Controlling Growth Effects in Cinema 4D: Grass, Plants, ANYTHING!

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[Music] hello everybody this Cushman from a rocket lasso and welcome to the eighth tutorial in the weekly tutorial series it's been both fun and challenging coming up with cool content to do every week but I've been pretty happy with the results so far today we're going to be tackling some growth effects using vertex maps and fields and some various different techniques we're gonna be focusing on the concept sort of as if light was shining on the ground and things grow from there but that's just the basis to create a lot of different effects so we'll cover a couple of different kinds in this video here we are inside of cinema 4d s22 and i've got just a little bit of stuff preset up here a couple of lights just to give us some shadow you see if I create a cube it's a little bit of a kind of sunlight thing going a little bit of blue light from an ambient light over here in fact I don't think I turned on ambient illumination so I'll turn that on get a little bit lighting everywhere we've got a plane set to 500 by 500 in the width and height and then 100 segments I then made that editable applied this noise brown material on there to be the ground then created a plane effector as a DIF deformer will turn that on and that will deform everything on Z up 25 units and then I turn on a random field to do some variation that just gives a nice bumpy ground to start from so d selecting that we don't need the cube that is the basis of our object what are we going to be doing well we're going to be creating a whole bunch of plants on this and growing them via some sort of a light let's start by creating of the plant objects in fact not even creating them we can get access to them directly from the content browser I'm not entirely sure when these got added but there's a bunch of really cool models inside of cinema that are really great to start out these kind of techniques I know there's a lot of different places you can buy them you can make them I would spend all day if I was making this from scratch myself but inside of your 3d objects volume one I think it's in volume one nope sorry volume two there is a plants folder inside of the plants folder we got a bunch of different types here there's one called grass elements we go inside there we have a low-resolution which is what we're we're formed because we have a lot of clones and inside here we got different different clovers and dandelions and different types of grass live grass and dead grass I'm going to grab every single live piece of grass so holding a man control or command click on grass one grass one that one looks nice this one looks nice everything that's got some green in it scroll down a little let's grab this one that one that one the more variation we have the better and that one unless how many I have in total about I'll just drag those into my viewport and I've created a whole bunch of different grass objects all zeroed out they're all to scale to each other all layered up on top of each other ready for us to work from them they're very very nice and handy so we need to make a bunch of copies of these don't do that by creating a cloner dropping all of these grass objects inside of the corner what do we want to clone on to well we could just do a grid but we want these onto the object we don't need the object manager anymore in smell shrink this back over a little bit inside of the corner changing the mode to object then in the cloner I'm going to drag the ground in as our object that's currently cloning on to the surface we can you make as many clones as we want by cranking up our count that's way too few so I can crank up to a thousand we crank up to 10,000 adding another 0 it's going to start slowing down quite a bit on us but something it's nice if we could change our instance mode from instance to multi-instance and it's going to calculate way quicker if I make sure that you're an n/a the shortcut and a so we go to our quick shading mode so we actually see our geometry deselect everything we should see all of our plants now by default they're all laying flat on the ground we don't want that we want them aimed upward so in the cloner I can go to transform and we have to rotate on some axis I think it's gonna be negative 90 on P but I'm not sure ok I did get it correct at that time they're all facing upward they're filling this up pretty well you can create more plants if you want to we can also scale them up that's an option so I could set these to 1.5 to be larger maybe our scene should be you know the ground could be smaller but you know I think this is a nice ratio it's filling everything up quite nicely not saying too much ground through there and I'm actually quite pleased with that overall now currently it is taking on the road of the ground a little bit because it's cloning onto the surface if you're okay with that then cool if you don't want that you can turn off in the cloner a lion clone and now they should all face exactly the same direction and in that case we wouldn't need to rotate it on negative 90 and they'll all be facing straight up and I think plants probably wouldn't grow straight up so I'm going to do that method for the way we're gonna continue so that's a good set up let's save our scene file and as always I'm gonna mention that you can get access to all of these scene files on patreon if you're the type of person that likes to reverse engineer things which is the way I like to learn now let's add immediately some variation into our corner which I will immediately also named dot plant just to keep it organized so let's have some variation while we have the corner selected I can create a mograph object specifically a random effector this can randomize our position but we don't want that but it will randomize our let start with rotation I want to spin these around I'm not short axis but okay yeah H we can spin this around 360 degrees both positive and negative so they should be rotated completely randomly that adds a lot of variation instantly and then we can add a little bit of tilt to them randomly we'd say 15 15 that's always kind of my go-to for a little bit of variation with but it's not going to call too much attention to itself but you could push it further and then we can also turn on some scale we and we could add some random variation between them but I think a uniform scale is a good idea and if we leave absolute scale turned off as we increase this amount they both grow and shrink if you turn on absolute they will only grow or only shrink so I think a point five variation on this is nice and you can really see this does a nice little bit of breakup for us where there's some bigger ones some smaller ones and with this many different planes in there I don't think you see the repetition all that much it looks pretty good quite pleased with that overall as our basic set up let's go quickly hit save over that file let's continue to stay organized by renaming our random effector to random rotation / scale just to call that out first later when we're not quite sure what all the different effectors do now I think everything set up that we need to to get our basic layout so we can start creating the more advanced features via of vertex map to create a vertex map I'm going to go to an object I've made editable in this case the ground go to point mode then go to select set vertex weight and I'm gonna set the vertex way to zero so with that at zero it is creating a vertex map for us if we click on the vertex map again turn on use fields so inside by default has a freeze we will use a freeze but let's not use that one I'm going to immediately delete it and make this a little bit bigger and how are you gonna start this well as I was saying let's let's treat this as if we're shining a light on the entire field and that's where the plants are going to grow now sadly there is no way in cinema for mograph or fields to see an actual light but let's let's pretend that we are so I'm going to create a spotlight and before we do anything else we get the spotlight turn on the shadow and then I'm going to inside of the vertex map create a cone field don't use those too often creating a cone field your sea is going to be shining straight down to start out with but the correct orientation is if we click on field set the direction to Y or Z - and that's going to be currently the same orientation as our light dropping the cone as a child of the light we can scoot both of them around together so I can pull this straight up now unfortunately the cone doesn't pivot from the top point I don't think there's a way to do it I wish it did but it's pretty simple to move it and if we go to the object mode then we can scoot these around and control it via these little dots drag this out make it as long as I want to move this until the first point is in the correct spot you see as I drag that both it moves from the front and the back but this light's not gonna be too far away so I'll just do that and then if I want to approximately match I can increase this outer radius until that's matching doesn't need to be perfect it's just a little you know it's giving us a little more control I can even give this a little bit more fall-off from a cone but I kind of like it being a little stronger as it a little bit of a fall-off but not too much so like I said inside of fields if we were to click inside a vertex map there's our cone we can't drag in a lot you see it's not even allowed to so we needed to do something similar in this case a cone field but like I said we're just starting out with the concept as if we're using light on this and then we'll see that we can apply this to anything so that is set up we can spin the light to be aiming straight down which would be negative 90 on P straight down hit Eve or move scoot it up until we've got a nice radius on that not going overboard but a little bit and to start out with I think I'll put a vibrate tag on here an animation right click animation vibrate and then we can enable rotation and put a bunch of rotation in here I'm not sure what a good number is I'm gonna try 111 on all three and drop the frequency down to 0.5 I'm not sure quick that will be so I'll just hit play and see what kind of we get actually that's not too bad hopefully it gives us a nice amount of variation I think we're going to need more frames so immediately jump our timeline up to 999 and that should give us a little more time so if we have our vertex map selected in fact let's temporarily turn off our cloner we can see that anywhere the cone is intersecting our geometry it is creating a nice highlight anywhere that's full yellow is 100% power anywhere that's red is 0% power now that's fine immediately let's start applying the effect to the plants so turning on the plants we want to control the scale of all of those with some sort of other effector in this case with the cloner selected I will make a plane effector it's moving everything up don't want that obviously instead turn on scale uniform scale -1 so it should scale everything down to 0 which makes it not exist anymore so goodbye everything then inside of our fall-off we can limit it to certain areas by dragging in our vertex map we don't have to change any settings that is now erasing things out and the reason it's sort of inverted conceptually because the vertex map is only show up where the cone is but this plane effector isn't telling you to grow it's telling you to shrink away so we always have to invert the effect in this case we can do it by clicking the modifier layers and creating an invert which will invert the overall effect so it sees the opposite of the vertex map and that is our final output now I don't know if this actually slows us down but I don't need color from the vertex maps I'm gonna turn that off so it's not calculating and now we can see we get growth of the plants wherever the light is shining and even with us having 10,000 clones you can see that this is running at about 1213 frames a second so that's pretty good I'm very happy and impressed with the speed that we can get out of the multi instance so that is doing a great job of traveling around but what's neat is we kind of separated out this inversion and the vertex map so we can make changes to where it's going to be growing based on the changes we make in just the vertex maps field now an obvious thing we could do right away would be create a decay and you've probably played with decay if you played with fields at all and if you're watching one of my tutorials you probably tinkered with them a little bit this will create a kind of like a tail behind it it's remembering the power that was applied at some point now if we crank it up all the way it's going to do full strength and remember everything so it's going to grow when it gets created and stay there forever that's pretty neat we could also put a pretty low amount here and it will slowly fade away so these are meat effects we do right away and it's almost as if it's growing where we put the light but if we want to carry on with this light idea that we're shining a light I don't think that these plants should grow to full power right away the longer the light shines on it the more the plants should grow to a greater height so you can't do that effect with a decay at least I haven't found a way we can create that effect with a modifier layers freeze this is going to view everything that comes below it and do something to it now to see the effect properly I'm going to change our blending mode to add on it it's going to see through the object and currently I think it's gonna behave pretty similarly to our decay one thing you need to remember in the freeze is it tends to remember its initial state and sometimes it reactivates you see how this spot is still there that's gonna keep on messing with us until we hit the Clear button and it's going to forget that that had that if ever you get a spot that listen to be quite right jump into the freeze and clear it out so let's see if this works right away which right away it's not really but let's go to our Auto update and turn that checkbox on I'm just trying to auto update now you can see it's behaving exactly as our decay was but here's where a difference lies this is adding the effect on top of whatever the cone field is doing so let's go into our cone field and not give it full power currently it is seeing full power in the center and fading out a little on the edge but if we say inside of remapping let's give ourselves a little extra room here no need to be that cramped inside of the strength let's drop this down to be a weaker power I'm gonna do 10% so it's only shining 10% power but essentially every time it's applying 10% power it's applying it again and again and again every refresh so the brightest point of this light or this cone fall off will have to be intersecting this area for 10 full frames to get the full power and the freeze should remember that so let's try this again and now you see that we only get a little bit of growth from the plants but then right there what and as the light comes back around again and shines on the spot more it's going to grow more and more and more it's cool way of kind of making a little bit more solid of a growth concept where that is growing and remembering as it shines now if you've used freeze you've likely used it in the context of making something grow and spread out and apply in a bunch of different areas we can do that still if we want to if we change the mode from none to grow then immediately you see that is going to grow and encapsulate the entire area the growth has completely covered everything it does begin from where we were and the light will shine and create some more growth points but it's going to be very powerful to take over everything now of course that only works it this radius is larger than the spacing between your points and right now I think there's five about five units between each point so at ten it's double that distance we could weaken it if we lower the strength down to 10% then it will grow but it's gonna grow a lot slower you see it's one-tenth the speed at that slowly spreads out that's very cool we can keep that going if you want to but here is another really cool feature that Freese is going to enable us to do something really neat and that is let's let's do we want growth we want it to keep on growing but I don't want it to spread out so here's my thought let's turn off growth for a moment and explain it as this shines around these are getting a little bit of power and not growing all the rest of the way but let's say where the light shines that we do want growth to continue to slowly happen and we want it to grow to full length all the way up to the edge now if the light shines on it it can grow it even faster but using the growth mode in here it's got all the same settings that we want except this time let's change our radius to be zero if the radius is down at zero it can't spread to the next point the next point down the line but it will apply to itself and it can keep on applying an additional 10% every frame which means as soon as this light has cast a little bit of light on something it can keep on growing now do you want it to do that effect maybe not in all circumstances but the ability to do this I think is really neat and really powerful and that's why I want to start with the concept being a shining light because we can separate out these ideas and conceptually it makes more sense with a light so with a radius of zero let's check out what our effect ends up being as this light shines through we can see that this keeps on growing and it's growing all the way to the edge but then stops so that that's very cool that's very powerful it's a good way of I don't know it's just it's it's just a neat way of keeping this alive now all of these have become separate variables we can apply a lot less strength to the initial growth we can grab this freeze and say okay this is growing but let's have it girl a lot slower so jump that to one percent and these will keep on growing but very slowly they will not spread out beyond where the light has shined but it even if the light shine a tiny little bit it will still start growing but as slowly as we set this variable I think splitting the difference might be nice up to five percent so yeah it's kind of neat where the light can trigger growth or the light could be the sole thing that's adding to the overall growth so I kind of like both ideas now with the light shining and creating this motion where we want to want a different seat and we're seeing the same growth over and over again just change the random seed in our vibrate tag and now we're gonna see it sweep around and do some different paths you never know where you're gonna get there but that's working nicely now when the light is shining there it's growing pretty quickly which you know I think that this is a good speed but keep in mind at any point you click on your cone go to remapping you could crank the strength up all the way and now immediately is like full strength it's just pretty much pops right in but you could also lower it more drop this down to 1% and it's just barely gonna start these growing and the fries of course will keep them growing as well but keep in mind that combination now as I said I like 10% I think it's a nice kind of happy medium there of course these points are just sort of snapping into their final position as the light shines on it let's take a look as this sits there it's shooting up and stopping their growth we could add a little bit more motion on top of that if we want to and I actually like doing that inside of the plane let's call the plane our growth and inside of there we're inverting the effect but now we can layer things on top of it for instance after it inverts I can add a delay set delay to smooth which it already is it's already at 50% and as those plants were growing pretty quickly now when this grows quickly you're still gonna see it's gonna smooth it out a little and gonna ease out of the growth I think that's pretty neat we don't need too much of that we can lower that amount down so maybe 25% let's take a look does a really good job of showing it right here in the center point those grow and just smooth that a little bit so we don't hit that hard wall where they they terminate themselves and now and I both rename this delay a smooth because now we're gonna create a second delay and this one let's rename spring now keep in mind this spring is calculating after the smooth so it it's only going to count it's gonna look at the smooth value which means a lot of spring this might not be that strong so change the mode to spring and let's take a look at that again these will grow and hopefully we'll see we get some overshoot and then you see they're growing and we get a little wiggle down the reason it's wiggling downward and stopping is we are currently clamping our values but the spring wants to be able to shoot above a hundred percent so all we have to do to make that work is turn off clamp rewind take a look at these points here now you see they overshoot a little bit and then settle in that could depending on what you're doing I mean keep in mind we're growing plants here so it doesn't make sense to do that but in a mograph sort of way that's always a nice effect to layer up and if this was something more mograph eor stylized or pillars growing up or spheres appearing then that kind of wiggle can really add a lot of secondary motion and of course we don't need that much I can pull this back to a lesser amount and maybe it'll just feel like there's a little extra something in there and it won't call too much attention too much attention to itself so yeah we've got all of those different effects layered up and keep in mind I mean this should just be a like a fun toolbox of all these different things you can apply and make everything just do whatever you want it to do where this is randomly rotating around and creating growth of these plants there are so many different effects that you could layer up and make this do so many different things so let's tinker around with a couple other ones I'm gonna save this this will be one see a couple different cool details and worth are out there first of all these are growing really nicely but we can always go back to our vertex map and the fries currently doesn't have any kind of radius so it does terminate on the edge if you want to at any point we can increase this radius to five or ten if we want it to jump two units I'm gonna jump yeah let's go to ten and now this will slowly spread out as well and I can just keep it alive and just just a little bit more emotion happening on the edge you have that option of course you can make a lot stronger each time this 211 and that's gonna start spreading out very quickly of course based on where we we originally grew but eventually it will cover everything stylistically just keep in mind that that is an option I don't want that to do that right now then this is currently growing all of those plants but look at how easy it is if we select our plane growth let's turn off that invert that we've been using I'm gonna deselect the vortex map tag so we can see it if I turn off the invert we're not inverting the original vertex map anymore but all the same effects are applied which means everything is fully grown at the beginning so if I hit play this actually becomes something that's racing out the effect and it will partially you know shrink some of these plants away but they'll continue to shrink down until they're fully grown or fully erased so we can do the opposite effect just by turning off one thing one checkbox and we can get the perfect inverse of the effect and that just looks really really neat and of course this could be growing and spreading out to the erasing of the objects very very powerful now that's why I want to use this cone idea for this light so we can be shining a light in various places but it doesn't need to be limited to that that's just a foundation for us to start out with so now in our I'm gonna turn off the light and the cone even make them invisible because we don't need to see them something I think could be cool here is let's treat this more like a lawnmower so inside of the vertex map were feeding in this cone field but instead of a cone field let's feed in a brand new box field and it could have any amount of fall-off that we want t4 scales shrink that way now every wine is zero so we should see something more accurate I'm not sure how big our lawnmower is or what our overall scale is doesn't matter from my purposes but make sure you give this whatever fall-off you want it to have got the inner box I think it's just not cooperating so I'm gonna grab the inner offset and we can crank this up to zero and 100% strength or you can give a nice big long transition but let's just say this is a lawnmower that's going to be going around its shopping the lawn it might be a better idea to make this a sphere but I'm gonna leave it's a box and I'm not gonna overthink this let's make it a little extra tall and just create some key frames but keep in mind you could you know create a spline making an entire lawnmower have it go traveling around in this case I shall just go to our top view middle mouse button so you can go to your four views go to the top one and I'm just gonna pick a couple of places to keyframe this I wanted to only keyframe positions I can turn off all these other parameters only record on position and actually some of this needs if you turn on this Auto keyframe and I'm gonna hit record right now it should hopefully record the position only of this box and I can go and start jumping to new times and just move this and because I have Auto keyframe on when it detects a change in this moving around it will automatically create a new keyframe so I can keep on jumping to new positions let's go a little bit actually I shouldn't have gone that far so let me go back to the previous one and I'll just scoot to this corner right there and go 50 later and I'm just gonna let this exact little bit I'll travel up here and jump a little bit more we're just doing this randomly somebody's doing a terrible job of mowing the lawn they'll go to this point and then go diagonally up to that point and we'll do one last one here where they go up to here so we'll just see what that ends up doing all those keyframes have been applied make sure you turn off your auto keyframing luckily it does a nice big red outline so you don't accidentally forget that's gonna look that's not gonna look right in the beginning and let's make sure that this cube yeah the cube is underneath the freeze then like I said to normal it doesn't really matter but let's keep that organised so rewind to zero and I should reset quite nicely and we've already turned off the invert so this should be erasing things out as we go so this can go around and be chopping away all these plants this grass as it goes just shrinking them down of course maybe we don't want them to go all the way down to zero we could limit how much the overall effect is getting applied the simplest way in this case would be going to our plant growth and this is just getting applied to our cloner at full strength but we could drop this down to 50% and now when it gets applied full we go no no it's not full it goes to 50% now keep in mind this isn't really chopping the plants it's scaling them down to zero but you can see how this can start getting applied in additional ways that are pretty cool I really think there's a lot of potential for this to get applied to lots of different things and we can even turn both on now we should get the lawnmower and the light actually let's make sure then here yeah we have to turn that on and add them together and now we should have the light shining around and the we're going around and they'll combine so very very nice very fun ways of combining these now give that another save come on say file ABCD now let's make this a little more applicable to the motion graphics world let's say that you want this to be drawing only where there's text or maybe get erased out only where there's text pretty straightforward with no graph of course create a text object hit r for rotate lay it flat on the ground I wouldn't mind having a slightly beefier font here so I'm gonna start out by scooting in the air moving in the correct position it actually doesn't have to be perfectly aligned with the ground we just want to be flat let's find I know that we can get some nice future here that always look nice so I'll grab a future bold nice and blocky that should fill that in quite nicely and inside the vertex map actually I'll turn off the plants just temporarily so we can see this if we drop in the text in the very top I want to see what it's doing you see it's gonna look super crazy but clicking on the text I can say I want the spline shape to be treated as a mask and it's currently along Z and it's it's local Z so that actually it's a proper one is projecting up and down because it is on Z so you see that becomes a mask projected straight down into it and we can do whatever we want with this mask also you can change your distance so I can increase and fade out if I want to and you can even sharing that to inside and we could fade it out into the interior also if we want to in this case I'm just gonna leave a full-power a zero on distance so this should apply onto everything has some sort of multiply or mask in this case I could just say let's multiply everything by it and only where everything lives is that going to exist so I'm not sure if the end result of this will be able to play and as this as the light shines through those become valid areas and of course the lawnmower can go through and erase how certain areas that is becoming the acceptable spots in addition we could click on our freeze in this case I'm going to click on the freeze and let's add some of that growth back in so give it a radius of 10 and anywhere this touches you see it's gonna start spreading out because I want to make sure all the text eventually gets hits so now we can let those start doing their growth as the light or the lawnmower is going to bounce into them and the growth should take over the rest even if it's very slowly so now turning back on the plants deselect everything we can now see that this will and I'll even hide the text for a moment we can see that this will erase out those as they are struck and you erase them out and of course you know we can click on the actually click on the plane growth and in fall-off turn on the invert and now they will only grow in these locations slowly spreading out if we want to or anywhere only they intersect via the lawn or or that window of course we could invite window I met the light we can feed anything in this vertex map of course we can mask it out with any text that we want we could make a linear field that just transitions from one corner to another corner we have just complete control over exactly how this spreads out but the very basics of this freeze allowing edges to slowly fade up is really cool and powerful and that is a part I want it to focus on there so with that wraps up we will save it one more time ok that is the meat of this tutorial about a couple extra details I'd like to do to start out with I'd like to add a little more life to this plant scene that we have to start out with let's get rid of this mask I don't want limited to the text and then let's reinvent our plant growth no more invert so we see lots of plants everywhere and they slowly get erased so now we just see more going on I'd like there to be a wind effect on all these plants blowing around there's a lot of different ways about to go about doing that type of thing we're gonna do the simplest possible method and that is selecting our cloner plant creating a random effector it's gonna push everything all over the place but I just want this to do a bunch of rotation I'm not sure which angles I want so let's try and lay this down and that seems good it's gonna lay it down outside and we'll see which one spins it I don't want to spin and it seems like this top one yeah so it's a CH that spins it so these other two I want them to be able to lie down like 90 degrees but you see when I say lie down 90 degrees going all over the place there's a couple reasons for that first of all let's make sure that it's not randomly applying this everywhere I want to be noise based now by using a random effector directly and not a random field we don't really get a bunch of those cool noise options that we usually do but in this case it's pretty simple so cranking our noise scale to 1000 we're gonna get a larger overall effects and there's already some animation speed fit at play we're gonna see hopefully a lot of motion here the speed is probably a little fast so I'm gonna drop it to 25% and now you can see everything's a little bit alive everything is moving around very randomly but it's very random and we just made a very very large noise so why is it so random well it's all about the order of operations to begin with I'm gonna rename this random random wind so we can see it very clearly and inside of that cloner we can take a look at the effectors tab and see the order of operations so what's happening first is they're randomly being scaled and rotated and then they're growing and then they're deciding how they should tilt over so if we want these to tilt in a slightly more uniform matter as if there's like a big gust of wind then they should all sort of blow together we just have to calculate before they got randomly rotated so I'll just get this up to be the first one to calculate and immediately everything changes a little bit deselect it all and let's take a look at the beginning and now you can see that we get a more uniform movement of these plants drifting one direction and then the other and the noise scale is going to be what determines how big that is we have our animation speed I'll double this just so we can see it a little bit more blatantly we can see this drifting one way and the other way so we have the speed the scale the smaller you make this then the more individual they'll start looking and that I mean actually is pretty cool this was like a very kind of windy day but a little bit more you know jump it to 500 and now we get more uniformity and you go huge jump to 5,000 and this whole field will probably be doing a very similar thing at any given time it's not unusual for me to do a very large one so everything is kind of doing something together and I like that and then let's create a second wind copy-paste it sure inside of the plants we can apply that one as well and the second one I'll rename this wind small and the smaller one drop that down to a very nice 200 and now we should get a bigger overall feeling of motion and then a small one layering up on top and you see how nicely all of these are moving together so once again just something cool a little extra detail bringing a little bit of life to this so give that a quick save now I've been mentioning this more and more lately in these videos but it's very important that when you're following a tutorial to make it your own somehow employers are going to know the source material they're going to see the same thing again and again if this is in your demo reel then employers or your peers are going to recognize the source so the more you can make it your own the more different it can be the better and this these techniques should be applicable in lots of different places just as a super basic one we can grab all the plants that we've been feeding in here and delete them entirely of course the simple thing we can feed different plants in I think I grabbed the clover leaves the clover flower the dandelion plants drag these all in and let's swap those in instead so I call those drag them into our cloner now obviously that's just swapping out different plants but instantly at least that's different and if I rewind everything should continue to work even with all this geometry it just looks really nice and these will get grown or erase outspending if we invert it or not so that's kind of neat but we can swap any geometry we in we want in anywhere but the way it grows what it's applied to there are so many different possibilities and to continue that idea I have a different scene file I just wanted to pop open and show quickly is instead of applying this to plants all I did was take the exact same concept and in this cloner actually we're playing with the idea of dust but instead I went to the content browser and found that there's a bunch of knives so I dropped the knives in here and the only difference is instead of them growing up I'm having them animate on why so they're traveling downward as they grow so as this light shines around we should hopefully see when the light catches a particular spot it's gonna have knives come shooting in and sticking around and eventually that's going to be filling in some text and has all those same abilities to grow and spread and shine a light in the spot and that was the eyes flying in it's the same concept I've barely changed anything about it but this would be completely unrecognizable to a bunch of plants growing from a tutorial and now we've got knives flying in and filling in the ground it's really cool being out play with with these resources and it comes to tutorials I like everybody having access to as much as possible so this being in the content browser is very helpful so check out the other models in there it's really fun make it your own come up with crazy ideas we got a bunch of knives up here in the sky because they slowly fly in there the hell are there just hanging out up here on why Cooper could probably optimize that somehow but I think it's pretty fun I just like seeing these knives flying think of all different angles we could render this from you can do a couple shots I mean well four is all you look at the movement ground that's kind of crazy but we could be looking up and just seeing all these knives come flying in oh okay we're dead and then I don't know it's just it's just a lot of fun every shot that we could render from here pull them in from different angles it's just uh it's just it's just great I love all the possibilities as always I really enjoy putting that together I think there's a lot of fun techniques I've been thinking about this one for a little while and ways it will be applicable and I think there's a lot of potential as always in this so make it your own make it fun if you liked this a like would be appreciated of course and if you really liked it if this was something cool helpful you learn something if it was useful for a client I have a patreon set up in addition to supporting me and the kind of work I'm trying to get out there you also get access to the scene files and you get access to bonus live streams I'm currently doing bonus live streams on Tuesdays and Thursdays and sometimes even Monday so way too much live streaming of course there is the main live stream on Wednesdays rocket lasso live where I answer questions from the YouTube and twitch audience and I have no idea what's coming we just try and figure it out together and sometimes the cool ideas from that end up as these big full tutorials so that's really it's really fun it's really great way of getting sources from all over the place that I wouldn't even necessarily think about so thank you so much for watching I'll see you next live stream or the next tutorial oh and make sure you ask me if you create anything cool based on any of these tutorials so just at at rocket lasso on all the different things make sure you leave a comment if you have any suggestions or ideas anything I could have done better or anything you might have liked that should wrap this up thanks everybody and see you next time bye bye [Music] [Music] I lost it right there at the end uh so going up to there
Channel: RocketLasso
Views: 27,971
Rating: 4.9936104 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket Lasso Live, Chris Schmidt, Cinema 4D tutorial, cinema 4d motion graphics, cinema 4d motion graphics tutorial beginner, cinema 4d questions, c4d s22, cinema 4d s22, cinema 4d advanced tutorials, plants grow, cinema 4d plant grow, cinema 4d plant growth, cinema 4d grass field, cinema 4d fields vertex map, cinema 4d fields growth, cinema 4d growing plant
Id: 3pp0eE96nxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 7sec (2347 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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