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hi guys welcome to another episode of fake video oh is it come London to learn something yes be ever so quiet don't let them tell you anything else today I said screw you I said you can't carry you I sent a podcast but we are cooking in the kitchen cooking in the kitchen today I thought like cooking something very homely like I'm pretty to cook by my 7 6 10 12 colors in one plate I'll be showing you guys from the beginning to the middle to the end and the finished product I'm not an expert in cooking but honestly 101 +10 enjoy cooking today's menu is gonna consist of the beef a nice salad salad salad salad salad Cunnane equal to 7 colors so stay tuned I'm guilty kisses and a psycho when the man now gets a I Beneatha enough about that singing let's get straight into this video so I used two parts one for my rice and one for my curry I'm literally not going to show you guys how to make rice but I pre-washed my eyes and I'm going to boil it on a medium heat until it is white cooked and fluffy and getting straight into my curry I'm going to preheat oil at my sofa hole seed I hope I'm pronouncing that right into my pre heating oil just to add a bit of flavor to the oil and at that moment I am going to add a cinnamon stick to also add flavour unto the oil and I'm just gonna preheat that until everything is golden brown in my preheated oil and then add onion I love a lot and lot of onion in my food so I chopped a whole onion and a quarter of green paper which now looks orange but anywho and I put that into the preheated oil here am i praying that more iron slides out of the plates and I just mix that all together nicely when my onion and peppers are thoroughly cooked I then add half norc's stock cube you can use any flavor you have at home I just add that into the pot and then I add my garlic and ginger paste I just add half a spoon into that mix but you can use raw chopped garlic or ginger and I just mix that at this point I take out my cinnamon stick because I tend to forget to take it out at the end and I feel like it's done its job already I then add ground coriander into the mix I usually just add just a teaspoon of it in to the mix at this point I add a generous amount of curry powder I use Raja mild but you can use any curry powder you have at home at this point I am literally building spice on spice on flavor on delight and on spice adding a bit of juice into the curry I add a whole dust chopped tomato and I just in Jade mix stir Kaluza sangani said that in I then add my favorite thing to cook with a paprika Baba add 1 and 1/2 TSP of it into the mix I black it just brings a bit of flavor and I like how it just changes the color of your curry when you cook so just mix that in thoroughly at this point we are adding the star of the show the amount of meat depending on how many people you are feeding I'm literally feeding 2 to 3 people and also covers are you gonna mix that together until you cannot see pink no more and when you're done mixing it you are just going to leave it to simmer for about 15 minutes but just keep checking on your pots moving on so our salad is gonna make this first one I'm calling it a potato potato baba it just consists of butter nuts potato and sweet potato I add it to the oven preheated at 180 for about 40 minutes until the veggies are cooked and when they are cooked you take out that hot baby just make sure that they add that early soft it equal me and you're gonna add your vegetable spice to spice them up just nicely G and then you're gonna add just a bit of butter or our mom to just flavor up that bad baby and you are going to just mix it on to our second salad what we have here is sliced carrots and sliced onions and all that I add to it is just oil it could be sunflower oil or olive oil and with that I just cover it up with foil to hide gleam and I added thin to the microwave I'm not sure if you guys microwaves have like fresh vegetable cooking option but ours has so I just pressed that a couple of times and they come out cooked I just mix the onion and the carrots together and all that I add to that it's just parsley I literally add a generous amount of past a just a column J just as usual up a bit and that is all there is to it the one salad to never leave out is because Lebar bunola PA ka Joe Hanford evening mixing that all up together and a bit of cheese and I just add a bit of parsley it seems like my rice has cooked all I did to it is just to rain it and I added a bit of mixed veggies which will cook as the rest teams down we just wanted to add a bit of color to the rice at this point I had completely forgotten was shaking my beef but just stirring it up it's doing really well and no burns no enacting bhava and to it I then add just a bit of brown sugar you can use white it's just to help tenderize the meat balance out the spices against the bitterness of the tomato I just earn that all up to gather at this point I'll just literally just gradually adding water getting it ready to simmer I added the water just at the level of the meat and I'm about to add one more important spice I'm about to add a chi and leave here we're about to add that that yeah bother to it and I mix them all up and I just simmer the meat until it is cooked now that my meat is cooked it's time for me to add the soups I press add my cup-a-soup back no I'm using the country vegetable one or whichever one I have at home at that time I straight and directly add it onto my diary I am NOT a fan of mixing it on the side cause I feel like there's already a wall so build up the wall so we added before we simmered the meat so I just slowly and gradually just mix that in until it's a very creamy and then I add my second soup which is the nirakar beef soup also into the mix straight and directly I like to add both of your soups because I feel like they bring out two different flavors one is a bit creamy and one is a bit rich and spices just remember to simmer down your pot to a one before you add the soups because if you do it on a high your soup will have lumps as you mix it in this is the point where you start announcing that dinner is ready leaving the soup to cook and simmer for just a few more minutes before dishing up just ensures that the soup is thoroughly cooked through it doesn't taste powdery NJ test that everything is intact this is the final product it looks delicious it looks scrumptious my spoon is ready to deliver food into my mouth it looks like home mother I hope you guys enjoyed watching this I hope you guys try this at home and see you guys on the next segment a big video to file a certificate certificate which is a certificate eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat
Channel: Thulile _Mthombo
Views: 3,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RRE1pV7_F0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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