Cooking While Angry

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- Okay, let me ask you something. How many of you in here are parents? - [Audience Member] Right here. - Now let me ask you another thing ... Yeah, it's not a ... She said, "Right here. "Oh, do I need to sit down?" (audience laughing) Wasn't an action question. It's cool though, at least you happy. See, I like that. Can't get mad at that. (audience clapping) Okay, those of you that are not parents, how many of you have a parent? (audience cheering) I'm just trying to bring y'all into this joke. (audience laughing) See, we as parents, we do a lot of stuff for our kids. All the time it's not appreciated. One of the things we do for our kids that goes unappreciated is cooking. Cooking goes unappreciated, right there. But we cook for our kids 'cause we love 'em and we don't want 'em to starve. (audience laughing) 'Cause that ain't a good look when you go to court. (audience clapping and laughing) But when parents cooking they ain't always happy about it. How many a times have you seen your momma in the kitchen cooking, talking to herself? I'm talking about, man, everybody done walked past that kitchen and seen their momma in there, I mean, having words with just herself. Everybody in here. (audience laughing) Sittin' up in here, acting like they can't cook. (audience laughing) This is ridiculous. Everybody in here must think I'm some Chef Boyardee or somebody. Can't nobody open a can or nothin' around here? (audience clapping) Have you ever seen an angry woman cut up a chicken? (audience cheering) You actually feel sorry for the chicken. The chicken already dead. Sittin' up in here feeding all these ungrateful people in this house. Making me work like this. (audience clapping) I saw my momma one time, my momma was mixing the pot one time and boy, let me tell you something, she was lettin' everybody have it. Just whipping this thing up. Momma, momma, momma make us a cake. Momma, momma, momma make us some cookies. I wouldn't even be your momma if your daddy coulda kept his hands off of me. (audience laughing) (audience clapping) My momma beat the batter up so good one time, you could drink it. (audience laughing) So when you hear people say they want food made with love, what they actually mean is they want food made with anger and resentment. That's what it is. Let's get into some hey Steve.
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 187,068
Rating: 4.9566264 out of 5
Keywords: steve, comedy, humor, laugh, funny, Steve Harvey, steve harvey, talk, show, relationships
Id: 4GnTbZN20tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 20sec (200 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2018
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