Convicted Murderer Drew Peterson: Potential Remains of Stacy Peterson Found

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should be getting remarried. Get ready this hour of closing arguments starts right now. >> I've been involved in thank you for joining us today here on closing arguments that we begin tonight with big big news in the Peterson case. >> I say that you might not know which case right because we've covered a bunch of them through the years. I'm Scott Peterson number one. Yeah, there's news there the La innocence project working on his case, he's got a date in court but that's not the big news. Michael Peterson the staircase nothing new but drew Peterson. Drew Peterson I cannot believe what I'm about to tell you tonight. Stacy Peterson. Disappeared drew Peterson obviously a suspect in all of that. Cassandra calles stacy's sister has announced that she may have found Stacey at the bottom of in Illinois can now using sonar technology. Video of the discovery was posted to a facebook page dedicated to the search for Stacy let's take a look at this. Now I'm not an expert in this obviously, but our and draw your attention to the bottom middle of the screen. Okay. That's the significant part here the bottom middle of this screen. Now. Cassandra is currently raising money to retrieve potential remains from the canal and a gofundme page. She posted that image that compares. That compares what she saw 2. The model schools that are used for for medical training and kind of didn't overlap here see get some perspective of what exactly we're looking at. That's what I see. That's absolutely what I'm seeing tonight now where is all this located, let's take a look it's about 27 miles away from where Stacy lived. That a 33 minute drive, so it's close folks it is close. Let's take a listen for those who don't remember. This man this killer drew Peterson. I'm here he is on Larry King discussing stace. Now Stacey what would happen >> When you marry we separated were married or living together and we talked the morning and what it was a was a marriage going through problems. The marriage had been going through problems since her sister died were you ever physical with her, never never those stories that totally untrue. I'm going on a police officer. And I don't work for the phone company or the power company. And as a police officer, we don't have the same ability to do things as the common person if I get involved in a domestic situation where a physical with the wife. All those my job and I would never even care even come close to risk in that and I kind of challenge anybody out there to find anybody that has ever even see map. So you have a tip now it's and love with Stacy very much so that you might be alive. I do. >> Even at the time did anyone believe that they don't believe that. Let's go through his history, okay, I have to remind you because it's been a while his first wife Carol Brown married 74 to 80 high school sweethearts married after graduation they had 2 children together you can hear pattern here to children grew apart divorced after she discovered he was happy the fair in 2007 she told good Morning America and a million years would I expect to be in the situation that he was in. Wife number 2 Vicki Connolly married to drew for 10 years 82 to 92 they owned and operated a bar together. She stated was not a happy union her daughter described the marriages, 10 years of physical and mental abuse. Claims he hitter but never enough to leave evidence claims bug the House with recording devices. And Peterson repeatedly said he knew exactly how to kill her and make it look like an accident. That ended in divorce after Peterson was caught cheating with Kathleen Savio we move on to wife number 3. Kathleen 2 children together 11 year marriage. Police came to their house 18 times for domestic disturbances one year after the divorce. A final settlement about the money. I'm Kathleen ended up dead in an empty bathtub. Originally ruled an accidental drowning. Until 2007 when it became a homicide and then we remember the trial. Found guilty sentenced to 38 years in prison that his 4th wife Stacy I'm married to drew 2003 2007 it was 19 when she married drew to again 2 children together. She also adopted rues 2 children from his previous marriage because Kathleen was on a lot. I'm told her pastor that drew had murdered Kathleen and she supplied the alibi she disappeared in 2007. Which prompted that reinvestigation to kathleen's death which led to that trial and conviction. But Stacey has not been found. And we do have a word from one of drew Peterson's former Steve Greenberg said I wish. MS calles the best of luck in her search for her sister that one day she finds her so that she may have closure is from Steve Greenberg and joining us from dripping Springs, Texas Stacy Peterson's sister Cassandra Cass Cassandra a great to see you there may not remember an extra thing so many people. I spent some time with you just before that trial years ago. It's nice to see you. Please tell me. You may have found here. How you found it because I know that you have never given up the search. Never ever giving up the search for your sister and the search for justice. What did you what did you find here >> a long journey of. >> Found skeletal remains on the bottom of the canal. You know it was remote operated vehicle. Which is a mostly underwater sharpness summary kind of thing but it's remote control of its own. >> Our video. >> The images are stunning to say the least especially when you do that comparison you can you can really see what you're seeing down there was there anything that drew you to this particular area. >> I've been following a female body since 2007 down the canal. I had 2007 19 days after Stacy disappeared. It was there for 3 days. Law enforcement did nothing I was trying to be arrested by acting honor. >> And then it disappeared then. Spring of 2008 I found a live body again was a lot of decomposition. >> And. The feat missing and. >> Almost there are still some flood there are still flash. State police again did nothing game bottom for yearly just went all turned a blind eye. And the technology keeps getting better and better so. I brought in equipment from Alaska, they are will be. Mister air Street 1000 Explorer sonar. And high-definition cameras. >> So where exactly are you know, so you locate this what needs to happen next. Be able to figure out and potentially confirm. That that's your sister. >> I had already reached out to. State police in states attorney the. Exact time. 3 months to actually go back and look. Didn't ask for my systems they didn't ask for anything I was honestly on site but they. They're now is basically a criminal probably they said it was a rock but they didn't. Obviously it was resell took over because the landing of the arrow be watch all the so that's how we could see the remains. So they went there, they said it's a rocket that so he did try and slow or you're not going to season. So basically they took no action so basically yes, how the area's clear. >> OK so are you waiting for them or are you looking to do something before then to try to. Retrieve what you found and then do the testing that needs to be done. >> I'm ready to go I just got to find the right people are right light read that right people are right resources and the equipment so. >> This is but you've been relentless in this and I know you. Love your sister so much. How has this is this giving you. To get an answer and then the next step get justice. >> Look at it that's my sister's remains since it would be awesome to get for proper burial that she deserves. As for I. The jury's going to die in jail looks like why spend the money All another trial and for me to have to go through that again lunch they all stressed out that stop us pointless. Just wanted to rest in peace. She will soon. >> And is there anything folks at home can do to help you you have a go fund me. >> I do have a go fund there's a you can reach me on facebook stacy's facebook or find Stacy Peterson and G mail dot com. And that's pretty much it. I'm Cassandra I. >> I'm going to look into myself there's a there's a group on a few familiar with them, but they do these types of recoveries I've had them on the show before minute try to track them down and see if we can put you together with and they may be able to help you they've done a lot of underwater recoveries. >> Old old cases they're really good at what they do they're very. >> Passionate about so I'm going to try to follow up from my end with because they were part we had on the show you know how to how to track him down. So maybe they can help you if not folks if you can help help Cassandra because. All she's looking to do is to serve recover her sister so she can finally rest in peace. Cassandra thank you so much if there's any developments in the interim there's a they we can you please please reach out thank you so much. All right folks when we come back. >> What's going to happen here. What is the thing time think about this discovery and. >> The slowness of t >> We are bright guy you begin to think the public might say that the Fed looks like a duck and it acts like a duck. It might be a duck. Right but we're not getting all the Ducks information. >> So when they get all the information then maybe we can be examined. >> You know the spring-like flashed like even when that was all. >> Happening like everybody to really really. And then the trial happened he got convicted and he got a cent But stunning new potential developments in all this Stacy Peterson's sister has been relentlessly trying to find her sister's remains just so she can rest in peace think about I spoke to her many years ago. A difficult time getting people to cooperate with her getting law enforcement to come on board what you just described to be was all right I found something and then 3 months later they risk bond or I found something and they never respond and it's absolutely frustrating. But does she have the think at any point that should get that level of cooperation ers shifted to honor honor she does what happens. What happens here, let's bring our think tank. >> Joining us live in studio tonight, the defense. But a majority former assistant da in Atlanta. Darryl Cohen also with us criminal defense attorney Meg Strickler and finally the man behind the glasses who is Peacock in tonight. Civil defense attorney Joshua have to wear for your brother, I love it, I love it all right down. You know Cassandra I feel like she's got a really raw deal from the beginning in all of this and there's never been any charges connected to. Her sister when it seemed very obvious, but it always seemed like law enforcement was a step behind a step behind they got him for the A murder. Nothing here for Stacy she just wants the someone to go in there and retrieve these remains it's not easy to get done. What are your thoughts about the reaction tour to what she is found in and what law enforcement is done hope to start with. >> She needs emotional closure. But from a law enforcement perspective, he's been convicted. He's got life. He's going to spend the rest of his life in prison. He will leave on the guard. So from their perspective it does matter what is one more conviction. What is more time in the court system it doesn't matter. But for her it's everything. >> Unfortunately that's true, I mean they can expend. >> Money and the resources because it's going to take money and resources. >> You think you think us tentatively the police are here for us. >> And they are. But they can only do as much as they can. But but frustration because this is yet another part of the victim coin. Here we have a victim that is not. >> Being cared for taking care of there's not closure for all of these families. And I'm like a lot of the cases where no one ever gets in. Here we've got a family was really gone above and beyond anything that anybody else would be expected do gather these resources and found saw something that is well beyond just a little bit of a quick note, she's gone down there brought in but here from Alaska spend all this money I'd like to see some of that victim. Spoken words from our leaders really translate into some action, let's get some answers. >> It may also be it's not that her sister's remains it could be someone else exactly and if that happens then the state needs to go down there sped that I spend the resources and let's find out whose remains are down there. >> That's true. But I think also that we who else would have been the bad guy in this scenario. Since he has been put away. That part is done checkmark but then we don't with that school or the bones are right now and that canals deep and wide and I think again. >> Thanks to you know move things continue to move may be very difficult and to me the problem is this that the entire investigation of drew Peterson began with the disappearance of. >> Of Stacy Peterson right which which eventually led to the conviction for them murder of his prior wife Kathleen Savio thank goodness because they they messed up that investigation as well. You know the medical examiner coroner that whole story was bizarre are right but finally another missing wife okay. >> He was all remember when this all happened he was getting ready to marry wife number 4. Yeah, you joke about how many red flags can you pull out of your pocket this this is yet more. >> But I really would hope that she could get some closure because if you know more about the family story. It really is meaningful that this fan Stacy didn't just leave it Snow. >> I'm like let the country that did quacking. >> The DAX or. >> Now his story when it came out, I mean we all remember that we all covered cases back that and we were all thinking when he went on Larry King and he's like I don't beat my and then as we see life goes on 18 different police are called policeman Ahmed good policemen on doing rock in 4 wives and he's 40 something in stacy's 19 at the time I mean all of those things add up to. >> And that was the part of the the arrogance to it used continued even after he was. Yes continued during the tree, and my guess is probably continues today on the inside are you shocked. >> That what kind of life you think he's happy he's fine because his infamous. And you know, I mean like he's probably got pretty pass situation in present in the state prison that he's at. >> And when they're locked up for long periods of the littlest things become so disproportionately huge because there's just not that much to make much Ado outings. >> Well you might love letters that was. >> Well let's let's let's now go what would happen. Let's say that Cassandra he's able to on her own privately. Go down there retrieve these remains. Tested or you know dental records, however you do it and he's able to identify. These remains as Stacey I guess she does all this privately then how does law respond to that. >> Those so she gets it we need a cause of death if we can show the law enforcement can show. >> The cause of the police start for let me start up. Where the remains go. Like if she privately they won't do it she does it she goes down a treat for me would happen if a corpse is identified then there are our laws that will come in because they're very specific regulations as to the care and treatment of a corpse. And how you get the abuse of a corpse laws and things like that. report has to be made whether law enforcement doesn't. >> And when it didn't have to headline up you know across the globe. To do. >> Rican victim of crime, yes, and let him serve don't get free man. She really and they were charging bigs they're already building a case. >> Back when he has appeared to dig up the old boxes from 2007 where every year. >> Trying to get a new trial by the way he would love to have another 2. >> While all this if they find her and if she has been murdered why because he is back in the spotlight and he could be drew I the longer a police officer, but I wouldn't hurt anybody I think it really comes down to that. >> Political decision of the elected prosecutor there and I hope they've got someone who's got a good head on their shoulders because it's really expensive what Lee make this Peterson more famous than he was already. >> And that's a sad commentary or pursued I don't like Chad daybell you know make it more of that kind of situation where I disagree he needs to eat if they figure, yeah but that is Stacy Peterson I think they should pursue an indictment in front of a >> injuries let let the taxpayers world work as it should be criminal justice system work and was not like this and let some more. >> People charged with these crimes wait wait wait for justice oh yeah. >> To not to grieve, you don't think you think just I think that if she Rick if she's able to recover the remains and they are her sister. Just let her rest in peace. I think I think they need to do an autopsy if they can what's what's left and if it turns out that it was murder and then of course a detective or 2 or 3 or 4 cold case detectives will have to go and try to find out. >> How she was murdered whether or not they can piece together a charge. >> That's viable let me ask you this though how much of a difference would discover bring the remains at this point be you know if it skeletal remains in a can now. Evidence like if they had enough of this but or would they have charged could still be a body see there's there's you the real problem is even identifying her she could be easily identified as they've got a living relative and that's a DNA sequence match very easy to determine if that's her sister the cause of death. All of the other requirements to bring a charge that's where the state would struggle, but it's also where the state would escape any impending duties or moral guilt because they can say listen, it's been too long we don't have an unmolested crime scene with you know a wounds or soft tissues we just have a skeleton skeletons. Well they have lots of information it's not necessarily going to show you a cause of death if there's not marks on those bones all right good news there with us the whole hour. And again we're going to stay on the story obviously for every single development there in the meantime up next. >> Did Chad day Bell murder, his wife and their marital bed while his children. We're home that's wh >> I'm Ed Johnson in Boise Idaho for the doomsday prophet murder trial. You're watching Court TV. Front row seat to justice. >> I think Chad was so delusional. >> In his own mind is all I'm not a lot like a real delusion, not like someone who knows and delusional. >> He flew shuttle about Larry and it is. >> Love supposedly is love. And it's it's sad it really is because he's never going to sit know his grandchildren and his children and his grandchildren. For the rest of their life they have do indoor. The mistakes. >> That their dad has made my that killed 3 people including my mother. >> Can imagine being in their shoes. >> From the wood Cox Kay and Larry jj's grandparents JJ murdered by his mother. His sister also murdered by his mother. Chad's wife murdered by his new wife. Conspiring together and now prosecutors accusing Chad of being part of all of that and committing the stream murders they're trying to prove it inside of a courtroom jury selection continuing today this is actual video from an actual courtroom in Idaho, yes, this trial will be different. You will see it you're not just going to hear it you're going to see it. And today was another day of jury selection. Matt Johnson Court of the crime and justice correspondent has the latest for us tonight from Idaho. >> Vianey some potential jurors did not hold back and Chad daybell looked away when they told the court they already believe he's guilty. Today was day 3 of jury selection in the doomsday prophet murder trial at the same courthouse where wife Lori Vallow the doomsday cult mom was found guilty of murder last year today more potential jurors made it through the next round the court needing the magic number of 50 before the final jury will be seated. So far jury questions of senator around hardship death penalty believes and knowledge of the case one potential juror looked over at Chad and said the defense needs to bring their quote a game. He also said this. >> Was this event and during this trial can you tell us did you do in uniform some opinion about this bill. >> And this time I honestly don't know and you know I have to go in Eugene that I do. >> this completely without some opinion here that does. >> And weakened. >> Openly discuss this If you are. >> I mean one way or the other which way are you moving right now. >> Right now need to still need >> Today in the gallery we have seen national media police who worked the case and podcasters from across the country, including Lauren Mathias from the hit in true crime podcast who also covered lori's trial so talk to me about this trial. So far we're just in jury selection you've been there every day your feet away from the defendant like I am what's your thought. >> It's actually really interesting I think what we're learning strategy I think we're going to understood I think we're definitely I mean about John Pryor strategy when it comes to defend Dean about I think that it's been the most interesting thing when he's asking a potential jurors about do understand that everything that glitters is not gold or come on some of you have lied before tell me the truth about that I think he's setting up his potential argument and that's been really interesting to watch. >> What observations do you have of Chad daybell I notice that he likes everything neat and tidy on the defense table have you noticed anything else. >> I've noticed that he hardly moves his head. Even do a lot of side I like if John Pryor right something rather than turn to look at what John prize writing he'll just look with his eye to the side the key never moves is next. when he does sort of move it's very soft and just he'll he'll look at the jury look at the jurors but he'll not move his full chair to be looking he just kind of slightly moves its really interesting so hardly any movements and then he is blank I know that there are a lot of people out there that have watched prior the proceedings and there's there's sort of this ongoing job for this idea that Chad daybell doesn't blink I M seen him bleak. But what I don't see is movement at all he just and still very still with his hands. But he has turned around looked at people in the courtroom to like I looked at my mate eye contact with them. So he's very curious about who is there. It's interesting. >> And jury selection picks up tomorrow morning could run the rest of the week Vinnie. >> That Johnson in Boise jury selection continuing on Thursday as we get ready for Bunning statements, let's bring back I think del Conte make stricter Josh if you're still with us what's the defense Mag what on earth is his defense. >> Move my neck when I talked to what is the defense. The defense is nothing really defense. The prosecution has put their case on we just threw darts at it. So there is to defense what we can say he didn't do it. >> This case is defenses of going to be an exercise in futility so the strategy doesn't matter it might mean his lawyers practicing for his next case, but this case is a done deal is toast what if the defense is low. >> Are you getting up there and fallen on her sword and completely free in the prophet. >> It won't work it will work if she got up there that really would be like you don't see too. >> They can do it too and will go down a my whole questions about where's lori's brain because if Lori really is is. >> Foreign a murder with him as people say she could say and do things as a witness they can let me ask you. She's facing murder charges in Arizona. Could her lawyer stop her from testifying or is it up to her. Her lawyer because they get so can do. She gets a peanut or even just asked to testify so how does that work now she's out of state and in custody. >> They bring arena and how governor. >> And it is that action orders a pretty easy spirit. If they shoveled a bus with back in with the U.S. that he'll be shackled she's in the ocean racing murder charges in Arizona right extradited from Idaho. >> While let somebody else House. >> Pay every horrific be food and beverage the bigger question is wheres her brain and what have Chad day Bell lawyers been able to go theoretically players Junction assumes facts not in evidence that she has a brain. >> Is brought to testify put under oath and she takes the 5th Amendment. What exactly she's testifying by not testify. >> And not just the imagine if she wants to throw wrenches she gets to sit and talk with Chad daybell's lawyers there gets to be some confidence Communications because guess what she's a witness. >> There's also really she comes our doesn't come on he's still going down and he will be convicted can they prove that he is the one who actually physically murder Tammy his wife note in the band probably not, but it may it makes no difference. >> Written you have to be the guy who told the actual you know, but he's lying in bed next tour. So like allegedly allegedly not allegedly didn't like it as the sun guard comes in and she's dead and he's there and he's dead in that coroner shows up and she's dead somebody broke in without his knowledge or belief. So Jon Benet Ramsey's murder that looks like it has been proven anything you could argue, I mean would you make an argument that Alex Cox Lori sister. He sleeping he has no idea what happened. >> My argument would be depending on the evidence so the last of that snow test 5 who doesn't exactly my argument would be. Is a good guy, whatever. The evidence is he's not as bad as all of that. >> And I would throw darts at the other side over the defense. Yeah, you know that's our job is to see whoever the witnesses. >> Are you have to make to become board not credible. >> the cross examined and look at what mats talking about with the jury selection what's the defense going to be everybody knows that people lie right are witnesses get. >> Ready to lie about the world's most convoluted who killed what multi marriage, multi yeah. All right the autopsies alive they're not really did let me do this. >> Juror number 18 from lorries trial speaking out he's at this Here's what he has to say about Chad Dave out let's listen. >> What's your observations of the defendant Chad daybell when you're seated in the gallery next to me what what are you watching. >> Yeah, you know it's kind of hard to watch because it doesn't really do anything that is concerned stares straight ahead. You don't have to watch and you can just look over want to make sure it's still there. >> What are you expecting in terms of what do you think might be the difference with Chad daybell's trial which is death penalty obviously and Lori Vallow straw. >> Well the prosecution told me when I interviewed them after the Lori Vallow trial. But there would be new information so they have new stuff that we're going to see so I'm interested to see what that is and then of course you know that it's a death penalty case that's going to be a lot different for this for years. >> He does have a book coming out by the way he's on the show last night talked about what do you think there's going to be some additional evidence here against Chad that wasn't necessary or part of lori's trial. >> He really doesn't matter if he doesn't matter because they're going to have enough evidence to convict him and if we're saying is that first trial that we watch was enough to convict chat as well yeah really. >> I'm gonna say it looks that way but really it's another trial trials have details trials have a different jury pool and just because it really really looks that way doesn't mean they can prove beyond a reasonable doubt, especially once hearing from Laura. >> But I've just been one thing is I want to do his second trial is the second defense. It usually even better because the tone that witnesses testimony the second and the making better that's been my experience I think that will happen. >> The potential jurors are not going to be leading they're going to be pushing. I'm telling you it doesn't end up being death penalty because it's that much of a different case and these cases fall apart, very quickly because it's not I need an acquittal it's and I needle in my arm I think that's what a man shot C up next. >> In tonight's tank takes a man is so excited that is to force was finalized. He fired celebratory shots in the air with his gun. Now he's in legal trouble and we're >> Welcome back time for tonight's Tech takes we take a look at the world of crime and justice some stories that are so good we wait till the end to share them with you. First one I'm calling this one shotgun divorce. It's so amazing 26 years is so excited and he start celebrating that his divorce is final. >> And is allegedly firing his gun up in the air like a he admitted that to Nashville police. >> He said he was happy that he had regained his freedom so now he's facing 12 charges so my question for our think tank tonight should his punishment be getting re Mary. >> Can you not hear from music songwriter Don. >> I got married got of the 4 shot in the area got remarried back in jail again. >> That's a good song. Yeah, absolutely I won't write that song right. >> Let's get this deal Daryl's lyrics right now now listen. I've always said that divorce is expensive because it's worth it. He figured out how to make it more expensive because now he's got what happens to those Rouse when you fire him up. >> Cage or a savage is the homes those days you can kill do it. >> Only going to lead on someone >> who she not be mayor of Parma. Next story, I'm calling this one getting wet. this involves a long worker in who saw some people stealing from his truck but he's he's doing another yard and his equipment and stuff is a little bit of waiting to see some people steal it. So he goes after him with his weed whack Kerr let's take a look at the video. >> Unbelievable question tonight is this guy is a tool. He actually the guy with the we record it actually ultimately get in trouble because it a fee it actually hit the guy the use of force was not equal and that the other guy since he was just stealing something small it was not level he would be charged as a result here in Georgia. >> I was going to say that things a law >> school prob while was a bunch of And there I see is whack a weed. Should we just leave one This one it's a real-life the wire what >> it is a thief in Washington leading police on an hours-long before eventually getting himself stuck high above the ground on a Tele phone wire. Take a look very is was hang in there for 45 minutes lost his grip and fell onto the fire engine that it parked beneath them he was then taken into custody, obviously facing some charges tonight. My question though is we have. Look he is not part of the wire Linda's. >> I think that the more profound question if peacocks and they able to traverse pie. >> Hey hey listen we need to get out this jacket >> now that might I want to follow up with that just up what the real fraud and this is that the officers were were following him with a bathtub. We need them and they were going to try to catch up why sell off the wire. But that that's just. >> He's being sued by the way will and is because he's not a wire. Linda. Yes it was just in case you didn't get it. >> Sometimes you don't get it. The first. >> I ran out of coffee there you go. Yeah, the writers. Thank you so much. >> Are you sure do make just Schiffer. You'll be back next week right before we go tonight, folks please take a close look at your television. >> And this is Sydney Smith, just 16 years old missing out of Houston Texas since March 26 this what you need to do. Take a look at the picture take a look. Her face if you see Sydney please please pick up the ball make the call 911 1, 800 the lost or you can call the Harris. County Sheriff's Office in Texas. That phone number is on your screen, let's see if we get Sydney to a safe place tonight of any policy and thank you so much for watching have a great night as always please don't forget to have the kids.
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Id: wzT7f9wEDEg
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Length: 42min 52sec (2572 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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