Content Nuke - ImAllexx

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and everything's just gone back to the beginning again that he was a diagnosed sociopath i feel like i'm just reversed to a year ago sexual harassment to be is over 15 minutes just back at square one [Music] i'm alex is an interesting creator on his platform he's been involved in an impressive amount of controversies but unlike other youtubers every single time he's gotten away relatively unscathed he's actually pretty comparable to pokeman in terms of criticism i'm alex's fan base is absurdly loyal to him and no matter how many controversies he's dragged himself through they will never stop supporting him and if you even think about criticizing him you will be attacked by the fan bases of i'm alex mimulus james and will i've always found cancel culture to be really [ __ ] stupid as people have a tendency to change and grow over time but i'm alex seems to literally be on a [ __ ] speed run to try and ruin as many lives as possible hell he probably recycles through his friends faster than he recycles through his own garbage now diesel patches has recently released his own video on alex but that's kind of why i'm making this video just like with pokemane diesel has reignited the flame to the controversies of alex and i want to douse it in gasoline many commentators in the past have tried to bring down alex but in the end he's pretty much gotten away with everything now before i continue with this video and it's really [ __ ] stupid that i even have to disclaim this but i'm not homophobic in any way i don't care what your sexuality or gender is i have to say this because alex came out as bi and whenever you criticize his actions his fans tend to come out and accuse you of homophobia i can't help but make the connection to pokemane as whenever you criticize her people will call you sexist or an incel if someone does something stupid or douchey they deserve to be called out no matter their race sexuality or gender [Music] i'm alex has an infamous reputation for jumping on false allegation bandwagons even after the person being accused clears their name first we're going to start off with slazzo probably the most popular case back in 2019 i'm alex was good friends with another youtuber named slazzo they even made a horribly aged video together called troom troom pranks where they basically poke fun at trumtroom and joke about how cool sexual harassment is yeah sexual harassment is epic so she puts her finger up his ass well what is the comedy here they obviously the video is deleted now but i still find it funny how absolute [ __ ] the video aged anyway slazzo ended up being accused by his ex-girlfriend shay of being manipulative and abusive at the time everybody seemed to jump immediately on her side she provided some relatively vague out of context screenshots of dms from him and he stayed pretty silent for a while the list of the biggest creators that supported shae were dolan dark weist kyogen king ani blues dank and well you guessed it i'm alex of course with cancel culture it's usually a guilty until proven innocent scenario especially when it comes to allegations and slazzo silence did not help because the internet worked very hard on damaging his reputation one of the most vocal people about this whole situation was if you haven't guessed already i'm alex he immediately threw his friend slazzo right into the garbage can and decided to go along with the very vague out of context screenshots you'd think that if your friend was being accused of something you would look at both sides before immediately jumping to a conclusion but not alex apparently because money fame and reputation is more important than your good friend's career little did he know slazzo was working very hard behind the scenes preparing one of the biggest uno reverse cards in youtube history on june 7th 2019 zlazo released a video called my side where he basically does an incredible job at proving himself innocent he brought way more receipts and screenshots than his accuser did and he debunked pretty much everything that he was being accused of now you might be thinking that at this point i'm alex would say oh [ __ ] i was completely wrong wasn't i i better go patch things up and apologize to slazzo in the community well that was not the case at all alex in an attempt to save his reputation put the blame on others basically saying that they made him accuse slazzo he then released a very fake apology while still blaming others and then got away with it um i don't believe he's innocent i i don't think he's innocent at all uh che may know also be innocent and i may have hid stuff and and use jokes to try and maybe push a certain agenda now you might be thinking okay that sounds awful but that's only one false allegation why do you say he's addicted well buckle yourself in because we also have zaptai tommy c james charles and perez hilton and if you haven't guessed already all of the allegations made towards these fellas have all been proven false now keep in mind i'm not saying that all of these guys are problem free what i am saying is that the allegations made against all of these people that alex endorses have all been debunked zabtai is probably the most interesting situation as he was growing very rapidly until the allegations came out first of all alex made public on the podcast that zapdai was allegedly a diagnosed sociopath that he was a diagnosed sociopath uh that's what i told me now obviously if you don't know what sociopath is he the basics are he just can't feel human emotion despite the utter lack of evidence surrounding this zapty's reputation was damaged pretty badly and then the allegations kicked in full gear as he was accused of being a pedophile exchanging pictures and trying to hook up with a 13 year old girl as you might have predicted alex was in the front lines of attacking mind you his own friend zapti it later came out that the girl was lying about her age she told zaptai that she was 16 or 17 years old even though in actuality she was only 14 years old zaptai of course completely believed that she was in fact 16 and despite the misconceptions this whole ordeal would have been completely legal in the state of washington the age of consent is in fact 16 so if he was being told that she was 16 it would have been legal essentially he was catfished and then run off of the internet because people believed a clout hungry e-girl and you already know how it goes i'm alex puts the blame on other people and dashes obviously this is very irresponsible of him but the worst part is that most of these guys are typically his good friends but he has a weird tendency to immediately throw them away when they're not viable for clout anymore and that's another thing with alex he likes to leash on to other creators for cloud and once they get into even just a little bit of controversy he turns them around stabs them in the back and moves on to his next victim i see many people saying oh well that's just called having multiple friends are we really considering jumping from friend to friend falsely accusing them of being a pedophile just having quote unquote multiple friends no alex is clearly leeching onto these guys for clout and once they give him a bad rap he immediately drops them even after their name is cleared alex's content consists of wacky sounds mediocre humor and tick tock but we're also going to lose frog tick-tock and alternative tik-tok well i don't know what i'm gonna do i know diesel has already covered a bit on this but i thought that i might as well give my two cents as well of course i have to mention that you may have a different opinion than me and that's fine in terms of content as long as you're entertained and it's not hurting anybody it really doesn't matter you may enjoy alex's videos and that's totally okay but personally i find his content to be absolute dog [ __ ] nowadays his main topics are tick tock some more tick tock and then a little bit more tick tock and finally tick-tock occasionally he released a video that is not about tick-tock but usually the topic is you guessed it tick-tock now normally this wouldn't be such a big issue but a few months ago he accused someone named pris helton of basically being a pedophile for those of you who don't know pris helton is a bit of a weird guy his tick tocks are rather peculiar [Music] but this whole prez is a pedophile situation stemmed from hilton expressing his dislike towards charlie demilio dancing to songs about sucking dick in the bathing suit as some of you know charlie posted a video of herself dancing to that song i can't take big d but i'll suck on it and she was gyrating moving in a very sexual adult way because of this alex genuinely believes that he is a pedophile and deserves to go to prison according to alex perez is a bit too obsessed with underage girls and needs to back off and yes i'm obsessed over a 15-year-old girl is that upsetting so weird you out well i'm unlucky i'm gonna keep on doing it now the problem with that whole argument is that alex himself constantly makes videos about underage girls and guys most tick tock videos from him are literally about underage kids it's almost as if alex is also a bit obsessed wow what a plot twist now putting the hypocrisy aside if we actually take a look at alex's content a lot of it is just guys i'm playing a wacky sound effect and i changed the color of the video please laugh the straights are out again i hate strike tick tock it has absolutely ruined my view page i go on my view page i start scrolling through oh let's grab my phone his content definitely feels more geared towards children which is pretty ironic for the stuff that alex likes to accuse his friends of but every five seconds there's always some kind of sound effect and the visual that goes with it if you remove all of that i bet his videos would be awkward as [ __ ] that's not to mention that his punch lines are always pretty mediocre i have watched quite a few of his videos all the way through and i don't think i've ever laughed once again humorous subjective you might be rolling on the ground laughing every time he makes another false allegation but to me he's just not funny the eboyz is a group of five youtubers consisting of james marriott will meemulus and well i'm alex now you might have noticed that i only named four people and that's because the actual creator of the group was banished you see a youtuber named inabber came up with the idea to create a group channel he also came up with the name eboyz and wanted to create a podcast the boys thought it was a great idea and started all of it without him i nabber was pretty mad at first but then backtracked quite a bit and decided to defend them it's a bit of a weird situation because people are saying that inabber was being blackmailed but i personally don't think that's the case i believe that inabber just didn't want to lose his friends completely even though they aren't really his friends and just backstabbed him but it's genuinely really sad it's like the one cadet school that has all of these friends but they do everything without him because they believe that he's just kind of a deadbeat and none of them really like him and again the worst part is that i never continues defending them even to this day that's not to mention this [ __ ] awful gag that these guys keep doing they have this inside joke of sorts where they'll basically say oh i wonder who the fifth member of the e-boys is welp i guess we'll never know 10 videos in now ready ready i think we should invite a fifth member yeah that'd be a great idea what an idea will see i think the fifth member should not be a human or rather a mobile game what's an interesting concept james what could it be obviously they're just mocking i nabber but most of the e-boys fanbase aren't actually aware of the full story they just think that it's some kind of run-on joke and that there's this mysterious fifth e-boy even though in actuality the group just kicked out the least popular person i'd also like to mention that these guys are very very unfunny a lot of the humor is just if i make a wacky sound or do a random xd dance then it must be funny right of course some people genuinely do find that [ __ ] to be funny but i'm gonna go out on the limb here and say that i believe most of their fan base is just children i doubt that anyone over the age of 16 actually really genuinely enjoys this content but that's just a wild assumption made by me [Music] back in december 2019 a youtube boxing event called fame mma [ __ ] up pretty badly basically what this company does is get influencers to fight each other in the ring and the man named christian's shirt was in charge of booking people to fight he actually ended up trying to get i'm alex in the fight with kavos but the problem is that this event was a big [ __ ] scam a bunch of people didn't get paid and others just ran away with the money of course this event never ended up happening but alex did say that he would have been interested in fighting kavos which is pretty unlikely but i digress alex ended up going on a podcast and slandering christian's name and reputation calling him a piece of [ __ ] for participating in a scam even though that didn't actually happen christian's job was to book people up not to get them paid somebody else had that job but alex didn't do his research and ruined christian's christmas i was asked to fight cavaliers on the other side we should have all done it was you i know from the start because i was very i've been a blood servant right why if she wasn't like actually fighting kavos that wasn't the problem it was the fact that it was like arranged by the bloke arrangement christian stupid because the christian shirt is full of [ __ ] so i know that's why we're doing it so um what's do you want to say what alex was saying on on the podcast yeah so he said that he would have got involved against kavos which is debatable and that he didn't want to get involved because of the guy running the event and then will says and you can tell i've watched this clip about 4 000 times will says christian stir and then alex gets my name wrong um and then he said uh um that he didn't want to get involved because he i was full of [ __ ] now that podcast is going out to several hundred thousand people on christmas day yeah so christmas evening when i'm watching it and sitting there i've had a message and i didn't really know what it was about and then i started getting messages from people saying you're a fraud you need to quit the industry get out on christmas day christmas day at christmas night when everyone's asleep and i'm sitting in the corner watching the podcast lonely and i was like [ __ ] people have told me what has been said about me behind my back yeah it's none of it is true yeah none of it is true and it is painful to me as somebody that sees themselves as so genuine and and i know that's a bit egotistical but i know how i work i will drop my percentage to zero if it benefits a creator and then people turn around saying i'm some sort of kingpin that's conning people out of money i got death threat i got told to kill myself uh several times um it was just and that really piled on me at that point that wasn't it wasn't a particularly nice time alex kind of apologized so i messaged him yeah i said you're wrong and i was pretty stern in what i said um i said to him you need to address this now so he goes on to his defunct second channel and he puts out a video that reaches 40 000 people i don't even know he had a second channel yeah it's like when somebody cusses call out somebody as like a pedo on the front page of a newspaper and then the correction is on page 17 at the bottom it's pretty obvious that alex just didn't want to look like a [ __ ] for not fighting kavos so instead he just threw the name of an employee under the bus and dashed it's honestly pretty pathetic but once again alex comes out completely unscathed now today we have a few special guests joining us some other commentators wanted to come in and give their own two cents on i'm alex and i thought that was a great idea this really shows that alex has put a bad taste in many people's mouths and clearly many of us want to spit it out if you want to check any of these youtubers out their channel will be in the description below but without further ado let's get started so today i was called upon by memify to come and you know basically explain the issues with the legendary youtuber known as i'm alex now guys if you guys don't know i'm alex he makes some truly revolutionary content i don't know if you guys have seen but there's been a lot of stuff going on that's tick-tock related recently to do with the hype house and various other for [ __ ] children now guys all jokes aside i'm alex is a piece of [ __ ] okay this guy backstabs his friends to basically move up in the ladder right this guy sees youtube as a video game he will just use anyone backstab anyone call best friends people he's lived with before people he's collaborated with predators all for the sole purpose of improving his own career and putting the competition in the back i guess i guess that's what he sees youtube as you know a virtual video game honestly kind of [ __ ] up now i'm not quite sure if anyone's mentioned this so far in the video but i thought i'd bring it up there is a very very talented youtuber i'd say about four or five years ago now named zapti now zaptail was a very talented creator and he was friends with alex and you know what alex did oh guess what alex did backstabbed him called him a sexual predator guess what next thing you know zaptide has to leave the internet because of all these false allegations over the years all these allegations turn out to be false because the female lied about her age proving zapty's innocence but guess what it's too late because i'm alex already [ __ ] him over the fact that anyone supports this guy really blows my mind like he's still friends with people like james marriott will andy mimulus and i truly do believe if i'm alex at a point in his career where he could backstab them to go further on and make more and more money he would definitely do that because that's all he sees these people as just connections so we can go up and up in the ranks as being a bigger youtuber it's not just networking guys it's [ __ ] horrible social climbing and now i haven't even touched on i'm alex's content dude holy [ __ ] watching an i'm alex video it's like walking into a [ __ ] daycare did you just open it up and there's all these [ __ ] effects and voices just coming at you it's like oh my god insert funny meme here insert funny meme here but it's not funny the humor is so god awful get a hobby it's not happening so don't burn it although i just read that tick tock are apparently plan i swear to god one i'm alex fan finds the video he goes to my time snip uh dumpy you're you're you're just jealous of his success oh really me jealous of course i'm jealous dude i would love to have 2 million subscribers but i would never in my life do what i'm alex did to gain those subscribers absolutely [ __ ] up horrible youtuber worst person on the site dude and that's really saying a lot considering all the people we had on the site back in the past including this [ __ ] i do not advise anybody to try this at home so [Music] but anyways guys that's gonna do it for me thank you guys so much for watching my part thank you mima5 for letting me on the channel here and uh yeah if you guys enjoyed my part be sure to sub to my channel i'm sure i'll be linked somewhere my name is dumpy and uh yeah i'm alex dude holy [ __ ] this guy's an [ __ ] so i'm alex is obviously a very problematic creator he has all these controversies surrounding him false rape allegations just falsely accusing people of stuff in general backstabbing friends he has all this baggage and stuff like that but i'm gonna turn our attention away from his controversies for just a second and focus on his content because his content is genuinely terrible like actually awful this guy could be the least problematic least controversial nicest guy on the planet and i would probably still hate him because his content is just that bad i remember watching him back in 2018 2017 and actually kind of enjoying his content and i look back at myself being like what were you on bro what were you on how could you possibly enjoy that [ __ ] i don't know maybe his content has gotten worse but what i'm alex does is that he adds these weird effects into the videos like he adds weird voice effects memes weird edits in order to make the video funnier because he himself cannot make the video entertaining he himself is not a comedian he himself is not able to keep the viewers attention for long enough to make any money so he has to add all these weird little effects in there to keep the viewers attention so i will be playing a little bit of i'm alex's most recent video this could end the hype house where he talks about the hype house i guess and you'll see what i'm talking about [Music] wow guys not only did he add song for denise in the intro and made himself wide but he also destroyed his voice in the intro comedy levels literally never seen before man so funny i am laughing hysterically right now so i don't know if you guys have seen but there's been a lot of stuff going on that's tick-tock related recently to do with the hype house and various other houses and one of the impending problems that we're going to be having on social media which also affects me and you and not just rich white kids with their shirts off why exactly did i am alex to zoom in and add that little effect there and that little sound effect what exactly does it add to the video i'm still trying to figure that out when i make my videos i just say what i want to say and say what needs to be said what i don't do is add some weird effects like it adds anything it doesn't it's not funny it's not cute it's honestly just cringe and that's the fact that we're going to lose the whole app so yeah i know like lopez is going to be gone no grabbing on his crotch has to be censored because he likes to claim videos thanks for that tony but we're also going to lose frog tick-tock and alternative tick-tock well i don't know what i'm gonna do where's the joke it's a joke seriously the fact that this guy is sad oh he's really sad about frog tick-tock going away and he has his royalty-free music in the background that's literally the entire joke people like this stuff this video has 35k likes people like this stuff people find this stuff entertaining it really tells you how [ __ ] the comedic taste is for the average person my god what i'm gonna do at four o'clock in the morning without those look at other things get a hobby it's not happening so don't burn it although i just read that tiktok are apparently planning on suing donald trump i mean somebody's got to do it maybe tick tock could like buy a nuclear weapon all right not advocating for that because if they nuked america then everybody who would be american watching tick tock would be banned which means they wouldn't be able to watch my content because they'd be dead which is not what i'm advocating for maybe a small nuke just the size of the white house yeah i think i rest my case i only played one minute by the way this video is a 15 minute video so in case y'all want to watch it there's a lot more sound effects and bad memes and royalty free music on the way for you if you want to watch this guy's content but i wouldn't recommend it you'll probably lose brain cells anyway that's it for my part thank you to memify for having me on his channel and uh yeah that'll be it it doesn't take a genius to know that no one in the commentary community likes i'm alex the only people that like i'm alex are either 14 year old girls who are dumb as [ __ ] and the uk youtubers the uk commentary channels who have to kiss i'm alex ass so they have clout much like i'm alex did everyone knows the horrible things he's done everyone knows what a snake he is but he tries to ruin life and he never apologizes for it and when he does he doesn't make it public he doesn't make it though he does it in his third or fourth youtube channel like this guy's the biggest snake ever i'm alex is the worst commentator and he's not even funny like i don't like some commentators like will and neat but i could say yeah that guy's kind of funny or mimi is like his content now is not very good but before he made me laugh i was like oh yeah that's good but i'm alex 2016 i'm alex and 2020 um alex are the same the only thing that's changed is the quality on the camera still the same old snake he's still the same old unfunny guy i really don't like this guy one bit and the only reason why people don't call him out is because he's friends with wilini mimolis james mariot those big commentary channels and they have to protect him at all costs his friends are hypocrites they never call him alley for bad [ __ ] he's done i don't like his hair i don't like his teeth i don't like his face i don't like anything about this guy and he's very unfunny i think that's the biggest crime of them all how unfunny he is despite having millions of subscribers you might think well this guy i mean he has a million subscribers he must be kind of funny right at least somewhat charismatic but no a youtuber with 14 subscribers has more charisma and comedy than i'm alex will ever have even if he reaches 3 million subs this guy's awful i don't like him i'm just gonna put this out there if there's a future youtuber boxing match i want to face i'm alex i want to fight him alex and i want to destroy him thank you for having me on man i appreciate it big time check my channel now it's in the description below thank you for having me on man i'm alex two out of ten i'm alex is one of the biggest commentary channels on youtube and he is one of the biggest snakes on youtube as well ever since like late 2017 it seems like the dude can't go one year without trying to ruin someone's life whether that is accusing someone of a actual sex crime for example zabtai and slazzo or taking one of your best friend's ideas for a group channel starting it yourself and then not including him and then recently calling kirsten sturt a fraud because he did not want to admit that he was too much of a loser to fight kavos and might i add that whenever i'm alex called this man out on a 1.8 million subscriber channel on the truejordy channel this episode of the true geordie podcast went up on christmas day at this point this is pretty much a norm prime alex we should be looking forward to the next i'm alex false accusation here in about three to six months honestly it's so common that we could probably write it on our calendar somewhere because he's just that much of a snake i mean he literally is a snake bro he can barely even keep his tongue in his mouth in my opinion i'm alex is easily the worst part of the community i don't think that he has any respect for any other creator honestly you could give i'm alex a free house a free car thousands of dollars in millions of followers and then in two weeks he would accuse you of something super outlandish that's just how i'm alex works so in conclusion i'm alex is the biggest snake on this platform and i think that we all should know that by now honestly i think that if anyone watches this and they were kind of skeptical about supporting this guy maybe is not skeptical anymore and does not want to because i am not one for cancer culture but this man has cancelled and ruined so many lives but anyway my name is stephen and i just wanted to quickly thank mimify for letting me on his channel and i really hope that you guys enjoy the rest of the video thanks peace hello i'm in guinea memify has invited me on the channel today to talk about i'm alex pretty much the biggest snake in the commentary community he backstabbed two of his friends if you don't know who it was it's zapti and slazzo one of them which being zap ty ended up getting cancelled over this and i'm alex's little accusation turned out false and alan alex backstab his friends for just clout and credibility and i'm alex ended up with zero credibility in the community just why diesel patches made the video which is why hell we're all making parts for this video because we all hate the guy and lastly he just left his friend out of an e-boys group channel his channel name was inabber he was pushing a group channel for so long and when his friends made one he wasn't even in it all right in conclusion what we can take from this circus show is i'm alex is actually gollum from the lord of the rings that's right as you can see in these two pictures here they look exactly alike all right i'm not gonna cap all right big thanks to memify for having me on the channel and i'm out peace so i'm alex stain of the commentary community i'm tag swag and today i'm going to be talking about why i hate i'm alex so i'm alex is infamous for many things such as false accusations doing anything for clown and many more things that just make him look like a complete bag so one example of this is when he accused his friend slazzo of being a just based on discord messages nothing else there wasn't really any solid evidence it was just all solely based on that discord chat sorry that clip was just an example how fast i'm alex just jumped to conclusions [Music] and it turned out those discord messages were taken out of context i'm alex jumped the gun and he did it just to get clout from that situation and there are many more instances like this such as the zapti situation i don't really know much about it so i'm not going to get into that right now in conclusion i'm alex has some wax teeth anyways i'm in the video here thanks to memify for offering me a spot on the channel and anyways i'm out peace normally beheading the snake would kill it but this [ __ ] creature is too slippery for anyone to actually catch it and it doesn't help that he has a bunch of baby snakes to back him up alex is a manipulator and a hypocrite that needs to be dealt with before any more harm is done all of this goes without saying please do not harass him i've been looking at his newest comments recently and there's some pretty vulgar stuff that people are saying anyway i just wanted to give a big thanks to everyone who sent in a part for this video again their channel links will be in the description if you know you want to check any of them out but clearly i'm alex is not a very popular person in the commentary community but you know what hopefully he's learned his lesson nah who am i kidding [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 189,730
Rating: 4.8449345 out of 5
Keywords: ImAllexx, ImAllexx content nuke, content nuke, ImAlex, Slazo, Slazo allegations, Zaptie, Zaptie allegations, Slazo ImAllexx, ImAllexx drama, Slazo drama, Zaptie ImAllexx, Zaptie drama, ImAllexx allegations, ImAllexx eboys, iNabber, iNabber eboys, eboys drama, eboys fifth member, ImAllexx hated, fight mma, ImAllexx james charles, ImAllexx chey, slazo chey, ImAllexx tiktok, content nuke imalex, ImAllexx podcast, ImAllexx nuke, Eboys, eboys inabber drama, ImAllexx kavos, Kavos
Id: exgAupNYFrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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