Controlled speedline / slideline | Arborist rigging systems

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hi and welcome to climbing arborist calm in this video we're going to be removing the cedars tree behind me we're going to be setting it up with a controlled speed line because of the house we're going to be removing the branches across the top of the house into the rear garden so we're going to do a really nice organized controlled set up using the DMM rigging hub really good for kind of textiles nice rounded edges you got all these various holes for attaching the pulleys the pull line then I'm going to use the DMM a small impact block this thing's an awesome little block it's got really nice rounded edges so it's really friendly on the ropes and stuff can take 40 KN on the working load limit so more than enough for what we need bringing these small branches while matters ascending into the tree down is on the ground organizing the components for the rigging system once Matt reaches a high point in the tree which he feels is suitable to set up the rigging system he can then call down to down to send up the rigging equipment so the first thing that Matt is going to do is to tie on his DMM rigging block and he'll do this using the cow hitch the reason is using the cow hitch is to get the block nice and snug up against the main trunk Matt will then call down to down on the ground to get him to tie on a rigging line which is going to use as the speed line that will take the speed line and tie it just above the rigging block using a running bowline on the ground George will select a suitable anchor for the other end of the speed line and then he will start to set up a three to one mechanical advantage position setting up this system will make it a lot easier for George when he needs the tension of the speed line George will use a hitch as progress capture in this system he will also use a pro so to attach the second pulley mid line which means he can then slide this up and down to the right position that you need next Matt will take another rope and tie it on the opposite side and just above the speed line and this will be used as a Buckeye tension at the back tie George this will be tensioned prior to any rigging its purpose is to counteract the tension put on by the speed line and it will prevent any excessive bending in the main trunk finally Matt touches the pulleys to the rigging hub which is also attached to the control line or the speed line now that matt has this slide line of rigging system all set up he then starts descending down the tree he'll take the rigging system in a straighter route as possible so that when tensioned it can easily be pulled out of the canopy of the tree Matt will use web innocence to attach the branches to the rigging hub which will make for quick and easy rigging before the branch is rigged off the ground boom will lock off the rigging line onto the portal wrap once must taken off this first branch George then starts to tension up the speed line George you'll tension it up until he's happy that it will tear any obstacles once a system is fully tensioned down we'll start lowering the branches along the slide line using the porter wraps once on the ground the sling is taken off connected back on to the rigging hub and the process is repeated to increase efficiency in slide line operations you can see here that matter has attached three branches for the DMM rigging from here you can see the slide line as it starts to be tension from the ground as it's being pulled up through and out of the crown of the tree and again here you can see as the groundsman takes hold of the rigging line and starts to lower the branches along the slide line in a nice controlled fashion Matt has connected another three branches to the DMM hub this time and he will continue to do this until all the branches have been stripped from the tree keep it going George Candide yeah Dan Scott I'm okay with it there you go here's Matt as he attaches some of the last few branches as he nears the top of the tree okay we've got two rigged up thanks very much for watching this video on controlled slide line rigging setups and I hope it has been somewhat helpful you
Channel: Climbing Arborist
Views: 415,451
Rating: 4.8848772 out of 5
Keywords: Arborist, rigging, tree removal, speedline, slideline, DMM, tree surgeon, single rope technique, rope wrench, karabiner
Id: By2HQqxKZJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2015
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