Convergent Evolution Vs Divergent Evolution: Shared Traits Explained

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Would Life Really Develop Differently on  Another Planet? - Convergent Evolution Pointed ears, blue skin, abnormal head, or  reptilian jaws: there are a thousand ways   in which science fiction literature, movies, and  alleged eyewitness accounts have depicted Aliens   visiting Earth. So different in height, shape,  and somatic features, but still with one thing   in common: a vaguely human appearance. But if in the entertainment world,   it is easier and cheaper to make up actors  as humanoid E.T.'s rather than as shapeless   blobs or tentacled octopuses--in the scientific  debate the criteria are evidently different.  Yet there is no consensus among researchers  as to what these possible neighbors from   the next galaxy should look like:  assuming and not assuming they exist,   are they similar enough to us or so different  that our minds cannot even imagine them?  Try to follow along and we will  try to find out together. OK? Some argue that it is futile to  speculate on the nature of alien life;   our imaginations would be too constrained  by our own experience to be able to   embrace the amazing heterogeneity and unusual  possibilities perhaps realized in other worlds.  Well, if I may express my  personal opinion... I disagree.  In my opinion, science can help us  overcome such a pessimistic view,   allowing us to make realistic assumptions about  how aliens might be structured morphologically.  Many - like me - are confident that  the laws of physics and chemistry are   unambiguous and universal. And that they work  on Earth just as they do on any exoplanet.  If there is one thing we know for certain about  aliens, it is this: they too, just like us,   are a product of evolution by natural selection. Others, however, believe that biology is an   exception. They find it hard to believe that  the biological laws underlying Earth's evolution   are also applicable to exoplanets. Carl Sagan, one of the most famous   astronomers of the twentieth century,  was firmly convinced that intelligent   life existed elsewhere in the universe,  yet he wrote, "To our knowledge, however,   biology is a literally terrestrial and provincial  science, and we can be familiar with only one   special case in a universe of diverse biologies." When we face the unknown, there are indeed good   reasons to be cautious. But why should biology  be "terrestrial and provincial" rather than   universal? Shouldn't the laws of nature,  physical, chemical, and even biological,   be common to the entire universe? Fortunately, there is a strong component   of scholars in the scientific community who  do not think like Sagan. According to them,   aliens, if they exist, cannot be so  different from us--and to support this   hypothesis they usually invoke a well-known  phenomenon, that of evolutionary convergence.  Basically, species subjected to the same  environmental pressures tend to develop,   by natural selection, similar anatomical features. This is why a mammal like a dolphin looks similar   to a cartilaginous fish like a shark. Even a  creature that developed and lived in the liquid   ocean of a distant exoplanet would probably  develop a fish-like shape to move quickly. But just a moment... before we get into  the details, it will be good to clarify   which aliens we are talking about... On our  Earth, there are currently some 20 million   different species... from the whale to the  gnat... If our discussion were limited to   ascertaining the differences between any animals  on Earth and any animals on an extrasolar planet,   well... then we would already have the answer... Indeed, one need only consider the extraordinary   variety of shapes and sizes of our fauna to  realize immediately that an alien planet with   environmental conditions similar to our own  would probably also be home to millions of   species extraordinarily different from each other.  There would also be animals there large and small,   terrestrial and marine, flying and terrestrial...  occupying every environmental niche available.   Not identical in form to terrestrial ones,  but certainly similar in function dictated   by environmental and evolutionary pressure. So that, when we go out and actually discover   a large number of Earth-like sentient worlds, we  will find that most of the creatures on them took   forms designed by physical and biological  laws: fish-shaped swimming organisms,   bird/bat-shaped flying creatures, four-limbed  terricolous creatures... and perhaps largely   upright, two-armed, large-headed bipedal  sentients... "humanoids" that use tools.  It should therefore be clear that when we speak of  comparisons between aliens from different planets,   we must mean only morphological comparisons  with sentient beings who have arrived to   express a technologically advanced civilization! It matters little whether an extrasolar planet is   inhabited by millions of very strange species...  the point of this discussion is, to answer the   question: If aliens from other star systems came  to visit us one day, what would they look like? "Hey, guys, just a moment before we continue...  BE sure to join the Insane Curiosity Channel...   Click on the bell, you will help us to  make products of ever-higher quality!" First, a true alien would have  to be bilaterally symmetrical,   endothermic with excellent manipulative  abilities, and have a rigid brain case.  If we consider the living beings present  on Earth, we realize that all the more   complex ones, particularly on land,  exhibit bilateral symmetry, that is,   it is possible to divide the body with a sagittal  plane separating two mutually specular halves.  This is true for a human, as well as for  a bear or a mosquito, but it is not the   only possible configuration; for example, an  octopus or a starfish exhibits radial symmetry.  On Earth, all the most complex  organisms exhibit bilateral symmetry.  The appearance of bilateral symmetry  has been of enormous importance in the   evolution of living things on Earth.  The earliest organisms with bilateral   symmetry moved in a single direction, and  this caused one end of the body to come   into contact with its surroundings  before the rest of the organism did. The sensory organs therefore developed  on this end, because this enabled them   to detect the characteristics of the  environment in which one was moving   sooner, and for the data from these  organs to be processed more quickly,   the nerve centers that performed this  function needed to be as close as possible. Over time, millions and millions of years,  this led to the development of a head,   which contains the brain and has the sense  organs of sight, taste, smell, and hearing. Most scholars believe, based on what  can be observed in the millions of   animal species on our planet, that even a  hypothetical technologically evolved alien   would exhibit some symmetry, probably bilateral. However, we must not forget," someone objects,   "that our evolutionary path is the result  of a very long sequence of random events,   so much so that if it were possible to restart  from the same initial conditions thousands and   thousands of times, not a single other  time would this path be identical,   and all the more reason that this would be  valid in an environment, albeit similar,   that is nonetheless alien to our own. A being developed in a distant world   might therefore not have bilateral or even  radial symmetry, which would obviously make   it appear quite different from us. Such  a creature would appear very strange and   ungainly to our eyes because of how our  brains evolved, but it is still possible.  But this is an objection that could be answered  by saying that the diversity they are talking   about could only occur among lower animals  and not in a species that has been able to   evolve to the point of technology. The  reason is intuitable...Octopuses get   by in their environment, but they certainly  could not exist as land creatures. Moreover,   no matter how pliant their tentacles are,  they cannot manipulate objects in fine ways.   An ability they did not develop because it  was not necessary for the marine environment. Deciding factors would be the  specific characteristics of   the host planets. Earth's fauna, including humans,   is absolutely determined by the history of the  planet through millions of years of evolution,   climate change, habitat adaptation, and  mass extinctions due to external events,   for example, the impact of large meteorites  or the explosion of nearby supernovae. This   means that even under exactly the same geographic  and environmental conditions, i.e., in the case   of a planet identical to Earth, with the same  astronomical and astrophysical characteristics,   evolution could certainly have taken totally  unpredictable paths and thus capable of producing   differences far greater than a pair of pointy  ears, but always within well-defined limits. However, there are two environmental  components capable of directing   the evolution of an ecosystem. Gravity is a key factor influencing   the development of all organisms. In addition to  limiting the size of land animals, gravity also   imposes several very specific adaptations. We can see evidence of this right here on   Earth. Organisms that made the transition from  water to land had to develop complex limbs and   skeletons because they no longer had the buoyancy  of water to compensate for the force of gravity.  Of course, on Earth, with the same gravity, there  are complex living things of all sizes, from the   mosquito to the blue whale (the latter probably  approaching the maximum size attainable by any   animal on our planet), but there are probably  limits for a technologically evolved species.  To be able to process metals, for example, a  creature could hardly be as small as a squirrel,   just as, on the other hand, a being the size  of a brontosaurus would have serious difficulty   developing aircraft capable of supporting  its own weight, let alone space capsules.  These are just two examples of how dimensions too  small or too large would constitute, if not an   insurmountable limitation, at least a major brake  on the technological development of the species.  Imagine a hypothetical situation in which  Earth's gravity is doubled. Although this   would not necessarily force all complex life on  earth to resemble a squat turtle-like creature,   the likelihood of being bipedal humans  would decrease dramatically. Even if   we could maintain our two-legged method  of movement, we would certainly be much   shorter and have larger bones to accommodate  the stronger force of gravity. Meanwhile,   an Earth with half the gravity would  probably have the opposite effect.  Earth animals would require less muscle and  weaker skeletons to cope with gravity, and life,   in general, would be taller and larger. While we  can theorize about the general characteristics of   life in high or low gravity, there is no way to  predict more subtle adaptations. Such adaptations   would further alter the appearance of alien life. The atmosphere obviously also plays a role in   directing evolution... For example,  arthropods that lived during Earth's   Carboniferous period some 300 million years  ago were significantly larger than their modern   counterparts (dragonflies nearly a meter long  were running around in those days!). And this   was due to higher atmospheric oxygen content:  up to 35 percent versus 21 percent today.  And OK... all this means that similar  environments develop similar forms   regardless of their evolutionary history.  On Earth, this is called parallel evolution.  The canonical example is the mouth shape of the  flamingo, which begins an almost exact replica   on a small scale of the mouth shape of whales even  though they share no common history. Why? Because   they are both filter feeders of microscopic  organisms in the water and both have hinged   jaws. That shape is the most efficient to do that  job. And at that point, it's physics, not biology.  If we went to another planet and found an animal  with articulated jaws that eat the same way,   it would have the same mouth shape. The same is true for all evolution   in similar environments. The fact that the  environment is on another planet is irrelevant. Final considerations In short, for me, it goes like this: If the alien   has come down to us, or at any rate possesses  the means to make contact with our species,   it will be of an intelligence at least equal to  ours, and therefore from an evolutionary point of   view can only be structurally very similar to us. It may be strange in all the ways you can imagine:   scaly skin, number of fingers varying from three  to five, ridges on the head, bat ears, etc...but   it will definitely be similar to us in size,  symmetry, and number of limbs, upright posture,   head with eyes and openings for mouth and nose. Of course, coming down the ladder of the spaceship   will not be a gelatinous, telepathic blob  incapable even of using a screwdriver or   tapping on computer keys...nor will it be a  cephalopod like the ones in the movie Arrivals,   who took over the science of space travel  by talking to each other in ink splatters... So what about you guys, whose side are you on? The Divergent Evolution: Do  Aliens Have To Look Like Us? One of the main lines of thought in contemporary  astrobiology is that extraterrestrial intelligent   life will be very similar to us in many ways,  especially when higher levels of organization   are considered. This is because the processes  that give rise to life are assumed to operate   independently of the environment, and also  because physics severely limits the variety   of feasible options. Therefore, the probability  that intelligent life is evolving elsewhere in the   cosmos may be very high, although the probability  that it is humanoid in type may be very low. The   truth is that we know very little. For example,  we do not know if Earth was the lucky winner   of a cosmic lottery or if life has appeared  elsewhere in the universe. We do not even know   if a hypothetical ET would follow the same laws  that we know on the only planet that definitely   supports life. There is little doubt that physical  and chemical laws apply throughout the universe,   but there is not the same certainty about  biological laws. Frankly, if we were to encounter   life on another planet, we might not even be able  to recognize it. In short, our first contact with   advanced aliens might be a blow to our self-esteem  as we face, who knows, a more intelligent species   than our own. But if that first contact ever  happens, we should be prepared for another twist:   the aliens may be so different from us that  they won't even realize that we are sentient. At first, glance, trying to imagine the  physical appearance of a technologically   advanced extraterrestrial seems like an absurdly  impossible task. For one thing, we don't even   know if intelligent beings of extraterrestrial  origin exist, let alone what their home planet   might be or what their morphology might be. Our challenge is therefore limited to using   what we know about the evolution of  intelligent life on Earth, considering   possible extraterrestrial planetary environments,  and making a series of reasonable assumptions. THE TWO VIEWS The disagreement about the likely appearance   of intelligent extraterrestrials is divided into  two opposing positions. On the one hand, some take   a more anthropomorphic view of ET and believe that  it would be essentially humanoid, with two arms,   two legs, a head on top of the body, and the  major sensory organs located on the head. On   the other hand, some exobiologists believe that  intelligent ET could appear in a completely exotic   form because the creature would inevitably have  followed an evolutionary path completely different   from that of humans and would have arisen in a  planetary environment very different from Earth. THE ANTHROPOMORPHIC VIEW Many scientists believe that aliens   may not be so different from us, and to support  this hypothesis they usually cite a well-known   phenomenon called convergent evolution.  Essentially, species exposed to the same   environmental pressures tend to develop similar  anatomical features through natural selection.   This is why a mammal like a dolphin looks  similar to a cartilaginous fish like a shark. Even a creature that evolved and lived in  the liquid ocean of a distant exoplanet   would probably evolve a fish-like  form to move quickly. After all,   the laws of physics are the same here as  they are on the other side of the galaxy. According to proponents of the humanoid form,   speculation about ET morphology must take  into account what happened here on Earth,   where it was in an aquatic environment that  organic matter based on carbon compounds began to   develop. And it was the first marine creatures  that developed the characteristic that would   determine the future form of Earth's inhabitants  - that of bilateral symmetry in body shape.  This form, in addition to being the most  "economical" in terms of genetic programming,   minimized resistance and turbulence in  the water and became the characteristic   of all marine creatures, then  transferred to terrestrial animals. ---- Proponents of the humanoid form also argue that   intelligence - as it is tied to the use of tools  - can only arise as an evolutionary adaptation   among terrestrial species. The use of tools by  marine creatures would be extremely difficult   due to the density and viscosity of water. Moreover, it seems likely that intelligence   can only arise in predators. What about birds?  Well, there are some really intelligent ones,   like the crow, for example... But for an alien  in the form of a bird to build tools and develop   a technological type of intelligence, it would  need appendages similar to ours... arms, hands,   and fingers. Which is obviously incompatible  with an animal that uses its upper limbs to fly. Yes, because the development of legs, arms, and  grasping appendages is a delicate evolutionary   step on the ET's path to intelligence. Primitive technology requires the   ability to hold and manipulate basic tools and  weapons with a certain degree of sensitivity,   such as clubs, spears, knives, and tendons  for bows. And the ability to combine all of   this with movement speed, otherwise our E.T.  runs the risk of remaining forever confined   to their comfort zone and never being able to  travel around the galaxy aboard a spacecraft.  The issue of the number of limbs is one of the  most controversial when discussing the morphology   of intelligent ET. The four limbs we have are the  product of genetic inheritance from our earliest   mammalian ancestors, which was in turn inherited  from fish with four fins that ventured onto   land. But is there an optimal number of limbs? Well… a single limb would obviously be completely   useless… For strictly mechanical reasons,  three points are geometrically required to   define a surface plane: two points form only  a line. ETs trying to stand on only one or two   levers will promptly fall face down. We humans  can remain upright only because our large feet   provide additional points of contact with  the ground, but without fingers or toes,   at least three legs are necessary. Are tripod aliens possible? Traditional   biologists say no. A three-legged creature  must lift at least one limb off the ground,   at which point it loses its planar support  base, a statically unstable and dynamically   precarious situation. Four-legged creatures seem  better from an engineering standpoint since the   creature can remain balanced when one leg is in  motion. Ancestral fish only had fins in pairs,   so should all limbs evolve in pairs as well? Xenobiologists are not convinced. Most running   bipeds and quadrupeds keep two or fewer limbs  on the ground during locomotion, so dynamic   three-point stability is probably unnecessary.  Terrestrial life need not always evolve from fish   with even fins: the descendants of a starfish,  for example, might have an odd number of legs.  More than four legs are also plausible for  massive, intelligent animals. Odd appendages   are often used for highly specialized purposes,  such as the prehensile tail of monkeys and the   flexible trunk of elephants. The key to superior  multipedia is neural control. The neural circuitry   for an extra limb is far less than that needed to  add, say, another eye. Muscles require thousands   of new neurons, but eyeballs require millions.  About one-third of the mammalian brain is devoted   to sensory functions, while only a small fraction  is devoted to motor control; aliens are much more   likely to have extra arms than extra eyes or ears. As we mentioned earlier, vertebrates on Earth   have four limbs only because they share a  common ancestry with four-finned fish. Had we   instead evolved from Euthacanthus, a Devonian  fish with no less than seven pairs of fins,   we might be hexapods or even heptapods today! After all, there are many advantages to living   on six legs. On high-gravity worlds, hexapods  are a good way to distribute mechanical stress   and reduce the risk of bone fractures. Injury  or loss of a limb is more catastrophic for   four-legged humans than for six-legged humans  (who have "spare" limbs). Hexapods also have   better balance because, unlike quadrupeds, they  can maintain a stable supporting tripod on the   ground even at high speeds. And it should not be too   difficult to coordinate all those legs... In short, according to mainstream biologists,   there seems to be no escape from the dictatorship  of the principle of evolutionary convergence...   The exotic forms invoked by some astrobiologists  may exist, yes, and maybe the most common,   but the point is that they are not evolutionarily  plausible, nor can they explain how they could   have achieved technological intelligence in the  absence of the most basic manipulative skills. EXOTIC BIOLOGY However, many scientists   argue that there is very little chance that  an alien life form could remotely resemble us,   given all the possible variables that could make a  difference...such as environmental ones, referring   to the particular geological, atmospheric,  and meteorological conformation of the planet;   physical ones (first and foremost, the force  of gravity, which is different from Earth's);   planetary ones (e.g., a habitable planet could  have a more complex orbit and spatial geography   than Earth's); and biological ones, related to  the evolutionary process and natural selection.  One possibility often suggested by more radical  exobiologists is that extraterrestrial life may   depend on the chemistry that does not require  the carbon atom. Although carbon chemistry is   undeniably the optimal chemistry on planet Earth,  one can hypothesize that biological life is built   around silicon, which is very common in the sand  and used specifically to make electronic circuits.  This could affect the body structure  of extraterrestrials, as they may   require different types of proteins, enzymes,  nucleic acids, and other cellular components.  For example, an alien might have very thick,  tough skin to protect itself from radiation, or a   completely different vascular system to transport  nutrients and oxygen throughout the body.  In the 1960s and 1970s, the famous astronomer Carl  Sagan was convinced that technologically advanced   species could evolve indifferently on land, sea,  or air, with unimaginable chemistry, shapes,   sizes, colors, appendages, and opinions. This, in turn, influenced the science   fiction of those years, which began to imagine  non-humanoid or even decidedly exotic life forms,   such as sentient clouds of interstellar  gas thousands of kilometers in diameter,   or bizarre "balloon"-shaped creatures  floating in Jupiter's gas belts, using   a hydrogen-based metabolism instead of oxygen. Some suggest that extraterrestrial intelligent   beings might resemble insects, birds, fish, or  even plants. They could have a spherical shape,   be sticky jellyfish-like creatures (like the  heptapod beings proposed in the movie Arrivals),   or even exist as a planet-sized ocean intelligence  like the one in Stanislaw Lem's novel Solaris.  But old-school biologists  shake their heads and ask,   "How could these creatures have become  intelligent? They seem to us to be only   fanciful hypotheses, without the slightest  relation to physical and biological laws! And to this, the exobiologists reply that if the  goal is to scientifically hypothesize intelligent   alien life forms, then it is necessary to  abandon all anthropocentric preconceptions   and accept creatures that differ from us in  every parameter. The principle of convergence   is a popular one in the field of evolution,  it is true, but it would hardly be able to   reproduce all the physical characteristics  familiar to us in creatures scattered   over billions of other distant worlds... True, we won't have an answer for many years,   decades, or even centuries, but it's still nice  to talk about it and to anticipate issues that   will affect our great-grandchildren  very closely in the near future... P.S. And you, what do you think? Are you on the   side of the old biologists or on  the side of the exobiologists? These are some considerations in defense  of the "aliens other than us" hypothesis.
Channel: Insane Curiosity
Views: 95,182
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Keywords: insane curiosity, space, science, astronomy, convergent evolution vs divergent evolution, shared traits explained, convergent evolution, divergent evolution, evolutionary convergence, evolution, parallel evolution, convergent vs divergent evolution, genetic traits in humans, coevolution, what is evolution, types of evolution
Id: r40MBVC-XdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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