Cop dirty trick doesn't work .(Springfield Illinois)

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good morning psychic yeah and do now that motivated you okay we still know here in a second let me grab that red that's okay you don't have to you can go ahead and you know that's okay I apologize officer I'm sorry I usually try to leave him down you know but today I just left the house on my way somewhere so I cracked them a little bit [Music] [Music] no sir I apologize so I will not allow you to put that on my car I apologize to you in advance well I understand that just a minor issue yes sir so I apologize to you in advance what happened to me a couple years ago I had another car that hit deeper darker tints on it and I kept getting ticket out the ticket well I kept fighting them all and I beat them all but this car right here has way lighter tint I'm just gonna raise that to show you you can see my silhouette you can literally see me see I'm waving well and and so I don't think this car right here is per se although it might be against your statue yeah I apologize to you so I'm just trying to be nice about it that I already know that you're gonna put it on there you're gonna say Louisville and then and in sir I would appreciate a warning right now although I'm not allowing you to put that on there so if I don't allow you to put it on there you're just gonna write me a ticket instead of the warning you was gonna give me at first which I don't understand so I apologize I can't do nothing about that yes sir we'll see I know I know what you're going to tell me does that make sense what I'm paying so even when you put it on there I know you what you're going to say you know what I can't I can't live my life on on the decision of other people you're all set in the future I know you're probably thinking to get stopped but you never know don't just stop a little road I apologize I thought I was pulling over I knew you was coming to get me for some reason I'm sorry yeah I appreciate the officers thanks for the warning
Channel: undefined
Views: 6,147,932
Rating: 4.3162136 out of 5
Keywords: cops, tricks, police, illegal stop, illegal search, police misconduct, unlawful detainment, police harassment, illegally detained, stopped for window tint, tinted windows, right to travel, traffic stop, illegal traffic stop, cops follow me, cop fishing, cop getting own, first amendment audit, 1st amendment audit, unlawful stop, dui check point, border check point, i.d refusal
Id: RjVy9qHykXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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