Container Rollover Lands on Fire Hydrant and Concrete Poles

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<b>Whoa, what up guys? Look at this mangled</b> <b>container. Alex and I just got back from LAX.</b> <b>Ah, we did a couple of heavy cargo loaders.</b> <b>And we are now in commerce. I'm not sure if you can tell. No, you can't tell.</b> <b>But this thing's stuck on a fire hydrant or some kind of metal pole.</b> <b>But my dad and Joe were here. That's why he's right there with this truck.</b> <b>And it's super slammed for what we're going to do.</b> <b>We kicked Joe loose because he just got a regular</b> <b>wrecker. And I told him let the rotators</b> <b>handle this. This is pretty close by my shop.</b> <b>Just double check, you can see if... So this is an extended container.</b> <b>You can tell it's super loaded. So we're going</b> <b>to have to lift from inside here as opposed to the</b> <b>end with the extensions. The holes are right</b> <b>here. But let me get my rigging out. It should</b> <b>make for a nice little roll. A barrel roll is</b> <b>when you lift it up in the air as it is on its side.</b> <b>And then you rotate it while it's in the air. If we bring it over the regular way,</b> <b>the pole or the fire hydrant, whatever it's caught on, will completely tear out</b> <b>that wall. So it needs a little bit of care, a little bit of precision.</b> <b>This is a good account of our so we want to do it very, very, very professional.</b> <b>Let's just set up the outriggers and then I'll get my straps inside.</b> <b>I like doing midair rolls. We don't do</b> <b>those enough. On a loaded container like this,</b> <b>the 53 footers, it's a bit more</b> <b>complicated. You don't see those done too often, but</b> <b>we got the manpower for it. To start, it looks like my dad already left it on wood.</b> <b>So that's cool. Makes rigging easy.</b> <b>Oh, synthetic too. We're going to use my Baileys 5'8" grommet sling,</b> <b>which is rated at about 33,000 pounds in a basket like this. See how thick this is?</b> <b>You can't put a shackle or links or anything</b> <b>in here. And I'm not about to put chain in here.</b> <b>I don't know. Too dangerous.</b> <b>All right.</b> <b>- I asked them if they can turn it off</b> <b>So the fire hydrant is on right now?</b> <b>- Yes.</b> <b>Yeah that's the reason why we're going to</b> <b>just lift it straight up. Because if you turn it as it is,</b> <b>it'll tear through the container and it can snap off the top. I've seen it before.</b> <b>- They said if it blows,</b> <b>- Call 911 bro</b> <b>I don't anticipate that happening. To be honest with these trucks.</b> <b>The fire hydrants, they shouldn be strong.</b> <b>I've seen tractor trailers hit those things and they</b> <b>stay intact and the tractors all messed up, man. They're very strong.</b> <b>Okay. So it's a fire hydrant, not a yellow pole that it's on.</b> <b>It doesn't happen too often, but he's got a good</b> <b>point in not wanting to damage the fire hydrant.</b> <b>Would you guys believe that Hurricane Hillary</b> <b>that was all over the news was just yesterday?</b> <b>Does not feel like it, huh? Probably like 90 degrees right now.</b> <b>Okay. So while my grommets things are very tough, this little ballistic nylon cover</b> <b>has such a great layer of protection because as it comes up,</b> <b>you don't want the edge of this rusty container to dig into here.</b> <b>Protect your straps and they'll do miracles for you.</b> <b>We'll use this one.</b> <b>All right. Now my trusty blue, Bailey's blue,</b> <b>15 footers are rated at 26,000 in a vertical.</b> <b>Which is how I'll be using it here.</b> <b>Good. I'm set up.</b> <b>Hey, I'm going to pull forward.</b> <b>-Okay</b> <b>So when I'm off the side, I'm right over the holes.</b> <b>All right, because it's so hot, I'm going to</b> <b>be lazy and set up the truck from the shade.</b> <b>- What's the amount you have of these</b> <b>Rotators, six. The ones that rotate, six of them.</b> <b>- And the other ones?</b> <b>Like the 1st one that showed up</b> <b>when we thought it was just the trailer lift,</b> <b>we got about a dozen or so of those just regular integrateds.</b> <b>I think one, two, three, four. Yeah, close to</b> <b>12. Maybe that specific one is a 50 ton though.</b> <b>We only have like, I think four of those.</b> <b>But these are the big guns right here.</b> <b>All right so let's connect these to my snatch blocks already. It'll make it easier.</b> <b>Set that down for now.</b> <b>So one of my more recent videos, it should be</b> <b>up by the time you guys are watching this one.</b> <b>We did a mid air roll, AKA barrel roll. But that</b> <b>was actually, we offloaded a trailer that was full</b> <b>of coils. This is a fully loaded container, 53</b> <b>footer at that. Still, between these two trucks,</b> <b>there's no way we can't handle it. Even if the guy had 60,000 pounds in here.</b> <b>Now these 15 footers help clear. This too, this should be about almost 9 feet.</b> <b>But because of that extension, that's about four extra feet and an extra five.</b> <b>In other words, I just got to sky it very, very high.</b> <b>Perfect. We are so close. Working very fast on this one.</b> <b>There you are.</b> <b>I'm still in free spool, which is good because as</b> <b>I pull them up, I don't want to snag right there.</b> <b>Now once I'm fully airborne and we're off fire hydrant</b> <b>or whatever it's stuck on, this one's going to become my catch.</b> <b>And the other will act as the lift the lines.</b> <b>It's good right there</b> <b>All right. Now, once this tightens up, you got to visualize.</b> <b>You want the cover to be right here on the edge, which it is.</b> <b>Okay. Now we can take out my free spool.</b> <b>Close all my boxes.</b> <b>Grab something to drink from my fridge.</b> <b>Uh-oh. That line got twisted. Absolutely hate when that happens.</b> <b>I'm just getting rid of the slack before I jump back up.</b> <b>Oh yeah, it's twisted all right.</b> <b>Ay yi yi</b> <b>Well, that's not where you belong.</b> <b>Water, prime or Red Bull. Red Bull. It gives you wings.</b> <b>When you jump up there, if I let out of my</b> <b>cable, can you twist it for me? Tightened up ugly.</b> <b>- You best kick little boy. Thank you Mijo</b> <b>Real men are here you can bounce homie. Got a lockout for you.</b> <b>All right. So Alex had what I call a genius idea.</b> <b>Is what I love about when we work hand in hand</b> <b>and bounce ideas off each other. Sometimes one is</b> <b>better. In place of the blue 15 footers,</b> <b>I keep forgetting I have these. We're going to use a 10</b> <b>footers Bailey's platinum slings. Now those are</b> <b>rated at 30,000 pounds in a vertical, are more cut</b> <b>resistant. Um, and they're shorter. The reason</b> <b>that matters is because let's say the fire hydrant's</b> <b>this tall or it gets snagged in there. You</b> <b>want a lot of room with your cables to go in.</b> <b>So we have five more feet of cable to play</b> <b>with when we use these 10 footers. And that helps.</b> <b>Toss it down. There you go.</b> <b>All right. Now these things are awesome, but I like Alex's idea better here.</b> <b>Shoot. I'm going to be close to full extension at 60 degrees on this one.</b> <b>Now go in with the blue.</b> <b>Good?</b> <b>That one twisted.</b> <b>All right. Ready?</b> <b>Perfect.</b> <b>That's good, bro.</b> <b>See,</b> <b>- Hit my switches, yeah?</b> <b>you can't tell, but five feet means a world of difference in a situation like this.</b> <b>- On the other side</b> <b>Perfect.</b> <b>So I think it's safe to say I can stand on</b> <b>this side while Alex stands on the other.</b> <b>Play with the cables, white tension, blue tension, white tension.</b> <b>Good</b> <b>Yeah, I feel the weight.</b> <b>- It's heavy huh</b> <b>Whenever you're ready.</b> <b>If anything, stand on your side just so we can see the corners.</b> <b>Let's go!</b> <b>Okay. Okay. Good.</b> <b>Yeah, that's not good. All the load looks</b> <b>like it's staying on the, you could hear it.</b> <b>Well, there's nothing to do, but keep going.</b> <b>Oh, hold on.</b> <b>I'm good here. I see it.</b> <b>I got to get this on the DJI.</b> <b>Oh, dang, dude, it's 4 concrete posts and the fire hydrant.</b> <b>Hold on. See, and this is exactly why they want to go straight up.</b> <b>Just got to get a picture.</b> <b>Dude, this is heavy.</b> <b>All the weight just collapsed in the middle, but I'm clear on my side.</b> <b>Allright, uhh</b> <b>- I'm gonna go straight up</b> <b>Since I'm clear, yeah you're the one I'm worried about</b> <b>You go first and I'll follow your lead.</b> <b>Slowly straight up.</b> <b>Okay. Hold it there.</b> <b>Um,</b> <b>- It's coming up</b> <b>I just gotta get pictures every step</b> <b>just in case something happens.</b> <b>I mean, we're not liable but,</b> <b>go for it, Alex, very slowly, even, even, even.</b> <b>- Go up with yours a little bit</b> <b>- There you go</b> <b>You got it.</b> <b>Wait, Alex, stop, stop.</b> <b>Boom up from there.</b> <b>There you go, there you go, a little bit more.</b> <b>Okay, cables only now.</b> <b>Both of us.</b> <b>Wow.</b> <b>Now you guys see why we did a mid-air roll.</b> <b>Good idea to use the 10 footers</b> <b>Okay.</b> <b>We're safe.</b> <b>It's holding well.</b> <b>Now we're gonna flip it and drop it</b> <b>on the inside of these poles.</b> <b>Oh, look at this, candy bars, granola bars.</b> <b>- Granola bars</b> <b>All right, are you ready?</b> <b>So let out on the catch.</b> <b>Three, two, one, go.</b> <b>We're doing great, man.</b> <b>Can you do me a favor and rotate slightly this way?</b> <b>Yeah, just in case there's any recoil,</b> <b>I don't wanna hit that trailer.</b> <b>Right there's good.</b> <b>All right, continue.</b> <b>Now, once it's fully upright,</b> <b>then we can worry about, you know, getting it over that.</b> <b>Thank you so much.</b> <b>Here, Alex.</b> <b>- Oh, thanks</b> <b>All right, continue.</b> <b>I'll let you catch up because I got the tire side.</b> <b>Hey, I got an idea, dude.</b> <b>Hold it.</b> <b>No, nevermind, that's dangerous.</b> <b>I was gonna say let's put it on this side,</b> <b>but in case anything falls open,</b> <b>I guess we'll just continue.</b> <b>Let's keep it, let's fully get it upright</b> <b>while still airborne.</b> <b>- Boom up a little bit just so I can clear that</b> <b>And then from here, we can boom down, huh?</b> <b>Cable's in all the way and then boom down, hold it.</b> <b>Let out with your catch only.</b> <b>Catch, get it perfectly straight.</b> <b>God, hold it.</b> <b>Picture time.</b> <b>Are you not entertained?</b> <b>Look at my dad in awe and shock.</b> <b>Hating, I could have done that.</b> <b>(laughing) Oh, I love it.</b> <b>We're gonna take a quick water break, guys.</b> <b>I'll take some glory photos</b> <b>and then we'll drop it for the customer.</b> <b>You got enough gas in the tank to extend out?</b> <b>- Yeah.</b> <b>- Let's try it.</b> <b>- Should we get it at close as possible to our cables</b> <b>and then go down?</b> <b>- So by the time that we come out, boom down,</b> <b>it's gonna be a little low.</b> <b>All right.</b> <b>- What do you think</b> <b>Yeah, cable's in.</b> <b>See, good thing I was on the back.</b> <b>It's gonna be harder on you.</b> <b>You're gonna need the extra,</b> <b>the boom length that flipper has to clear that.</b> <b>That's the hard part.</b> <b>- Ready?</b> <b>Yeah, I already got mine pretty down.</b> <b>I'm leaning</b> <b>- I know</b> <b>A lot.</b> <b>Wait.</b> <b>- Can you imagine floating weightless?</b> <b>(upbeat music)</b> <b>(upbeat music)</b> <b>Tractor.</b> <b>Let's get the, can we get the tractor?</b> <b>Now because the floor's completely compromised,</b> <b>you gotta assume it will happen again.</b> <b>Alex is gonna hold it for the tractor.</b> <b>So it's safe to assume Hulk is maxed out.</b> <b>See how I ran out of cable up top?</b> <b>We would have been screwed with the 15 footers.</b> <b>- Oh yea</b> <b>Oh, my dad's saying so, so.</b> <b>Hater!</b> <b>- Send it to big homie.</b> <b>We've been waiting a few minutes.</b> <b>Customer still doesn't have a tractor here.</b> <b>I guess we were too quick.</b> <b>But let's take a look at that damage, man.</b> <b>Fully loaded, you could see the pallets.</b> <b>It's double stacked pallets side by side.</b> <b>So an absolute full load, 53 footer from front to back,</b> <b>double stacked.</b> <b>Blueberry vanilla cashew.</b> <b>That was a hard hit, man.</b> <b>I hope you guys can tell how, I mean, it looked easy.</b> <b>Alex and I do this for a living, obviously.</b> <b>But there was very, very, very little margin for error.</b> <b>There was at one point when that thing,</b> <b>the flap was caught here, you don't want the flap</b> <b>to rip open even more like a tuna can.</b> <b>Because then you risked that pallet</b> <b>completely coming out.</b> <b>Tractor's here.</b> <b>So you had inches, literally a play on each side,</b> <b>not feet, inches.</b> <b>Now the customers here, we're going to back them up.</b> <b>Give me your remote.</b> <b>Okay.</b> <b>Go for it.</b> <b>All the way, sir.</b> <b>Hold it.</b> <b>Go ahead and hook up the glad hands</b> <b>while we disconnect, okay?</b> <b>Watch yourself.</b> <b>Is it?</b> <b>- Put the landing gear?</b> <b>Is it leaning?</b> <b>Or is it because we're at an angle?</b> <b>- Ya we're at an angle.</b> <b>Okay, how far are you going?</b> <b>- I'm just gonna move it up.</b> <b>We're gonna transfer everything over.</b> <b>That's exactly what I was gonna say,</b> <b>because it's not road worthy, obviously.</b> <b>- It's what?</b> <b>It's not road worthy, I don't trust it on turns.</b> <b>But if you're gonna transfer it here, perfect.</b> <b>We're still connected.</b> <b>Go ahead and disengage the landing gear.</b> <b>Then I'll go get the ladder.</b> <b>You know what, I'll get Alex's.</b> <b>I'm already here.</b> <b>Woo, it is hot.</b> <b>It is very hot.</b> <b>Oh yeah, that's a bulger.</b> <b>Now, good thing is this guy's not leaving this facility.</b> <b>He's gonna pull all the way forward</b> <b>and they're gonna transload it.</b> <b>It's the only way to do this.</b> <b>And to think I almost wasn't going to record this job.</b> <b>(sighs)</b> <b>- Make sure you get my truck in there, right?</b> <b>- I did</b> <b>- To pick up the wood?</b> <b>- Yeah.</b> <b>This is our service truck.</b> <b>Let me get my shoelaces.</b> <b>- It's not leaning?</b> <b>- Yeah it is to the left</b> <b>But he's only gonna pull forward.</b> <b>- Oh he is.</b> <b>They're gonna offload here.</b> <b>- He has to go that way.</b> <b>- Hey, so in that case, should we hold tension</b> <b>when he pulls forward and rotate?</b> <b>- No?</b> <b>Nah.</b> <b>- Josh, hold on, bro.</b> <b>- Alex</b> <b>- Josh, can you scoot it over a foot, please?</b> <b>I can't.</b> <b>- Try it.</b> <b>No, he's good there.</b> <b>- Mijo, he's gonna, he can't go straight.</b> <b>Yes he can, he's gonna go straight.</b> <b>He's got a lot of room on his right side though.</b> <b>He's gonna go at an angle, I promise you.</b> <b>- Just scoot him over a foot.</b> <b>I can't.</b> <b>- Yeah, you can.</b> <b>There's only one way, if I completely-- - Drop your boom</b> <b>Exactly.</b> <b>- Drop your boom, just, it ain't gonna do nothing</b> <b>- Right Alex?</b> <b>- Hang onto the front, watch out.</b> <b>All right, go snatch block,</b> <b>directly to this one here.</b> <b>- What happened?</b> <b>Get rid of the baileys on this side.</b> <b>Go directly to that.</b> <b>So just get rid of the platinum sling there.</b> <b>- I wanna follow you guys to the shop,</b> <b>cuz it looks good.</b> <b>- We'll eat together</b> <b>- No?</b> <b>- You want me to shorten it?</b> <b>Just that side only.</b> <b>All right, so my dad had a cool little idea.</b> <b>He thinks that at this angle,</b> <b>this guy's not gonna have room to correct</b> <b>or turn, he wants to go straight</b> <b>and those rear tires might hit that pole there.</b> <b>So Alex shortened me up up top,</b> <b>so I can swing him over this rear end</b> <b>at least all the way to the fence.</b> <b>Right there's good.</b> <b>All right, I'm gonna give you about two extra feet.</b> <b>- Careful.</b> <b>- Hang on Alex</b> <b>Let me stand right here.</b> <b>I got it now.</b> <b>- Good Alex</b> <b>Anything helps.</b> <b>It doesn't look like two feet,</b> <b>but once you're seeing it pass here,</b> <b>barely gonna be on the inside of here.</b> <b>Go ahead and put that over there</b> <b>- Look.</b> <b>But we also had the weight of the container</b> <b>plus the chassis, so maybe it was just that.</b> <b>And we were extended out a good amount.</b> <b>- You think it's safe, I was gonna move it up</b> <b>then bring it back.</b> <b>When you say back, where back?</b> <b>- We're like this, but over here,</b> <b>but I'm gonna put a, bring another 53, nose first,</b> <b>and we're gonna un-stack it.</b> <b>Well, if you flip it, we're already here.</b> <b>That should be okay.</b> <b>Is there a reason you can't just pull forward</b> <b>and do the trans-load on this side?</b> <b>- There is no reason, I'll just do that.</b> <b>I'll just hug the wall, huh?</b> <b>100%, you don't wanna chance it,</b> <b>even if it's like a small chance.</b> <b>Better safe than sorry.</b> <b>Whoo, so 42,000 pounds, what do you guys think?</b> <b>Because towards the end,</b> <b>especially when we were pushing it out,</b> <b>again, I was very, very, very,</b> <b>very close to full extension.</b> <b>Well, that's about right.</b> <b>Hey dad, he said about 42,000.</b> <b>That's about right?</b> <b>- No it's got to have more</b> <b>Okay, you're right, that's what I was thinking.</b> <b>- A regular one has 47,000</b> <b>Okay, you could--</b> <b>- It's a light product--</b> <b>I just assume it's gonna be 50,000.</b> <b>You had the weight of the chassis, you had the weight of the container.</b> <b>- Is tire repair coming</b> <b>Puts it close to 55, 60.</b> <b>Now check this out, guys, I just wanna show you.</b> <b>In the beginning of my videos,</b> <b>early on in the channel when I first started</b> <b>using Bailey's synthetics,</b> <b>never stopped, huge proponent,</b> <b>I'm glad to see so many others using them.</b> <b>I see on Instagram and Facebook,</b> <b>so many companies, man, are believers now.</b> <b>The synthetics are the future for rigging.</b> <b>But what's so cool about these ones</b> <b>is I don't have to really use the protectors.</b> <b>These are so tough and strong,</b> <b>they're able to just wrap the corners of this stuff.</b> <b>And it's dirty like a mofo.</b> <b>But look at this.</b> <b>Diamond, what's it called?</b> <b>Diamond webbing something?</b> <b>Thad from Bailey's can explain it better than I can,</b> <b>but it's called the Bailey's Platinum Sling.</b> <b>And these are as close as you can get</b> <b>to indestructible for a sling.</b> <b>Of course, you can rip it on anything sharp or jagged.</b> <b>But I mean, for the pressure you see me put on these</b> <b>without protectors, you gotta admit,</b> <b>that's pretty impressive.</b> <b>I couldn't do that with the regular ones.</b> <b>All right, so Hulk's put away fully.</b> <b>You got my equipment put away.</b> <b>Alex and my dad just final touches</b> <b>on Flipper being put away.</b> <b>Whoo!</b> <b>It was a hot one.</b> <b>August the 22nd, 2023.</b> <b>We're out of here, guys.</b> <b>Hope you like this little cool maneuver we did.</b> <b>Peace.</b>
Channel: Pepe's Towing Service
Views: 43,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pepe's Towing, Pepe's Towing Service, rotator, hulk, heavy wrecker, heavy duty towing, peterbilt, miller industries, crash, fail, adobe, premiere pro, winching, rollover crashes, pepes towing, fails, car crash, heavy rescue, freeway crash, miller rotator tow truck, big flipper, iphone 14 pro, accident, container, truck crash compilation 2023, crash compilation 2023, recovery, gopro, gopro hero 11, container lock, disaster, trailer, rolled over, upirght, container rollover, dji action 4
Id: 6-KrVHfRtAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 6sec (2406 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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