Continuationism can only lead to an inevitable mess.

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idea ants wretched odd org idea at wretched org I am your casual host I think the air might have kicked back on back to the tie I go Evan s a rather salient poignant timely pertinent that one to question would you recommend listening to a preacher that has admitted to sexually immoral acts as if his teaching is sound I'm sorry not as if is immoral acts if his teaching is sound so somebody's fallen they're disqualified from ministry can you still listen and I think the answer that question is sup to you I think that there are some people who would go can't do it I just I can't it just doesn't then don't do it don't ever override your conscience but if it's like you know it the guy was sound it doesn't mean that he wasn't saved it means he's disqualified from ministry somebody sent in an email asking what was God really using and working through that person when they were preaching now because we know that they stumbled and had a moral failure and the answer to that is there's no reason to think that that wasn't the case now if the personal pasta sizes pasta Tice's then of course they were doing it in the flesh but if his theology is true he is continuing in the faith has repented for his sins then everything that he preached I think that it's still valid teaching and it's up to you if you want to listen to it or not if it makes you stumble don't do it if it don't well then you can Todd I've been attending a non-denominational Church in my area for about seven years now this is going to be yet another hard luck story about a church that is slip slided away when I first began attending and when I became a member I was really happy with a lot of things the church was doing and I was encouraged by the doctrine they thought it was a very solid church but slowly they've been drifting then out of nowhere we hired a new staff member who was introduced this past Sunday and even more out of nowhere the term prophet was used to describe his wife danger it was like a bomb was dropped and this kind of thing has never been a part of my church at all well let's all get used to it shall we because I'm just telling you this is happening a lot the N a R is invading everywhere I uh yeah I think it was Rose she was wandering about drunk in the spirit about taking copies to the Philippines because there's a job somebody Cho has a megachurch and he's an na r guy he's an apostle it's in the Philippines it's everywhere and it ain't good I'm just telling you that here's another heartbreak story from a woman I will leave her nameless also I'm part of an online reformed singles group via social media did not know there was such a thing but good on it I've seen a strong trend of guys that seem to almost celebrate becoming legals so they can smoke cigars drink beers vape etc and within the group I'll often see cigar smoking selfies or caping maybe should be vaping videos or they have a drink in their hands it's predominantly with males but sometimes females why is there such a trend I'm glad you asked because it's been going on for a while this is the neo Reformed circles that is being discreet you're not in a reformed singles group you're in a neo reformed singles group if you're seeing that and typically these are the fellows and they tend to have well quaffed beards who have Christian Liberty that they wish to flaunt yeah they just that and they do and so that the pictures of you know the snifter a brandy or scotch or what you know hey this this is a 35 year old Glenn Levitt said how you say it I'm not sure at any rate they flaunt it that's coming out of the neo reform circles and here's the reason in my opinion their conservative theology has not invaded the rest of their theology they maybe have they liked something about it it seemed kind of cult or counter evangelical mainstream so they jumped on it and that's the problem they jumped on it because it's trendy and everything about their ecclesiology even their sanctification it's just it's it's what's working what what works and because of that their theology not invading the rest of their lives their church looks different and their liberties and their lifestyles look different look if it's hey I'm not saying you have to swear I'm just saying I can what what that is what is going on not everybody who's near reform but a lot of neo reformed guys are that way that is why you were experiencing that Todd wow we've got a theme we joined a solid church years ago that as leaders moving from cessationist views to continuationist what wait wait my prophecies coming true right before your very ears the reason being they joined the church the reason being sometimes the emails get delivered and they're really small you know that like the print and I can't even tell which line is which okay let me just this is looking really pathetic the reason being is that a couple who is deep in the na r has come in and convinced our small country Baptist Church that God is moving in special ways and we need to get on board also John Piper is very admired and his continuationist beliefs have been an influence there's a book called / faith I tried to read it it was I'd prefer waterboarding I'm telling you it was a drubbing talk about small print that one just physically very difficult to read small print but just loaded with statistics trying to build the case for systemic racism it was dreadful Bethlehem Baptist Church is now using that as a Bible study book bye-bye Bethlehem what is it what I you crack open that I'm just looking I'm not trying to persuade you I this is just an observation you crack open the door with continuationist theology and it is inevitable it will get wider and wider and wider the leadership writes this fellow now studying material that quotes Jesus didn't say to his poss apostles read my books and things like we can do the same miracles Jesus did what is that na R and you're susceptible if you are continuationist this is wretched radio you
Channel: Wretched
Views: 15,853
Rating: 4.5445542 out of 5
Keywords: Todd Friel, Wretched TV, Wretched Radio, Evangelism, Gospel
Id: r8vvFpbSM8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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