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Don't lose any detail of what I bring you today, here I have this low quality image, to be more precise, the image measures 435 by 500 pixels and notice that although the zoom I am doing is not much since the pixel is noticeable, well, so far it is What many people did to convert a low quality image to HD or high quality is to go to image image size here you must increase the size considerably from 500 pixels to 3000 pixels so as soon as this is done I am going to relocate the window preview to have a visual of an area with detail okay this is good the next thing is to go to resample and display the options as you see we have several that interest us in this case they are the enlargement ones we have to preserve details and vic uvic to more smooth let's see how they are active preserve details and this is the result you can also reduce the noise with this slider here although I prefer to leave it at zero and later if necessary apply the adjustments that you deem appropriate otherwise option that we have in resampling zbik locate more I activate it smoothed and as you can see the details stand out a little less, well this is not all that can be done in this window there are hidden functions let's see where they are I cancel here and I'm going to go to preferences technology previews and look what little thing we access here activate conservation of details 2.0 after increasing the scale, then we are going to activate it and click on ok ready now let's go back to the image image size I increase the size again from 500 pixels to 3000 pixels I relocated the preview just like before I open sampling and now we have a new option to preserve details 2.0 the difference is important, notice preserving details leaves it like this and kubica more smoothed in this other way and preserving details 2.0 improves the result a lot so the active could also reduce noise as with the others here you can see the before and the after, although as with the others I will leave it at zero ok and this is the result because if you think that this is the best thing that can be done to convert a low quality hd image I already told you no that there is still more and this is what today's tutorial is about welcome welcome to photo nario where you find out if you learn photoshop and magnum as you just saw we have converted a val image of hd quality or high quality in a very simple way and as you can see the difference it is important well well What seems to many to be a finished job is to stay halfway, in my opinion, pay attention to what you can achieve with your photoshop and with just a couple of touches that are not complicated, so what you think is the best is considerable, true. come to the ass to the seat eyes to the screen because we open photos to improve the result obtained with the previous technique the first thing we are going to do is convert the layer into a smart object one way to do it would be to right click on the layer and select convert to smart object in this way we preserve the original characteristics of the layer if you want to know more about smart objects you have a very complete tutorial on my channel I will leave it in the description and in the posted comment well, as I told you once we have converted it into an object smart I'm going to rename it as a base to be organized ok ready and the next thing is to go to filter raw camera filter I'm going to zoom in on the image like this okay and here I like to do a little thing which is to have a visual of the before and after This, then clicking on this little square here, okay, reposition the image and let's get down to business. We're going to go to the editing panel and display the details. No, this is where the magic happens. I'm going to put my hand into everything. I'm going to start with the focus. I'm going to upload it. After a while, I will fine-tune. Keep in mind that the parameters that I applied to this image will not necessarily work in your case. I recommend that you try, however, I have explained how I am doing it with the radius and the detail. I focused it as much as possible, trying not to create too many artifices or digital noise with the similar mask or the effect and I am going to reduce the noise of the texture with this slider here and even so I thought that it has too much so I am going to lower the focus somewhat. I remind you that these settings will vary depending on depending on the characteristics of your project Whatever you're not afraid to try, okay, here I already have it, let's go to the color noise reduction and here I'm going to be attacking the chromatic aberrations that the focus that I'm giving is going to generate, okay, the same thing here depending. of the characteristics of your image you will have to fine-tune the adjustment well because for me it is almost good and I say almost good because for me when reducing the noise of the texture as I know that I sacrifice some of the detail I like to give it a little touch I explain myself I close detail and basic display went down to texture to apply a little touch, so it seems to me that it's great, it's something very personal but I like the putt it gives you, you can really see the difference, well, we still have one last touch left, but for the moment we're done here so click on accept and as you can see, having created a smart object, what we have is a smart filter that, as you already know, is totally reeditable, crazy cousin to have a clear view and I am going to duplicate this layer, you can do it well by dragging it to this icon from here from one more or allow me to undo this you can also create a copy of the layer with the active layer press control j on pc command j on mac okay I'm going to rename it as details and let's go to filter another high pass here in the window high pass is about adjusting it until you can slightly see the details of the image. I am going to apply a radius of 1.7 by clicking on ok and what we now have is a gray background layer with the details in white so we can only keep the details and hide the gray of the layer we are going to go to the blending modes we display and you should know that both superimposition and strong light work very well. In this image I am going to apply strong light with this what we have done is that the entire image is with defined details and it is not what I want I want to accentuate the details only in certain areas see how I do it the first thing is to create an inverted layer mask as easy as with high started option on mac click on this icon here that looks like the little flag of Japan' and here we have our inverted layer mask, that is, a black mask that is hiding all the content of the details layer. Now it is as simple as showing the areas that we want to highlight. I will start with this area here and for this with the active layer mask we select the brush tool we make sure that we have a white front color and we are going to paint on the eyebrows I am also going to give a touch to the eyelashes here too and of course the eyes and well look look what a difference just with this capital, this is how it was and this is how we are leaving it, I continue with the rest of the areas, eyes, lips, etc. and it ended well because we started from this low quality image with the first adjustment we achieved this result and this is the although photo lario well it is true well remember, magno spot dollar told you, subscribe to continue discovering and learning together [Music] but
Views: 169,399
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Keywords: adobe photoshop, photolarium, makno, editar fotos en adobe photoshop, adobe photoshop 2021, adobe photoshop tutorial, adobe photoshop 2021 tutorial, tutorial, photoshop cc, aprender, tips, editar fotos, tutoriales photoshop, cursos photoshop, adobe photoshop 2022, adobe photoshop 2022 tutorial, convertir una imagen de baja calidad a hd, como mejorar una imagen de baja calidad, como mejorar la calidad de una imagen, aumentar la calidad de una foto, Pasar imagen de mala calidad a hd
Id: kfekXwOIsiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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