Cooler Heads with James Franco

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-♪♪ "Tonight Show: Cooler Heads" ♪♪ ♪♪ "Tonight Show: Cooler Heads" ♪♪ ♪♪ "Tonight Show" ♪♪ -All right, Higgins, tell us how the game works. -Well, it's very simple. You'll each be taking turns answering multiple choice football trivia questions. Once your answer's locked in, two coolers will be carried out and dumped over your heads. [ Laughter ] If you answer correctly, your cooler will be empty and your opponent will be doused with a mystery substance. [ Laughter ] -Why are you looking at me for? -He answers correctly, you get dumped on. Any questions? -Yeah, I was just wondering -- -Great. First question is for Jimmy. [ Laughter ] -All right, here we go. -Ready? -This is football trivia. -Football trivia. In 1892 -- -Oh, come on. [ Light laughter ] Give me a real one. -Who became the first -- -For real? -Yes, for real. -1892? -1892. -I don't know anything that happened in 1892. Columbus? -That's his year, man. He's totally 1892. Who became the first professional football player when he was paid $500 to play in a game? Was it, A, Harry Tickler. -What? -B, Harry Testes. [ Laughter ] -Come on. Come on. -Or, C, "Pudge" Heffelfinger. A, B, or C. -It's not Harry Testes, obviously. [ Light laughter ] -Could be. Could be. You never know. Why would something that crazy be in there? -It was a popular name back in the day. [ Light laughter ] -1892. -Harry Tickler. A. Final answer. -You're going to say Harry Tickler? You're locked in? -Who is Harry Tickler? -Okay, let's get those coolers out here. It's locked in. [ Drumroll ] Let's see if he was right. Three, two, one, dump! [ Buzzer ] [ Cheers and applause ] -Oh! You were wrong. [ Cheers and applause ] You were wrong. -Should have gone with Testes. -Yeah, you should have went with Testes. The answer was C, "Pudge" Heffelfinger. -Was there ice in there? -It was icy cold eggnog. -Oh, my gosh! [ Laughter and applause ] -Can we see that in slow motion? [ Laughter ] -Oh, my gosh. Freezing. -That was a lot. [ Whistle blows ] -Score is 7-0. Next question is for James. Hey, James. -Hi. [ Laughter ] -What the hell just happened? -I can feel how cold that is from here. -The hell just happened? [ Laughter ] Oh, gosh. -It's freezing. -You gotta sit in it. -Ice cold. This is a nightmare. -He's sitting in it. -Ice cold. Okay. James. -What is this here for? [ Laughter ] -That's to wash off your hands. -Useless! -What the hell am I going to do with this stupid thing? It's already to be soaking wet with eggnog. All right, let's go. Next question. -Ready? -This is ridiculous. -You want us to hurry up because you're kind of cold. -Yeah, I hate this game. [ Laughter ] Yeah, thank you. Yeah, in 1892. -This is a different one. What inspired Kansas City Chiefs owner Lamar Hunt -- [ Cheers and applause ] God bless you -- to coin the term "Super Bowl" in 1966? Was it, A, bowl-shaped stadiums? B, his son's Super Ball toy? Or, C, his favorite Superman comic? What was it? That's a tough one. -That's a good one. -That's a brain buster. That's a noodle burner. [ Laughter ] What are you going to say, James? 1966. -It's seeping into my underwear. -I mean, I know... -Lamar Hunt. -...DC is, you know, really popular thing right now, "Justice League" and all that. But I'm going to say the Super Bowl -- like his son's toy, the Super Ball toy. -You're going to say B, the Super Ball toy? -B, B, B. -Answer's locked in. Answer's locked in. The Super Ball toy. Get the coolers out here. -Get ready, dude. It ain't no Super Ball toy. -Let see if it's right! Three, two, one, dump! [ Ding! ] [ Cheers and applause ] Yes! You are correct. [ Cheers and applause ] You are correct, James! That was tinsel. You look like Cher. Can we see that in slow motion? -Why? [ Laughter ] Super Ball toy? -Yeah. -How the heck would you know that? -Lamar Hunt. -Okay. This is ridiculous. -Everyone loves Lamar Hunt. -Super Ball toy. Okay. Give me a real question. -All right. Ready? It's a barn burner. -Give me something I know. -14-0. [ Light laughter ] James is in the lead. This next question is for you. -I know who's in the lead. -Next question. -Really? Is he winning? -Yes, he's winning. It's 14 -- you have 14. -I didn't know who was winning. -You have zero. -I smell like eggnog. -14-0. [ Whistle blows ] Ready? [ Laughter ] Which of these artists -- -If Harry Testes is an answer -- [ Laughter and applause ] -Which of these artists have never -- that is, never performed at a Super Bowl Halftime Show? Is it, A, New Kids on the Block? B, Taylor Swift? Or, C, The Rolling Stones? Now what are you going to say? New Kids -- -Did New Kids do it? New Kids or Taylor Swift. I saw The Rolling Stones. -Right. -[ Groans ] Oh, I don't think Swifty did it. I say B, Taylor Swift has never performed. -Answer's locked in. -Yes. -It's locked in. Let's get the coolers out here. [ Drumroll ] -I hate you guys! -Let's see if Taylor Swift is the correct answer. Three, two, one, dump! [ Ding! ] [ Cheers and applause ] Oh, oh, my gosh. James got battered with popcorn. -What? -Multi-flavor popcorn. Can we see that in slow motion? -No, why? That's all you got? [ Laughter ] -Oh, my gosh. Caramel corn, cheese corn, and butter corn. -How does he get popcorn? -That's nuts. [ Light laughter ] -This is the most rigged thing I've ever done in my entire life. -Score is James 14, Jimmy 7. -All right. -I cannot believe. [ Whistle blows twice ] -You know what that double whistle means. -No. -It's time for the final question. -All right. -There's a twist. -Yeah, what's that? -This is a question worth a touchdown, plus a two-point conversion, so that's eight points. So Jimmy, technically -- technically, you could still win. -Let's do it. -And this is your question, James. -I feel good. I feel like a winner. -If you get this right, you win. -Okay. -If you get it wrong... -All right, we got it. -...glitter man's the winner. -Yeah, glitter man. Glitter man. Coming this summer. [ Laughter ] -Stuck on there with egg nog. -All right, James. -Yes. -What is the only team in history to win three NFL championships in a row? -I have no idea. -Was it, A, the Green Bay Packers? B, the Dallas Cowboys? Or, C, the Pittsburgh Steelers? -Oh. -Oh, this is for James. -Yeah, for James? -Oh, great. -This is it. Green Bay Packers. -You're going to say the Green Bay Packers? Answer's locked in. Let's get the coolers out here. This is for the whole thing. -Better not be popcorn this time. -Let's see who the winner is. Three, two, one, dump! [ Ding! ] [ Audience "ohs" ] [ Cheers and applause ] That means -- that was Buffalo wing sauce. Which means James is the winner! [ Cheers and applause ] [ Laughter ] [ Whistle blows ] -Fist bump! -You can't even shake my -- This is the dumbest game I've ever played on this show. The champion, James Franco, everybody! [ Cheers and applause ] Stick around. We'll be right back with Niall Horan, everybody. What is going on, dude? -[ Indistinct rapping ] ♪♪♪♪
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 2,762,420
Rating: 4.9210095 out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Cooler Heads, James Franco, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, Fallon Stand-up, Fallon monologue, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, disaster artist, 127 hours, spider man, why him, pineapple express, the interview, planet of the apes, zeroville, the long home multiple man, the deuce, games, game, games with guests
Id: hjZJaf6FbOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2017
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