Convoy of Life; Sportswashing; A Hans Zimmer Score | 60 Minutes Full Episodes

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the joy in two-year-old Melania defied both cancer and War but if she was to live her family had to escape Ukraine as missiles flew and doctors rushed the sickest children underground a renowned American Hospital and 21 countries improvised a flight to safety called the Convoy of life earlier this month the sporting world was stunned when lived golf the Breakaway tour funded by Saudi Arabia ended a bitter legal dispute and abruptly merged with the PGA tour it brought a fresh round of scrutiny to Saudi Arabia's lavishly funded foray into international sport which has seen athletes like Soccer Star Cristiano Ronaldo take hundreds of millions of dollars from the Gulf Kingdom is Saudi Arabia simply resetting the market in sports or using Sports to launder its image if you've been to the movies in the past 40 years you have heard a Hans Zimmer score action drama comedy blockbusters he's done them all [Music] I would describe myself as somebody who's it deeply in love with music and deeply in love with movies very nice stop I'm Bill Whitaker I'm Anderson Cooper I'm Sharon alfonsi I'm John worthheim I'm Cecilia Vega I'm Scott Pelley those stories tonight on 60 Minutes Russia is attacking civilians in Ukraine with new waves of missiles and Relentless assaults that the United Nations calls war crimes but even before Russia's Invasion more than a thousand Ukrainian children were already at War they were fighting cancer as we first reported last winter Russian attacks on hospitals and the power grid put these fragile children in immediate Danger the first lady of Ukraine asked the world for help and a renowned American Hospital and 21 countries answered the call What followed was an improvised flight to safety that Ukraine called the Convoy of life the joy in two-year-old Melania defied both cancer and War but if she was to live her family had to escape Ukraine in February her mother roxolana semoraz joined the jam of thousands of refugees struggling to cross into Poland people were walking for Miles she told us leaving their cars and belongings behind they would only take with them their most precious ones their children and pets my heart was tearing apart at the border Rock Solana's desperation rose with the temperature of melania's cancer drug she was carrying it had to be refrigerated but now they were trapped after waiting in line at the border for over 24 hours and it would get warmer during the day I had no storage for the medication and that's when I would become desperate I didn't know what to do how to have hope for the treatment of my child mothers across Ukraine were losing hope for their sick children this was the scene in the capital cave outside the window of oakmodet Children's Hospital told us as the missiles flew she rushed patients to the basement many on chemotherapy all of the patients were very sick she told us being moved to the basement definitely didn't do any good to their health Dr lucitia specializes in eye cancer and in the treatment room they displayed their rage We are continuing to work despite the war and we are going to win this war with Russian soldiers and kill cancer maybe they didn't need the sign Dr lucitia's look said it all she told us their lives depend on the hospital's supplies such basic supplies as blood for example you can't delay an operation for an oncology patient for a week or two you can't stop their treatment because timing is crucial if you delay chemotherapy for two weeks then you've lost some percentage of their chance to survive the plight of desperate children touched the first lady of Ukraine o Lena zelinska we met in cave in September elegant but weary she seemed to Bear the burden of 44 million ukrainians kids with cancer were among the first to find her empathy how did you work with other countries to evacuate these cancer patients On My Level I can speak with the first ladies for this Convoy to work they needed to set up the system in their countries making sure that physicians in hospitals in their country would accept the children for treatment Jill Biden responded for the United States Brigitte macron for France Agata kornhauser duta for Poland and many others they helped activate Charities and medical societies we had a big team everyone helping each other and I am very grateful for that that team likely saved the life of 17 year old Yasmine alcotti a woman who impressed us with the creativity personality and love of life that are rich in those who know they can lose them in February doctors ordered her into chemotherapy to save her leg from bone cancer but before that happened Russia invaded in March Yasmine joined the Convoy of life patients throughout Ukraine took buses and trains to a children's hospital in leviv near Poland after treatment there the children and their families crossed the border where they boarded a medical train the entire route could take days or weeks but throughout the exhausting Journey at least Yasmine had her mother to lean on when we see you on the train you are moving into the unknown in that moment yes yes mean told us on that Journey we didn't know what country on the destination list we would end up in you're on the train hoping for the best trusting doctors hoping it will all be fine but as you said you're moving into the unknown where will I be tomorrow the answer turned out to be this improvised triage Center in Poland set up by an American Hospital Saint Jude Children's Research Hospital of Memphis Tennessee named for the patron saint of hopeless causes there are patients who are more likely to get sick than others and so we want to identify those patients so we can pay attention to them when they get here that's Dr Marta salik of Saint Jude who helped organize the triage Center in an empty hotel in the Polish Countryside the children would get escorted from La Vie to the border so that they didn't have to wait in line and then they would cross the border into Poland the children who were sick would go straight to the hospital with an ambulance sometimes a helicopter the ones that were stable would take this really impressive medical train that had medical staff they had an ICU and a surgical theater and they would take this train to a city called kildsa that was close to where unicorn Clinic was the Unicorn Clinic was the name they gave to the hotel that could hold 300 refugees patients and their families medical records were translated and hospitals found for treatment at no charge in 21 welcoming countries I suspect you'd never heard of Memphis Tennessee I just knew there was such a place but not much else in March Yasmine alcotti arrived in Memphis for treatment at St Jude who's telling you now I have a few rounds of chemotherapy left everything is going well I already had my leg amputated unfortunately the doctor said it was too late to save the leg and it was impossible I just need to finish my chemotherapy and I can then continue living my life as before so living a rambunctious life at Saint Jude his two-year-old Melania simaraz the girl who had been stuck at the Polish border with her refrigerated medication how are you today her mother roxolana told us there's hope that Melania can be cured of her fibrosarcoma a cancer of the connective tissue in her leg my particular we fled the war from people who just wanted to kill roxolana told us in November and here people are greeting you and want to give you the best help they did so much for us and are still doing this is something incredible what does the world need to know about this war it is scary that in our Century people still believe that war is worth something there are so many real problems in the world such as cancer why doesn't Russia fight cancer but rather than fight disease Russia is attacking medicine the U.N says Russia has assaulted Hospitals and Clinics at least 900 times this is a hospital in Nico Leaf a hospital in Mary upole the louganx children's hospital and a maternity hospital in Kiev what are the Russians trying to do they are Waging War against civilians first lady zielinska told us they're trying to scare people away make them flee leaving empty cities and Villages behind and then they would come and seize these lands using scorched Earth tactics since our visit with Mrs zelinska Russia has devastated Ukraine's power grid the key Children's Hospital we visited sent us images of surgeries illuminated by generators and the neonatal Intensive Care Unit swaddled in sandbags Dr lessia lisitzia remains at work what has the war taken from Ukrainian children the most valuable thing that children have they stole childhood from our children and we now have a lot of kids who are mentally broken no matter how hard we try to rebuild their lives the mass evacuation of children with cancer ran last spring from March through May Dr Marta salik of Saint Jude told us a few children did not survive the journey and so there were some instances where children would die on The Journey but I think those children would have died if they had stayed in Ukraine it was the gift that we could give to the families to give them that hope that the child could die peacefully in a safe environment and not have to worry about the effects of War a gift yeah what do you mean I can't imagine being a parent who has a child that with a chronic condition that is approaching end of life and the family member has to worry will the hospital be struck by a missile at the time the decision was to evacuate those children with the risk that they might die on route but if that would bring peace to the family as they were going through this terrible circumstance that was also now affected by War then it felt like the right thing to do at the time providing these children with a safe place to die yeah it's really important and so we honored that request my recent count the Convoy of Life evacuated 1 300 children into a welcoming world allowing their families to fight one war at a time I wonder what you'd like to say to the Americans who have welcomed your family wherever I go I want to say thank you to every person that I meet I feel like I want to scream out loud to everyone thank you America gave this to us and I would like to have a chance to help others too so that people believe that kindness wins we need to do more good things stories of the sick who stayed the children fighting cancer in a war zone at 60 minutes Sports washing it's likely a term you have heard a lot recently the use of games and teams and competition to cleanse the country's image and launder a reputation earlier this month the sporting world was stunned when live golf the Breakaway tour funded by Saudi Arabia ended a bitter legal dispute and abruptly merged with the PGA Tour it brings another round of scrutiny to Saudi Arabia's lavishly funded foray into international sport hosting events buying teams and attracting athletes with colossal paydays is this investment an attempt to diversify the economy and cater to younger citizens as its leaders claim or is it done to paper over human rights abuses authoritarian Rule and even murder as we first reported back in April we visited the kingdom to check out the sports World's new nerve center and check out what the Saudis and their neighbors are getting for their money Argentina champions of the world's greatest game Argentina may have claimed the World Cup last December but it wasn't the only country to emerge as a big winner a controversial choice to host the oil Rich Gulf State of Qatar through more than 200 billion dollars into staging the event and dribbled past criticism over its appalling human rights record and another winner was next door Saudi Arabia fielded the one team that beat Argentina a Triumph celebrated around the Arab world not least by Prince abdulaziz bin turkey alsau the country's minister of sport that was unbelievable it was just a milestone that we ticked that shows that if you put the effort and the right resources behind it you can achieve impossible things the improbable continued after the World Cup Saudi Arabia's enormous resources that is sloshing oil money enticed Cristiano Ronaldo of Portugal a generational star to play for a team in Riyadh his salary more than 200 million dollars a season that's right 200 million roughly the annual playing wages of LeBron James Steph Curry Aaron judge and Patrick Mahomes combined Bell for Saudi Arabia's investment in global Sports sounded three years ago with the Clash on the dunes a heavyweight title fight a few months later the kingdom staged the world's richest horse race Saudi Arabia there's Formula One racing and a 10-year deal with the WWE [Applause] but to many these Mega events in Saudi Arabia are Financial loss leaders being used to launder the image of a country while cloaking repression and authoritarian rule you've heard this term sportswashing this idea that countries can cover up bad Acts through sports do you believe in the concept that a country can use Sports this way not at all I don't agree with that with that term because I think that if you go to different parts of the world then you bring people together everyone should come see Saudi Arabia see it for what it is and then make your decision see it for yourself if you don't like it fine precisely why we AK Saudi Arabia late last year see this unlikely Sports Hub for ourselves December is the off season for pro tennis yet Riyadh was the site of an exhibition studied with top 10 stars and embroidered with local touches Falcons enlisted to help with the draw ceremony but the real draw Australia's Nick curios was blunt what's brought you here at the end well money's pretty good I'm not gonna lie Spike deserts of empty seeds seeds and little in the way of Television rights usually the lifeblood for sports the players were paid Millions just to show up [Applause] and Taylor Fritz a Californian earned a million dollars in prize money for winning the weekend event [Applause] the Saudis aren't just hosting events through the Kingdom's Sovereign wealth fund they bought an English Premier League soccer team Newcastle United we saw them for a visiting game against the local team pointedly abandoning their usual striped kits for the green of the Saudi flag then there is to date saudi's biggest swing in sports that 2.5 billion dollar Breakaway live tour which Tiger Woods dismissed as quote an endless pit of money top players including Phil Mickelson and Dustin Johnson switched their tour allegiances both paid as they were north of a hundred million dollars earlier this month the PGA and live merged a win for the Saudis securing their foothold in the sport this flood of Saudi money into sports is just absolutely it's a disrupter it's completely changing the face of sports is is that the intention not at all uh it adds a lot to the sports but you have to realize the impact this has I mean when winners of live golf events are making multiple times what Tiger Woods won the last time he won the Masters that's a big economic change it doesn't matter I think if the impact of increasing the participation of sports and the interest in that sport is growing then why not the sports Minister insists that the massive investment is an essential pillar of what is called Vision 2030 a seven trillion dollar plan by the Kingdom's effective ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman or MBS to diversify the economy Beyond oil while softening some of its most restrictive social conventions and laws it's now permitted for women to drive uncover their head hold a passport and travel without a male Guardian on the country's fields and in gyms and rec centers young Saudis male and female are embracing sport so are their moms Rasha El hummus is the country's first female certified boxing coach back in 2019 she attended the Clash on the dunes fight this is your country these are two International Superstars and you're not watching them on TV you're watching them live here what was I like I would never imagine that me going to the fight driving my car and attending the fight and uh in my own country so that's a that's a massive transformation and you can feel that the changes um yet these changes come at a cost Lu Jane l hath lul the Saudi women to drive movement and was punished for her activism arrested charged with terrorism and sentenced to prison where she says she was tortured even after her release she is prevented from leaving the country her sister Lena lives in Exile and spoke with us remotely when we talk about sports of course we we do want to have entertainment in Saudi Arabia we do want to have this but it's not at the expense of of our freedoms we don't want to be living in free and not knowing if tomorrow they will break into our house and take our sister or our daughter I do not want to live in this country I want to live in a country where I feel free truly even if they haven't fancy sporting events I want both her sister's harsh treatment she says underscores a stark Paradox at a time when social freedoms have expanded political repression in Saudi Arabia has become more severe you're saying this is window dressing this is this is cosmetic and behind the games there's Mass executions and repression like never before absolutely exactly this is what's happening the cultural shift goes beyond Sports who would have pegged Saudi Arabia to start hosting an annual desert raid Bruno Mars and DJ Khaled were among the headliners it's all of a piece Sports entertainment tourism to marry it all the Crown Prince turned to American impresario jarion zarrillo what's the guy from Brooklyn doing in a place like this creating magic making a place welcoming for everybody to come see the kingdom the birthplace of the Kingdom very exciting times in his career in hospitality and entertainment in zarillo launched Atlantis in the Bahamas name a global celebrity and be assured Jerry has made their acquaintance I've done five decades in tourism my job is to welcome people and to create joy and festivity with vision 2030 now we want people to come to Saudi today he oversees a massive 63 billion dollar development on the site where the Saudi state was born converting it into a modern Xanadu with homes for a hundred thousand people luxury hotels and restaurants we asked in zarillo about his comfort level representing this autocracy he told us he focuses on the positive you know I I went to school in Las Vegas and as a gambling term that when you're way ahead you're playing Woodhouse money you're winning well I'm not only am I winning I've won you know there's an old country western song dance with the one in brung you who bring you who brung me here yeah Vision 2030 a very benevolent very love king and a very Visionary Dynamic Crown Prince but it's the less noble doings of the Crown Prince that have stained the country's reputation but with accelerating and complicating its foray into sports a CIA report said MBS approved the 2018 assassination and dismembering of Washington Post journalist Jamel khashoggi under mbs's rule executions have drastically increased including a mass beheading of 81 people in one day last year the mildest criticism of the state even on Twitter has been met with detention torture and long and arbitrary prism sentences we've heard a lot about transition we've seen it with our own eyes but the concern is that this country right now is still not fit to hold International sporting events we're not saying that we're perfect but what I'm trying to say is that these things help us to achieve a better future for our population I think no country would say they're perfect but are you saying that every country has a leader that according to the CIA has ordered the murder of a journalist are you saying that every country has 81 beheadings at a single day and if the answer is no doesn't it make this relative argument this what about ISM doesn't it make that irrelevant well what I'm trying to say is that let's look at the good side about this and and you know you're just pinpointing certain topics that if we I go and you know we had the mass shooting a couple of weeks ago in the US does that mean that we don't host the the World Cup in the US no we should go to the us we should get people together mass shooting is not a government actor let's be clear about it still whatever whatever people died but what I'm trying to say is that if we look at only the bad side then we shouldn't do anything are there not Universal so they're not basic thresholds you think need to be met as I said there's a lot of issues with a lot of countries but then you mentioned that the order came from the conference and that's not true there's no proof of that as we speak you're denying that the cia's report that says I don't think this is a report actually says that if you look at it the CIA report concluded Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman approved an operation to capture or kill Saudi journalist Jamal khashoggi finally they Collide still the games go on so do the choices earlier this year FIFA soccer's governing body not known for occupying ethical High Ground responded to protests from players and turned down Saudi tourism sponsorship offer for this Summer's Women's World Cup these moral dilemmas will only intensify when we were in Saudi Arabia we saw a top level tennis event a top-level golf event had just been held Bruno Mars had given a concert what would your message be to the athletes and entertainers who are coming in to perform and compete my message is that you go to Saudi Arabia and stay silent on what is going on on the ground to speak on behalf of the prisoners who have been muzzled and all the families that cannot speak because when you go to Saudi Arabia you are part of of discovering up machine what do you think the purpose is of throwing around billions and billions of dollars into sports like this I think the the Saudi government this Saudi regime and MBS he wants people to think of Ronaldo when they think about Saudi and not about that's become the association now we've gone from the murder journalists to the star soccer player absolutely unfortunately music and the background of a movie is often crucial to how we experience the film in some cases it can become as memorable as the movie itself think of the screaming violins in Psycho or that haunting tuba in Jaws the latter written by John Williams who for more than a generation was Hollywood's leading composer but over the years as directors and Studios began to look for edgier scores they have as we first reported in January increasingly turned to a german-born composer named Hans Zimmer if you've been to the movies in the past 40 years you have heard a Hans Zimmer score action drama comedy romance Blockbusters he's done them all including the 1994 film The Lion King which he won an Oscar for with its opening Zulu chant sung by Lebo m a South African musician who was working at a car wash in Los Angeles When Hans enlisted him [Music] that's how that opening taunt came about literally microphone in the room not in a booth or anything like this Hans told the executives at Disney that he wanted to say right off the bat this is not a typical Disney movie it's a father-son story that takes place in Africa and they said exactly that's good do what do what you do he showed us what he does at his studio in Los Angeles where he composes his scores on this keyboard and computer for example the music for the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie so if you have Pirates which is basically this sort of a thing there's a jauntiness right I mean what I think the music is really big and he's in a little robot with a little sail and you hear this huge Orchestra [Music] because that's the music he hears in his head because he's the greatest pirate that has ever lived in his imagination so when you listen to The Joker he's quite the opposite it's like you're not a bow on the bow and arrow and you stretch it oh my God it's it's not pretty why so serious [Music] it's very emotional inducing I can't even express why I wouldn't know be able to put words to it that's the idea at my best words will fail you because I'm using my own language since the 1980s Hans Zimmer's language and his scores like last year's biggest hit Top Gun Maverick has defined not just the characters but has helped tell the stories of chest thumping action films and sci-fi epics like Doom which he won an Oscar for in 2022 in which he used juddering drums and electronic synthesizers so you've been called a Maverick you've been called a visionary how would you describe yourself I would describe myself as somebody who's it deeply in love with music and deeply in love with movies and playful I love to play like as any musician does as in any language it says you know you play music his choices have been unpredictable for Every Man of Steel there's a Kung Fu Panda and a Sherlock Holmes in which he used a broken piano and banjos for the 19th century detective turned quirky Action Hero how important is the instrument to getting what you want vastly important I mean because instruments come with baggage you know for instance the definition of a gentleman as somebody who knows how to play the banjo but refrains from doing why that banter worked right because it was funny he has used banjos bagpipes buzzing electronics and this a good old-fashioned Orchestra think about the composer of The Dark Knight writing something this delicate really good can we just have one more just you know to protect the innocent he invited us to watch him record the score of a new movie in a London Studio last summer it's about a young girl Coming of Age based on a Judy Bloom book are you there God it's me Margaret that was released in theaters this spring like the sound Academy award-winning director Jim Brooks is a producer of this movie this is the eighth film they've worked on together very nice what's unique about Hans says Brooks and other directors is How Deeply involved he gets and more than just writing the music his process typically begins with a conversation with the director long before a single frame of the movie is shot can you talk about what the movie's about the story of it what this scene's about you don't turn to a composer for them so he becomes almost a partner in the writing and the director yeah yeah on Gladiator he partnered with director Ridley Scott he says he told him that he thought this movie should be about more than just a man in a skirt going into battle and I felt right at the beginning we needed to set up the possibility that in this movie we could have poetry can we listen just to a bit of the music that you wrote for them starts off just with this node and you see the hand I just see the hand [Music] are you already in a different world you don't expect the tenderness I mean you are setting a mood it's a cry it's a cry his love of Music his obsession grew out of his childhood in West Germany while other kids like to play games he like to play the piano so did you take piano lessons absolutely it was two weeks of absolute torture two weeks well yeah because he then went to my mother and said it's either him or me and luckily my mother made the right choice she kept me no no I drove him crazy you know I'm six years old so my idea was a piano teacher is somebody who teaches you how to the stuff that's going on in your head how to get that into your fingers that's not what they do they make you do scales they make you play other people's music I want to do other people's music right from the beginning right from beginning but I promise you I know my better and my Brahms inside out he learned about them from his mother a classically trained pianist and that is the other side which was my dad who was an extraordinarily appalling to ask clarinetist but with great enthusiasm in the middle of his work day he'd get out the clarinet I'd be banging around on and we'd be jamming you know so that's why I got the joy instead of college he became a rock and roller performing with the Buggles [Music] that young guy in the black jacket on the synthesizer they made pop history in 1981 with the first music video to air on MTV he began composing scores for low-budget films one of which in 1988 caught the attention of the Hollywood director Barry Levinson so this is where it all began who showed up one night out of the blue at what was then hans's London studio so he said would I mind coming to Los Angeles and maybe during his movie so off I went to Los Angeles and I got nominated for an Oscar first movie best movie I didn't win but it didn't matter because everybody wanted to meet me that film was no less than Rain Man which led to Driving Miss Daisy Thelma and Louise Black Rain and more than 140 other films that began to push the sound of Movie music into a new Direction I love the idea that Electronics let you shape sounds in a way that go beyond the way an orchestra can he became a Pioneer infusing Electronics with orchestral music using his secret weapon a digital library that he built himself with original computer code he painstakingly recorded each instrument in a real Orchestra note by note using world-class musicians and the finest instruments and loading it all into his computer I take a violin and you have the violin play middle C and then you have that instrument play middle C loud soft and all different oh yeah look look they can play Pizzicato it can play shorts you know so you're not making it piccato they played it that way they played it they're bringing that up whoa how that must have taken months no it's actually it's actually taking years and millions of dollars he doesn't write out his compositions on paper his computer does it for him and it helps create the unconventional sound which could go on oh do you find in his scores scraping metal an electronic funds music it can be everything can be made to be a musical instrument in one way or the other he often collaborates with Pedro eustach a world-class floutist who has built Contraptions that produce unusual sounds that Hans thinks up for his movies this is an ostrich egg okay that's an ostrich you put the holes in yeah and I put all that there and it's some music on Instagram so you made yeah an Ocarina out of an ostrich let me explain yes please but he's not stealing eggs at the zoo he is a very good customer of Home Depot and and so many of his instruments made out of PVC piping Pedro actually used PVC piping to come up with this 21 foot long horn that Hans wanted for Doom he's currently working on Dune part two and now he goes on tour with a 38-piece Orchestra and band to perform his movie scores how have you changed you've been working at this for 40 years I tell you what so when you start out you have all that stuff that you've never done before every movie had every idea every device every card change every whatever in it now I think it's it's more figuring it out what to do new but it becomes harder and harder because I've used up so much ammunition in the past he told us that after more than 150 films he lives in constant fear of the day his phone will start ringing even after 150 do you think you're motivated by that but it's only a hundred and fifty do you know what I mean it's like what if 151 is a complete disaster oh you know I'm still alive you know I'm 65 years old now and people are going are you going to retire you're going to go and put your feet up and I'm going no I'm full of ideas I'm just getting started do you really think that I really think that I'm Scott Pelley we'll be back next week with another edition of 60 minutes at the CBS Evening News we focus on Solutions in tonight's money watch tips to protect your personal information we look at a story we say how do we make it relevant to people's lives so this is what we eat to live longer finding Solutions giving people context and depth how much money we can spend on our groceries finding solutions to Health Care problems based on all the doctors that you've spoken with what should parents know Finding solutions to help people understand what are the right choices to make for you and your family we take a closer look at an important decision a growing number of women are making information is knowledge and knowledge is power the CBS Evening News with Nora O'Donnell on CBS and streaming on Paramount Plus yes real ities battle it out with MTV channel become America's best this is The Challenge USA [Music]
Channel: 60 Minutes
Views: 19,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 60 Minutes, CBS News, st. jude hospital, cancer, ukraine, russia, scott pelley, Saudi Arabia, sportswashing
Id: evXwfQODbFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 11sec (2591 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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