Converting SQL structures to Firebase structures - The Firebase Database For SQL Developers #2

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DAVID EAST: Firebase Database for-- oh, OK. All right. Let me just redo this one. Hey, everyone. Welcome to the second episode in the Firebase Database for SQL Developer Series. In this lesson, I'm going to take a relational model that you'd see in a SQL database, and then convert that to a NoSQL model that works well for the Firebase database. So let's dive on down to the laptop. So this is a relational model that backs an event website that allows users to sign up for events. To model this relationally, we will create a users table, and events table, and an attendees table. Attendees is a table that relates users to events. What creates this relation is called a foreign key. A foreign key is a key in one table that references a primary key in another table. In this case, the UID key in attendees is a foreign key for the users table. And the same goes for event ID, which is the foreign key for the events table. If you want to get a list of attendees for a given event, you would write a SQL query that looks like this. Here, we're joining all three tables to get the relevant data needed for this query. We're joining using foreign keys. Attendees is joined to events using the event ID key, and users is joined using the UID key. So how would we model this in a NoSQL fashion? The Firebase Database is a NoSQL JSON database, which means that your data is structured by using JSON. Moving from a relational model, you might be tempted to do something like this at first. First, we'd create a users key, where each child key is a primary key for each user. So one is the primary key for David, and nine is the primary key for Alice. Then, we have an events key, where each child key is a primary key for each single event. So FM is the event for the Firebase meet up. Now, for a first try, this is pretty good. But there is one problem. The attendees key is embedded within each event. And this is a problem due to the way the Firebase database loads data. When you retrieve data, you specify a path. To retrieve a single event, we would create the path events/FM. Now, the Firebase database will bring back every single piece of data underneath that path, which may not be what you want because you don't want to download the attendees just to display a list of events. Rather than embedding the attendees, we can break them out to their own root key in the database. Now I've created a new collection called event attendees at the root of the database. This collection uses the event ID key and the UID key to represent each user. This makes my data structure flat, which is a good thing because it means I don't have to download my attendees every single time I download an event. But if I do need my attendees, I can do that because I'm using of the same key, which is event ID. And this is how you would create a Firebase query using the Firebase SDK. First, you will create two references, one to the events location, and one to the event attendees location. You'll notice, too, that we're using the same key in each collection. FM is a primary key for the event, so when used with event attendees, it's like a foreign key. Now, to retrieve the data in real time, I'm going to create a listener on each reference. And I'm breaking the listeners out because we can actually render to the view independently. And this is much easier than creating an inner listener that acts as a join. A value listener works best for the single event because value events work really well when you're synchronizing objects. And a child listener really works well for the attendees because attendees is a list, and child events work well for lists. And just like that, you've gone from SQL to NoSQL with a Firebase Database. And that's all for today. Tune into the next lesson, where we're going to take a look at common SQL queries, and then convert them to Firebase queries using Firebase SDK. So that's all. I was see you all in the next lesson. Thanks for watching our video. Yeah, we really appreciate it. You should watch this video, too. And this one. Yeah. And make sure that you subscribe. It's really cool.
Channel: Firebase
Views: 172,244
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: google, developer, Firebase, SQL, fullname: David East, GDS: full production, Team: Scalable Advocacy, Type: screencast, Location: MTV, SQL structures, structure, tips, tutorial, lesson, product: Firebase
Id: ran_Ylug7AE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2016
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