigators learned that as a result of Robert's death Joanne stood to collect an additional $300,000 as the sole beneficiary of several insurance policies the information was enough for police to put Joanne on the suspect list but since she and her daughter had also been poisoned it seemed unlikely that she was the killer in the lab examiners tested nearly 100 items taken from the Curly's home [Music] only two of the items from the curly home tested positive for thallen the half gallon thermos Robert took to work with him each day and one of the smaller thermoses Joanne insisted never left [Music] home for police the findings were Troublesome since thallium was found in a thermos Robert never took to work there was no direct link between the poisoning and the University police began to suspect they had been looking in the wrong place for Robert's killer I'm try him a call the lab results were leaked and published by a local newspaper that was following the [Applause] [Music] investigation why don't you just St Joanne told police that she remembered something that would explain why the smaller thermos tested positive she said that shortly after her husband was hospitalized he called her and asked that she bring in pizza and iced tea for a farewell party for his roommate Joanne said she transferred the remaining tea from the half gallon thermos to the smaller container and took it with her to the hospital as long as the half gallon thermos remained the focal point of the investigation Robert's co-workers could not be dismissed as suspects and none of them had a reason to kill the electrician [Music] the investigation hit another dead end one that would last for the next 3 years I think that's an interesting thing this one piece will make 52 layers watch on mobile devices or the big screen all for free no subscription required 3 years after the poisoning death of Robert Curley the Pennsylvania State Police took over the investigation with no leads or suspect investigators faced a challenge Sergeant Dave walaski was assigned to the case the very first step I you know I made the determination that we were going to start right back from scratch right at the very beginning and treat this as if the crime had occurred yesterday okay investigators began with the forensic findings the original autopsy had not determined when and how often the murder victim had ingested thalion investigators feared the answers they needed had gone to the Grave with Robert Curley on August 23rd 1994 Robert Curley's body was exed for examination hair and nail samples were taken from the body Dr Frederick reers wanted to establish a timeline using Robert Curly's hair so a couple of days what you can find out with the hair is when the poison was administered the hair grows at the rate of about a third of an inch every month so that you can take a small piece of hair that's right at the root and you see what's happened just a few days ago you take it at the tip in this case it was a 19 CM tip it's basically what happened just about a year earlier the hair samples were tested using a furnace Atomic absorption instrument see that's going to heat up in this test a sample is placed in a graphite tube and heated to the point of vaporization a light is shined through the [Music] tube the amount of light absorbed by The Vapor determines if thalium is present and how much [Music] Robert Curley's hair samples told an especially revealing Story the hair is long enough so that we can say that in November of 1990 he started getting thalium and probably even earlier and that apparently then there was a you know he he got another dose around March of 1991 another one small small one perhaps sometime in April and then you got a whopping dose in June and then you contined to get doses because instead of going up and down it just kept going up then there was a pause and then we found actually that towards the very end that it was going up like crazy Robert Curley had started ingesting thallium well before he began working at the University he had been slowly and methodically poisoned to death then a final massive dose had been administered around the time he was last hospitalized the one person with both motive and access was Joanne Curley investigators scoured Joanne's previous statements of particular interest was her account of bringing pizza and tea in a pint-sized thermos to Robert and his Hospital roommate in the days before Robert's [Music] death investigators questioned the roommate Richard Bonin he gave them a very different story than the one Joanne had given a few years earlier according to bonan neither he nor Robert had asked Joanne to bring them food or drink nor were they celebrating bonin's departure which did not take place for another 2 days that night according to his roommate Curly's condition worsened dramatically he was screaming in pain Bowen summoned [Music] help I think the the next bigest one would be he distinctly recalled that Joanne served the iced tea in a large half gallon th right thank you so much police believed Joanne had administered the last fatal dose to her husband as doctors tried in vain to save his life on December 12th 1996 Joanne Curley was arrested and charged with first-degree [Music] murder as part of a plea bargain agreement Joanne confessed [Music] only months after she and Robert wed she realized that the marriage had been a mistake divorce was a possibility but the thought of Robert's life insurance policy tantalized her an old jar of rat poison she discovered in the basement seemed to be the answer she could rid herself of her husband and net nearly $300,000 in the bar [Music] Joanne laced Robert Curley's iced tea each day to divert suspicion she administered a harmless dose to her daughter and herself for a time her coverup and frequent diversionary tactics worked Joanne Curley eluded police for over 5 years according to Pennsylvania state trooper Robert McBride the forensic findings were invaluable the forensics gave us a timeline and time periods when people are the murderer would have had to have access to him and by that means we were able to exclude other potential suspects this wasn't really an investigation normally investigation starts in you zero in on a suspect this was totally opposite this was an investigation of exclusion we went about eliminating people until we got down to one Joanne Curley was sentenced to serve 10 to 20 years in the Pennsylvania State Penitentiary Curley poisoned her victim slowly over time while other Killers aren't as methodical the technique proves just as deadly in this case the names of the victims and killer have been changed on January 30th 1985 patrolman Walter Wallace raced to Memorial General Hospital as a veteran of the Roselle New Jersey Police Department he had often responded to Medical emergencies but this call was personal the doctor informed Wallace that his wife Beth had collapsed and suffered a seizure she any Med Wallace was stunned his wife was fine when he left for work that evening she is really critically Beth had no history of seizures and though she struggled with a weight problem she had been in relatively good health as Beth's Vital Signs rapidly failed doctors could offer the patrolman little hope she's not taking anything she's ding nor could they find an explanation for her symptoms any 3 hours later Beth Wallace was dead now you know please work Beth and Walter had been married for 24 years and had three children together Beth's mother Rose Parker was living with them when the tragedy [Music] occurred because of the sudden and mysterious nature of Beth Wallace's death the doctor requested an autopsy cause of death was determined to be Cardiac Arrest A month later tragedy struck the Wallace home again Rose Parker suffered a massive heart [Music] attack paramedics worked frantically to stabiliz her and swiftly transport her to the hospital but it was too late shortly after her arrival Rose Parker died at the Union County prosecutor's office investigators learned of the deaths from Rose Parker's lawyer the last year the fact that two healthy women had died suddenly and within a month of each other seemed suspicious he asked investigators to look into Walter Wallace assistant prosecutor Richard rodbard followed up on this information anytime you have a public official much less a police officer who is suspected as being the perpetrator of a crime uh you have to be uh extremely sure that the evidence points in that direction before you proceed and before you bring a case against that individual to rule out Foul Play investigators contacted Dr rang Lang Linn chief toxicologist for the state of New Jersey an examination of the file showed that no toxicology testing had been done Rose Parker's body they quickly learned would yield no clues there had been no autopsy she'd been inbombed and buried but at Beth Wallace's autopsy tissue samples had been taken these were sent off for extensive toxicological testing it would be 6 weeks before investigators would receive the results Captain Edward Johnson requested Walter Wallace's personnel file from the Roselle Police Department from its contents a portrait of the man emerged Wallace was an Templar police officer he was popular with his superiors and [Music] peers nothing in the file was out of the ordinary or raised suspicions Captain Johnson read the file in its entirety including Wallace's military discharge papers it showed him to have won several important medals and uh listed a lot of combat service over in Vietnam for whatever reason I can't remember exactly what what sparked it but I was looking at it and I was at first impressed by the record that this fell had then there was something on the 214 that just didn't look right Johnson contacted the US Army to verify the record his suspicions were confirmed he never had any of those medals he was never in Special Forces in fact uh we can only we can't verify overseas service on the part of this man so the two 14 that was in the police department file was a forgery Walter Wallace was a liar but was HE capable of [Music] murder to find out investigators would need to talk with the people who knew him best his fellow officers there is a certain difficulty obviously in investigating a police officer for for a crime because you have to go into his Department talk to people that he works with every day and the more people he you talk to the more you're signaling where your investigation is going hi Jeff you got that file investigators made a lowprofile visit to the Rosel Police Department while Wallace was off duty I'll get it back to you in a couple of days okay they didn't expect Wallace's colleagues to be forthcoming but one officer surprised them according to the officer there was something perplexing about Walter's marital status he suspected that Walter had married a woman named Jack deal while he was still married to Beth investigators wondered was Walter legally divorced or living a double life couple of days through Beth's friends investigators learned Walter was away from home a lot he told Beth he was being treated at a VA hospital for exposure to agent orange and that's why sometimes for a week or so he might be gone or he might be gone for the whole weekend and she's not going to see her here hear from and she's not going to be able to get in touch with him because the ward that he's in over at the hospital doesn't have any kind of telephone he was pretty and for a while he was pretty good at juggling all of this investigators traveled to nearby Elizabeth New Jersey to question Wallace's other wife have AET thank you well jacine deal confirmed that she and Walter had been married on November 2nd 1984 3 months prior to Wallace's death I've never seen them she said Walter had divorced his wife the summer before of Walter had brought over the divorce papers when it was Final and the two had celebrated official oh I'm so excited investigators found the divorce decree among documents provided by Rose Parker's lawyer this Forge judg of numerous irregularities made them question its validity is not the legal standard investigators searched for the original divorce degree at the County Courthouse there was no record under the name of wallace1 they then searched under the case number only to discover it belonged to somebody else's divorce the case name clearly read Martin versus Martin not Wallace versus Wallace police surmised that Wallace used his bag to obtain the Martin's divorce decree here we go Wallace altered the document in order to obtain a marriage license with jacelin investigators sent the document to the FBI lab for further analysis they had caught Walter in another lie and this one indicated a possible motive for murder but investigators were perplexed why would Wallace fake a divorce and kill his wife rather than legally end the marriage looking for a potential Financial motive investigators scrutinized Beth's will Walter stood to inherit everything including the family house but something about this document also caught the investigator's eye the will was dated just 2 months prior to Beth's death the timing seemed too convenient can you come and talk to us about further investigation revealed the existence of an earlier will I in this version Beth had left everything to her mother she left only $1 to her husband investigators wondered if he had forged the second will and then killed his wife the new will was notorized by a secretary in the Roselle Police Department is that your but she denied ever witnessing the will or affixing her seal to the document the secretary noted that Wallace often worked at her unlocked desk he could have easily used her notary seal to certify a document without her knowledge investigators had built a strong circumstantial case against Walter Wallace but they needed proof that his paper trail led to murder investigators in Rosel New Jersey suspected officer Walter Wallace was responsible for the death of his wife Beth now they Hope to support their circumstantial case with hard proof that Wallace poisoned her 4 months into the case the New Jersey state lab reviewed the results of a general toxicological screening of Beth's blood tissue and urine because the screen only tested for the use of illegal drugs and alcohol it came up negative laboratory technicians went further subjecting the samples to a battery of tests to rule out prescription drugs heavy metals and a number of inestable toxin [Music] still they found nothing to explain why Beth died but they had yet to test for one particularly Insidious killer cyanide samples from the victim were prepared in test [Music] tubes a color reagent was then added if cyan is present a reaction occurs ultimately the sample turned a dark shade of purple Beth Wallace had cyanide in her system when she died to determine the concentration of the poison the sample was read by a spectr photometer a lethal dose of cyanide is about 2.5 mg per liter results showed that Beth Wallace had nearly twice that much in her blood and more than three times that amount in her spleen the detective's next move was to tie Walter Wallace to the cyanide every detective that we had in the Major Crimes unit went out there and started banging on doors in the factory district that they have over in Rosel we went to every every one of them it's like whether you think they have cyanide or not stop and ask do you have cyanide are you missing any did anybody ever come looking for any get any of it on your hands make sure you wash your hands because the canvasing paid off a clerk at a metal plating Factory revealed that Wallace purchased a quantity of potassium cyanide the officer told him he needed the chemical to raise the serial number on a handgun on June 18th 1985 Walter Wallace arrived at Police Headquarters and was asked to report to the chief's office there he was placed under arrest and escorted to jail you have the right to silent a warrant was issued to search the Wallace residents have the right to to a lawyer and all right guys here here's our situation we the prosecutor's office Enlisted the aid of their narcotics team on war we do have enough due to the nature of their work team members are skilled at conducting meticulous searches James Durkin was a member of that [Music] team once we got to the house um it was somewhat evident why the chief had asked us the house was um a littered mess from attic the basement um in that particular day we had a team up in the attic as well as the basement and we were going to meet in the middle police removed some 100 items from the Wallace home hey Captain I got something a manual typewriter was found hidden behind the couch legal documents including the original Martin divorce decree were found in a [Music] drawer upstairs the narcotic Squad found a trap door leading to the attic writing samples along with a page of forged signatures were collected Within 15 minutes A team member discovered a crucial piece of physical evidence Bingo An Empty Bottle what have you got this in the Attic the handwritten label read potassium [Music] cyanide the items were examined in the laboratory along with the divorce decree and will a confiscated typewriter was found to have a spacing error consistent with the altered documents more damaging signatures on several of the papers were determined to be forged by tracing finally cyanide was found in the bottle recovered from Wallace's attic the label was in his handwriting in May 19 1886 Walter Wallace was found guilty of bigamy and the first-degree murder of his wife police theorized that Walter Wallace's double life was becoming too [Music] complicated instead of filing for divorce Walter chose murder without Aid have any but his attempt to finance a New Life at his wife's expense was his undoing I to beg to St my Wallace was sentenced to serve from 30 years to life in prison he was never charged or tried for the murder of his mother-in-law Rose Parker due to lack of [Music] evidence The Secret Life of Walter Wallace was motive for murder for other Killers the motive is far less complicated in this case the names of the victim and killer have been changed I don't know what wrong on July 17th 1991 Dana Jacobs awoke to find her husband Larry violently ill good this is a little different it seemed like food poisoning he had intense stomach pain with vomiting and diarrhea what's your stomach feel like when his condition hadn't improved by morning she decided to take him to the emergency room she stopped at the neighbors to drop off their children you know I have to take Larry to the hospital again John Baler was [Music] concerned Larry had been in and out of the hospital for weeks with gastrointestinal problems yeah Jacobs was admitted at humanas Suburban Hospital in Louisville Kentucky doctors administered intravenous fluids to keep him from dehydrating there was cause for [Music] concern although he displayed the classic symptoms of food poisoning he did not respond to [Music] treatment hello the next day Dana called John Baler with tragic news her husband Larry was [Music] dead she asked him not to say anything to the children until she could tell them in person I think it had an impact on us just having the kids there having a good time oblivious to the fact that their father had died and that their lives were going to change probably dramatically an autopsy was performed with Dana's permission doctors wanted to know what had killed the otherwise Healthy 41-year-old Man apparently Jacobs had suffered a massive heart attack yet there was no indication of heart disease or what triggered the attack his sudden death was considered a mystery on Monday morning John Baler related the sad events of the weekend to his colleagues at the Commonwealth up and of course the kids play together hey John how are you shortly afterward valer received intriguing news from a fellow attorney oh man terrible his brother-in-law owned a chemical company chemical Dana Jacobs had been a recent customer are you how you doing today in fact she came in the day her husband got sick she purchased a chemical called Cene bced his brother-in-law only remembered the purchase because Dana's check had bounced and his brother-in-law had called him complaining about the fact that this check had bounced um and he thought it was kind of an interesting coincidence that the the two events involved the same family Baler researched the chemical he found that Kine in small doses is used to treat out larger amounts could be fatal he contacted Barbara weekly Jones assistant chief medical examiner for the Commonwealth of Kentucky there is a fine line between therapeutic levels meaning giving um relief from Gadi arthritis and uh levels of the drug that can cause significant side effects and the main side effects of this drug are nausea vomiting and diarrhea which um when it reaches a bad uh severe State can uh cause death of an individual Dr weekly Jones was aware that the general drug screen performed at autopsy would not reveal a specific toxin such as culine she prepared Blood and Tissue samples for further testing she was not optimistic the test results would prove definitive if Jacobs had ingested culine it had probably been eliminated from his bloodstream prior to his death their only hope was to find traces of the chemical in specific organs because the gastrointestinal tract absorbs it uh it get partially metabolized in the liver and it gets excreted in the kidney so those three organs would be the most likely areas to find any residual coaching at at the time of the autopsy it would take 2 weeks to obtain the test results investigators would have to wait for the answer to a crucial question had Larry Jacobs been [Music] murdered Larry Jacobs a 41-year-old father of two had died of a mysterious stomach ailment John Baler Jacob's neighbor and a Commonwealth Attorney was suspicious [Music] he assigned Detective Pat conkling of the Jefferson County Police Department to investigate valer told conkling that the dead man's wife had purchased a potentially lethal chemical called culture scene just days before his [Music] death the detective's first order of business was a visit to the State Medical examiner's Office the results of Larry Jacob's Toxicology test had finally come in he had 160 n per Mill of culine in his system more than enough to kill [Music] him go ahead and take a it was time to confront Dana Jacobs Jacobs I just have a few questions I'd like to ask you um first I have to inform you but investigators were surprised by the reception they received she invited us in there was uh no hint of any problems she was very cordial with us uh we never had the uh first bit of hesitation on her part of talking with us she readily admitted to buying the culture scene I have she said she needed the substance to kill algae growing in her swimming pool investigators asked if she still had any left she said she had used it all in the pool I asked her how she uh came across the chemical and uh she gave us the name of several businesses that uh suggested that uh she used this chemical to control the algae excuse me detectives contacted these businesses in an effort to confirm Dana's story if I can help no one remembered telling her that cine could be used to control algae in fact most had never even heard of the substance investigators were at an impass they knew how Larry Jacobs died but not why perhaps an examination of the couple's marriage would yield more clues investigators visited Larry's sister she told police that the couple was in financial trouble as a result of Dana's compulsive spending family members had lent them thousands of dollars none of which had ever been repaid Larry told his sister that he had taken steps to keep Dana's spending under control but to no avail you think their credit cards were at or over their limit one of Larry's co-workers recalled having to lend him money on a business trip to pay for meals and a hotel room the embarrassed engineer explained that he had neither cash nor available credit at the [Music] time and there was insurance [Music] money Larry had two life insurance policies on himself one for $138,000 and the other totaling [Music] $250,000 detectives dug deeper into Dana Jacob's background they learned that the respectable wife and mother had a troubled past before she was married Dana had served time for bad check charges from her prison records investigators learned that a counselor had diagnosed her as a pathological liar who urgently needed psychiatric [Music] treatment Dana Jacobs was arrested and indicted on murder charges in January of 1992 police were certain they had cornered a killer but a new clue was was about to emerge a clue that could possibly put her in the clear 5 months after Larry Jacob's death his widow Dana was indicted for murder I can't take out on bail Dana was back at home with her children just weeks before her trial she made a discovery that could exonerate her thank you appreciate that what's that a suicide note from her husband in it he said the financial strain was too much to bear investigators were skeptical but the note did appear to be in Larry Jacob's handwriting moreover it was well known that the deceased had been depressed about money matters with his background in chemical engineering it was possible he was familiar with culine and used it to end his life the suicide note was forwarded to Steven sler the Commonwealth's document expert the first thing he noticed was that different pens had been used you'd have a paragraph or a sentence or two that's a fairly Thin Line a small Point writing instrument and then it would shift to a a medium or a broad instrument for another word or two or three and back again it quickly became apparent that the note had been created by cutting and pasting words and phrases from Larry Jacob's writings only tempor after it was pasted up the close examination of the note showed that it had first been copied by passing it through a fax machine to produce a copy in the 5 and a half months following her husband's death Dana Jacobs spent close to $200,000 half of the insurance money she'd collected one of her first purchases had been a fax machine the suicide note she doctored represented a last desperate gamble to throw authorities off her Trail another piece of damning evidence was provided by John baller's daughter I know how she did it oh that's not something she say Dad I really do I know how she did it Sarah Baler testified that she saw Dana Jacobs filling clear gel caps with white powder did sure Mrs Jacobs told the girl that she was making vitamins to put into her husband's food well can we go can we go to sure you can go she explained it was the only way she could get him to take his vitamins police theorized that Dana Jacobs used a familiar household routine to poison her unsuspecting [Music] husband on November 23rd 1992 Dana Jacobs was convicted a first-degree murder she was sentenced to 28 years in prison lethal but invisible poison has historically enabled Killers to strike without fear of reprisal but unseen no longer means undetected thanks to advances in forensic science detectives have new tools to catch the Killer and unravel the mystery behind an invisible death [Music] I'll just look over here you a serial killer in Texas goes undetected for 11 years police identify a suspect but their case must be pulled from the trash investigators hope new forensic techniques can establish a link among the murders and put an end to the violent Rampage in California a missing person's case leads detectives to a secret burial ground at a Sacramento boarding house an unlikely suspect becomes the focus of a mass murder investigation can science help unmask the murderer hiding behind a kindly face homicide investigators find that things aren't always what they appear to be seemingly insignificant Clues May expose a pattern and put police on the trail of a killer whose compulsion is to kill [Music] again [Music] [Music] on the morning of December 21st 1984 in Witchita Falls Texas Lisa Boon returned home from her job at a local hospital and found herself locked out Lisa asked her land lady to unlock the apartment she'd given her keys to Terry Sims a friend and coworker who was spending the night Terry but Terry wasn't answering the door Terry Terry inside the women found the apartment had been [Music] ransacked Lisa called out to Terry but got no resp Terry didn't oh Harry the land lady noticed blood on the floor and followed the [Music] trail it led to Terry Sim's [Music] body officers from the witcha Falls Police Department responded to the [Music] scene upstairs they found the 20-year-old victim dead on the bathroom floor she was nude except for socks her hands had been tied behind her back police processed the scene looking for any clue that might identify the killer they collected blood samples a pair of white tennis shoes with the laces still tied take and A Woman's Hospital uniform [Music] bag they also recovered a bloodstained bedspread and sheets at the police station Lisa told detectives that she and Terry Sims left the hospital together after working the 3 to11 shift she explained that she was also a part-time student at Midwestern State University and had an exam the next day we dropped her off after we had Terry was going to stay the night at Lisa's apartment to help her study in the morning place when you dropped her off but Lisa said the hospital was short staffed that night so she volunteered for an extra ship you go anywhere she dropped her friend off at the apartment around 12:30 gave Terry her keys and returned to work when was the last time you saw her Lisa told police she'd arrive back home around 7:00 a.m. and knocked on the [Music] door she had no idea who could have murdered her friend an autopsy was performed on Terry Sims and cause of death was determined to be multiple stab wounds to the chest and back while there was no sign of forcible rape biological evidence was collected from the victim's [Music] body excuse me detective most murder victims know they're Killers so witcha Falls Police began interviewing Terry Sims family and friends Tony talk about my girlfriend they quickly focused on her ex-boyfriend he denied involvement investigators had little evidence against him but they had a new forensic tool in their Arsenal in 19 1984 DNA profiling was in its infancy and held the potential to link a killer to his crime through biological evidence left at the scene but large amounts of evidence were needed to successfully perform the tests hoping samples recovered in Terry Sims case might identify her murderer police submitted them to the Jean screen lab in Dallas but their hopes were soon down ased there wasn't enough material for DNA testing with no hard evidence linking a suspect to the murder the investigation stalled and the case remained unsolved on February 15th 1985 2 months after Terry Sims was found murdered an electric company employee was working on a Transformer just outside the witcha Fall City Limits he made a horrifying Discovery he stumbled upon a woman's [Music] body he called 911 deputies from the Archer County Sheriff's Department arrived at the scene in the woods they found the victim nearby they recovered a leather jacket a bloodstained nurse's uniform and a pair of sneakers with the laces still [Music] tied a search of police databases turned up a missing person fitting the victim's description an autopsy confirmed her identity as Tony Gib a 23-year-old nurse from witcha Falls reported missing by her brother a month earlier the pathologist determined that she died from stab wounds to the chest and abdomen biological evidence was collected from the victim's body Archer County investigators developed several suspects they soon focused on a man named Danny Wayne Laughin no he was the last person seen with Tony Gibbs he had also been held on suspicion of rape in Kanas City Missouri less than a year before Laughlin denied killing Tony Gibbs but three separate polygraph tests suggested deception at investigator's request he provided blood and hair samples for DNA testing if Ziggler though the results were inconclusive police Poli believed they had the right man Laughlin stood trial for the murder of Tony Gibbs the jury was unable to reach a verdict a mistrial was declared wlin was never tried again the Gibbs case remained open on October 10th 1985 a maintenance worker was cutting grass alongside a road in Witchita County in the overgrowth he discovered a woman's body he called the witcha county sheriff's department when deputies responded they found the body of a woman nude except for one sock K there were no clues as to the victim's identity police searched the surrounding area and found her clothing [Music] nearby they also recovered a pair of sneakers with the laces tied an autopsy was performed but Advanced decomposition made it difficult to determine how the woman died based on available evidence however the medical examiner concluded the cause of death to be undetermined homicidal violence Witchita County sheriff's deputies determined that the victim fit the description of a woman reported missing a month earlier she was identified as 21-year-old Ellen Blau they interviewed two suspects who had been with her the night she was last seen to you but deputies had insufficient evidence to charge them after several months the case remained unsolved on at least one date with while the three cases were investigated by different law enforcement agencies they all fell under the jurisdiction of the witcha County District Attorney's Office Barry Maka had recently been elected district attorney and took over just just days after Terry Sim's murder the unsolved murders haunted him the absolute Terror that they went through in the final minutes of their lives motivated me to find the person responsible for their death hello but investigators in each of the cases had exhausted all their leads and there was nothing more Maka could [Music] do more than a decade would pass before there was a break in the solved murders by 1996 more than 11 years had passed since the murders of Terry Sims Tony Gibbs and Ellen Blau in Texas I'll just over here police still had no viable suspects in any of the [Music] murders but improved forensic procedures prompted the Witchita County district attorney to request a re-examination of the evidence from two of the three murders some of the evidence was sent to Glenn yach a latent print examiner at the Texas Department of Public Safety crime lab in Austin he found a partial print on a sneaker recovered from the Terry Sims murder scene that had gone undetected it didn't belong to Terry Sims however there was insufficient detail to make a comprehensive analysis because blood will darken as it absorbs the light Yash hoped more Ridge characteristics would emerge under laser [Music] light he was disappointed there was one more option a die staining technique but there was a risk involved the die staining technique could possibly destroy what is there so the print was photographed prior to that once I got that photograph back I examined it to make sure it I recorded all the characteristics unes was now ready to try the die staining process he saturated the print with Amino black which reacts to proteins in Blood and turns them dark blue or black but the process didn't develop any further Ridge details the evidence enhancement he had hoped for eluded him over the next 3 years he examined a series of suspect prints provided by the Witchita County District Attorney's office and compared them to the one found on Terry Sim sneaker I did not identify any of the suspects that they had sent me uh reported to them that the print appears to be partial second third joint or another the area of the Palm they started sending to me in some palm prints I made those comparisons I still did not identify the print at the same time DNA testing of the biological samples from The Sims and Gibbs cases was again underway at Jean screen in Dallas a new technology PCR analysis could provide forensic scientist Judy Floyd with more conclusive results than previous tests there requirements were not as stringent and therefore we were able to use this very old very degraded DNA and obtain a genetic profile of the perpetrator the new DNA process eliminated all previous suspects including Danny Wayne Laughlin who had stood trial for the murder of Tony Gibbs a decade earlier but it did turn up a startling piece of evidence biological samples recovered from both victims came from the same individual [Music] emerging technology and improved forensics had linked two apparently unrelated cases now there was evidence a serial killer had claimed the lives of Terry Sims and Tony Gibbs district attorney Barry Maka wondered if some of the other unsolved cases were related he began taking a closer look at those files one caught his ATT attention that of Ellen Blau Maka noted that circumstances of her murder were similar to The Sims and Gibbs homicides down to the sneakers laces still tied found by her nude [Music] body on January 12th 1999 Maka asked his investigator John little to review the three cases and try to develop a suspect he also gave little a possible lead though the victims had been discovered in three different police jurisdictions they all lived within a relatively small geographical area because of the close proximity I felt that the person responsible for their death had some connection to that neighborhood and so I emphasized that to John and ask him to review the files and and see if he could establish anyone with a connection um to the neighborhood may be involved in in the cases little began by probing for common threads among the women it didn't take him long to find them he noticed that they all shared several physical characteristics all the victims were around the same age pretty much the same build they're they were all around 5 foot tall not much taller they all weighed 120 lbs or less they all seem to have pretty much the same features a distinct pattern was emerging suggesting all three women had been killed by the same person then he found a name in The Ellen Blau file a man named fan [Music] wardrip while in custody on a murder charge back in 1986 wardrip had told police that he knew Blau it meant nothing to the police at the time little wondered if it meant anything now he learned wardrip had worked as an orderly at the same hospital as Tony Gibbs and record showed that he had left that job 4 days after the first victim Terry Sims was found [Music] murdered as investigators dug deeper they uncovered more con connections between wardrip and the three women this is this is right where he had lived in an apartment downstairs from Ellen Blau that apartment was two blocks from the residence where Terry Sims was murdered when Ellen Blau was murdered wardrip no longer lived at her apartment complex he had moved to a residence across the street from the sub shop where she worked at time that's what it like authorities had placed wardrip in the neighborhood and established links between him and the victims they were a long way from proving murder but now they felt they were finally on the right track a background check confirmed that wardrip was a convicted murderer he had confessed to killing a witcha fsom in 1986 according to the records he'd fled to Galveston but turned himself into police there think we sentenced to 35 years in prison had been pared in 1997 during the 11 years he was incarcerated there were no murders in witcha Falls that were similar to those of Sims Gibbs or blow and I felt like he was a very strong suspect but the only way to find out for sure if he was the one responsible for these murders or not was to obtain a DNA sample although circumstantial evidence pointed to wardrip it wasn't enough to obtain a court order to force him to provide DNA samples Maka and little decided to try to collect them [Music] surreptitiously their plan would require surveillance investigators contacted wri's parole officer officer for information so where's he liveing small town they learned that wardrip lived in nearby alne Texas where he taught Sunday school and worked at a window screen company according to the parole officer wardrip was being electronically monitored and was restricted to his apartment complex unless he was at work or church appreciate take care and that posed problems for investigators for 3 days they watched wardrip at work behind a locked chain link [Music] fence he seemed to be beyond their reach but on the fourth day they got a [Music] break on February 5th 1999 the fence was unlocked and wardrip was outside he was with his wife eating crackers and drinking coffee from a disposable cup when he tossed the cup into a trash can just inside the gate it was the opportunity they had been waiting for the undercover investigator approached wardrip and asked if he could get a tobacco spit cup wardrip told him to help himself with that any evidence obtained by investigators would be admissible in a court of law he retrieved Ward's cut investigators hoped they now had their DNA sample but would a few drops of coffee and cracker crumbs be enough to prove murder more than a Dozen Years had passed since the murders of ter Harry Sims Tony Gibbs and Ellen Blau in wiah Falls Texas investigators had finally gathered physical evidence they hoped would prove F and wardrip was the killer now it was up to Jean screen lab in Dallas Judy Floyd carefully swabbed the lip of the cup to collect wardrip [Music] saliva when she compared that to DNA samples retrieved from The Sims and Gibbs murders she was able to establish a [Music] match and there was more she discovered that wri's profile was unique he had not one but four very rare markers in his genetic profile his uh profile was so rare that you would expect it to occur only one time in several thousand times the population of the Earth and in effect we were able to say that we have established identity with this particular individual to the evidence involved in Miss Sims and Miss Gibbs case investigators didn't stop there at the Texas Department of Public Safety crime lab Glen Yash compared wardrop's fingerprints to the partial print found on Terry Sims sneaker they matched besides making a positive identification you Nash could explain much more I can also determine how that shoe was held or uh when that print was left on that shoe and it was in a u direction that the uh defendant held a shoe or uh was taking a shoe off the victim's foot somewhat similar to this which would be consistent with pulling it off of a victim's foot [Music] investigators patience and Ingenuity had paid off it was time to take wardrip into custody they again Enlisted the cooperation of his parole officer on the pretense of a meeting wardrip was summoned to the parole office on February 13th 1999 when he arrived police arrested F and wardrip and charged him with the murder of Terry Sims yeah [Music] right based on the evidence police believe wardrip saw Terry Sims at the door of Lisa Boon's apartment after forcing his way inside he tied her hands behind her back then raped and killed her Perry and wardrip pled guilty to the capital murders of Terry Sims Tony Gibbs and Ellen Blau he was sentenced to death in The Sims case and received life terms in each of the others wardrip also confessed to an additional murder in all he had ended the lives of five young women in Texas a Serial Killer's guilt was contained in a disposable coffee cup but on the west coast police would have to dig deeper for proof of murder on November 7th 1988 in Sacramento California social worker Judy Moyes contacted Sacramento Police about one of her clients 52-year-old Bert Montoya he's one of our homeless people she said Bert had disappeared from the boarding house where she' placed him clean his landl seemed unsure about his [Music] whereabouts M Moyes told police that Dorothy at puente's boarding house was a refuge for Indigent people many with histories of alcohol and drug abuse come on it seemed ideal for Bert a street person with no place to go not good he had his own room and TV and was happy there after years of living on the streets I don't like here but after a few months Bert started saying he wanted to leave Judy Moyes hadn't heard from Bert in 3 months B I have your mail Mrs pente finally explained that Bert had gone to live with his brother in Utah I see your medicine have you been taking it that made no sense to Judy Moyes she knew Bert Montoya didn't have any family she asked police to look into it the reason I'm here today officers went to interview dorothia Puente she seemed a gracious grandmotherly woman charming and eager to cooperate she said Bert had gone to live with family in Utah I can't help one of the residents in The Boarding House corroborated the account I know who he is okay all right well but as the officer was leaving the resident slipped him a note good [Music] day he wanted to talk he told police that he'd seen some strange things at the house Bert wasn't the only one who vanished another tenant Ben fin had to and there were others but their Social Security checks kept coming he also described a terrible odor around the boarding house he said he'd once worked at a mortuary and recognized the smell of death where where abouts these the police officer filed a missing person's report on Bert Montoya detective John of the Sacramento Police Department was assigned the case the name Dorothy aente was familiar to him she was known as a champion of the dispossessed she was highly respected for all of her charitable things that she had done to the Hispanic Community um there were people that visited from other countries who came here to praise her and talk to her and uh she was known in the Hispanic Community as DOR which is Spanish for doctor now detective Cabrera requested a background check on dorothia quente based on her reputation it wasn't what he expected he learned that the kindly grandmother was actually only 59 years old and had a criminal history of preing on the elderly she'd been previously convicted on multiple counts of forging Social Security checks and had served 4 years in prison for investigators hero was surprising and she was getting these checks by putting knockout drops in these individuals drinks and of course when they passed out she took their check and signed it conditions of dorotha puente's parole prohibited her from keeping a boarding house that gave detectives a reason to look deeper into the situation 4 days after Bert Montoya was reported missing they met with Judy Moyes hoping she could provide more information about the boarding [Music] house she said most of the residents were poor the Forgotten elderly who exist on the fringes of society but Dorothy aente always had a place for them and she had a reputation for treating tenants like family Moyes claimed that several other social workers began to notice that their clients sometimes disappeared from the house never to be seen again Bert Montoya was the most [Music] recent perhaps some of the tenants had simply wandered off or family members had decided to take care of them investigators decided to find out this is what I have [Music] on later that morning police met with Dorothy at quente although they didn't have a warrant she graciously gave them permission to conduct a [Music] search in one of the upstairs bedrooms police found prescription medication a sedative in the name of Dorothy Miller she was related Mrs quente told them it belonged to a relative who had stayed with her for a while investigators asked if they could dig around in her backyard happened but of course the name Dorthy Miller I just told you about Mrs po not only gave them permission she offered to get people in to dig for them that didn't seem the action of a person with something to hide investigators declined her offer and began digging themselves after finding find ing nothing in three holes they began to think they were wasting their time but in the fourth they found corrosive lime often used to mask odors and speed Decay they decided to keep digging to their surprise they uncovered what appeared to be a human leg bone [Music] at a boarding house for the elderly run by 59-year-old Dorothy aente Sacramento Police uncovered human remains we need to get uh forensics here the car owner's office and a crime scene Unit were dispatched to the scene quente agreed to accompany police to the station to make a statement she was very cooperative and appeared genuinely shocked that b B were found in her yard she said she had been living there for little more than a year perhaps the previous owner could explain the bones but puente's criminal past could not be ignored police asked her outright if she'd killed her missing tenant 52-year-old Bert Montoya dorothia Puente calmly denied it since there was no evidence of any crime investigators took Mrs pente [Music] home the next morning the search at The Boarding House continued as more police and excavation equipment arrived curious onlookers and reporters began to assemble outside the house around 9:45 Mrs pente asked if she was free to go to the corner coffee shop since she'd been so cooperative and detectives had no proof of her involvement in any Foul Play they let her go 15 minutes later at 10:00 a.m. forensic technicians uncovered a second body wrapped in a tarp buried under a cement slab the condition of the tarp indicated that this body hadn't been underground very long a police officer was dispatched to pick up Dorothy a pente at the coffee shop she wasn't there we sent people over there to find out who had seen her if anybody had talked to her what was going on they went over there and they had ascertained that she had uh got into a taxi cab and drove off Sacramento Police traced the cab and learned it had taken her to the Stockton bus station 50 m away there they learned she boarded a bus to Los Angeles not knowing where she might be heading investigators launched a nationwide Search for Dorothy aente she was now wanted on suspicion of murder at The Boarding House authorities continued digging their search for missing person Bert Montoya had Unearthed human remains of one victim and a second buried corpse mindful of statements that several residents had disappeared police feared Mrs puente's yard might conceal more ugly Secrets the second body had been discovered under a cement slab that seemed out of place now they realize that several more sheds slabs and Planters were oddly situated they soon discovered the reason for that Laura Santos deputy coroner of Sacramento County supervised the search under every one of these odd seeming things like the sink there was a body under the poorly poured piece of concrete there was a body next to the shed that looked hastily assembled there was a body after 3 days the Dig finally came to an end seven bodies had been uncovered in Dorothy a puente's yard police were dealing with a mass [Music] murderer it seemed impossible that seven people could have been buried right under the neighbor noses without anyone seeing anything hoping for information or Witnesses detectives began interviewing Mrs Po's neighbors it was hard to find anyone with anything negative to say about her it was like fighting an uphill battle the Community First of all did not want to accept the fact that this gray-haired little woman who they love so much and who had given so much to the community was responsible for this gruesome task of putting these people people in the yard while investigators canvased the neighborhood the Grim task of identifying the seven victims Three Men and four women was underway at the Sacramento coroner's office all the bodies were x-rayed then forensic Pathologists performed autopsies on them the coroner started with the victim most closely matching Bert montoya's description she began by carefully removing layers of wrapping and documenting each the body like many of the others was wrapped in a signature way that suggested a methodical but Twisted mind sheets wrapped with duct tape then quilts stitched together blankets then more sheets more um tarps I remember there were blue tarps on a couple of the cases and then each layer would somehow be secured either with tne line or duct tape or actually stitched with thread and then the entire bundle perhaps duct taped together the wrappings concealed Advanced decomposition which made it impossible to establish a cause of death for any of the victims but because of the circumstances all were ruled homicide the condition of the bodies also prevented Pathologists from immediately ident identifying any of the [Music] victims as Dr Santos explains most people are identified by fingerprints first next by dental records and then by other means four out of the seven bodies were too decomposed to get decent fingerprints from none of them had any teeth so the usual methods that we make an identification could not be used the tissue samples were sent to forensic labs for further analysis to Aid in identification efforts investigators tried to locate people who had disappeared from The Boarding House they found the brother of 55-year-old Ben Fink one of the tenants believed to be missing but he told police he hadn't heard from Ben in 3 months investigators feared Ben thinkink had already been found to build their murder case against 59-year-old Dorothy a pente police needed physical proof linking her to the victim's deaths investigators went through the boarding house again they found twine duct tape and a coffee can with the word lie written on it police found dozens of bottles of the prescribed sedative do that didn't seem unusual in a boarding house full of elderly people but investigators noticed all of the doll although prescribed by several different doctors was in dorothia puente's name as details of the investigation became public police began hearing from Witnesses who helped them reconstruct an account of Dorothy a puente's daily routine it seemed she had had a penchant for pre-dawn gardening and became very angry if interrupted they also learned that she insisted on personally collecting the mail every day particularly at the end of the month she was always there to get the mail because of course the maale had the checks and um she would take the checks and keep control of all the money investigators learned that nobody had questioned that control since most of the boarding house residents had drug or alcohol problems it seemed a logical way to keep them from lapsing into their old habits police believe that by persuading residents to sign their monthly checks over to her Mrs pente would be assured that the money would keep coming even after the tenants [Music] disappeared in fact she was getting 10 to 12 federal assistance checks each month some for people who hadn't lived at The Boarding House in years police believed money was the motive for murder but they still needed to find their suspect might want take at spre despite the Manhunt Dorothy aente was still at large on November 16th less than a week after she fled investigators got a tip that DOR quente was at a motel in Los Angeles an elderly man called police when he saw her picture on TV he' recognized her as the woman who'd struck up a conversation about his social security benefits she wanted to know things like you know how much he was getting and was he taking you know uh benefit full benefit of receiving the money and of course you know he was inquisitive but she had told him that she knew how to raise his money allotment even as a fugitive she couldn't resist the opportunity to cash in her greed had finally caught up with her Dorothy aente was finally in custody though they believed they knew her motive for the murders police had no physical evidence linking her to them in addition the victim's identities were still unknown a latent print examiner was brought in he compared known samples to fingerprints from three of the bodies he confirmed that one of the victims was Bert Montoya he would soon identify Ben Frink and Dorothy Miller as well science had made a liar of dorothia Puente but but there remained four victims without names police had compiled a list of 60 people who had received Social Security checks at Dorothy a puente's boarding house they tried to track down every name on that list they found most of the people still alive having moved out of the house for a variety of reasons but a few were still unaccounted for they then assembled medical records on each missing [Music] person the files were forwarded to the Sacramento coroner's office there forensic Pathologists began the painstaking task of comparing X-rays of each body found in the yard to medical records from each of the missing persons they looked for distinguishing characteristics in the records that could be linked to each victim we did find anomalies in the bodies abnormalities like one person had had skull surgery and had evidence that he' had a craniotomy and another person had irregular characteristics of one of her clavicles and she'd also had some mandible lower jaw fractures in the past and using that information from the bodies we were then able to start making comparisons with the medical records we'd obtained from this list that Social Security had provided us the victims had all finally been identified but police were still missing a crucial piece of the puzzle how they [Music] died until that question could be answered authorities would have a hard time proving murder they hoped a forensic toxicologist could give them answers in November of 1988 police investigating the murders of seven people at a Sacramento boarding house Enlisted the aid of toxicologist William Phillips at the California Department of Justice with no obvious cause of death they hoped he would be able to determine whether drugs or poisons had ended the victim's lives Philips began by analyzing all seven victim's tissue samples with a radio amino acid or raia test which is sensitive to classes of drugs the test results showed all of the samples contained the sedative flua pan Which is used widely in doain the drug found at Dorothy aente boarding house it is a potent sedative often prescribed for the elderly it was the first physical evidence linking Puente to the death of the seven victims next Philips subjected the samples to the tandem Mass spectrometer the only one on the west coast at the time the apparatus uses negative ion detection to find the characteristic profile or footprint of individual drugs besides detecting the presence of flapan or doain in each sample it also measured the Drug's concentration but because the bodies had been underground for varying periods of time those concentrations did not necessarily reflect levels present at the time of death some of the drug could have seeped into the ground the drug dalaine was present in all the samples but the concentrations were so varied that no one could say whether or not the drug caused their death but I was able to link all the samples all the tissues the brains the liver tissues from all these victims to dorothia pente investigators believed they had enough evidence to charge doroth pente with the murder of her seven tenants based on the evidence police believe she would charm residents in to giving her control of their money if they were reluctant she would invite them into her private rooms and give them a drink laced with [Music] drugs afterwards she would methodically wrap the bodies and hire men to dig holes in her backyard during her pre-dawn gardening the 59-year-old woman managed to bury her victims on August 15th 1993 Dorothy aente was found guilty of two counts of first-degree murder and one count of second deegree murder the jury was unable to reach verdicts on the other four [Music] charges she was s to life without the possibility of [Music] parole serial killers are methodical skilled at covering their tracks in order to keep killing but even the cleverest of predators cannot avoid detection for long today forensic scientists using sophisticated technology are helping police stop deadly criminals with an urge to kill again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Real Crime
Views: 58,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Real Crime, cold case, cold cases solved, covert investigation, crime thriller, criminal cover-up storylines, criminal intent, criminal psychology, criminal psychology analysis, criminal suspects, dark secrets, death investigation, fatal disaster, forensic pathology insights, homicide detective, legal investigation, police investigation, real life detectives, suspicious deaths, unsolved mysteries, wrongful death
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 20sec (6020 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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