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if you want to see one of the best-preserved hassles in britain this is it when you walk through the main gate you step back in time it's one thing to learn about history is another thing to walk right history took place and there's plenty of history here to go around as we explore the castle try to picture what it was like centuries ago hi this is Andy T Joseph Andy's awesome adventures and welcome to Conway whale now in vaca me is the conwy castle which has 750 years of history and in the United States we have a similar castle also a lot of history it's called the Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland I would call this an oozing castle I'd be afraid to attack it back in the Middle Ages is the those are the time have a big advantage beautiful castle conway castle okay so this is the entrance to the castle and we're doing a self-guided tour and rather than talk name Oh Andy take it away Conway castles one of the great fortresses of medieval Europe who is built during the reign of Edward the first also known as Edward Longshanks in the hammer of the Scots he was King of England from 1272 to 1307 and this was built during his conquest of Wales between 1283 and 1289 by his master mason james of st. george it took fifteen hundred laborers for years to build a structure edward lived at the castle from december 12 94 until january 1295 when our Edward the first led armies into both Wales and Scotland and pursuit of dominance over his neighbors in Wales Edward's opponent was Llewellyn AB Griffith Prince of gwyneth when Eric came to the throne in 1272 the Welshman did not attend his coronation of pay homage Edward could not let this insult pass so in 1277 he sent his troops into Wales the English quickly overwhelmed the Welsh and Llewellyn was forced to sign a very severe peace settlement but that wasn't the end of the matter Llewellyn rose up in Revolt in 1282 after his brother David had provoked the English with a surprise attack once more Edwards men marched West and once more they were victorious Llewellyn was killed at the end of the year while David was captured the following summer and was given a traitor's execution the Great Hall would have been the scene of lavish entertainment and banquets where the king and queen would entertain guests it would also host court hearings at the far end by the wall was the Royal Chapel [Music] yeah it's our boner it's a it's good to go [Music] so I've been practicing my Welsh and I got this Crisco Simmons dingus roll Edward let me see over the first go wake the dim and digging a rim m-meaning fire Conway the big went unique the one fredwich no radio on dear Fort Ord even alright I'll stop now it's too much it's too much pain it's just it's just I can't go on how'd I do yeah that's like the we're gonna climb up to the tower level the Northwest Tower was entered by passing through the porters Lodge its basement was unheated and dimly lit by narrow slit windows it was probably used for the castle stores on the two upper floors it contained fireplaces in large to light windows with stone seats and possess one latrine or restroom [Music] I see daylight I always step out here for a second oh nice the outer ward needs to be a much narrower space in the middle-ages flanked by large buildings several of which have been lost this area was busy with the castles officers soldiers servants and craftsmen as well as the townspeople as the castle was their administrative centre [Music] over several centuries how a castle played an important part in several wars it would stood the seizure my dog at Llewellyn in the winter of 1290 four to twelve ninety-five acted as a temporary haven for Richard ii and 1399 and was held for several months by forces loyal to welsh nobleman Oh wine Glendora who in 1401 ransomed it back to the English for some much-needed cash all wine himself was never captured and his rebellion caused a great upsurge in Welsh identity and he was widely supported by Welsh people throughout the country however as a response to his rebellion the English Parliament passed the Penal laws against Wales which prohibited the wealth from carrying arms from holding office and from dwelling in fortified towns these prohibitions also apply through Englishmen who married Welsh women following the outbreak of the English Civil War in 1642 the castle was held by forces loyal to charles ii first holding out until 1646 when it surrendered to the parliamentary armies in the aftermath the castle was partially slighted by parliament to prevent it from being used in any further revolt I was completely ruined in 1665 when its remaining iron and LED were stripped and sold off I were in the Northwest tower at the top and this is a great view of the town of Conway where we are staying small-town easy to get around very quaint excuse me sire I see the Marauders at 10 o'clock thank you my leash they look like they wearing the native dress from centuries ago here in the castle Southwest tower over here [Music] the Southwest tower had its own entrance in a small courtyard it may have been intended as the residents of an important figure in Conway like the constable who commanded and paid the castles garrison a part of the garrison he's part of all of the tower in 1284 it was to contain 30 soldiers of whom 15 had to be crossbowmen together with a chaplain blacksmith carpenter mason and an engineer to maintain the weapons the basement of the tower served as a bake house and contains a bread oven and we're eventually at the top of these towers [Music] [Music] right or and we're on one of the towers and looking down I'm getting dizzy and I'm at the top it we're gonna climb to the top but that tower will be at the very top and there's some people over here hello everyone he was nervous as me about being up here because I'm getting a little shaky but there's an incredible view of the castle from here here it is I'm getting a little dizzy I have to be honest quiet please I'm saving I'm feeling freeing these awesome adventures excuse me ma'am I'm trying to film the farmland over here I am skeezy I was fine till I got to the top I mean this castles like 750 years old who knows how stable this stuff is up here well if I have to die and I die in Wales at a 70 50 year old castle on vacation it's not the worst way to go but I would prefer to get back and be able to put this on and it's awesome pictures it's only 90 150 and this is a well but I want to say push people down [Music] it's my I know this is the kitchen teamwork to the inside of the tower in the years in the centuries made the brick screen [Music]
Channel: Andy's Awesome Adventures
Views: 65,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conwy Castle, Conwy Wales, castle in North Wales, castle in Conwy, best preserved British medieval castles, King Edward I, conquest of Wales, walking around Conwy Castle, what to do in Conwy Wales, best British castles, best castles in Wales, Conwy Castle tour, Wales medieval castles, Welch medieval castles, Conwy Castle history, Middle Ages, castles from Middle Ages, Conwy Castle 4K, Conwy Castle 2020, Conwy Castle documentary
Id: 65hImZXvUeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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