Continuing our Journey with *The Amazing Spider-Man*

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what's good you guys welcome back to our Channel I'm shashana events and today we are checking out the Amazing Spider-Man I was just asking Vince because I know it's a new character new active new actor I mean right so I'm kind of confused about like storyline and everything but I'm just gonna yes like I said uh yeah really it's basically from what I'm getting at I believe it's the same storyline I don't know if they'll have the Green Goblin in this one but just a new cast the character for Spider-Man yeah The Amazing Spider-Man there you go oh this kid is so cute oh oh you guys thought about that we never sold his parents or is this his parents or maybe this uh Uncle Ben knows that wouldn't make sense it looks like his parents because he a kid right now oh yeah yeah look this sets Uncle Ben and made sent me I'm gonna go with you oh man you're not gonna make me cry at four in the morning be good damn they leaving like that the hell going on damn all grown up [Music] Desmond dolls hack sorry can you see pictures of my boyfriend's car oh my gosh that's um either Emma Roberts or Emma Stone put him down Eugene very disappointed in you not flash how about we go to class damn yo make it made sense how his name Flash from Eugene where you get that at oh probably because he's fast I gotta see that show me I gotta see it there what's your name you don't know my name is she supposed to be a new Mary Jane Parker Peter Parker okay yeah remember the blonde girl that he kissed did the Spider-Man kiss is Mary Jane not his supposed to be his girl though his real girl Ben Parker you know I used to have a bunch of trophies like that for football oh that's right that's so funny come on I know it right cross when I see one yeah does that mean that they were there at some point he asked us to keep it safe for him and guess who sold it to him oh God work with you Dan I guess oh oscore glasses life ain't it at the department wow that is so cool that really is that is oh boy and he's thinking just like his father I love it zero zero Decay rate algorithm Kurt Connors ah she's pretty that boy got a zoomed in photo you're a pretty great dad all right hmm dang so I'm already wondering now is this is this Uncle Ben gonna bite the dust like the one in the other one I wonder this could be like some Multiverse where like he's a different Spider-Man and they're like not even connected at all like this is like this Uncle Ben survives or something like that yeah I'm trying not to compare but I have no idea because there's so many differences yeah but similarities at the same time in turn yeah wow they're like Stark oh like Star Tower what you are here for the internship yeah I got it so I'll be with you for the duration of your visit no freaking way oh [Music] tell you what happens if you forget that shall we look oh thank you he really did hold on but already I'm already thrown off where is Harry oh yeah this is best friend in the other one welcome my name is Dr Curtis Connors cross pieces genetics too late um oh second so because she's first oh spider yep what are you doing Rodrigo I was gonna say I worked here but it seems like you in fact you're working do not get me into it she's such a nonsense like I love her acting style yeah it is too though he's yeah they're very just like casual and I love that oh yep it's got the the data rationale whatever that [Music] ain't nobody questioning nothing oh my goodness is he gonna remember the pattern that'll be so G swipe up yep first of all that was a weak ass password yeah what it's been a random stranger wouldn't know it [Music] um what the hell oh yeah there's spiders you know I in fact would not be in that room oh my God oh my God oh my God sir on oh my god he has them in his hair I would have been running for my life yo I hate spiders he doesn't have time no my husband is dying Dr Connors we both lose our head um you know I think I got bit by a spider ones too and I feel like it's just it feels like a little pinch but I think I found out that spiders aren't even like uh venomous is portrayed like they're not that venomous at all who the f does this show New York City no way he said are you kidding [Music] broke something I know I'm sorry Peter [Laughter] Peter they just made on drugs exactly beats all other meat loafers nobody likes your meatloaf no you have to say that you could have said that to me 37 years ago right I'll let I'll let you know when I don't like it I generally like all her food though she be cooking oh [Music] why does this Scottish kid that is disgusting I did not expect to actually get a spider's still on yeah that whole time [Music] oh [Music] he's like what is wrong with me oh god oh damn you sure they're not as good Mississippi no I I literally heard I mean look man you can't believe everything here but ah you that is actually hilarious y'all let me know am I tripping is that not like a thing that spiders aren't as venomous as like people make the money to be like every bite is not death it's you know especially from the normal spine I feel like I thought the black uh Black Widow what I was hearing was they was basically saying like there's dead ass only like maybe a couple people in the world maybe kill you like dead ass kill you obviously if you don't get treatment you know oh Dr Connors they're not like your friends you don't remember me I uh get the intern from the other day I'm Richard Parker's son angry you know the kind of remind me of though and for that I'm truly sorry it reminds me of uh Ant-Man remember he took his all the information about how to do it and left what do you leave but he was he hit it it's hard to say considering no subject survived [Music] is he into a whole equation don't tell me solve that right is he solving it extraordinary that's so funny do you feel about coming to see me at the tower one day after school do you think he saw that in the notes that he had um found in his uh father's brief I believe so because we saw the what's it called the symbols what and that equation and then he can regenerate his arm rejected better watch your back what the hell why you grabbed me like that why did you take it from me oh [Music] nice [Music] oh [Music] that's disrespectful all right everybody turn into the bully again I bring It come on Parker come on uh yeah but so all this is about getting even I had to change shifts at work so you have to pick up Aunt May tonight she's the girl in your computer oh forget at night that is so funny man you don't have me on your computer do yourself it literally makes it worse do something else or we could we could yeah [Music] but I do feel like that was like such a high school type of interaction though is that how it is no no rizz [Music] oh God he ain't got it he's getting a handle on this like way better than other dudes uh he's killing this from the beginning like he's like he understood his powers like he's having fun with it I've seen that before the knowledge advice theoretically you could cure polio in an afternoon they can regenerate entire limbs at will right transfer it into our hosted subject Freddie always using a mouse you need to take that sometimes I forget the the time that these were made phones [Music] oh wow they can test it like this that's right it's so dope if they test me he got it right human generation successful human trials up until next week damn [Music] God you owe your aunt an apology big time oh no look I'm sorry Uncle Ben I I got distracted oh you got distracted responsibility it's all well and good so where is he Peter come back here please okay how strong he is honestly oh no oh no you know this already making me think of trying to chase him and find him it's 207 but daddy didn't give you enough milk money today it's two cents Hey kid little help not my policy oh [ __ ] [Music] oh [ __ ] oh no no oh God [ __ ] [ __ ] someone call it ambulance I need you to take a look it's so bizarre just how so quick [ __ ] can just happen he has a star tattooed on his left hand I know things have been difficult lately his dad died now his uncle hey come on man I don't just want to talk [Music] oh me too ah damn [Music] it's always the sickest climb up he has a star tattoo noise update it wasn't all here I didn't realize he did just walk around [Music] that's creepy angle out oh my God look at this [Music] wait he's creating his own the web it's the web right hold on did the other guy have it come out of his his arm yeah look right here he would just do like this so I guess he needs the little gloves first off this View I bet free-falling like hot he Free Fall It's gotta be the funnest because he know he can just save himself attention all units oh my God so is it his feet that sticky is it everything is sticky but everything that's kind of crazy I thought it was just his hands and his toes no it's not him well no he was a mask harass me please get me out of here somebody arrested oh my God he looks so insane up there's flying around webbing frequency but it's totally a factory momentum oh oh that's so cool so he homemade is soon I love it what's the name did too though right nice it looks different though it does it looks a lot more modern eggs organic got it oh that's definitely him in it that's definitely him you know in the future [Music] stop get off man oh my God a mask oh this could have gotten a lot worse so it's not him free oh [ __ ] he almost shot the dude [Music] this one's definitely more like light-hearted you know this is more of a comedy element versus one guy in a unit turret hmm what'd you get the eggs you [ __ ] up take off the blood and look at me [Music] okay she could say he started boxing please go to sleep I can't sleep oh stand up you have to start human trials oh what as far as anyone's concerned it's for a winter flu shot it's a flu I have nothing to do with that is that what you told his son Peter oh Richard Parker said just about the same thing then that you are saying now oh your toys could be taken away too right Freddy my mom's making frenzy now what oh it's apartment it's right 2016. all right he's got some plans for tonight oh his hands oh no fire escape how no it's impressive they actually held together very well so the thought that counts right that's um her dad is a police oh [ __ ] I don't even repeat that the head police I feel like branzino who doesn't oh oh you're kidding [Music] so it is working you see that I'm afraid not doctor he dead ass was going to a Veterans Hospital dude I was just kidding it's not working okay you want me to take the turtle of the bridge are you tweaking oh what is brazino I have no idea I have no idea for some oh that's cute about your day oh yeah Dad did you catch that Spider Guy yet assaulting civilians in the dead of night I'm not sure I mean I saw that video she said oh [ __ ] yeah he'd already be off the street so why wasn't he then tidy one here I saw a video on the internet saying if you watch the video maybe send you a link oh my gosh but it looks like he's trying to do something maybe the police can't something the police can't up your what Dad like he's got some sort of personal Vendetta well let's get some air Peter oh she is going to kill him real good Mr Stacy thank you he's like a little bit of kids like we like pizza I've been bitten oh it's about the Vigilante and the car thief all right oh it's hard to say yes there's no way he's just gonna tell her like that [Music] [Laughter] shut up I like that she knows [Music] [Laughter] [Music] she just straight up knows already that's wild yeah I love that why drag it out excellent thank you he dead ass on that bridge [Music] you know what I think about that I don't know if that would be my first initial thought to open a window to get out of the car what did you see what he turned into yeah he looked like a [ __ ] huge ass damn lizard stop it that's what happened I love how I said it looks like it's working get out of here oh my gosh nice oh my gosh tell me my kid is drunk just normal guy Isaac like that yeah I agree yes let's get you out of here now yes you can oh come on Jack okay now climb come on Jack oh my gosh [Music] oh that's epic wow how awesome I feel like he needed this in a lot of ways because I think he kind of was like questioning like is he really helping right you know what I mean yeah and I think this was his moment of like yeah I am yeah yeah like I did ask him helping people like that was me saving people's lives like something the police could not do but in that moment yeah I remember what his uncle said like you have responsibility now to help people out oh my gosh I am issuing an arrest warrant for the mass vigilante it's kind of interesting though they treating him like Batman yes so beautiful knows how to bite though unbelievable the police are saying to you oh lucky for games that's right dead ass no he is Spiderman you're an amazing kisser oh my God [Music] oh I wonder if you're gonna put two and two together right once he sees it I gave everyone the week off is his arm bag shouldn't you be at school yeah but look at his neck how would a predator track a reptile yeah look there's a rumor of a new species in New York what do you know about it you seen it right yeah wonderful things you know who it is Dr Curtis Connors he has transformed himself into a giant lizard he feared that out right away do I look like the mayor of Tokyo okay he doesn't say that you're gonna go back to hanging out with the citizens of Tokyo let me get this straight why would you not take this at least slightly serious when you investigated literally all these rumors about a damn dinosaur being on the hunt right please listen to me let's go [Music] that looks like Florida every other second is another lizard doing push-ups yeah the thing about it is though if you damage his little web thing his machine or whatever he can't shoot webs anymore true that's so pretty [Music] the hell what in the world [Music] oh [ __ ] oh oh my gosh oh [ __ ] Peter Parker hey Gwen honey do you want uh fattening chocolate house oh damn holy cow wait a minute this is my responsibility yep shout out to Uncle Ben no yes if you were Spider-man first thing I'd ask you is for a ride to go swinging yeah [Music] imagine we could do that all night that would be so fun because it hugs Humanity on an evolution oh wow yep it's like the Green Goblin so I wonder how long it lasts that he can stay in that state all right he has to go back to the school what what [Music] I like how he never even thought about it for a second he just went straight to action you know what I mean it wasn't even oh my my got my mask on nothing like let's get to it you knew those science false are thick little [ __ ] way that's actually awesome hey oh right because he can crawl too all right so you don't want to talk there you go oh my gosh but it regenerates he's like a mummy dinosaur I'm gonna throw you out the window now somebody's been a bad lizard Stanley [Music] that is so funny I feel like he's about to jump scare The Living Daylights out of us cameras at the school because I would have caught everything it's a blue serum file one two three one two three eight nine I think he's still in that state or he done transform back I can keep transformed back he ain't got no more either wow I sought to create a stronger human being this is my gift to you although he's gonna do the kitchen thing oh but that's an Oscar he just said Gwen I want that Spider-Man off the screen oh he's got to catching that's gonna be bad news shout out to the makeup artist that is so realistic I don't know if this is makeup though it could be um CGI or some sort [Applause] that's a good question though let us know what this is because I I don't think it's CGI though it looks really good whatever it is they doing wait is he able to just he did take a lot of [ __ ] bullets though is he gonna regenerate oh Lord oh no gosh that wig too oh my gosh hey hey where are you look so funny just sitting down there just calling on the phone you're gonna wait there for eight minutes after what I just told you let's see a real one that's why I'm gonna get everybody out Gwen you Mother Hubbard Hubbard one two three eight nine come on [Music] heading south and down now where we will open fire you aren't surrounded oh gosh [Music] can we not do this right now he's trying to save everyone we should be more worried about the one that's doing a whole goddamn pathogenous oh no so they're gonna have to find that lead Spider-Man is you think they gonna find out oh he gonna get up here he's gonna take the mask off yep so they don't see freeze Parker you gotta let me go wow [Music] this is this is pretty wild one minute oh gosh yeah ain't no way he gonna smell her I know she gonna regret wearing whatever perfume oh yeah whatever perfume she put on today antidote complete damn we Forest Hill away the cops were evacuating everybody who the hell cares get him on the phone for me damn points high and lined up oh oh look at that oh they're like this way [Music] yay [Music] wow [Music] oh look at that oh come on go quick your boyfriend is a man many men give me this get in the car this is a bizarre day oh [Music] so strong [Music] oh [Music] we were just talking about that literally oh oh Pizza he's not alone oh my gosh oh yes from Gwen go [Music] a nation in T-minus ten come on Peter come on foreign [Music] [Music] people closest to you leave Quinn out of it promise me that that's so sad [Music] wow and Eerie calm I said in over New York City oh Dr Curtis Connors is behind bars dang I wonder if she know I was just thinking oh sweetheart I have a feeling she does oh the funeral so he really did carry out his promise and he just cut off cold turkey everyone was there but you I can't see you anymore oh that's so hard he made he promised didn't he um that'd be safe what a pretty girl did you ask her out if there's one thing you are it's good no man we always rather die so yeah that's a fact and if anyone's destined for greatness it's you son wow you're my hero wow that's cool shirt Mr Parker don't make promises you can't keep Mr Parker oh my gosh yeah but those are the best kind [Laughter] [Music] I love that life oh that is so fun I'm gonna go to step at one store right I think he's gonna go to her bedroom window and win her back [Music] oh yeah [Music] you're not expecting credits but I'm not here I'm here for it I love anchors in jail oh yeah yeah Corner did you tell the boy the truth about his father you should leave him alone that's him fighting with himself again nah that look like yeah cause when he spoke we saw little lizard skin The Amazing Spider-Man wow what an ending first off let's just talk about that first yeah I absolutely love that ending I thought they wrapped that mother up so good yeah at the end there um wow I mean the way like we was just talking about how they brought together just the the whole end thing with the promise yeah that was that was awesome line that was so beautiful and also another thing I thought that this movie did well was with the underlining message of responsibility yes I think yes They Carried that mantle like that throughout the movie where it felt like everything had to do with response disability right and the way that holds and all of that right and and and taking care of your responsibility and and helping others yeah and it all just unfolded amongst his life you're like right like Uncle Ben doesn't die if he helps the cashier right there and actually stops him right but then he learns his lesson within he goes on to help and then he it's but like I said it all plays out it was beautifully done and I will say that I actually liked him I thought his acting in this was phenomenal I thought Gwen's acting in them two together they they I thought that they did amazing hats off to them for that um as for just the Spider-Man The Amazing Spider-Man as a whole the movie I thought that it was lackluster I agree underwhelming underwhelming I thought that the storyline wasn't just it wasn't strong enough for me I agree I thought the storyline wasn't as strong but like I said there was definitely some really dope elements to it he was a great actor she was a great actor I thought they had really good messages with the responsibility and the end thing that they had that they brought it all back with the prom well they're just with her father getting killed in the promise I thought they did that exceptionally well I thought they did a great job so yes I agree with that company I didn't made them most she was one of my favorite characters in the other one uh you know not to compare but like you said I thought that acting was great I just felt like it wasn't a strong rendition of the first Spider-Man it was kind of like now I know you guys are all gonna go crazy in the comments but like what was the purpose of this well I mean what do you mean like other than him coming Spider-Man and what about the purpose of redoing a Spider-Man movie with rhyme it it wasn't enough of an amazing storyline to be like exactly to reboot it yeah so yeah yeah you guys gotta let us kind of know in the comments like why did they reboot it um and what was your initial thoughts or even re-washing with us re-watching it with us what was your thoughts now like how do you feel do you feel like they should have did a reboot do you feel like they like this was worth it and they should have done a reboot just let us know I'm all yeah I love the you know the conversations that come up yeah I love the discussion you know Everyone's entitled to their own opinions they're on everything so I think it's kind of cool when you see all everyone's different opinions so two things I did like better about this one is firstly that they revealed Spider-Man right away right they didn't like that it's like what's the point of dragging it out and drag and get it right because he's a he's going to tell somebody like yeah I mean let's keep it real like who's not telling somebody I got that to me is realistic so yeah yeah I like that and I very much so preferred Gwen's character and chemistry over MJ no question I don't even think anybody's gonna do what I feel like they kind of left her out of the storyline for a reason oh Mary Jane yeah because yeah also is there some correlation to maybe this being like a Multiverse like where it's just another Universe where this is just another Spider-Man that gets with Gwen but we never even meet a Mary Jane in this one so it's like I hope not because I really do not care for her character in any well they could bring somebody on here that might be cool I don't know maybe oh yeah they could but yeah well yeah but overall cool movie not sure exactly what the purpose the acting was great chemistry was cool but I didn't feel like this storyline was super strong right so let us know in the comments what your guys's opinions are what you guys think yes and also we can't wait to check out The Amazing Spider-Man 2 which is another one yeah there's just one more the last installment of The Amazing Spider-Mans and yeah then we're done so looking forward to that and like comment and subscribe check in the description check out our patreon down below if you do want to see Early Access content so much more y'all head over to our patreon thank you everyone we reached a thousand patreons yes thank you guys so much you guys are the best thank you thank you and we'll catch y'all in the next video peace
Channel: The Perfect Mix
Views: 70,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZmVshAm-d14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 21sec (2481 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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