Conversation English Practice to Improve Your Listening and Speaking Skills

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[Music] English easy practice do you want to learn English vocabulary faster want to have better listening comprehension and pronunciation and boost your speaking skills quickly then welcome to our new video to improve your English skills in this video we'll dive into a fun and Interactive Learning Experience designed to improve your english- speaking skills now we will have a four-part exercise part one listening practice part two vocabulary part three listen and answer practice part four shadowing practice now now are you ready to train your brain to speak English fluently let's get started part one English listening practice in the first part you'll listen to a conversation between native English speakers try to focus on the meaning of the conversation when you listen to it this will help you understand real life conversations better burn [Music] Bridges hey Jack I heard you quit your job at the marketing firm what happened yeah I did it wasn't a good fit for me anymore I decided to leave before things got worse did you leave on good terms not really I had some disagreements with my boss and I think I might have burned some bridges on my way out that's tough Burning Bridges can make it harder to find new opportunities I know but I had to stand up for what I believed in hopefully I can find something better soon I'm sure you will just try to learn from this experience and be more careful in the future thanks Sarah I'll keep that in mind how's your new job going it's great thanks for asking I'm really enjoying the work and the people I'm working with [Music] part two learn vocabulary now let's explore some new words together in our vocabulary section I'll explain a few words and use them in example sentences to help you grasp their meaning easily vocabulary burn Bridges to damage relationships or make future interactions difficult or Impossible by acting in a way that is disrespectful or unprofessional example he regretted his decision to burn Bridges with his former colleagues as it made it harder for him to find a new job in the same industry on good terms to part ways or end a relationship amicably without any hard feelings or conflicts example despite leaving the company she remained on good terms with her former co-workers and even met them for lunch occasionally stand up for to defend or support something or someone especially in the face of opposition or criticism example she always stands up for what she believes in even if it means going against popular opinion if you like this video give it a thumbs up and hit the Subscribe button to receive more like it in the Future Part part three listen and answer practice time for some interactive practice listen carefully to the questions I ask about the conversation try to answer them out loud before I reveal the correct answers this will boost your speaking and listening skills repeat this exercise every day until you can say the answers quickly and confidently answer the questions out [Music] loud hey Jack I heard you quit your job at the marketing firm what happened yeah I did it wasn't a good fit for me anymore did Sarah ask Jack about his job at the marketing firm yes she did she asked Jack about his job at the marketing firm did Jack leave his job because it was a good fit no he didn't he left because it wasn't a good fit why did Jack leave his job at the marketing firm he left because it wasn't a good fit for him anymore I decided to leave before things got worse did you leave on good terms not really I had some disagreements with my boss and I think I might have burned some bridges on my way out did Jack leave his job on good terms no he didn't he didn't leave on good terms why did Jack not leave on good terms because he had some disagreements with his boss and he had to stand up for what he believed in will Jack return to the same marketing firm no he won't he won't work for the same firm again why won't he return to the same firm because he burned Bridges did Jack say he was unhappy with his co-worker Behavior no he didn't he didn't say he was unhappy with his co-worker Behavior that's tough Burning Bridges can make it harder to find new opportunities I know but I had to stand up for what I believed in hopefully I can find something better soon I'm sure you will just try to learn from this experience and be more careful in the future thanks Sarah I'll keep that in mind did Sarah advise Jack to learn from his experience yes she did she advised Jack to learn from his experience did Sarah offer to help Jack find a new job no she didn't she didn't offer to help Jack find a new job I know but I had to stand up for what I believed in hopefully I can find something better soon I'm sure you will did Jack ignore what he believed in no he didn't he didn't ignore what he believed in did Jack stand up for what he believed in yes he did he stood up for what he believed in did Jack say he regrets standing up for what he believed in no he didn't he said he had to stand up for what he believed in did Jack Express optimism about finding a new job soon yes he did he expressed optimism about finding a new job soon just try to learn from this experience and be more careful in the future thanks Sarah I'll keep that in mind which advice did Sarah give to Jack regarding finding a new job Sarah advised Jack to learn from his experience and stay positive did Jack say he would keep Sarah's advice in mind yes he did he said he would keep Sarah's advice in mind how's your new job going it's great thanks for asking I'm really enjoying the work and the people I'm working with did Sarah mention her own job in the conversation yes she did she mentioned her own job in the conversation part four shadowing practice lastly we have the shadow practice read your lines out loud after the speakers as they talk in the conversation focus on the Rhythm and intonation of the English expressions and sentences this exercise will sharpen your pronunciation and overall speaking abilities let's begin hey Jack I heard you quit your job at the marketing firm what happened did you leave on good terms that's tough Burning Bridges can make it harder to find new opportunities I'm sure you will just try to learn from this experience and be more careful in the future it's great thanks for asking I'm really enjoying the work and the people I'm working with yeah I did it wasn't a good fit for me anymore I decided to to leave before things got worse not really I had some disagreements with my boss and I think I might have burned some bridges on my way out I know but I had to stand up for what I believed in hopefully I can find something better soon thanks Sarah I'll keep that in mind how's your new job going [Music] part one listening to the [Music] conversation hi Jake what's going on with your computer it looks like you're having some trouble hey Sarah yeah my my laptop suddenly crashed and I lost all my work it's so frustrating oh no that's tough but you know what they say don't cry over spilled milk we'll figure this out together yeah I guess you're right it's just annoying because I had some important files open it happens to the best of us let's see if we can recover anything have you tried restarting it yeah I did but it didn't help I feel like I'm not good with technology sometimes no worries Jake we all have those moments we'll take it step by step and remember there's no use crying over spilled milk we'll find a solution thanks Sarah I appreciate your help and positive attitude let's see if we can salvage anything from this [Music] situation part two answering [Applause] questions hey Sarah yeah my laptop suddenly crashed and I lost all my work what happened to Jake's laptop it crashed his laptop suddenly crashed did Jake lose any important files on his computer yes he did he lost all his work let's see if we can recover anything have you tried restarting it yeah I did but it didn't help is Sarah trying to assist Jake with his computer problem yes she is she is trying to assist Jake with his computer problem did restarting the laptop solve Jake's issue no it didn't help restarting the laptop didn't help hey Sarah yeah my laptop suddenly crashed and I lost all my work it's so frustrating it's just annoying because I had some important files open why was Jake frustrated because he lost important files I feel like I'm not good with technology sometimes does Jake think he's not good with technology yes he does he sometimes feels like he is not good with technology did Dake mention feeling confident with technology no he didn't he didn't mention feeling confident with technology he mentioned he feels he is not good with technology are they planning to recover files from Jake's laptop yes they are they are planning to recover the files no worries Jake we all have those moments we'll take it step by step and remember there's no use crying over spilled milk we'll find a solution did Sarah tell Jake not to worry about the computer crash yes she did she said don't cry over spilled milk does Sarah say everyone has moments of difficulty with technology yes she does she says no worries Jake we all have those moments are they going to take a step-by-step approach to find find a solution yes they are they are going to take a step-by-step approach to find a solution did Sarah mention the saying don't cry over spilled milk yes she did she said there's no use crying over spilled milk thanks Sarah I appreciate your help in and positive attitude is Jake appreciative of Sarah's help and positive attitude yes he is he is appreciative of Sarah's help and positive attitude let's see if we can salvage anything from this situation did Jake disagree with Sarah's idea of finding a solution no he didn't he didn't disagree with her idea of finding a solution he agreed with her did Sarah suggest ignoring the computer issue completely no she didn't she didn't suggest ignoring it she said we'll find a solution is Jake hesitant about trying to recover the lost files no he isn't he isn't hesitant about trying to recover the lost files is Jake considering giving up on fixing his laptop no he isn't he isn't considering giving up he is considering trying to recover the loss files but you know what they say don't cry over spilled milk we'll figure this out together yeah I guess you're right it's just annoying because I had some important files open it happens to the best of us let's see if we can recover anything have you you tried restarting it did Sarah offer any technical advice to Jake yes she did she asked have you tried restarting it does Sarah assure Jake that they'll figure things out together yes she does she assures him she says don't cry over spilled milk we'll figure this out together part three speaking practice shadowing part three shadowing practice repeat the lines of the conversation out loud trying to match the native speaker's tone and pronunciation hi Jake what's going on with your computer it looks like you're having some trouble oh no that's tough but you know what they say don't cry over spilled milk we'll figure this out together it happens to the best of us let's see if we can recover anything have you tried restarting it no worries Jake we all have those moments we'll take it step by step and remember there's no use crying over spilled milk we'll find a solution [Music] hey Sarah yeah my laptop suddenly crashed and I lost all my work it's so frustrating yeah I guess you're right it's just annoying because I had some important files open yeah I did but it didn't help I feel like I'm not good with technology sometimes thanks Sarah I appreciate your help and positive attitude let's see if we can salvage anything from this situation stick around and by the end of this video you'll not only correct your mistakes but also improve your English listening and speaking skills let's get started and turn those common mistakes into Stepping Stones toward fluent and confident community [Music] communication Sarah Lily and Mark are welcoming Alex at the airport oh I'm so excited to see Alex again after all these years yeah it's been ages since high school I hope his journey was smooth look there he is Alex over [Music] here hi Sarah Lily Mark long time no see welcome to the US Alex we're thrilled to have you here thank you so much I'm happy to be here but uh sorry for my English I'm still learning no worries Alex we're here to help you improve let's head out and talk more on the [Music] way Alex how was your Journey it was good but I lost the bus at some point it was stressful oh no Alex you didn't lose the bus you missed it it happens to everyone yeah missing the bus means you didn't catch it on time losing the bus sounds like it vanished or something oh I see I missed the bus got [Music] it Alex do you want to learn how to order food in English sure can you learn me oh Alex you're close but we usually say can you teach me teaching is when someone shows you how to do something so it's like can you teach me how to order food in English ah I got it can you teach me [Music] then Alex look at all the people here yeah people is everywhere good try Alex but we say people are everywhere people is for singular like one person but here it's many so it's people are exactly people are all around us thanks thanks for correcting me people are all around [Music] us remember that party in high school everyone was there yeah everyone were having a great time almost there Alex it's everyone was having a great time everyone is like a group so it's was instead of were so it's everyone was having a great time at the party ah got it everyone was having a great time at the party see Alex you're doing great learning English is an adventure and we're here to help you every step of the [Music] way Alex how did you find the city so far oh it's great today morning I went for a walk nice try Alex we usually say this morning instead of today morning it's a small change but it makes a big difference exactly so it's this morning I went for a walk got it this morning I went for a walk [Music] Alex do you want to join us for a movie later oh that sounds good I have a free time too almost there Alex we usually say I have free time without a before free time it's like saying you have time that is free since the word time is uncountable it's I have free time without a in between I see I have free time [Music] too Alex check out these books they explain the difference between similar words oh interesting what's the difference between affect and eect good question Alex but we say What's the difference instead of what's the different when we compare things it's difference so it's what's the difference between effect in effect I got it what's the difference between effect and [Music] effect great job on completing the English-speaking practice keep watching this video every day for one week and repeat the exercises to see significant improvements in your English skills don't forget to like And subscribe for more helpful content happy learning thanks for watching guys now I recommend you watch this great video too it will help you to improve your English skills and you will love it I promise
Channel: English Easy Practice
Views: 138,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, english pronunciation, learning english, learning english speaking, practice english, practice english listening, english speaking course, english speaking practice, improve your english, improve your english speaking skills, english easy practice, easy english, english conversation, english conversation practice, english practice, english practice listening, english speaking skills, shadowing english speaking practice, english shadowing, english vocabulary
Id: BH-qhNHcP9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 54sec (2094 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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